Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Yay! Happy HUMP-DAY! New epi tonight!

CathStokes said:
I'm still wondering what's gonna happen with Danny and Lindsay. I'm gonna go with the angsty's in here, 'cause makin' up would be SOOOO GOOD!

*kidnaps JenP and takes her over to where Dutch and I are* we think you should join us. *nods*

*Thinks*....OK! :D

Mo said:
Shippy bud JenP who needs to stay fluffy winked:
I'm still wondering what's gonna happen with Danny and Lindsay. I'm gonna go with the angsty's in here, 'cause makin' up would be SOOOO GOOD!

Hey you get back here! Although I do have to concede that point, if we get hot making up...I could live with a little, LITTLE angst in order to make the making up hot! But not too much angst and not for too long...cuz I just love my fluff too much!

Sorry Mo, maybe later...:confused: I do agree with you that if there's angst, it shouldn't be too long. 'Cause that means Danny and Lindsay will be a focal point again and since they already were last season I don't think it's smart to do it again. But if they do, I wouldn't complain :D

Although at this point I don't really care what kind of Danny and Lindsay we get, as long as we get it. :mad:

So, for the ones who can watch the new epi immediately: have fun and please think of us unlucky ones...So post pics!
"Happy Hump Day to us! Happy Hump Day to Us! Happy Hump to us shippers, Happy Hump Day to us!" *Mo pops into the thread singing happily as she hands out freshly bakes cinnamon rolls and mugs of coffee!* Morning everyone! :D
New eppy tonight! Sorry to rub it in to all of you dears who can't see it...I don't mean to, I'm just so excited! And my good feeling is still there for tonight...which I am taking as a good sign! :D
Question: Happy New Year. Got any CSI: NY scoop, especially regarding Danny and Lindsay? — Christina Ausiello: CBS has just scheduled the final pre-strike episode for Feb. 6, and I can confirm that it contains some serious Danny-Lindsay action — but not of the nookie-nookie variety. They work a case together, but it's all kept very professional. So not sure if that is exactly good for us or not, but I'm gonna take it as good, because they have enough interaction to make it a big deal and he mentions no "nookie nookie" which means he would assume that there would be some, which means that the world outside of us shippers knows they are together....so yeah, talk about reading alot into that statement...but there ya go! Lol!

Okay I gotta head off to work...can't wait for tonight, my optimism is high!! :D Have a swell Hump day y'all! :D

*Mo sprays the whole thread with a huge dose of pink fog and then sprints off to her fluffy bubble!* :D
*comes in high on cold medicine* :(

I've been feeling awful for the last couple of days and since Danny was too busy with all the birthday girls, he had no time to take care off me :p...but hey, birthdays are over and he just did his magic :devil:...feeling better already AND it's HUMP DAY! Yeah! :D

Lynny good job on kidnapping Jen...the more angsties the better :)...and of course all that angst is only there to make the rest sooo much better... ;)

Mo[/b]'s Ausiello spoiler]So there will be "some serious Danny-Lindsay action"...I like the sound of that. :) And since it's apparently not going to be anything romantic, I was thinking that it could perhaps be the talk he promised her at the end of 4x13...If the 'bump' is still going to be in there, it would be nice to have a follow-up in the next ep...

Anyways, no matter what will happen in the next 3 eps (assuming that something at least will happen :p), I'm glad were having new eps again and I'm really looking forward to see them... :)
Hey guys! Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I had a great day but it was tainted by the death of my tarantula.

Anyway, I can't wait to hear about the new ep tonight! Sounds good from what I've heard (too lazy to use a spoiler box :lol:.)

Well, I'm off. Have to revise for my Geography exam tomorrow. L8erz xxx

PS: Happy Hump Day! :lol:
Hi guys! I'm back :) Miss me any? Sorry for not popping in for a while but RL tends to do that to you sometimes - Boo.

Yay for a new eppy tonight! I think I'm generally pretty sick of reruns of...well practically everything now so some new material is going to be great :)

I'm still SF so I have no clue what's going to happen to our couple in the next 3 eps but keeping to my current state of optimism, let the bump come now.

Why? Because if it comes now, we get a whole season full of trying to fix said bump and more lovin' :) Plus...there wont be that annoying voice in your head whispering BUMP! every now and then. Ignorance can only stand so much. I'm keeping faith in what AZ and PV have said. They're in love. They'll work it out. And we're one day going to get Messer-Montana babies. :D

There's absolutely no room for angst in my fluffified world. Ha!

So I'm signing off with a hope that we get a scene tonight, and a very happy HUMP DAY to you all! Vex, Soph, a happy belated birthday to you both!
Hmmm, am I feeling fluffy or angsty :confused: ? I still think that I will have to claim the flungsty middle ground. I do love the angsty stuff such as LRC :devil: but only with a guarantee of fluff afterward, like SooH.

I am not really sure what i want in the new eppy. liffy makes a good point about getting the bump over and done with. It has been hanging over us since the season started. But it does feel like we have been cheated out of some pre-bump fluffiness ;)

I hope you all enjoy the new eppy tonight .... Mo - I hope your feeling is right and we get something good, any interaction between Danny and Lindsay will be good for me. Season 4 starts in 3 days time for me :D so expect some belated comments. I cannot wait to see the new episodes!!

O/T - got my 'new' Michael buble cd this week. I am working my way back through his back catalogue :D Loving 'you don't know me'.
Hi guys!

Great to see you're back as well, Liff!

Did someone miss this: we're at page 22 and that means we can talk new thread-names now! Although I don't have any inspiration since there's not THAT much happening... :(

I'm sorry you're not feeling well, Dutch. But hey, the good news is that you get to have Danny around you now. And he's so good :devil:

OK, so new spoilers are good. I also hope this will be the bump. But I wonder how tptb is going to handle that since there's no writing... D*mn strike :mad: BUt it'll be nice to see them together :eek:

I'm watching a season 1 rerun tonight. Not sure if it gets my full attention, but we'll see.

Bye for now!
Hey, Mo, this is my third post in a week! :lol: Btw, thanks for the spoiler. I finally got one! Although, I don't quiet know how to interpret it.

Hmmm... interesting. I don't really know how to interperit that. I wonder if the professionalism is very straight forward or if we're going to get some sort of banter in there. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
*pokes head in* My poor dutch is sick? Well now, that's just not good. I think you need to have a good rest m'dear. *whistles, and a topless Nurse Danny walks into the room, carrying a platter of cough drops, a blanket, pillows, and whatever else dutch eats/drinks when she's sick* There we go :) our Nurse will help you feel all better. He's got a knack for that sort of stuff :devil: you just get feeling better, y'hear? *huggles and a daisy*

When can we start discussing thread names? Is it this page or next? I can never remember :p

In regards to the Ausiello question - I'll believe it when I see it :D no point in getting all worked up about it now. Let's just wait and see what happens. The same applies for this so-called "bump". Pish posh - the only "bump" I'm hearing is the sounds of Danny and Lindsay "bumping" upstairs!

*giggles and runs to her box* Woah that was naughty. Bad Stuffy. Don't blame me though - just look who my Evil Twin is! *giggles again, runs out to give her buddy a big hug 'cause he's back, and crawls back into her beloved box, which is currently occupied by her "hockey man" as Auda calls him*

A likkle gift for you all :) enjoy the episode tonight! Hey, even if there's no DL, at least it's a new one. We only have two left after this one *blows raspberries*


Oh, and remember that January 14th is on Monday! *dances and throws birthday confetti into the air in celebration of Anna's little one's firth birthday*
When can we start discussing thread names? Is it this page or next? I can never remember. :p
You can start it now but everybody, please keep in mind that you still need to have at least three lines of on topic discussion in addition to the thread title discussion.

Awe, happy birthday to Anna's little one, and Yay on the new episode, although I won't get to see it for awhile untill it is put online, CSI NY S4 starts on Saturday here in the UK so that's all good. I'll have two of my fave shows to watch on Saturday SVU and CSI NY.

And I look forward to seeing the new episode, even if it doesn't have D/L in it. Ah well. I've not seen episode 12 yet though, this is episode 13 your on about right or was it episode 12 you were talking about.
stuffers said:
Pish posh - the only "bump" I'm hearing is the sounds of Danny and Lindsay "bumping" upstairs!
:lol: :lol: After I read that I thought "Wow! Stuffy better duck!" and then I saw Modie's screename on the next post I was sure you were about to be whacked by the meter, lol! :D Love it though!

Hmm, serious and no nookie-nookie. Well, you know what? That doesn't necessarily mean that we won't get one of the moments that we love so much. Take RSRD for example. Serious, no nookie, but silently supportive and 'there'.
Well, not
bad episode tonight, even though there is no D/L or even any scenes between the two. The clock is ticking on new episodes, and as usual, we got nada. Given that, it wasn't too bad an episode, some continuity with Angell telling Danny should heard about the Sandoval shooting, and that she's sorry about it. Danny also doesm't want to visit a school or toy store, but does. Good episode, lots of Danny and Lindsay, just not together as usual.
I think about the Ausiello tidbit is that it can be very positive. Even though it says that there will be no "nookie-nookie", what I believe is that Danny and Lindsay will address what happened in Ep, 11, 12. Maybe if they have a discussion, they will show the love that we know they have. :)
Howdy, howdy, howdy! :D *Mo bounces in, happy for a new eppy tonight, and passing out yummy snacks for us all to enjoy!* :D

Dutch is sick...awww honey! I's sorry! Here you go lay down, Danny will bring you some cold medicine and some hot soup! He'll get you feeling better! ;) All better! :D

Liffy!!!!!!!! *Mo tackles her smuffy bud!* You're not allowed to leave again! Where did you go?! Hi, goofball of course we missed you!! :D Welcome back, get comfy, cuz you're not leavin'! :D

Smi yeah for your 3rd post in such a short time, I'm so glad you're hanging out in here again...that makes me happy! :D

Mer-bear hiya honey bun! :D

Oh lookie y'all Modie said we could post thread title options...so ready, set, GO... :lol: Give me any and all thread title suggestions you've got for our next thread and I'll make us a poll after we get a good number of them! :D

Psssttt... Aud my fluffy wub...come play with us! ;)

Vexxy that's a very optimistic way to look at Ausseillo's spoiler...I like that hon...alot! ;) That would totally work for me if that's what it meant! (Sorry to be cryptic, but I didn't want this whole post to be one big spoiler box! :lol: )

That said...
DANG IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to you Catey babes, I love that you post what you see...you ROCK that way! But seriously, no D/L together in this eppy, SUCKS! I had a great feeling about it and everything....RAR! I was so hopeful! At least we get both Danny and Linds in the eppy...but I was SOOOOO hoping we'd actually get a D/L scene...like ya know, of them together! Come on PTB!!! Seriously!

Hi my buddies...2 hours and 16 minutes to our new eppy...I really really hope the writers end this strike, I'm in denial about this being 1 of only 3 more new eppy's...that just cannot be the case! Please writers...come on already! :D

*Mo grabs her pitchfork, ready to either grovel or get nasty...whichever would get her faster shippy results!* :lol:
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