Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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look at this, my DL shippers! ;)
^^^ *giggle* how cute are they?? :D right between my other two ships.

the title of the new episode on wednesday makes me want to see a D/L Fairy Tale story (a different title than the real title!). :lol:

great close up picture of that passionate kiss, stuffy! :)

a very happy birthday to Vex!!

*ETA*: happy birthday to delia, catie's baby girl, and Cuzzie Pie :D :D and a very happy new year to all.
xxAnGeLheArtZ said:
look at this, my DL shippers! ;)
^^^ *giggle* how cute are they?? :D right between my other two ships.

the title of the new episode on wednesday makes me want to see a D/L Fairy Tale story. :lol:

great close up picture of that passionate kiss, stuffy! :)

a very happy birthday to Vex!!

Oh wow that's awesome, number 4 that's brilliant.

What is the next episode called by the way, I've up to Childsplay of S4 online as it's not started here in the UK yet. So as soon as the new episode is added online then I'll be able to watch it. I would love to see more scenes with them two getting it on :).
^ This week's ep (4x12 ;)) is called 'Happily Never After' and...
(as far as I can remember from the spoilers :rolleyes:)...Ice sculptures and references to The Wicked Witch of the East and some Fairy Tale characters

Let's hope that this 'Happily Never After', turns into a 'Happily Ever After' :D for D/L and that we do get some nice scenes of our lovely couple in the NY snow... :)

Mercy said:
LRC. Relevations yet sadness... but oh so DL. The awkwardness, the stuttering, the admissions. How I loved and hated this ep.
That's exactly how I feel about that ep too...finally we got to see them discuss their feelings and where they stood at that moment in time, and then we got left hanging wondering why Lindsay was suddenly acting so strange...loved it / hated it... :) :(

Mo said:
I want proof of that night of passion turning into the serious relationship we know it turned into!
Well at least WE all know it is something more now ;)...only question remaining is when TPTB are willing to make that clear to the rest of the world too... :p

*giggles* Carrie Bradshaw's prettier twin...txs Mo dear...I wish I had her shoe collection :mad: and curls though... :D

Catey said:
I hate to think that 414 will be the end of the season
That would be awful! But I'm kinda fearing it will be :(...let's just hope they've managed to make it a great season finale - preferably something like SD :devil:

Angel Txs for posting the results of that poll...wow 4th place is great (I don't even know the show that made it to the 1st place :eek:)...and I think it's great that they used a nice shippy pic of this season to show everyone that the chemistry's still there.... :D

I love all the beautiful pics and the fact that so many are delurking :D...welcome back! :)

And Vex Happy Birthday! :) Catey congrats with your daughter's birthday too! :)
*pokes Vex* Happy Birthday hun! and Happy Birthday to Cordy & Catey's daughter.* :D

If 4x14's the end of the season be prepared to see me freak out. Because I will freak out. My NY *cries*

What's this? Mo had a little touch of angst in her fic? Could it be? Is this real? hahahahaha.
I'm loving all the pictures, and the article thing on TV Guide is amazing. I'm so excited that our D/L finally got some recognition.

Does anyone know if we're getting any D/L for the upcoming episode on Wed? I'm a really big spoiler freak and with this strink I'll take anything I can get.

Kind of OT, but Lynn I absolutely love your avvie. I'm a huge E/O shipper and that just made me smile.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes!

And you guys were so nice, you wrapped up Danny and him to me! :)

BTW, I love that pick in "Commuted Sentences". It looks like they really had fun in that scene.
yeah, we're going to take Danny back now. *smirks* what? I had to give Mac back after my bday was over with.

Thank You Pet and where have you been? I haven't seen you in awhile :( -- I didn't know u were into EO. sweet! -- and the ep, I really dunno. I heard they didn't, and then I heard they would. So I'm really on the fence.
Hiya my shippy dears! *Mo skips into the thread, giggling and happy!* How is everyone this fine evening? Wow, lookie, lookie...so many of dears are in here tonight! Yay! :D *Mo grins and hands out freshly baked peanut butter cookies to everyone hanging out in here tonight!* Yummy! :D So D/L's having fun this evening...I just checked the broom closet...Aud, Stuffy, Dutch and I locked them in there a couple days ago to get them good and happy and satisfied :devil: before our new eppy on Wednesday, so that we will be sure to get a good fluffy moment on Wednesday! :D Anyway...yeah D/L's having a fun time in the closet...very fun time! :devil: ;)

Angel aww thanks for the tvguide link babes! Rock on for D/L being #4! That's fabulous....way to go for our lovely couple! :D

*giggles* Carrie Bradshaw's prettier twin...txs Mo dear...I wish I had her shoe collection and curls though...
Yeah you and me both, and Aud too hon...we all want her shoes! ;) You can have the curls though...those can be all yours! ;)

Yeah Dutch the PTB totally need to show the rest of the world the passion and reality of D/L's relationship that we know is there! We KNOW it's there dang it, now please PTB show it to us already!!

Lynny! *Mo tackles her angsty bud!* Yay you're in here! Hi! And yeah no worries, 4x14 won't be last eppy of NY...the writers and I had a long talk...and well, let's just say they are a bit scared of me now and more than willing to do whatever necessary (not the least of which is finishing the WHOLE season) to keep me, and us all, happy! ;) (What can I say, I'm persuasive when I need to be! ;) ) :lol:

Oh and yeah...there is touch of angst in my fic...you should read it, I think you'd be proud...I think I did my D/L good justice! :D

Smi!! Wow you posted again in like a 3 day period! This is fabulous! Heehee! Hi...I'd post you the spoilers I have, but they are for the eppy after this week's and plus I'm feeling too lazy to post a spoiler box...ohhh I know, go read my ficcie...it has the spoilers I know in it! {How was that for shamelessly plugging my fic?! :lol: Yeah I'm blushing now! :rolleyes: )

Lol, you mean I'm gonna take Danny back Lynny I don't think you can be trusted with him...besides you've already got Mac, Flack and Nicky and El when Liv isn't around to kick your butt for it...so Danny stays here with me babes...sorry! ;)

Aud get in here my Fluffy Twin wub, look Lynny's actually in here and so are lots of our other peeps...where is you hon?

Lol, and now that I've just made a big deal about all y'all hanging out in here...I gotta go! :lol: Yeah I'm trying this new thing to stay healthy and keep from getting sick...it's called...sleep! :D So I'm off to get some of that! ;)

Catch y'all later! Have a good night! :D

*Mo grins, waves and shimmers off in her fluffy bubble of love!* ;)
Hey guys! Happy belated birthday to Vex, Del, and Catey's daughter. It's my birthday today, so does that mean I get Danny for a day!? Pwease? :devil: :p

Thanks for posting the TVguide link, Angel. It's great that DL are 4th, they seem to be the only CSI couple there.

Can't wait for the next ep, I hope we get some DL, preferably fluffy DL.

Season 4 starts this Saturday in the UK. Can't wait!

PSG xxx
Happy Birthday, PSG! And ofcourse you can have Danny, he's an expert on birthday's... :devil:

Danny and Lindsay are indeed the only CSI-couple in Angels'TV-guide link. Well, that's great! :lol:

I'm still wondering what's gonna happen with Danny and Lindsay. I'm gonna go with the angsty's in here, 'cause makin' up would be SOOOO GOOD! ;)

I'm off, gonna read some ficcies! See you!
What's this now - another birthday? *Stuffy rolls into the thread, carrying a giant birthday cake screened with a picture of our beloved couple, as well as ice cream and homemade cookies* Happy birthday PSG!! I hope you are having a fantastic day with our cowbow ;) he can make anyone's birthday extra special :devil:

Thanks for the link Angel wubs! *huggles* It's nice to see DL getting recognition :D of course, they're #1 in our hearts. Isn't that right Mo darlin'? *snuggles her fluffy Auntie*

A birthday just wouldn't be complete without a gift, now would it?


Everyone ready? 1...2...3...

*vexus pouts after having to relinquish Danny**

I love how d/l topped the TV Guide piece. It shows that the writers have a good thing going on with this couple! :)
Lynny! *Mo tackles her angsty bud!* Yay you're in here! Hi! And yeah no worries, 4x14 won't be last eppy of NY...the writers and I had a long talk...and well, let's just say they are a bit scared of me now and more than willing to do whatever necessary (not the least of which is finishing the WHOLE season) to keep me, and us all, happy! (What can I say, I'm persuasive when I need to be! )

Your such a fluffy, I swear. but I hope your right about me not losing my show after ep 14. You know that if I do lose my show, I will be torturing you. with everything I can think of. You know that right? :D

oh and yeah...there is touch of angst in my fic...you should read it, I think you'd be proud...I think I did my D/L good justice!

You know, I am shocked to hear you had angst. so of course I love angst and am proud of you for having that. so yeah, the fic was awesome :D

It's my birthday today, so does that mean I get Danny for a day!? Pwease?

*trips Soph* is not!

I'm still wondering what's gonna happen with Danny and Lindsay. I'm gonna go with the angsty's in here, 'cause makin' up would be SOOOO GOOD!

*kidnaps JenP and takes her over to where Dutch and I are* we think you should join us. *nods*

aww poor Vexy had to give Danny up. Don't feel so bad, Mo only lets me play with him on my bdays or when I'm a good girl.

Lol, you mean I'm gonna take Danny back Lynny I don't think you can be trusted with him...besides you've already got Mac, Flack and Nicky and El when Liv isn't around to kick your butt for it...so Danny stays here with me babes...sorry

See, I'm not trusted with Danny lol. yeah 4 hotties and 3 hottie chicks that wanna beat my ass. *huggles Flackie* thats my boy, never betrays me. :D
Wow lots of B'days in here lately! Cool! *Mo giggles her way into the thread, carrying a big bucket of ice cream to either feed to everyone or dump on her shipper buddies depending on how the mood strikes!* Oh and Soph honey, Happy Birthday!! And yeah I think Linds will let you have some Danny-time for your b'day! She and I, we're understanding that way! ;) Heehee! :lol: Sorry Vexxy, you had your b'day turn! ;) We do have to give him some rest though, cuz he's gotta be in top form for tomorrow evening and the shippy fluffy scene I am CONFIDENT we are going to get tomorrow night! We have to have a good shippy scene...that's all there is to it, we HAVE to!! :D

Shippy bud JenP who needs to stay fluffy ;) winked:
I'm still wondering what's gonna happen with Danny and Lindsay. I'm gonna go with the angsty's in here, 'cause makin' up would be SOOOO GOOD!
Hey you get back here! :lol: Although I do have to concede that point, if we get hot making up...I could live with a little, LITTLE angst in order to make the making up hot! :devil: But not too much angst and not for too long...cuz I just love my fluff too much! :D

My Optimistically faithfully Fluffy Stuffy wuffy grinned:
It's nice to see DL getting recognition of course, they're #1 in our hearts. Isn't that right Mo darlin'? *snuggles her fluffy Auntie*
Yeah they should have been #1 on the list for sure hon, but even so you're right, it's awesome to see our D/L getting this kind of recognition! I love it! :D But then again I think NY should become the Danny and Lindsay Show, so I'm a bit biased that way! :lol:

My angsty who has popped over to play with us fluffies Lynny grinned:
Your such a fluffy, I swear. but I hope your right about me not losing my show after ep 14. You know that if I do lose my show, I will be torturing you. with everything I can think of. You know that right?
Uh yeah, Why do you think I ranked on the writers so hard? I mean other than the fact that if they don't get their butts in gear our season will be done :rolleyes: Duh, of course ;) ...but that compared to you torturing me :eek: ...easy choice! ;) And yeah of course I'm a fluffy...just like you! :D

You know, I am shocked to hear you had angst. so of course I love angst and am proud of you for having that. so yeah, the fic was awesome
Yup that's about as angsty as I get...I was actually pretty proud of that! So...you read it and loved it? Awwww yay! Thanks hon! :D I'm glad! :D

See, I'm not trusted with Danny lol. yeah 4 hotties and 3 hottie chicks that wanna beat my ass. *huggles Flackie* thats my boy, never betrays me.
Uh....yeah....see...I get Danny, you get Flackie and all the chickies come after you for stealing their other men...I'd say you should work out a system like Linds and I have, but I kinda think Stella, Cath and Liv aren't quite as understanding! Sorry babes! ;) Linds is quite swell that way! :D

Okay so...new eppy tomorrow! Just a little excited about that, in case y'all can't tell! :lol: Heehee! I've got a good feeling about this one, especially since I found out the "spoiler" info I had was not for tomorrow night, but is instead for the following week...so knowing nothing about tomorrow's eppy, I've just got this good feeling and the last time I had that feeling was before "Commuted Sentences" and not that I caused that...but hey, if the good feeling works...why question it?! :D Yay for a new eppy, yay yay yay! And I really really want a good D/L scene!

Til tomorrow then... ;)

*Mo grins and in a moment of giddiness dumps the bucket of ice cream on as many of her shippy buddies as she can reach and runs off to her shippy bubble, shimmering away in a cloud of pink fog!*

Pstttt...Aud my fluffy wub, where is you hon?

Oh and y'all we should start coming up with new thread title suggestions/options here pretty soon!! :D
Happy Hump/New Epi Day

it feels so good to say it again. Im really curious what will happen but I guess I will find out Friday. I dont have any hopes at all I ll just go with the flow

Necrophilia Americana was on here yesterday and though they only had one scene in it, it was so cute


so enjoy the day, enjoy the epi and see you all Friday

PS: and a Happy Birthday to everyone I forgot yesterday
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