Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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HEY!! Not everybody gets a Christmas vacation! :(

As much as I liked last night's ep, I was still sad that they took away the new eppy. I can't help but fret that there are only three more episodes left, and if the strike isn't resolved asap, that could be the entire season! Last year I loved the build-up to the finale, and the promo for Snow Day has got to be the best commercial I have ever seen in my life! :lol: Danny and Lindsay's pool game and interactions were definitely icing on the cake of that all around great eppy. And on that note, allow me to post a sizzling picture from that eppy for today's advent pic!

Advent Picture for December 20, 2007
^ Aaw Mer...sorry! :( But this is the first time in years that I'm free around the holidays :)...Great to see you in here again btw :D and that pic (like your avvie) is HAWT indeed... :devil:*fans herself*

carolling Mo said:
there's still a little bit of a smart-ass in him somewhere and I think teasing Linds is what brings it out! I think secretly though, she loves it!
Yeah, and she can be just as smart-ass as he is too...to compensate the lack of a new ep I watched "Commuted Sentenced" again and they are so well-matched :)...I love these little banters:

Danny: "What you, uh, shoot pebbles at squirrels back in Montana?"
Lindsay: "No, I used to shoot boys. Now stand back and try to keep up."

Danny: "I can't believe you aren't going to let me shoot."
Lindsay: "We'd be here all day."

Go Lindsay! I think that those replies count as verbal whacking... :D

What do you think Danny & Lindsay's favorite Christmas carols are?

That's a hard question...

Lindsay: 'Jingle bells'
Danny: 'Rudolph the red nosed reindeer'

"Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horsed open sleigh"
Moriel21 said:

Oh here's a question I don't think we've asked...:
What do you think Danny & Lindsay's favorite Christmas carols are? :D (Christmas songs stuck in my head...had to ask! :D )

Now why do I picture Danny's favorite carol to be The Chipmunk Song?

I see Lindsay's as Joy to the World.
vexus said:
Now why do I picture Danny's favorite carol to be The Chipmunk Song?

I see Lindsay's as Joy to the World.
:lol: I kind of see that as his favorite too. But he keeps it a secret, like he goes home, sits by the stereo, and plays the song. Of course he sings along! He has memorized everyline and fantasizes about being a chipmunk(okay maybe that went a little too far). I love talking about their secrets, what other secrets do you think they have?
"I was walking home on Christmas Eve, the whole neighborhood was fast asleep, the snow was falling, coming down hard, the place looked like a picture postcard..."
Good morning!! Happy Friday!! *Mo giggles and dances for joy!* I am SOOOO glad today is finally here, not to rub it in but I am so ready for a bit of a holiday break...I have so much left to do still :eek: :lol: Oh and anyone who can tell me the song I just "sang" at the top here gets a big Christmas cookie from me! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Mercy. Mercy! :devil: That advent pic you posted for yesterday was AMAZING! I love that whole scene but that particular moment...naughty deliciousness right there...they are pressed so tight together, it's fabulous! :D

Lynny my honey...I reviewed your fic on ff.net already but I had to pop in and tell you how proud I am that you posted it... ;) It was amazingly fluffy coming from you and I loved it! :D (Pssttt...Fluffy! :D *Hugs!* :lol: )

Dutch yeah I think they both love teasing eachother and being smart-asses toward the other...but then again that is a good part of their relationship that we enjoy too :D they can tease and heckle eachother and then turn around and be supportive and loving, which to me is the sign of a full and healthy relationship, so I'm all for it! Plus it's fun :D Heehee! Yeah "CS" was a fun one...Linds had some fun lines in there and that scene on the steps still makes me grin! :D

Alright last day of work before Christmas...WOHOO! But I still gotta actually go :p Have a fabulous Friday all y'all and I will see you in here soon! Until then...*Mo hands out giant frosted Christmas cookies!*

Later my peeps...*Mo skips back to her bubble, humming happily to herself as she shimmers away in her fluffy pink fog filled bubble!* :D
Oh and anyone who can tell me the song I just "sang" at the top here gets a big Christmas cookie from me!

Trisha Yearwood - Santa on the Roof Top (or Santa Claus Is Back In Town)

Did I get it right? :p

Ahoy and aloha to you all, shipmates! How are we on this fine Friday? Only four more days until Christmas! I know what I want...(oh, and Mer? Just so you know, your picture is freakin' HAWT!!!!)

Advent Picture for Friday, December 21st, 2007 (I hope no one minds me doing this; I saw that there wasn't a picture posted for today)


DANNY: (whispering) Broom closet in ten.

Naughty Stuffy. Very naughty :devil: I loved this scene. Actually the whole episode was love. What makes me chuckle is that that room is big, yet Danny inches as long as he can to her when he's moving to the other side *giggles*

See, that's one of many things I love about DL, Mo and dutch :) they are comfortable with teasing one another, but when the time calls for it, they are also very supportive and always there for the other. Commuted Sentences was a prime example of their bantering that got our hearts squeeing in season two.

Mer, your avvie is distracting me.
*dances in - no more work until January 2nd* :)

Lynny promised:
be ready for an angst fic to follow
I'm ready! :p

Sarah asked:
what other secrets do you think they have?
I love to think that they both -ever since they've been together- have a little harmless secret that they are just not willing to share with the other (yet) ;)....Lindsay keeps checking out people's tattoos because she would like one herself and Danny is listening to and enjoying country music more and more.... :lol:

Mo said:
they can tease and heckle eachother and then turn around and be supportive and loving
Yes that's the wonderful thing...they know exactly when the other is in need of a good banter or a big hug...they can really laugh and cry together... :cool:

Stuffy that pic is great...I love those colours and like you said, the fact the he actually forces her to move uncomfortably close against that table-thingy (?) just to let him pass by...And it always makes me wonder whether she is holding on to that edge so tightly to steady herself...or...to keep herself from jumping him... :devil:
"Deck the halls with bows of holly, 'tis the season to be jolly and be thankful for all we have! All the lights and decorations, put up in anticipation..." Hello my dears and happy Friday...and yay for only 3 days until Christmas!! :D :D

Fluffy Stuffy wuffy asked:
Trisha Yearwood - Santa on the Roof Top (or Santa Claus Is Back In Town)
Did I get it right?
Yup you most certainly did! *Mo hands her buddy a big warm gooey frosting covered holiday cookie!* There ya go honey! :D It's my favorite song off of Rosie O'Donnel's Christmas album...it makes me grin! I could see Linds liking it too for some reason :D

See, that's one of many things I love about DL, Mo and dutch they are comfortable with teasing one another, but when the time calls for it, they are also very supportive and always there for the other.
Yeah I know it really shows they have a well-rounded relationship ya know! They can tease eachother and laugh, but be there for eachother when they need it...I love it too! It's a full dimensional love that never fails to make me grin and swoon! :D

Shipper dear singing "Freebird" in Holland Dutch grinned:
*dances in - no more work until January 2nd*
*Mo grins, dancing and singing along!* Me too, me too...YAY! I love vacations! :D Hey speaking of...I know we've talked about this before...but where do you see D/L going on a vacation to...or let's put it this way...Where do you think D/L would go on a Christmas vacation? :D

Okay time to work on more Christmas presents! :D Off I go...*Mo grins and shimmers happily off!* :D
Hey Everyone!
Where do you think D/L would go on a Christmas vacation?
I think they would go to visit Lindsay's family in Montana. That would be so cute and would lead to all the other stuff we talked about already :lol:

Or they would go to somewhere exotic and warm..Oh! Maybe they will come see me in Hawaii. Ill post pics for you guys ;)

:lol: Happy Holidays!
Hmm, it's quieting down here over the weekend again...I guess almost everyone is busy getting ready for Christmas... :D

I already finished shopping and decorating and wrapping, so I have actually time to finish a silly D/L Christmas story I started writing a while ago :D...will be up in the next couple of days... :)

Mo asked:
Where do you think D/L would go on a Christmas vacation?
We've seen Lindsay looking at pictures once in which she was in a ski outfit. I think it would be funny and romantic if they went on a Christmas trip to a ski resort -fireplace included- :devil: where (to get his mind off of things :() Lindsay can teach Danny how to ski...lots of fun -and more- :devil: in the snow guaranteed... :)

pssst...Advent Pic anyone?
"Yeah I'm sending you a merry New York Christmas, and a prayer for peace on earth within our time, Hear the sidewalk angels echo Hallelujah, We understand more, now more than ever, Merry New York Christmas!"

Afternoon mateys!

it's quieting down here over the weekend again

Yeah I've noticed that as well dutch. With Christmas just around the corner and NY repeats until January, I'm not surprised ;)

Where do you think D/L would go on a Christmas vacation?

I think a ski resort would be great dutch matey :) I can see them learning to ski (or snowboard) on the hill. Or Lindsay trying to teach Danny...which would be a funny scene, 'cause I think he wouldn't know what to do and always tumble over. Maybe bring Lindsay with him ;) and a fireplace is a great idea. They can snuggle up on the couch and watch Christmas movies. Reminds me of when I went to a ski resort...falling every five seconds off my board, a warm crackling fire...good times :D

pssst...Advent Pic anyone?

Why didn't you post one? :p

Advent Picture for Saturday, December 22nd, 2007 - only three more days!!



*Mo hands her buddy a big warm gooey frosting covered holiday cookie!*

*splits the cookie and hands a piece to everyone whilst admiring the above pictures* Ooooooo.....ahhhhhh.....

**I hope no one minds that I posted advent pictures two days in a row.**
***Bella skips into the thread because she finally has time to go online for the first time in days***

Hi everyone! It's good to be back ;) I am glad that the advent calendar is still going strong (Stuffy - you post as many pictures as you like!!) and the festive questions have made great reading. I have missed way too many to try and catch up on all of them them though

And a belated but festive welcome to the newbies!

And for any Brits, Season 4 starts here in the UK in a few weeks :D :D :D I am so looking forward to seeing the new series.

what will i miss csi ny for two weeks,i will mis it so mutch no d/l no flirting,no danny's great body on my big tv.
that means no smile on my face.
but for anyone else im jalours at you all who can watch csi ny.
^ Hey welcome in here :D…And don’t be jealous; CBS is not broadcasting any new eps in December either… ;)

Stuffy said:
he wouldn't know what to do and always tumble over. Maybe bring Lindsay with him
LOL :lol: yeah that would be really funny…it is Danny Messer we’re talking about though, so perhaps the first time(s) will be an accident, but I’m certain that pretty soon he’d be taking advantage of this situation :rolleyes:…couldn’t leave an opportunity to roll around in the snow with Miss Monroe alone, now could he? :devil:

Why didn't you post one?

Right, :eek: sorry Advent pic for Sunday, December 23


She just looks so cheeky in that pic :)

Oh and I’ve brought a gift for all of you, lurkers and posters :D; probably the strangest title ever, but I couldn’t help myself… :lol:

Fluffy and Angsty: The tale of a flungsty Christmas

I’m off ice skating…later :)
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