Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Great pictures. :D

I'm still not entirely convinced we'll see a 'bump' this season. I mean they'd actually have to be shown together in order to have a 'bump'. So whatever happens this season may just be a small bit of angst or nothing at all. But then again, we may get that 'skip' they were talking about. Of course, the PTB said that they'd deepen the D/L relationship too. So I don't know what to believe. :lol:

Sorry, I'm a bit angsty this evening. I was going to share my D/L dream, but it really seems like an afterthought tonight. Oh, well. I can't wait for the next episode. :)

*Pickets with Mo. Demands extra fluff this time!!*
Aud! There you are fluffy wub! *Snuggles!* Now, now, no angst wub...we'll get our D/L, we will! I have my ways...be they sweet-talking or torture...either way, I will get what we want out of the PTB! Really! ;) Heehee! :lol:

And after watching our eppy tonight and the promo for our next new eppy...yeah I'm getting the feeling we will get that "bump" we don't want...but I agree, a "bump" would make a lot more sense if they actually showed us D/L together first! :rolleyes: Seriously!

Okay here's my random thoughts that relate to D/L from watching the eppy tonight! :D......:

It's ridiculous how excited I get just watching the credits and knowing a whole new eppy is coming! :lol: Even "knowing" there isn't gonna be any D/L together scenes in this eppy (Rar!) I'm still giddy about a new eppy! :D

I LOVE Linds' purple coat! Wow is that gorgeous! (Pic of that anyone??!)

Danny is SO Gorgeous, seriously it's like every time I see him I have to take a breath cuz he's just so HOT!

Wizard of Oz and Peter Pan references...yeah loved them! :lol:

Can I just say I LOVE Linds' "I got something" grin, it's this little smirk she's got that is so adorable! :D

Okay seriously...little dog, broken broom...Linds' saying "Wicked"...this is hilarious! And Linds is gorgeous in yet another coat I HAVE to have! :lol: This one blue and belted, with a gorgeous scarf! (pic again??)

Okay good lord, Wendy was killed by a "hook" and a "fairy"? I'm glad Sid actually brought up "Peter Pan" cuz if he hadn't I would have hit someone for not stating the obvious! :lol: :lol:

Poor Danny, I don't blame him for not wanting to go near anywhere kids are at this point...I think that was said in reference to Ruben, but also just that he didn't want to think killers would hang out/be in a kindgergarten class since he's had enough of kids dying to last him for a long time!

I really do enjoy Stella and Linds working together, if we can't have D/L working together...Stella and Linds are great! I just love Linds, she is so adorable!

Linds and Danny have the cutest grins like ever!! "And her little dog too..." wow the writers are just FULL of the movie quotes and similarities tonight! It's fun and refreshing actually, it's cracking me up! :lol:

Gah Danny's HOT! That boy in jeans makes me want to jump him, every single time I see him! (Definitely need a pic of this, pretty please someone! :D )

Okay the fingerprint thing Linds did, she is freakin' brilliant! Wow! And can I just whine a second about how both Danny and Linds were working the lab, at the same time...and STILL didn't even see eachother! Gah, freaking writers...I just wanted a scene, one little glance, smile, look...something dang it!

OH.GOOD.LORD. Danny in that long sleep white sweater as he was interrogating that guy, I think I might melt right here and now...just...wow...wow...how HOT is he! *Swoon!!* :devil: (Totally need a pic of that, oh please!)

Okay Linds' "puppy voice" as she talked to little Otto, I think that was the cutest thing ever! And the dog's name is "Otto"...kinda like "Toto"? :lol: this is killing me! :lol:

Oh my word...next eppy looks, wow! It looks like a lot of loose ends will be tied up! Ruben's mom found the guy who killed Ruben and has a gun and Danny steps in front of the guy? That or she has a gun on Danny? Either way...wow! This looks like it's gonna be a really good eppy! Other than showing D/L's faces together (which bodes well in my opinion) they didn't show much "bump" stuff of theirs...but this is that eppy! So can't wait to see this...I'm oddly excited about it right now! Mostly I think because at least it means we will actually get some D/L interaction!!
Well I'm feeling a lot better than I did the last couple of days :D; according to my doc I have some neglected pneumonia :eek: so I'm not allowed to go to work, but that means I get to keep topless (txs Stuffy :D) nurse Danny a while longer AND I already got to see the new ep! Yeah me! :D

I thought it was a fun episode...no D/L at all, but that scene with Danny and Angell showed that he is still not comfortable talking about Ruben's death with anybody yet... :(

And I really liked the - indeed quite obvious :rolleyes: - Wizard of Oz and Peter Pan references...Mo, I was thinking of you everytime they hinted at WoO...especially when Lindsay said "Wicked" :lol:...You forgot "The Dorothea" and that Fiona was from Kansas :p...Too bad there wasn't a bubble-reference ;)

Okay some caps:

Lindsay in the dark coat and pretty scarf:

Danny - jacket still on:

She has such funny expressions:

Aah and look what was underneath that jacket - hot, HOT, HOT:

Wow, I haven't seen the promo yet, but that sure sounds intense - Ruben's mom having the guy who killed her kid and/or the guy she might blame for his death at gunpoint...I wonder how that is gonna affect Danny and what that means for his relationship with Lindsay...*is excited*

Okay thread title suggestions...well we had so much fun suggestions last time and we had some good D/L moments after this thread was started, and I'm pretty bored right now, so let's see:

Danny/Lindsay #21: Bump-proof!
Danny/Lindsay #21: Stop goofing off!
Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!
Danny/Lindsay #21: Do we look like we're here buying postcards?
Danny/Lindsay #21: Handling love

I really like the 3rd one :)...It's based on a quote from YODO and I never caught the double meaning before...Lindsay walks up to Danny with some evidence and he asks "What's in the bag?" and she answers "The future, Mr. Messer" - so cute... :D

Some caps; sorry Mo couldn't make a good one of Lindsay in that purple coat :(
Morning everyone! Wait where is everyone? Dutch hon is it just you and me in here? Wow! Well hey, we can can party anyway right?! *Mo giggles and pulls out her candy and confetti and mixed drink mixes...fun times! ;) *

Dutch! Honey you just so made my day! :D Yay that you're feeling a bit better and double, no triple yay that you found delicious caps to post!! I'm sitting here grinning like a dork! :lol: No worries about the purple coat, I'll find a good one of that one, or try to...but these others you posted rock! Seriously Danny in general makes me swoon and him in that white sweater/shirt...GAH! :devil: I know now why they didn't have any D/L scenes in this episode, cuz Linds would have taken one look at him in that shirt and it would have very quickly become the "Rated M for mature audiences" :devil: version of CSI:NY! :lol: And yeah Linds does have the cutest little expressions, she makes me giggle so often, it's fun! And yeah those Wizard of Oz and Peter Pan references...were cracking me up! Kudos to the writer of this eppy for those, they were well done...obvious, but just silly enough to be believable! :lol: (if that makes sense!)

Ohhh good title suggestions there too hon...and yeah now that you "explained" #3 I like that one a lot...I never really caught that before either...Awwwww! :D

Okay gotta go run my errands...and then off to work! Happy Thursday all! :D

*Mo grins and barely manages to tear herself away from staring at HOT Danny to go shimmer off in her fluffy bubble!* :D
Good evening! Yes, it's evening here already ;)

I'm glad you're feeling better, Dutch! And it's certainly not a very bad thing to be sick if you get nurse Danny...He can help me when I delivered my baby (just 22 weeks to go!) :D O wait...I won't be at my best then, so he might just run away :rolleyes:

It too bad to hear there wasn't any Danny/Lindsay yesterday, especially since we had to wait so long for a new ep. But I am glad there is some reference to what Danny's been through, continuancy is always a good thing.

And you're absolutely right: Danny in a white shirt makes me wanna :devil: But then I would have a problem, 'cause there would be a lot of people waiting for Danny too...And Lindsay standing up front!

Dutch, I like the third title! But it's a good thing you explained, otherwise I would have missed it :lol:

See you soon!
^ Not only would you not be at your best while delivering, but I think your husband would not appreciate such a cute male nurse taking care of you ;)...you just focus on the baby and let us focus on Danny... :p

And I agree with you ladies, Danny in that white shirt is just beyond sexy :devil:...Had to make another cap :D:


*wants that man*

And since it was playing again I went back to the beginning and this is the best I could do with that great purple coat Lindsay wore:


*wants that coat*

It is probably a really good thing that they didn't ran into each other somewhere during their cases...They might've headed straight for the nearest broom closet and would not have left before the end of the ep...;)

And Jen I totally missed that quote too, I was reading some on TV.com and when I saw it written down there I suddenly realized what a totally shippy moment that was... :rolleyes:

Come on people, we need more suggestions :)
*Stuffy drags herself into the room, tired after working with kids all day but excited to read all the post-episode thoughts as well as stare at all these fantastic caps that people have provided* Loves it! :D

I thought the episode was good. Honestly, I wasn't expecting any DL, because I thought that Danny wasn't going to be in this one much. But he was, which is always nice *wipes away a trickle of drool*. However, I was really looking forward to this episode. Why? Well the promo pictures did it for me. Whomever picked out Lindsay's coat and scarf deserves a medal, because they were absolutely stunning. I am not a scarf person, but I wanted that scarf. And that coat. How adorable was she with the dog? I adored that scene - the way she was petting the dog and talking to him was insanely adorable.

*giggles* Seems that both of them are good with animals ;)

Did anyone else notice Lindsay's green shirt? Seems to be the same one she wore in All Access :D

It is probably a really good thing that they didn't ran into each other somewhere during their cases...They might've headed straight for the nearest broom closet and would not have left before the end of the ep

ROFL. Excellent point dutch! Never thought of that ;)

Just throwing it out there, but Flack's tie was *really* fugly. He's still yummy though :p

Thread titles...thread titles...well I have two. Kinda lame though.

Danny/Lindsay #21: Batman and Catwoman
Danny/Lindsay #21: She Owns His Love Handles

I missed the promo - again - but it sounds awesome. Looking forward to it!

Cheers shipmates xx
-peace love and bulletproof marshmallows

And remember...KEEP ON DL SHIPPIN'! :D
The guy that Rikki is holding the gun to is Ollie from Child's Play. Ollie was the guy who robbed the bodega. It's looking like Rikki is holding him responsible for Ruben's death. Danny is in between Rikki and Ollie trying to talk RIkki out of shooting Ollie. Danny's not the one she's after. Flack is standing behind Rikki with his gun to his side and of course, Ollie is just standing behind Danny not moving. There was also a short clip showing Flack telling Danny he needed to stop blaming himself. I'm assuming this is after the incident with Rikki and Ollie. From the promo and the spoilers, it appears Danny finds out Rikki is going after Ollie so he takes off for them. Flack gets into Danny's apartment and finds out what's going on and he goes after all of them and then has a little talk with Danny after the incident.

There's a transcript of the promo in the NY forums and for those who missed it, the transcript can be found here .
Howdy hey! *Mo trips into the thread, tossing out cowboy hats for no apparent reason, other than, well hey why not?! :lol: *

Dutch! *Mo drools over the gorgeous caps!* Wow honey bun, those caps are great! And yeah I WANT Danny in that white sweater, gah is he HOT! And Yay you found Linds' purple coat, gorgeous! And yeah I want it too! :D Mmmhmmm! :D And hon, I gotta say I think if D/L had met in this eppy...looking that fine, they might not have even made it to that broom closet! :devil: :lol:

Hey Stuffers hon, yay for more thread titles...those are good! ;) The love handles one was cute! :lol: Makes me think of a version of that as a possiblity...:
Danny/Lindsay #21: Love's Got a Handle on Them!
Danny/Lindsay #21: They've Got a Handle on Love!

Modie thanks for the promo/spoiler info! That clears a few things up...thanks! I can't wait for this eppy, it's gonna be good! :D

Alright I'm off...gonna go think of some more good thread title suggestions...y'all should do the same! ;)

*Mo grins, waves and gallops off to her fluffy bubble!* :D
Hola Shippy Amigos!

Its been madness here, but I finally got time to come catch up a bit. But first, I have to say that I am - again royally ticked off at my tv! Again, it didnt record the new episode! Grr now I have to watch it online, I really dont like doing that but based on those caps and how HOT Danny looks, Im looking foward to seeing it. :lol: Thanks for those caps btw!

Im sure Ill have a lot more to say once I actually see the new episode (and the new episode we had like 2 or 3 weeks ago, still havent seen that one!!) And Ill probably have some title suggestions, although I love the ones so far! :)
hello everyone :)

I stayed up till midnight yesterday to watch the epi and I really really liked it. Im a movie freak and I love it when there are references in shows or movies, though I probably missed like half of them

you are so right, they both looked stunning in that ep. I especially loved Lindsays scarf and Dannys dark outfit when they arrested the guy

why nobody mentioned Dannys butt? I mean there was a clear at lest 5 seconds long shot of itt when he was examing the bus and there is not a one word on it. or was it just me?

and Lindsay with the dog was just too cute. and the dog looked a lot like the one from MWILL, or maybe it was just my imagination and poor memory kicking in

I love the new thread titles, my favorite is Handling love!

and as for the bump, Im going all scientific on this one - i believe it when I see it
Stuffy said:
*giggles* Seems that both of them are good with animals
Yes, there was yet again an animal on the show and they somehow always seem to be linked to either Danny, Lindsay or both of them :lol:...I really think they should get a dog when (yes when ;)) they decide to live together...a cute little one like the one from this week's ep or the one Danny brought into the lab in NWILL...

1CSIMfan thanks for clearing up the confusion about the promo; this does make more sense :D
I'm really curious how this -on top of everything that has already happened to him- will affect Danny...I think Rikki's action will add to the guilt he already feels and that would put even more pressure on Lindsay's insecurity about being able to help him through this :(

Great thread suggestions ;) ;), and regarding new thread titles there's an update in the thread-title-thread

Scientist Carly asked:
why nobody mentioned Dannys butt?
Yeah, I did notice it :devil:...of course you're not the only one :), but I'm more of a chest/arms girl and when he later showed up in that white shirt that image got kinda burned onto my retina.... :devil:
1CSIMfan said:
When can we start discussing thread names? Is it this page or next? I can never remember. :p
You can start it now but everybody, please keep in mind that you still need to have at least three lines of on topic discussion in addition to the thread title discussion.


In regards to thread talk, I know I've updated the rules (I'd been putting it off for a few weeks) but since I already told you guys this (even though it's page 22), it's ok to go ahead and talk about them. ;)

Just keep the rest of the new rules in mind.

Thanks :)

ETA: Thanks dutch_treat for posting the link. :)
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