Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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less than 24hrs till season 4 hits us Brits!! I know I've watched some D/L bits on YouTube (thanks the awesome Sugah!) but I cant wait to see the whole eps!!!
First eppy looks/sounds really exciting....blood on the statue of Liberty *excited grin*

Sorry to all you US folks who I've probably just bored with this post :)

BTW, Ive been really ill recently (I was ill on Christmas :( ), and still feel rubbish. Can I please borrow Danny for just an hour to make me feel better with his jokes and smile-that-makes-my-legs-turn-to-jello. Please? I have M&Ms for bribery purposes....
Strictly platonic of course, we all know he's Lindsay's cowboy ;)

On a slightly random side note, I know that i'm offically a crazy D/L shipper, because at my receptionist job, in the internal directory of numbers, next to the extension no. is sometimes a directline number, which is marked as, you guessed it, D/L. Just like that.
So everytime I see those 2 'lil letters, I do an internal happydance. *squee*

I blame the pink fog that I think has thickened so much in here it now seeps out of my computer even when its switched off ;)
^ *hesitantly shoves Danny to Rachel* Good to see you again :), and I'm sorry you're not feeling that well :(...and I'm sure you're not boring anyone; it's great you finally get the change to see complete eps - there are some great ones coming your way ;)

Islandgirl asked:
Is anybody else disappointed in the almost total lack of Danny/Lindsey interaction during the past few eps?
We all are and I think that has been the main topic of the discussion for a couple of pages and probably the reason for the lack of post(er)s :(...I think after SD and all the remarks from writers and producers at the start of this season we all were expecting more; and I feel that everyone (even those who don't like D/L ;)) are surprised by how little we have seen of their relationship thus far.

I had a friend over tonight to watch 'Without a Trace' and we started discussing how the strike affects story lines (for who watch that show: how are they going to handle Poppy's pregnancy/Samantha's story when the season ends now and is continued in September?) and we came up with the theory that D/L could very well be a 'victim' of this strike too. :mad:

I don't know how the making of television shows work, but I'm assuming that the producers tell/discuss with the writers some of the things they want to include in a season. So perhaps they intended to start this season with Mac's 333 story and Stella's stalker and they decided to procede with the D/L story in the second half of the season (hence all the hints we got)...alas! we'll probably never know... :(
We're all frustrated by the lack of d/l interaction this season. I'm wondering of the writers knew far in advance that this Writer's Strike was going to happen. It just seems like they did, with the way that d/l have been written this year.

I could be wrong though.
Woohoo - it's the weekend at last and CSI NY starts tonights :D :D Does it get any better than that??? Well apart from a Danny and Lindsay scene to please us all of course ;) but you can't have everything you want!

As usual, thanks to everyone for posting their DL centric reviews. And thanks for the pictures Dutch - it is always nice to drool over Mr Messer :devil: Although it was not a great 'Danny & Lindsay' episode, it seems to have been a great episode for Danny and Lindsay individually. It is nice to see that TPTB are showing the more fun side of Lindsay, this must obviously because of how happy she is in her personal life :D If Danny was my boyfriend, I would be grinning like an idiot all the time!!

As for a new thread title, I love the ideas so far. i am going to expand on Dutch's fab suggestion and possibly tempt fate for our lovely canon couple:

Danny/Lindsay #21: Their future’s in the bag!

anyway, i am hoping the promo is up on YouTube so will catch you all later.
just under 1 hr to go. Not that I'm counting or anything...

Now because I am stuck in s4-less Brit-land, I have limited current D/L-ness to discuss, i have a slightly random question;

- What do you guys think is/are the perfect D/L song(s)

BTW- what exactly is HUMP day? I gather it is a weekly holiday to celebrate a new (US) eppy, but does it signify anything else?
There is a Danny/Lindsay song thread located here for songs that relate to DL.

Also, Hump day is what people in the US call Wednesday because in a Monday through Friday work week, Wednesday is in the middle (the hump of the work week and a downhill slide to Friday)
^ Yes, and ever since Snow Day, which -as all NY eps- first aired on a wednesday, it's got quite an ambiguous meaning for us DL-shippers ;)
*Stuffy dances into the thread, a big birthday cake in one hand and presents in the other* That's right, we have a birthday today!!


to Anna's daughter!! She turns one today, so let's all get this party started! Considering we don't know her name (frankly, her happiness and health is more important)...we hope Baby Girl Belknap-Siegel has a great day! And same with her mommy and daddy :D

*giggles* I don't even know the child and I'm so excited.

Has anyone seen the promo for 4x13? Looks intense. I really feel for Danny here. Maybe we'll get a much-needed DL scene *crosses fingers and toes* But hey, even if we don't, we all know that Lindsay is there for him ;)

it's got quite an ambiguous meaning for us DL-shippers

:lol: so true dutch! Hump Day has a secret meaning for us DLers. :devil:

Much as the promo was heartwrenching, I couldn't help but giggle over the fact that they paired DL inbetween clips :p
Hey y'all! :D *Mo bounces in, bringing cookies, big warm freshly baked slightly gooey ones, for everyone!* How are y'all?! I've been MIA for the last couple days and I have missed you all lots! :D How's my buddies?

So I have to say real quick, despite the total lack of D/L interaction this last week...I still have a great deal of optimism for our ship! Call me eternally fluffy if you want (I won't mind! ;) ) but I just know that "bump" or not, they are meant to be, and the writers will at some point wake up from their greed induced coma and realize that we shippers want to see our CANON couple actually together in scenes on screen, and all this patience ( :rolleyes: ) of ours will pay off! :D I'm confident of it!

Awww Happy B'day to little lady Belknap-Siegel, I'm sure she is as pretty as her Mama! I can't believe a year has passed though, wow!

And yeah Stuffy I'm with you on the promo...as sad and angsty as it looked I was still giggling at them putting D/L's pics up facing eachother, and really hoping that meant we got a good scene or two! (*Shameless plug ahead...:* This is the eppy, coming up, that my ficcie applies to...by the way, not last week's but this upcoming one! Just so y'all know! ;) ) :lol:

Alright my buds, sorry to do the post and run, but it's Monday :p and I have to be off to work in about a minute! So have a wonderful Monday and I will catch you all later! :D

*Mo waves and sprints off to her bubble, shimmering away in a haze of delicious pink fog!* :D
^ Mo, sweety you are eternally fluffy :p, but I share your optimism...our dear writers will open their eyes -probably later than sooner though :mad:- and give us some good D/L interaction...some serious conversation...a date...or whatever options we've all been waiting for since this season started :rolleyes:...too bad you and I are not so patient :D *takes some of Stuffy's supplies ;) and tries to speed up the negotiations*

The promo (txs 1CSIMfan for putting that link in the spoiler thread) looks intense...I'm just so curious what effect everything that's about to happen next week, will have on D/L...and whether things have changed or that what was in the spoilers is still going to happen...*bites nails*

And, yes, the fact that they had their pics sliding towards each other had me smiling too...I at least think it's a good omen that they did not start with the two pictures next to each other and then splitting them apart... :cool:

I was reading about Anna, and I came across an interview where she talks about DL, so I think it's appropriate to post here. Sorry if this has been posted before.

(Anna talks about Lindsay's and Danny's relationship)
Anna: Well, I don't think I really have a say! I think from the very beginning Danny and I have this really great [dynamic]. It's funny because Carmine and I have it in a way too because Carmine's pretty cool and I'm so square, and he'll laugh at things I say even when I'm in my dressing room, like I sound like a little country bumpkin. So I think it just translated really fast and early onto the screen. And plus they gave him that great trick to play on me right off the bat [in "Zoo York", which just gets stuff going. In that same episode [when] we were working in the lab together, the director [Norberto Barba] suggested, "Why don't you kind of bump into each other?" And that wound up being this really great unspoken moment. Carmine is just great to work with and he's really good and I feel like he really knows his character, and it's really specific and he's really free, so he's easy to play with and it's fun. And then the writers keep writing little scenes for us to do. For us, those are so much fun and give us a little break from exposition or lab work. I think [it's] that teasing thing you do when you're not sure if you like someone or you don't like them. There's something going on.

It seems like it was set from the beginning that they would be together, and that Anna is all for it!

PSG xxx
Well, I'm not eternally fluffy after watching this promo...The expression on both of Danny and Lindsay's faces seem a bit sad... :( But hey, I could be wrong! :)

I was looking for this thread this afternoon, and it was on page 2! :eek: That has never happened since I'm here. So speaking of a lack of interaction ;)

I still haven't found a good thread name, but I got a few more pages left to come up with something.

See you soon!
PintSizeGenius said:

I was reading about Anna, and I came across an interview where she talks about DL, so I think it's appropriate to post here. Sorry if this has been posted before.

(Anna talks about Lindsay's and Danny's relationship)
Anna: Well, I don't think I really have a say! I think from the very beginning Danny and I have this really great [dynamic]. It's funny because Carmine and I have it in a way too because Carmine's pretty cool and I'm so square, and he'll laugh at things I say even when I'm in my dressing room, like I sound like a little country bumpkin. So I think it just translated really fast and early onto the screen. And plus they gave him that great trick to play on me right off the bat [in "Zoo York", which just gets stuff going. In that same episode [when] we were working in the lab together, the director [Norberto Barba] suggested, "Why don't you kind of bump into each other?" And that wound up being this really great unspoken moment. Carmine is just great to work with and he's really good and I feel like he really knows his character, and it's really specific and he's really free, so he's easy to play with and it's fun. And then the writers keep writing little scenes for us to do. For us, those are so much fun and give us a little break from exposition or lab work. I think [it's] that teasing thing you do when you're not sure if you like someone or you don't like them. There's something going on.

It seems like it was set from the beginning that they would be together, and that Anna is all for it!

PSG xxx

That interview can be found here. This interview took place on March 13, 2006.

The above answer was to this question: CSI Files: A lot of fans have picked up on sexual tension between Lindsay and Danny, and Lindsay and Mac. Do you think it's there, and do you have a preference?

Also, you're welcome dutch_treat. :)
*Stuffy pokes her head in the room, curious as to where everyone has gone*

Hmm...it's been unusually quiet in here today. I wonder where y'all have gotten to. Something going on over at the DL Cottage, I suppose. Or maybe y'all are down at the 8-Ball :D

Maybe this will entice people to come in ;) the Dennis the Menace scene from Commuted Sentences


Perhaps everyone is tired after the birthday celebrations yesterday...
You know, that's the first time I've seen that picture of Danny and Lindsay. I must say, it's a cute one. Thanks for posting it, Stuffy! As for thread names, I have one, but it's kind of dorky.

Thread #21: Love Handled!

I'm sorry, that's all I've got. My imagination has gone on strike.
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