Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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oh goodness margin there are so many good fluffy D/L eps:
- Snow Day (season 3)
- Sleight Out of Hand(season 3)
- Not What It Looks Like (season 3)
- Cool Hunting(season 2. not a big huge moment but a cute one, it's where my name comes from :) )
- Zoo York (Season 2. the ep where Lindsay first comes in and meets Danny, adorable teasing)
- Love Run Cold (season 3)
- A Daze of Wine and Roaches (season 3)

i'm sure everyone can name some more but those are my faves and i'm terrible with certain ep titles.

love the pics everyone is posting. you guys are the best *hugs to all*

i'm sure this has been posted here before but i'll ask b/c i'm curious: what do you guys feel is the best D/L scene so far in the series?

my fave D/L moment is probably "Not What It Looks Like." all the emotions and feelings D/L had for each other just totally came out. Danny was concerned for Lindsay when she volunteered to go undercover and then when the flash bomb went off he was the first one going for her. and nevermind anyone else he just wanted his Montana!! the hug was awesome to see i still freak out like a nerd whenever i watch NWILL. i see the ep as a big step in the ship. it showed that there is something there b/t D/L and that they both have some kind of feelings in them for the other. i also love how the writers did that scene and then in LRC just have Lindsay she can't be with Danny at that period time.... so frustrating!!!

Dear PTB,
if you cannot give into writers from other shows PLEASE give into the the writers from the CSI shows especially CSI:NY. i cannot go a week without my D/L fluff and i might possibly die of withdrawl of my ship. I KNOW you would not like that so please give the writers what they need so we can have our show and shipperness back!!
- thank you love, MakeTracksCowboy
Ahoy there margin! Welcome aboard :) I got your PM and sent you two back, because I replied back before seeing your post in here :p yup, that's me. Silly Stuffy :lol:

Anyhoo - glad to see you in here matey *throws celebration confetti for new shipmate*

they have more chemistry than a room full of Bunsen burners.

Couldn't have said it better myself, matey :D

*fans self* Phew! 'Tis hot in here mates! Steamy picture dutch :D

but we could sure use some more angst-fans....

*slowly raises hand* I like angst. Actually, realistic angst. Not crappy, fake angst. Angst that actually makes sense.

i'm sure this has been posted here before but i'll ask b/c i'm curious: what do you guys feel is the best D/L scene so far in the series?

While my favourite scene is the skylines vs. wheatfields exchange from SH, to me the best scene is a tie between NWILL and SOOH, because in both those situations Lindsay allowed herself to get close to Danny, something that we all know was very difficult for her. But I loved how she reached out to him without any hesitation.

And don't ye fret MTC - I still freak out at teh hug :p
Oh, thank you! Looks like I'm going to have to go through the whole third season, aren't I? Especially with all the stuff you guys put in your posts. They're extremely distracting and rather alluring as well.
i dare someone not to freak still when they watch the hug. i can still remember watching that ep on tv and just rolling around my floor in a state of pure bliss :)

DLship i love the wheatfields vs. skylines exchange as well. it always makes me laugh how Danny says "what it's just wheat." thinks he's such a tough guy lol.

by the way i nominate you for the most distracting signature... i drool every time i look at it, they're soo hot!!
*dances into thread*
Hey everyone! I'm v.v. happy, because tonight was the CSI:Miami finale, which means the new seasons of CSI and CSI:NY (aka CSI:D/L) will be starting v.v.soon!!! There was even an add!! (I live in the UK btw.) Also, the CSI:NY S3 re-run is very near the end of the season, so v. soon is SNOW DAY (Take 2!!) *Rachel is grinning with ecstatic happyness!!*
Anyway, even though I have been following Sugah's "The Story of Danny and Lindsay" on YouTube, I am vey,very excited!!
This is not just a rambling post of excitedness, I am actually going to offer some thoughts...
First up, on the D/L bits I have seen from Ep 4.10, "The Thing about Heros"... did the D/L 3am phonecall conversation remind anyone else of the infamous S2 phone sex discussion? Or was that just me?! :) I'm also v. intrigued into the 333/Mac storyline... + Action-Man Messer= really hott!

I agree, there hasn't been enough D/L interaction for my liking so far, but, we had S3- the Hug and Snow Day, and then the condom spray (quite a clear message, methinks! ;)
Also, in the little bits when they have been together they are so comfotable and in-sync with one another that a deep connection is obvious. There is no awkwardness or tension between them, in S2 and S3 there was banter, which built into friendship and morphed into unresolved sexual tension. Even in the fluffy and squee worthy moments, there to me seemed to always be a teensy bit of non-angsty tension. It was where they're connection was at at the time. And now, post SD, they're so comfortable that it confirms the relationship without too much PDA (awesome as that would be!!) If SD had been a one off, I think they would be quite akward.
I love the bits from 4.07 btw. All of the teensy shippy moments so far have been quite endearing really *squee* A loved it when I heard Danny call Lindsay 'honey' sotto voice in "Boo" :)
And on Child's Play, I think that Danny just needed a couple of moments too himself to come to terms with it. He's a v. emotional guy and it was an automatic, knee-jerk reaction, and he wanted to wrap his head around the whole sitution (not to mention deal with the initial shock), kinda similar in a reversal way to "Love Run Cold" in the whole needing space- thing. And he was already walking off to be by himself before Linds came in.
I personally feel that it says a lot about the strength of their relationship that Lindsay let him have the space, knowing that that was what he needed. She didn't run and cling onto him. No matter how much you love and trust the other person, sometimes you do just need to be on your own for a few moments. It's human nature.
(shippy mind insert-...I would though have liked a scene later on on the bench in the locker room, with Danny talking to Lindsay after clearing his head a little.)

Lindsay's admission to Mac was touching. Dealing with this kind of situation is new to them, not only in they're relationship, but in the whole span of they're friendship. Lindsay loves him and wants to help in the best way possible, so she goes to Mac, who has known Danny longer and been there in Danny's more emotional times.

Anyway, I'm going to leave it here, I hope I havn't been too rambly and my humble opinions have made a litle sense. I blame the fact that for some reason, i'm writing about D/L at Midnight.
Oh, and Mac totally Knows. The Look said it all.

*dances off to bed*
by the way i nominate you for the most distracting signature... i drool every time i look at it, they're soo hot!!

*evil grin* I loves my banner. It's so purty...and addicting...and drool-worthy...and hawt...

And it isn't going anywhere! :D

i can still remember watching that ep on tv and just rolling around my floor in a state of pure bliss

I was on Reading Week when the episode aired, so I had the rest of the week to squee over it. I can still remember watching it *dances*...ahhhhh, what a lurvely ending! Made my shipper heart beat with pride.

ETA: margin, my banner is from the season three finale "Snow Day." I just sent you a PM regarding this ;)
Which episode is that from? It's killing me. I missed all of Season Three but my local network has been interspersing Season Three eps with Season Four ones but that one hasn't been one of them. Sucks!
Danny seems to be really in the self-blaming mood, and after watching the episode 12 times (no kidding) I can't see how he was at fault.
Danny seems to be working under the Christ complex in reverse. He wants to save people and make things better for them, but he's too late. He couldn't save Louie from his near-death beating; couldn't save Aiden from being murdered; couldn't save himself from the DNA-murder situation in RSRD; and couldn't save Ruben.

(shippy mind insert-...I would though have liked a scene later on on the bench in the locker room, with Danny talking to Lindsay after clearing his head a little.)
I've got to disagree. As a DL shipper to the nth degree, there did not need to be a DL scene in CP. Carmine carried the ep. We may find out later that off-camera DL action occurred, since their relationship has undoubtedly advanced off-screen. However, TPTB played their cards correctly in having Danny walk away from the situation, not Lindsay.

Hey everyone! I'm v.v. happy, because tonight was the CSI:Miami finale, which means the new seasons of CSI and CSI:NY (aka CSI:D/L) will be starting v.v.soon!!!
Methinks you've been inhaling that drugged-up pink fog they've got floating around here. ;) CSI:NY has, and always will be, NY. DL, Mac/Peyton, Stella/Frankie, and Stella/psycho are secondary to the cases, forensics and arrests.

As for the DL and nieces/nephews question:
If Danny doesn't have nieces or nephews, I can see him having a lot of younger cousins since he comes from an Italian family. He seemed to be great with kids, and I imagine he'd be "cool Uncle Danny" and Lindsay would be the new "Auntie" (or the Italian translation of "aunt").

New question:

Now that DL are canon, do you think Danny's response/attitude would be different in a NWILL situation, where Lindsay's life is in danger?
I still think of Danny in "Child's Play". It still breaks my heart.

The biggest thing is that no matter how many times someone will say "You did the best you could or It's not your fault" he will blame himself.

Lindsay will be there for him and we know she will but does he understand that he is not alone in this?
Thanks for the fluffy D/L "Cheer up" pics guys! ;)

Welcome to all D/L Newbies! Come on in, get cozy, get fluffy :D

I cant stand reading about how great and D/L filled the recent episode is, Im off to watch it somehow!
Now that DL are canon, do you think Danny's response/attitude would be different in a NWILL situation, where Lindsay's life is in danger?

PE, good question. I think his response would be the same. He would worry about Lindsay, but in the end, would still stand by to let her do it. I don't think he would interfere with her job, and I still don't think she'd be talked out of it. And I still think they'd hug afterwards too, but it would have more meaning, since they are a couple now. So basically, I think it would be the same response, only everything is heightened, because they are more emotionally connected now.
*Mo trips and skips her way into the thread, totally tangled up in wrapping paper, too much tape and a random string of Christmas lights that suddenly popped up out of nowhere...* :lol: Hi my dearies, happy Tuesday evening! I'm still bummed that we don't get a new eppy tomorrow night :p but I am glad that we have another eppy to look forward to sometime in the coming year! Anticipation may kill me (since we all KNOW just how "patient" I really am! :lol: ) but I'm really really hoping that we will get some D/L that will make the wait worthwhile! :D

Buddy who SO needs to come back in here more often Dani
As dutch said, I believe now it's the time to Lindsay prove (like if he didnt know already) that she's going to be there for him no matter what, just like he did with her.
Hey hon! Glad to see you back in here! :D *Mo grins and hands her bud a Christmas cookie!* And yeah I think now is definitely the time for Linds to prove to Danny that she will be there for him no matter what...whether he pushes her away initially or not, she should show him she's not going anywhere, just like we know is true! :D

Shopping bunny East of the Atlantic Dutch stated:
I think Lindsay understood that too, she didn't even once question his behaviour when he walked out, so why should we?
Well said hon, well said! She knew Danny was grieving and that he wasn't rejecting her or leaving her, he was just trying to get away from a hugely painful situation as quickly as he possibly could. She saw that and understood it and I loved that!

...doing something that started with....
Yup hon, in fact I do believe that is the exact picture that is showcased right next to "Snow Day" in the D/L dictionary...well that one and a couple others, but that's the one next to "How it all began..." :D Heehee! :devil: Gah, I love that picture...they are so unbelievably hot together...that kiss, was like fire on screen! :devil:

Silly goose who is totally cute but in serious denial Lynny whined:
;) Yeah, yeah, nice try there babes! Don't even try to deny it....You agreed, in fact I believe you set up the terms, so don't even try that! :lol:

Dear PTB,
A) Get the writers back so I can have my shows back.
B) Get the writers back so Mo will leave me alone about wanting her ship back.
C) Give my ship or I'll torch you.
the angsty one from WV
Dear PTB,
Yeah what she said...cuz we really do want our shows back and we REALLY want our ships back and we will resort to violence if necessary...you've heard my "shipper's scorned" speech right? Cuz if not, well....let's just say it's not something you want to have to hear... ;)
Getting impatient,

The undisputed king of our naughty community Liffer-diff nodded:
I also truly believe that this would and will be a turning point in their relationship where they realise how deep they're in with each other.
I sure hope that is the case...it would definitely fit with what A.Z. and Pam Veasey promised us, a promise I am most definitely still holding both of them to! I think they both have some idea of how deep things are for them, but there is nothing like a real hardship to flush out all the superficial stuff to reveal just how deep something really is...and that is what I am really really hoping this storyline with Danny does, that would definitely make this angst worth it! :D

Would be angst-recruiter who needs another dose of fluff Dutch grinned:
we could sure use some more angst-fans....
Hey now you, stop that! *Mo whips the pink fog hose out from behind her back and sprays both Dutch & Lynny with a huge dose of fluffy pink fog for good measure!* Come on now darling, fluffy is where it's at! ;) Lol, are we back to this lovely debate? We can't ever seem to get too far from it can we...D/L fluffy or D/L angsty... that is the question! :lol:

Fluffy Stuffy wuffy whispered:
*slowly raises hand* I like angst.
:eek: Wait what? But, but....but...look at your name in the quote...you're my fluffy Stuffy...now you like angst? But....okay I can't force you to be a fluffy :lol: I will not revert to kidnapping yet (except for Lynny, I'm not above kidnapping her and forcing her to be fluffy! :lol: )...but if Aud and I lose many more, all bets are off! :lol: I do like the fluff we get that comes after the angst...I will give you that! ;)

Cool shippy bud with the name that never fails to make me grin MTC asked:
what do you guys feel is the best D/L scene so far in the series?
Ohhhh talk about a WAY hard question hon....gah that is, wow...mmmmm...there are so many moments I could choose...being a fairly obsessed shipper I could name like 10 that are all the "best"! :lol: The double take in Risk, The roof carry in Cool Hunter, the "marry me" in Supermen, The HUG in NWILL, the hallway talk in LRC, Snow Day pool table smex ('nuff said :devil: )...but even as amazing as all of those totally are, I think I would say the best D/L scene was the one in SOoH where Danny walks into the courtroom as Linds is testifying...not a word is said during that whole scene and yet an entire conversation takes place...they talk to eachother with their eyes and the love and reassurance and comfort that is exchanged is so powerful it never fails to make me catch my breath each and every single time I see it! :D

Okay time for dessert...oh Danny boy?! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

*Mo giggles to herself and shimmers away in her fluffily reinforced bubble!*
(shippy mind insert-...I would though have liked a scene later on on the bench in the locker room, with Danny talking to Lindsay after clearing his head a little.)


I've got to disagree. As a DL shipper to the nth degree, there did not need to be a DL scene in CP. Carmine carried the ep. We may find out later that off-camera DL action occurred, since their relationship has undoubtedly advanced off-screen. However, TPTB played their cards correctly in having Danny walk away from the situation, not Lindsay.

Thinking about it more, and at a sensible time of day, I agree with you. When I posted last night, I didn't think it needed an extra scene for the eppy/scene's sake, (I can't wait to see the whole eppy, from what I have seen, Carmine's performance is incredible) but rather for my own suffering-from-lack-of-new-CSI:NY-here-in-the-uk-sake. Sorry, I was posting at midnight ;)

Methinks you've been inhaling that drugged-up pink fog they've got floating around here.
Haha, totally. I love this board. If I come on after a bad day at work it always cheers me up!

Am I allowed to ask a question?
When I first started watching CSI, and consequently NY too(I've never really gotten into Miami as much) it was because I found the cases and the science so interesting (which is strange because I couldn't stand and just scraped a high school science GCSE; am now majoring English ;))
But, anyway, I found it all completly fascinating. I felt as if I learnt something new every episode, whether it be in science or a new moral viewpoint to consider a situation from; and I enjoyed/enjoy watching the charachter ties developing, for instance in CSI, Sara going from outside investigator (S1) investigating one of their own; to trusted and beloved part of the team; And then in NY, the D/L journey, and I also enjoy the snippets of insight we gain into for instance, Stella and Mac's friendship and Flack and Danny's, and a host of others.
Anyway, now here is the question!
Now, our couple have had some interesting, some sad and some just plain strange cases to investigate.
What "theme" for a case/storyline would you like too see D/L investigate?
Or, is there anything that's been alluded too in one of their cases that you'd like to see them go back too as a main theme?
Sorry, it's a slightly weird question, but something i've been thinking about for a little while.

I'd like them too have a case involving those tunnels as seen in "Not what it looks like" I was really interested when Danny and Flack said about "there being a whole other world" with those ventilation shafts. Maybe an alchol smuggling racket of some decription?

Sorry, hope this isn't too off topic! But it is about d/l cases ;)

Oh and Fave D/L scene? Snow Day kinda goes without saying ;), but (mine changes from time to time) atm its the "proposal" from Supermen. Aswell as being a great squee moment, it kinda marks Danny's charachter development from S1 when he couldn't even joke about marriage and commitment.

See youse all later x
What "theme" for a case/storyline would you like too see D/L investigate?
I think I've mentioned it before, and we discussed it (this was a milennia ago it seems), I'd like a storyline that centres around a child. I sort of got that with Reuben, but I would prefer a storyline where the victim/s aren't directly affecting either Danny or Lindsay. Maybe a child is a lone survivor of a family massacre - due to some...age old grudge...or something and something happens and the little baby's entrusted to Danny and Linds for a bit.

It'd be fun to see how they play off each other and the baby. It would be totally cute to see Danny and Linds with a baby too. hehehe. I've been dreaming too much again...

Speaking of DL dreams, I had another bout of free cable - this time it was Danny bouncing a little baby and Linds scolding him about it. Hehehehe....I can only guess who the baby is and why Ms. Monroe (or rather...Mrs. Messer) is rather angry at Danno - the poor guy.

Now if only Mama Messer - was standing in the corner, she'd be so totally proud of her daughter in-law; cutting Mr. Tough Guy down to size. :)
sorry, I havn't been around here very long, i didn't know you guys had discussed this a while back. But thankyou for offering your thoughts inspite of this :)

Now if only Mama Messer - was standing in the corner, she'd be so totally proud of her daughter in-law; cutting Mr. Tough Guy down to size.

I'd love too for us too meet Danny's mother- she's been mentioned quite a few times!

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