Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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good morning :)

I love those pics you are posting. what sweet memories they bring

and I agree with you, everything Danny did in SD was absolutly adorable, I love the scene with the daisy, she was genuinely happy

and lets not forget SooH

Btw, carolina I absolutely love your avvie. It's so cute!

thanks, I wish I could take credit for it but I failed at installing Adobe Photoshop. luckily there is enough talented people around here willing to help

Morning my shippy buddies! *Mo blows into the thread pushed by the huge gusts of wind swirling around outside her apartment at a million miles an hour!* I know I haven't been around quite as much as normal since the new year...but here I am now! So HI!! :D :D So now we've got 4 days until our new eppy and I am getting really excited, I think there's a good bit of denial going on within that excitement cuz I think we're in for a good bit of angst, but still I'm excited...cuz at least our chances of getting some kind of D/L is higher no matter what! So yay for a new eppy, yay yay yay!! :D

Carrie Bradshaw's prettier twin Dutch demanded:
Yeah we do baby! Really that is what I want more than anything...proof so that if and when anything bad happens we have that definite proof to fall back on! Not that Snow Day wasn't proof, because it definitely was...but I want proof of that night of passion turning into the serious relationship we know it turned into! Come on PTB, give us our proof already dang it!

Carly love those pics hon! Awww yay, they make me smile! I love remembering our D/L moments, there are so many of them, wonderful and sweet and flirty and fun and just....awwww! Heehee! :lol:

Finally back to fluffy D/L Del dear popped back in:
I'm back and more DL-loving than ever.
Del! Hey hon, there you are I wondered when you were finally gonna pop back in here! I'm so glad you're back to loving D/L, that makes me very happy! They are quite worth loving ;) in my opinion, glad you're back hon! :D

Dutch babes, Yay for your pics, that nose poking pic and just that moment in general is one of my favs! I LOVE it! He was so adorable waking her up that way...and her little stretch and smile when she did wake up...gah they are the freakin' cutest couple ever! I love my D/L! :D

but that daisy really did it for me...
Awwww honey I'm so with you on that one, the daisy is my favorite flower and that combined with the fact that Danny took the time to find a daisy in the city just for his girl was so so sweet to me! I loved it! :D

Fluffy Stuffy wuffy grinned optimistically:
I'm going to wait and see what happens. No sense panicking when we don't even know what is going to occur. Not concerned one bit, but I'm just going to wait. Sounding like a broken record here, but TPTB are not going to spend two years working on DL just to throw it away now.
Hon your optimism and fluffy outlook totally makes me smile, you rock! And I totally agree...the PTB like drama and I don't doubt they are going to stir up the waters around our ship with some angst and that "bump" we've been anxiously attempting to avoid...but at the same time, like you said I too am confident that they did not build up our ship for two long years only to leave us high and dry! We're golden...we may have another bit of a storm ahead of us, but turmoil binds people together and I have every confidence in the world that whatever is ahead for our ship they will face it together and come through stronger and closer and more in love than ever! I know it...cuz they are in love and they are freakin' CANON dang it! :D :D

SMI!!!! You're back, hi hon!! :D You should so de-lurk more often hon...I love having you pop in here! I missed ya! ;)

Awww Mer-bear hey honey bun, I love those pics...all the pics all y'all have posted are so sweet and yeah they really don't have any concept of personal space! They're always so close to eachother...and yeah Mer-bear, LRC was so angsty and yet so sweet and just totally D/L that you can't help but love it! I am a fluffy to the core, but yet those angsty moments...LRC, RSRD the passion and love they both show eachother never fails to stir me! :D

Okay my dears...I'm off to run some errands and do some laundry...anxiously awaiting Wednesday and our new eppy, every optimistic fluffy hope resting on getting some good D/L! :D

Pssstttt...Aud my fluffy wub, where are you? Are you okay?!

*Mo slips off to her fluffy bubble, shimmering quietly away in a cloud of pink fog!*
Seeing the pics makes my day worth while! I am ready for the next episode that I could actually scream!

Of course, I'm not the only one thinking this too! :)

*Vexus shakes the can of pink fog and realizes it's empty. begs for some more pink fog.**/i]
*Vexus shakes the can of pink fog and realizes it's empty. begs for some more pink fog.**

M'dear, the fluffy pink fog can is never empty! Besides, Liffy (who has once again gone M.I.A.) and I always carry an extra supply. So, without further ado...*aims the machine at her buddy vex, turns it to full-blast, and sprays her with teh fog, instantly dosing her from head to toe* There we go :D

How is everyone today? Guess what? CANADA WON!!!!! _X_ *dances*. Oh, and we're canon :p but that was a given ;)

Hon your optimism and fluffy outlook totally makes me smile, you rock! And I totally agree...the PTB like drama and I don't doubt they are going to stir up the waters around our ship with some angst and that "bump" we've been anxiously attempting to avoid...but at the same time, like you said I too am confident that they did not build up our ship for two long years only to leave us high and dry! We're golden...we may have another bit of a storm ahead of us, but turmoil binds people together and I have every confidence in the world that whatever is ahead for our ship they will face it together and come through stronger and closer and more in love than ever! I know it...cuz they are in love and they are freakin' CANON dang it!

I just don't see the point in getting all worried or concerned over something that hasn't even happened yet. All we can do is wait and see how it plays out. If we do get what was specified in the spoilers, it doesn't instantly mean DL is finished. This isn't me convincing myself that everything will be alright - it's my belief.

I'm psyched for the next episode as well vex :) even though I know a bit about the cases. Hey, it worked for 'Commuted Sentences'; I had no idea what was going to happen and we got a fantastic DL scene. Now all I have to do is figure out how to tape the episode with our new controller :lol:

Alright my lovelies, I have a game to prepare for! You all have a great rest of the day now, and I'll be thinking of you in my game :D (well, that and kickin' some butt)

Keep on DL shippin' :) peace, love, and bulletproof marshmallows
I'm just relieved it's a new episode this week, regardless if we get any D/L or not. I hope we do, but I'm just glad we get a new episode. This writer's strike, I don't know if there is an end in sight or not. I hear there are details on the guild making side deals allowing some studios to start work again. I hate to think that 414 will be the end of the season.

Okay, I got my little rant out of the way, now I'll make my little contribution to the pics going on in here. From SOOH, my favorite is when she has her head on his shoulder. Just lovely, I absolutely love when she does that. They had a friendship that she could just relax on him when the ordeal was over with.

CateyI've always loved that picture. It speaks on so many levels. They look so comfortable and are completly at peace.

I am glad the writers wrote Danny to go to Montana. :)
Vex, I prefer SOOH over Snow Day to tell you the truth. Yes, I know, Snow Day is wonderful, but I still love that Danny went to Montana to support her, as a friend. I'm glad they proceeded and became something more. I just hope they continue what they began with.

Oh, and by the way, Happy Birthday, Vex!~ You have the same birthday as my daughter!
catey1234 said:

Oh, and by the way, Happy Birthday, Vex!~ You have the same birthday as my daughter!

I didn't know that! I feel special! :)

I love Snow Day also. I realized at that point that I would never look at a pool table the same again!
;) :devil:
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Vexxy, Happy Birthday to you!" *Mo bounces in, carrying a huge birthday cake and grinning happily!* Hiya buddies! How is everyone this fine night? I spent the whole day thinking about our lovely new eppy on Wednesday and fluffy or angsty I am excited about it! :lol: Like you said Catey at least we get a new eppy, which means a plethora of possiblities for good D/L moments! :D Yay! I'm feeling good right now....must be all that pink fog I inhaled this weekend! ;) Heehee! Speaking of...*Mo grabs the hose and sprays the whole thread with a huge dose of the pink stuff just for good measure!*

Love the SOoH pic Catey and I agree I am so glad the writers had Danny go to Montana for his Montana! That was such an amazingly loving supportive thing he did! It still blows me away each and every time I watch that scene where he walks into the courtroom, I know it's coming and still my heart skips a beat each time! True love right there, that's what that was! *Sigh, swoon...!*

I really really really hope we get a good D/L moment this week...we deserve one dang it! "Bump" be hanged, I want my D/L fluff! I think I'm in complete denial about the "bump" by the way...don't want it to happen and by me not recognizing it, it does not exist! Sound good? Yeah I thought so! :lol: Aud fluffy twin, you're with me on this right?! ;)

Oh and my muse finally got around to posing an idea for my response to "Child's Play". Took me long enough I know, and I wrote it all this afternoon in like an hour or two...so I hope you like it! It does contain SPOILERS for this week's eppy (4x13) so be warned about that...but yeah, let me know what you think! :D

My comp is being funny and won't let me post the nice URL link...but still here ya go!

*Mo blushes cutely and shimmers off in her fluffy bubble surrounded by lots of pink fog!* :D
so I hope you like it! It does contain SPOILERS for this week's eppy (4x13) so be warned about that...but yeah, let me know what you think!
FYI: Episode 12 - Happily Never After is airing this week. Episode 13 - All in the Family won't be airing until January 23rd. ;)
first things firts

Happy Birthday, Vex

the only thing Im affraid of regarding the drama and the "bump" is that we only get to see the first angsty part and the fluffy solution will get lost courtesy of the strike. that would make me really angry

but we must think possitive thoughts. I may need a dose of pink fog myself

but at least we have a new epi in 2 days, yay
Hello! Remember me? I just came back from an unexpected week away with my family, so I'm trying to catch up with you guys!

I wish everyone all the best for the new year!

Happy birthday, Vex!

So, I understand we finally get a new ep this week. It's about time. I hope there's some D/L in there, 'cause I missed that a lot lately.

But we'll just see...I'll pop in soon to talk some more, but I need to do a lot of cleaning up right now. Bye!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY vex, Del, and my Evil Twin Liffy!!!! I hope you three have a fantastic day, and a belated happy birthday to your daughter catey :D

catey my darling, I think we share the same brain! You posted one of my favourite DL pictures. That episode was love...pure love...if Danny flying to Montana doesn't show how much he loves his girl, I don't know what does.

:lol: Mo - "bump be hanged." Remember what I said, matey ;) stay fluffy now. You don't want me to spray you with the pink fog, do you? Yes? OKAY! *aims the machine at her buddy and doses her with the special stuff*

A birthday gift to the b-day people, as well as a gift for all of you...

That would be the best birthday present ever, I would so love it if they got married in show, may not ever happen, but we can always live in hope. Seriously though these two are soul mate, they were meant for each other, and I'm so glad that Lindsay came into show, not that I didn't like Aiden cause I did and still do, and I was sad when she died but Lindsay and Danny ROCK.
Happy Monday morning! Oh wait...*Mo slips into the thread still wrapped in her blanket and not quite awake yet, despite the huge cup of coffee in her hand!*
Yeah gotta love Mondays! :p Although it does mean that Wednesday is that much closer and that means our new eppy is now only 2 days away and that is always good! :D So maybe Monday's aren't quite SO bad! ;)
Anyway just wanted to pop in real quick and say Hi! So Hi! :lol:

Modie thanks for the update on the eppy number, not sure how I got it confused in my head but you're not the first to correct me! ;) Lol! Not that it's bad, cuz now we get 3 more eppys instead of the two I thought we got! So yay for that! More chances for good D/L!

Although I should say to those who are SF and want to read my ficcie...apparently you will be spoiled by it unless you wait until the 26th now! So be warned! ;)

And Stuffy no worries I'm not hung up on the "bump"! I do love the pink fog spray...(I've got an IV of it in my arm, but the spray's always good too :lol: ) but I was just saying I have decided to ignore the "bump" and pretend it doesn't exist! But you're right either way, "bump" or not, D/L will not only survive, they will thrive! Cuz they are CANON dang it and they are in love and that is just....that! :D

Okay time to get ready for the day...have a swell Monday my dears, and I'll catch ya later! ;)

*Mo scoots off to her fluffy bubble and shimmers off in a mist of pink fog!* :D
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