Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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*Mo runs in singing along to Brad Paisley...lovely man, lovely songs!* Good morning my shippy darlings! I have to run but I wanted to pop in and say Hi...plus I need my morning dose of pink fog fluff! :lol:

Dutch that's an interesting thought that perhaps Danny is struggling with having his girlfriend be a coworker too...it sounds reasonable to me. And I would say it's not that he doesn't like working with her, cuz we know he does...but probably that he's not sure which "lines" he can cross at work and which he can't and so to be on the safe side he's refraining from a lot just in case, cuz he doesn't want to get her or either of them in trouble! Hmmmm, I like that idea! :D Good one hon! ;)

Liff I sincerley hope the PTB are not putting our false spoilers...well at least false fluffy ones, they can put out false angsty ones all day long, as long as they don't happen! :lol: Although if they made them too bad I'd probably come after them false or not! :lol:

sidlewannabee Yup Danny and Lindsay are very much together and very canon and you should ship them cuz they are swell and fabulous and....*sigh!*...Love! :D

Jodie! Hey hon! I love that you pop in here...heehee, yeah you got a lot to catch up on in here...although probably not as much as I have to catch up on in E/C! ;) Lol, excited for sure! :D

Okay before I scram for the morning y'all...I have another present! :D Because I am addicted to Windows Movie Maker...and because I am addicted to our couple...I have made another D/L video! This one is to Brad Paisley's "She's Everything" and it's...well you'll see, go watch it! :lol: It's uploading right now...so it may take a bit to get to where it needs to go...but you can find it by searching for me (Moriel21) at Youtube, or the link to my account is in my profile! Fun times...I'll be done pimping myself now! :lol:

Have a swell day my darlings and I will catch y'all later this afternoon I'm sure!

We Are CANON Baby!! :D

*Mo sprays the thread in general with a healthy dose of pink fog before shimmering off in her fluffy bubble!*
Yes they are! They officially got together at the end of this last season...if you didn't catch that...they had a fabulous "scene" on the pool table at Danny's place that solidified their status as Canon...very clearly! :devil: You should watch that...it will clear up any questions and also help you understand our obsession with pool tables in here! :lol:
Do you guys know where I can see that scene. i have only just started watching CSI New York two weeks ago and none of my friends watch it therefore they don't have the DVDS and I don't have any money to buy them. I did see the Criss Angel episode and I loved it but that is just about all i have seen.
Whatever it is, D/L will pull through, as they always do, and make up.

Wow - I'm surprised you didn't add "and make out/love" in there Liffy ;) :p

sidlewanabee...you can check out the SODL (Story of Danny and Lindsay) on YouTube. A fellow shipper has downloaded every single DL scene. You can find her under sugah66 or just type in "danny and lindsay" in the search box ;)
Yeah sidlewanabee that's a great way to see all the D/L moments...they should all be under Youtube...and then you can see all the moments from them meeting up through the most recent episode! I highly recommend it, it's very fun and will definitely prove just how sweet and perfect they are together! :D It's Love...plain and simple! :D And hot and smexy too of course! ;) Heehee! :D
Liffy said:
It's relevant to point out that Danny still continued to pursue her even after she pushed him away - that's dedication, no, love
That's relevant alright! :p And love for sure! :)

its wrong to have a lack of d/l in a d/l episode! There wasn't an ounce of the banter and teasing we all love in the last episode, and there were plenty of suitable moments during the entire 42 minutes and 30 seconds.
Of course if they had really wanted there was plenty of opportunity to put in some bantering, but perhaps they didn't because everyone was expecting that :rolleyes: and/or it may not have fitted the 'scary' :eek: theme of the ep :rolleyes:

I'm still hoping that perhaps we get more 'unexpected' scenes this season; D/L not even officially working a case together and then suddenly some teasing in the lab or preferably outside of the lab :devil:

I just can't understand how their relationship is suppose to deepen when they hardly really talk to each other :confused:

LOL Mo, yeah when I'm in an optimistic mood I'm better than any kind of pink fog :D...And I really think that especially the "goofing off" remark was some kind of indication that Danny really wants to keep work and 'fun' seperated :)...but for the ultimate confirmation we could use some scenes when they're off the job, like that ^^ hot scene in Stuffy's (dl_shipper34) banner - sidlewannabee welcome and I think that ^^ scene answers you 'canon' question... ;)

right now I sound like a cow on helium
:lol: *giggles along with Liffy* MOO! :lol:

And Mo I loved the video...pssst, did that baby turn in to a dog? :)
Yeah I agree Dutch I really do want some kind of scene outside the lab of them together...it is not unrealistic to ask for in any way, they are dating, and as such we should be able to confidently expect at least a small scene of them doing something dating-ish outside the lab, or on the way out of the lab or in the locker room or something! :lol:

Yeah PTB you said their relationship was going to deepen...so for goodness sake, DEEPEN it already! :D

Lol yeah you optimistic is a very good thing Dutch hon, I like it...you should be optimistic all the time! It's good for me! ;) Just like Aud when she is all supportively optimistic and upbeat it's totally awesome and fabulous! :D

Lol glad you liked my vid Dutch! :lol: And yeah the "baby" turned into a dog...cuz there were no scenes with either Danny or Linds holding a baby! :lol:

Okay off to pay bills...oh yay! :p

ETA: I just discovered...Pam is one of the writers officially going on strike! :eek: Dang it! Happy thoughts...happy thoughts! :lol:
I just can't understand how their relationship is suppose to deepen when they hardly really talk to each other

It's one of those things that makes you wonder. But hey, we all know what they do after hours :devil:

but for the ultimate confirmation we could use some scenes when they're off the job, like that ^^ hot scene in Stuffy's (dl_shipper34) banner

aha. I totally forget about my own banner. I'm such a dork :p

*showers Mo with the fog* Faith m'dear...faith! PV is a shipper, so don't worry about it.

*cough* next chapter is up! *cough*
Their Daughter - Chapter 4

^^Please be warned that this chapter contains angst.
I'm here and I'm tired. Writing a 1500 word paper will do that to ya! :)

I know that d/l are together even if there are no big scenes. We know that their together and that's all that matters. :)
Lol, Vexxy your avie is making me laugh! :lol: I like that, my cat totally does that! So did my twin brothers when they were babies! :lol: Fun times! ;)

Lol, thanks for the injection of faith Stuffy honey bun! Don't worry I'm not losing faith, I have NO doubt that Pam is and always will be a D/L shipper faithfully...it's just sad that she's striking too. On the other hand, the woman deserves all the money in the world for giving us the shippy scenes she's already given us...so I hope she gets the raise for that reason! (Plus of course I want the writers back sooner! :lol: )

Can't wait for our eppy this week...I plan on being optimistic until they finally give in and give us the delightful "See-They-Really-Are-As-Together-As-We-Swear-They-Are-After-Snow-Day!" scenes we deserve! Trust me PTB I will win...you've never met stubborn like me :lol: ask my mom, I spent four hours in the corner when I was 4 y.o. cuz I didn't want to apologize! Y'all cannot out stubborn me! :lol:
*Mo nods emphatically and steps off her soapbox!*
Trust me PTB I will win...you've never met stubborn like me ask my mom, I spent four hours in the corner when I was 4 y.o. cuz I didn't want to apologize! Y'all cannot out stubborn me!

yeah, we are a stubborn bunch (I spent ours walking in garden while trying to learn to pronounce a song right when I was about 3) and we are patient too but only to a point :)

I believe they are dating and they are happy and that their realtionship is deepening but I would also like to actually see it.

I dont mind they are not all touchy-feely at work. they banter and tease each other as before and thats sweet cause its a big part of what they are and why I love them but out of work is a completly different tale. and this episode was such a wonderful opportunity for it.

but hey we only had 6 episode and there is still 18 more to come

so heres to hope and pink fluffy fog
Mo said:
Liff I sincerley hope the PTB are not putting our false spoilers...well at least false fluffy ones, they can put out false angsty ones all day long, as long as they don't happen!
I dont mind if they give us false angsty spoilers, but either way we know that D/L will always pull through like they always do :) But it is mean to cut out lovely shipper scenes though!

And I would say it's not that he doesn't like working with her, cuz we know he does...but probably that he's not sure which "lines" he can cross at work and which he can't and so to be on the safe side he's refraining from a lot just in case, cuz he doesn't want to get her or either of them in trouble! Hmmmm, I like that idea!
I think Danny definitely wants their relationship to work - and for that he really doesn't want to risk anything that could have a negative impact, at least when it comes to work and whatever the inter-office relationship policies are. I think he wants to keep work and fun seperate in order to not cross any lines that could potentionally land them a reprimand. But as good as that sounds, we all know we're just waiting for him to lose control one day and just kiss her in their office when no one's looking through the glass :D

Twinny Stuffers said:
Wow - I'm surprised you didn't add "and make out/love" in there Liffy
Well I was channeling the more sensitive, romantic side. My naughtiness was being supressed for that moment. :D I like the sweet things too yea know! :)

Dutch said:
but perhaps they didn't because everyone was expecting that and/or it may not have fitted the 'scary' theme of the ep
You know, I'm liking that idea very much :) There's a chance that the writers are just waiting to surprise us with a grand scene of them holding hands in a park and stumbling on a dead body or something :) It's more fun when we're not expecting it! Kinda...making everyone SF :D hehehehe.

I'm still hoping that perhaps we get more 'unexpected' scenes this season; D/L not even officially working a case together and then suddenly some teasing in the lab or preferably outside of the lab
Whatever it is, I think this will still be our season and as it progresses, hopefully we'll get to see the same bantering come in here and there as it always as, which we love. Whatever bump may approach can come but under no circumstances will it tear them apart. If they weren't meant to be together, it would've happened a long time ago. The fact that they've held out this long, through the dryspell just shows that they're more to each other than just the boyfriend/girlfriend label they have put on themselves. Can everyone chorus soulmates? :D

I just can't understand how their relationship is suppose to deepen when they hardly really talk to each other
It's possible that they're saving up the moments for something big :) I'm not freaking about whatever bad news that may start to show, we've got faith in our ship!

Vex said:
I know that d/l are together even if there are no big scenes. We know that their together and that's all that matters.
That's right! We KNOW that they're together - and that's definately all that matters :) It just would hurt for everyone else to know too :lol:

Mo stated:
Hehehe :lol: Oh I love that! Maybe we can pick PV's brains during the strike so we can get our scenes in for the rest of the season! :lol:

SF-buddy Carly said:
I believe they are dating and they are happy and that their realtionship is deepening but I would also like to actually see it.
I think they are happy, and now that I think about it, it's a little hard to be teasingly sweet and lovey dovey when you just found a girl shot in the wall. The more I analyse, the more I realise that maybe it was a good thing we didn't get much in the last ep (yeah, shoot me now for saying this) but it would have thrown the atmosphere of the whole halloween theme and the case off balance. They may be saving the loving banter for something more appropriate and a lighter case :)

In which case, I vote for D/L to work more on smaller cases so they can go home early and make out on the living room couch :devil: Rawr!
"Ohhhh Love, Oh Love...Oh the many colors that you're made of!" :D *Mo pops in singing the other song that Liffer-diff could never get out of his head and grins while passing out coffee cake to everyone!*

Morning shippy buddies! And it's Monday again...I think the only thing that saves me from being sad it's Monday each week is that Monday means we only have to wait two more days until we get new D/L possiblities! :D And that never fails to cheer me up and make me smile again! :lol:

Lol, Carly yeah we are definitely a stubborn bunch in here...in a very good way! We hold onto a possiblity or hope and just refuse to let go....ever! :D And yeah I agree that they are dating and happy...I am just holding out to actually see some of that! :D

Lol, yeah Liff I think Danny is trying to be careful at work and I think that's not a bad idea at all...I don't want to see them get in trouble over something silly at work, but at the same time, yeah I am dying to see him grab her and kiss her anywhere at work anytime! :devil: I would LOVE that! I would stand on my couch and cheer...literally! :lol:

And yeah I can agree with you about this last eppy, it would have been a a bit out of place to have a lovey dovey scene in the midst of that horrid case...but then again though, that kiss on the forehead we were supposed to get when the little girl was at the hospital, could have been fit in very nicely!
Come on Pam Veasey, my D/L hero...I know you are on strike...but I know, I KNOW, you read what we write in here...so PLEASE...as a fellow shipper yourself I know you want D/L scenes as much as we do...so give us some cute light flirty moments, or deep intense sexy ones...either way...but please give us couple moments...PLEASE!!! :D
Moriel :D

Okay that's me for this morning...I'm off to work again :p Have a swell day y'all and I'll be back later! ;)

*Mo waves and shimmers off in her fluffy bubble of love, humming along to Brad Paisley as she goes!*
please give us a shippy-squee-worthy moment filled with oodles of pink cloud and chocolate kisses!

dutch playfully said: Angel dear, have you turned in to Santa?
^^^ it's a little too early for christmas ;) but consider me santa's little helper! *giggle*

vex, i saw the toilet on your av and knew it had to be a funny one.

yup, D and Montana are definitely dating :D :) . say it loud and proud! all this talk about small moments makes me think of the song "Simple Things" by Jim Brickman. yeah, he's my man at the moment. *how I love the simple things, the simple things just are*

psst. i left a little note for your recent vid, Mo. OT: michael buble cancelled his appearance on Live this friday. :(

*wanders into the 8 Ball to have a snack and to watch SOoH clips like the hallucination scene! love that grin on his face*
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