Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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D/L buddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies!! I know, I know, I haven't posted in this thread yet before. I should be punished :p OMG, I was dying to come here and catch up on everything, and know about the episodes! RL has been taking all my time away, and besides my internet decided it wouldn't let me come online. Anyway, I'm here now!

i'd like a relationship-building not ripping-then-putting-back-together-type bump.
So would I. It would be soo much better and it would help to keep their relationship low-key. It would be better to play a softer yet meaningful storyline, with some personal stuff in the D/L side but not that much of a big deal like a break-up;make-up is...And just make their relationship 'deepen', with a big gesture from one side, a big affective/supportive moment like they *coughandwecough* deserve

Danny cheating? NO WAY! Com'on, it's so not according to Danny to cheat on her. Not only because it's her (and we know their love is bigger than it can show!) but because Danny wouldn't cheat anyone. It's just not part of his personality and I think fans would be really disappointed. If he was to end a relationship, he would be brave enough to come and tell her that, not be a coward. But let's put those thoughts away *asks for some pink fog* So Danny gets angry because he is affected by the little boy's death? Normal reaction, everyone can understand it. Danny gets some emotional scene with the boy's mother? Acceptable. Danny says something to his Montana that he doesn't mean/has an attitude that we wouldn't normally have? Who hasn't had a bad day where you just talk to people like you didn't want to? And so, after he blows her off (after she covers up fro him), a great scene and a 'deepen storyline' would be to have her by his side, giving him support but letting him take his time and be prepared to open (reminds of D/L last season). Personally, I wouldn't be that pleased with that, too much sad stuff involving the two again. To be honest, I would much rather see a one-or-two-episodes bump-storyline, with everything getting explained quickly, them really proving once again they're there for each other all the time, and a good scene telling everyone watching how strong they continue.
[this was probably my biggest spoiler ever. Sorry guys...]

As for 'Boo', I have seen the clips on YT. I liked what I saw.I would have liked even more some stuff I did not see, you must know what I mean. I do understand your disappointment, after the spoilers we had, but that's just the way it is.
I do think he says 'Lindsay, honey' :) That could be me wanting to believe he says it too hard, but I really think I hear it. And then there's the off-camera shoulder touch. It is there, we just can't see it.
At least we had a lot of D/L scenes, working together on a boo! case. It could have been a little more of a gentle phisical gesture somewhere, I think. It would have been nice and fitting, and still low-key.
It could have been worse, but it could have been better. Way better :rolleyes:

I am so trying not to get too disappointed by the lack of real D/L. I really am trying to keep posiitve and thinking that Boo wasn't that bad and there was them together...But thinking of it really, I wanted to have seen a little more. They are making them act like they're not together, even though we know they are. A little scene in this episode would have been good, considering they had this much screentime together they could have made a little moment of afection somehwere. Something was missing, but I'm hoping for that something soon :rolleyes:

Oh, and I saw NWILL with subtitles and was wating all the time for the final scene, not just because of the hug, one of my favorite D/L scenes, but to try to hear what he says again and especially see what they translated. I didn't hear for some reason, maybe a noise behind, I dont remember, and bad thing is they didn't translate it, so he whispers but there's no subtitles. I dont think anyone knows what he says really :rolleyes:

I dont have time for more. I'm hoping to come sooner next time *crosses fingers* *sprays everyone with chantilly and sends flying M&M's in every direction* Congratulations on the thread opening Liff :D :p
Alright Dani, you made me wanna watch the scene again! I hope I hear it too... ;)

My favorite D/L scene? That has to be NWILL... But one of my favorites is definitely in SD...when they are kissing each other. Lindsay tries to pull back (just a little) and Danny won't let her :devil: it's just a short moment, but it's so HOT :devil: I know, I have a guttery mind as well :rolleyes:

So, I'm off watching Boo again. Bye!
*Mo pops in... Hello my loves! Okay so did y'all hear? The writers are apparently officially on strike! :p Let's not panic initially and hope that this is resolved quickly so that it doesn't affect our eppy's too much...my darling fluffy Aud told me that we have enough eppy's to get us to maybe January...so here's hoping that the writers resolve this strike quickly! *moving on now...*

Thanks for "baby" and "goggles" help y'all! As Mer-bear pointed out to me, I was thinking of someone else when I was sure Danny held a baby...sad day cuz I desperately wanted it to him! :lol: The man would look GOOD with a baby in his arms! ;)

And all y'all who don't think Danny said "honey" I SWEAR he does! :lol: I went half crazy listening to it...but I promise he says it! As for it not showing up on close captioning...that's not a big deal to be honest, I've watched movies with close captioning and they miss major lines...it's not all that accurate really! :D So I stand by my he really does say it! YAY! :lol:

Mmmmm, my favorite shippy D/L moment...I was thinking about this and I realized that despite my utter total fluffiness a lot of my favorite moments are angsty ones...like in LRC or RSRD...which made me laugh a bit! But if I have to pick a total shippy fluffy moment, I would say the one when they wake up in Snow Day...the part where Lindsay tells him about her dream and they giggle and then Danny says "I'm glad we did this!" That was so ADORABLE and sweet! :D :D

Okay real quick I just wanted to say...I really hope that you are right Dutch when you say that he says he will talk to her later...that makes it so much better in my opinion! I really hope that this bump just lasts an eppy at most maybe two...cuz if they drag it out any longer it'd be really annoying and I will start to get pissed! :p Like I've said I'm okay with this bump if it results in lovely D/L smex to make up!! :devil:

Okay I'm off to have a fun Saturday...yay for the weekend, I wubs it! But even more I heart y'all and our fabulous couple! :D Oh and Catey hon...*Mo aims the pink fog hose at her bud and turns it on full blast!* :D

*Mo waves and grins and shimmers off in her big fluffy pink fog filled bubble!* :D
Hey there! I know I haven't posted much here before, but anyway. :)

About the spoiler:

I agree with what Dani said. I really don't think that Danny would ever cheat on Lindsay, never! I mean, cheating on someone you love- sorry, there's really no excuse for that! If they did that with Danny, they would totally ruin his character. And I can understand that he reacted like this. I mean, sometimes you don't want to speak about a problem (and that Danny is really sad about that Ruben was killed is understandable, isn't it?) and then you push people away, without thinking about what you are doing, and later you feel sorry about that. I think Danny just needs some time alone, and later will talk to Lindsay. That's what I think. :)

What is my favourite DL scene? Oh, difficult to say, there are just too many. But I think it's the scene in the courtroom, at the end of 3.18. The looks, the gestures, I just love this scene. As much as I love the hug in NWILL. Ah, I can't decide between the two, sorry. :D
*Liff pops into the thread with a bucket of pink fog just to splutter the place as always!* Hey guys! Hope you're all doin' well :)

Wow :eek: Okay...alot of spoiler boxes and I got no clue as to what they're about so I'll leave that alone...for now (being SF is boring).

Anyways, I managed to just watch the ep a few days ago so.... here are my thoughts: It was an interesting ep but casewise I thought it was a little shallow. I dunno, I was expecting a little more depth into it, started off great but the finishing was a little mediocre, they could've done a whole lot better. Now that I've seen the episode, I'm now starting to wonder if they're putting in some kind of back story to Danny since he seems completely distracted and distanced the entire episode - like something was plaguing him at the back of his mind, possibly a branching storyline coming up ahead? It's becoming more and more noticeable after our batmobile episode. I'm sure it's not Carmine since he's a pretty darn good actor, chances are the writers are up to something :)

Okay - so thats got my head thinking....if something's bothering Danny, and it seems as there's some kind of a wall between him and Lindsay at the moment (maybe it's just me), it's possible that we're hitting some rough seas sometime soon. It's possible that whatever 'bump' the writers have been planning is coming sooner than later, which although is depressing, gives my optimistic side hope.

Early bump means problems early on, they work it out and through that, their relationship deepends and they fall in love all over again. Zuiker has mentioned both love AND a deepening in their relationship, right now we've got nada and I cant see them doing squat before they go into some kind of rough patch beforehand. After bump means we get fluff for the rest of the season :) It's kinda nice to have the calm after the storm yea know? :D

Back to ep:

Dutch said:
And Catie, Mo and Angel I wubs you all and my neighbours must think I'm totally insane because I played that scene over and over and louder every time, but I just don't hear it ....I really want to, but I don't.
:( I want to hear it too, but I keep replaying over and over again and all I keep hearing is "hold up" instead of honey. *sigh* Maybe it's my fogged up brain?

JenP said:
So, I understand Boo was a bit of a disappointment for us shippers...no forehead kiss and no monster mash...
Were we really expecting those to happen with the spoilers? Wow....now Im wondering if false spoilers are officially being leaked out to a)confuse and befuddle us all beyond reason, (b)because they're just plain evil, or (c)since a,b and c just works so well together :eek:

I now have faith that if bad spoilers rear their ugly head, they're probably exagerrated somehow. I look on the other side of the fence and see Danny and Lindsay making out in a tree house....minus clothing plus smuggled chocolates :D

Mo asked:
What is your favourite shippy DL scene and why?
Snow Day of course, but not the making out part (did I really just say that?) :eek: My favourite part is definitely when Danny tells her he's glad it happened and she agrees with him. That was an ultimate "I wanna be with you too" moment for me :)


Dutch said:
And Bella I'd recommend Michael Bublé's CD "Call Me Irresponsible", it has 'Everything' on it and the beautiful song 'Lost'
Oooh - that's a GREAT CD. I've practically memorised every single song :p All I need is a stage and a suit and a tour bus :D hehehehe. On second thought.....no....

Where are Liffy and the rest of our shipping buddies?
I'm right here sweetheart :) Sorry - havent been feeling all that well lately :(

Catey said:
Svarta , there is a theory that Carmine is trying to make continuity with Snow Day, where his hand was injured, by stretching and constantly moving his hand. That might be why he seems fidgety(?) a lot, because he's trying to make it real for his character.
I noticed him being more fidgety too. But it's great if Carmine's really trying to bring that aspect in, even if they've gotten rid of the visibility of the damage (I think) but Danny definately would still be feeling the after effects of that fiasco.

Ahh! empty highlightable boxes everywhere! :eek: I'm still controlling myself but I'll join in with the spoilers when I get bored of talking to myself :D

Anyways, I'm off to bed - again :( Hope y'all are doing great! I've got another appointment with Dr. Lindsay tomorrow at 9am. :devil: Oh darn....I do dislike the doctors :p *lol* :lol:
Dude! My eye is killing me. I haven't been around much...expect to pm my Fluffy T!! I haven't felt good much this week---my eye is killing. But I'll live.

And yes, I wish we had some more D/L concrete wise. But he so said "Honey"! Don't take that away from me either!! Pink smoke............. ;)

My favorite D/L scene......Do I have to pick one? Dude, that's hard. I love the concern and hug in NWILL; I also like the handholding in "COTD". [/b] :)

Who knows what will happen...I have to be positive that whatever happens the PTB will not hurt D/L. I don't know if Danny would be emotionally able to be Lindsay during this time, just like she couldn't be with him last season. But that doesn't mean that they wouldn't be able to bond over this. Hopefully they won't go the cheating route or Mo and I will picket!! Getting two people together during a horrific time isn't very pleasant. So hopefully they will be more original than that. I hope that they only make the characters stronger not weaker.

Hugs my shippers! :D
hello everyone. I didnt want to come before I saw the epi for myself

I liked it though I have to agree that the ending was a little weak. they so could have put a little scene in after the interogations. and what am I hearing about a forehead kiss? they promised and lied? so not fair, TPTB, so not fair. *starts to sharpen her pitch-fork*

they work really well together and I adored that little caress but I wonder what are they playing at.

What is your favourite shippy DL scene and why?

the carrying-over-the-roof in Cool Hunter and her touching his back in Daze of Wine & Roaches

so many boxes it really looks like Christmas is coming :)

I'm still controlling myself but I'll join in with the spoilers when I get bored of talking to myself

well, you can talk to me Liffy :) after this episode Im certain it is better be SF in order to not be dissapointed though one feels a little out of the loop in moments like this

question: are the cut-scenes on the DVDs or are they lost forever?

Im off to rewatch the lovely DL moments and then off to bed, good night
bold and true, stuffy. ;)

i'd love to live next to you, dutch in RL! my ears would be glued to my wall. :lol: i'll check that CD out too.

Vex[/b]]vex, our resident studying sociologist, i think you said this in our other haven (if im wrong, sorry!). "You don't want to hurt the ones you love." ... that makes sense. we know danny loves lindsay; he just might think he'd hurt her given the past happenings and the situation. aren't the ones you push away the ones you probably care about the most because you don't want to hurt them?

dani[/b]]my sweetling dani, your spoiler box was absolutely perfect! bad days, yup, everyone has those. and to push your loved ones away is a normal reaction; for your loved ones to come back stronger (knowing it's not them who are guilty) to catch you/support you --> that's what it should be about. cowards are the ones who just turn away and cheat. it's he/she who takes the higher road to admit and end it. i LOVE LOVE the idea of having the little bump there to be taken care of in 2 episodes in a row. know why? it makes the show DIFFERENT. it makes the storyline UNIQUE. most shows, almost all, take some bump like this over the rest of the season. if i want that stretched out (typical) bump-business, i wouldn't be watching this show. that's why i like csi:ny's take with the D/L relationship. it's been a different trip so far than most relationships on tv. i'd love for the writers to keep it that way. it's a procedural drama, not a drama drama. to create a problem in one episode, and resolve it/iron it out in the next (not by a one-liner solution "it was so yesterday" though) through discussion and some action would be something interesting to see.

asking me RIGHT now, bella, my shippy scene is the almost-kiss from SOoH. the double-hand hold and lindsay moving in to kiss, danny bending his head down slighty...OH!


^^^ credit to CSI CAPS (csi-caps.com)

dutch[/b] and JenP]dutch and JenP, hot making up is sounding so yummy. i hope there is a scene where danny tells lindsay that he'll explain it to her.

big sister catie-girl[/b]]i'm feeling better about the spoilers now too. i want TPTB to show us that both D/L knows it's the situation that is causing these reactions, not personal dislike for one another. they both have to know they love each other very much. the "bump" would be more reasonable also if D/L talked about it afterwards; to break it down (maybe an honest reference to a talk between them). i'm hoping not to lose my mind either, but if i do, we could all together! *huggles*

carly hun, to answer your question, i think some are put on DVD, but most are lost to us viewers, but obviously, the studio/film company has the raw film in some warehouse.

*waves at Brinchen*
hi there, Kelleigh and lindsaymonroe!
ericisacutie, hi! welcome aboard to D/L! awww danny to the rescue, huh? :)

Cuz, i hear that you have to go fix that pool table at the D/L cottage. :p one of the legs is loose.

*spreads the pink fog with a fan*

honey or not, we still wubs them SO much.
Guys - my aunt is getting a full-size pool table. If y'all don't see me around for a couple of days, that's where I'll be :p

danny bending his head down slighty

:) Lindsay/Anna looks like she's on her tip-toes in that lurvely picture you posted Angel

Oh Auda - I love your loc! *giggles*

LIFFY!!!!!! *tackles buddy and gives him a great big hug* Don't you ever scare me like that again, y'hear? I was worried that you have vanished somewhere, both from here and FB. But I'm glad you're back :)

havent been feeling all that well lately

Is my Liffy sick? Well now, we just can't have that can we? *sends in Nurse Lindsay to make our buddy feel better*

The fluffy pink fog is your friend! *lets loose a fresh batch around Gutterville*
Hello my darling buddies! *Mo pops in and waves...sharing her leftover candy with everyone in an attempt to induce a lovely sugar high!* :lol:

Just popping in for two seconds to say Hi and I've got some good plans for a new video...we'll see how it goes! *fingers crossed!* :D

For the moment I am going to blissfully ignore the spoilers surrounding our bump and focus on the lovely bits of D/L that we've already had! I love all the moments we've had...we really have had a huge long lovely list of fabulous moments between our amazing couple! :D There is so much love and sweetness and sass and fun between our couple...it never fails to make me grin! :D

Aud my darling Fluffykins...you make sure you rest those eyes of yours okay, we really need you healthy and well...cuz I need your optimism and lovely fluffy support! ;)

Okay all y'all sorry for the quick in and out...but I'm off to play video maker...lol, I told ya, it's addictive! :lol:
Oh first though...Stuffy you are so lucky that you're aunt is getting a pool table...that freaking rocks! :D :D Maybe D/L will come over and play some pool with you! ;)

*Mo waves and giggles as she shimmers away in her fluffy bubble of pink fog!* :D
*runs in totally excited that so many shipping buddies have returned* :D

Liffy, Auda I hope you will be feeling better soon *sends the medical team your way* :devil:

Liffy said:
Okay - so thats got my head thinking....if something's bothering Danny, and it seems as there's some kind of a wall between him and Lindsay at the moment (maybe it's just me)
No, it's not just you. :) I've been thinking about the lack of (shown :p) intimacy between them too; and I have the feeling that there is some meaning behind it. But I think the thing that is bothering Danny is not how he feels about Lindsay :D, but how he has to deal with the fact that his girlfriend (love to say that :)) is also his colleague. Lindsay seems much more comfortable with that while he's still trying to find some kind of balance.

Liffy said:
Were we really expecting those to happen with the spoilers? Wow....now Im wondering if false spoilers are officially being leaked out to a)confuse and befuddle us all beyond reason, (b)because they're just plain evil, or (c)since a,b and c just works so well together
carolina said:
they promised and lied? so not fair, TPTB, so not fair
Yes that's right. The original spoilers had a scene where D/L were driving to Amityville while listening to "Monster Mash" and when they visited the girl in the hospital, Lindsay acted upset and Danny was suppose to comfort her by kissing her forehead. And I don't believe that it were false spoilers or that TPTB were lying I just think that those scenes were left out because there simply wasn't enough time... :(

There have also been times (condom spray) when we got more than the spoilers gave away. :D

EmilyB I think a lot of the spoiler boxes have already made clear that the outcome of that ep right now is just a matter of interpretation...so much can happen and at the moment everybody is just speculating... ;)

Angel dear, have you turned in to Santa? :lol: Wow, so many boxes to open! :eek:
- - - "aren't the ones you push away the ones you probably care about the most because you don't want to hurt them?" - - - That's so true. Danny is clearly troubled about something and he cares about Lindsay too much to drag her down with him...It's up to her how she handles that and how she helps him through it, but we know she will...Oh, and it was posted by someone in the spoiler thread too, apparently Danny does tell Lindsay he'll talk to her the next day... :D :D

I'm loving all the wonderful moments everyone is remembering and reading them I'm really looking forward to that 'list' mercy is compiling...it sounds awesome! :D

*runs off to 'the 8-ball' to turn on the karaoke set and dare Liffy to sing some Michael Bublé songs* ;)
Bah! I've missed a LOT!!!! How are you fine people?

Canon??? Naturally!!! :D :D CANON, that too ;)

Ok, well I need to go catch up on the past, what? 4 pages?

I can't wait for the next epi!! Excited, much? Hell yeah!
Dutch said:
No, it's not just you. I've been thinking about the lack of (shown ) intimacy between them too; and I have the feeling that there is some meaning behind it. But I think the thing that is bothering Danny is not how he feels about Lindsay , but how he has to deal with the fact that his girlfriend (love to say that ) is also his colleague. Lindsay seems much more comfortable with that while he's still trying to find some kind of balance.
I think you're right about that. Lindsay does seem to be alot more comfortable with their relationship status and them generally being together whilst Danny seems to be flitting back and forth and possibly still trying to find out what is acceptable and what's not - at least whilst they're on duty. It is difficult sometimes to start a relationship with a colleague and just as well it's also sometimes really easy. We know that on the inside (and out) that Danny doesn't have any problems whatsoever with his feelings for Lindsay. It's definately him trying to find the right balance between when she's his girlfriend and when she's his colleague.

It's funny how Lindsay seems to be the more comfortable in the relationship at this point when she initially was the one against it, granted it was for other reasons. It's relevant to point out that Danny still continued to pursue her even after she pushed him away - that's dedication, no, love :)

I don't believe that it were false spoilers or that TPTB were lying I just think that those scenes were left out because there simply wasn't enough time...
I can't help but think Danny's emotional wall lets call it - has something to do with an alterior storyline that will surface sometime soon. It could be a family problem or something that is close to his heart, eating at him. Otherwise I cant see why Danny would be acting the way he is - its wrong to have a lack of d/l in a d/l episode! There wasn't an ounce of the banter and teasing we all love in the last episode, and there were plenty of suitable moments during the entire 42 minutes and 30 seconds.

Time-wise, they could have taken out some of the other shots....where Danny looked like he was irritated with something. *shrugs* It could be just me and my runaway muse. Whatever it is, D/L will pull through, as they always do, and make up. :)

If they fight, we're getting a whole new light in the saying "kiss and make up" :devil:

Welcome to the thread sidlewannabee :) Danny and Lindsay are definately in a canon relationship right now. They're simply in lurve :D There's nothing to think aside from loving them! :lol: *Liffy runs around spouting more pink fog to counteract whatever spoilers regarding our bump we may be having*

Dutch said:
*runs off to 'the 8-ball' to turn on the karaoke set and dare Liffy to sing some Michael Bublé songs*
Oh you bet I'll sing woman!! :D Though right now I sound like a cow on helium. *Ponders the thought of that and giggles to himself*
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