Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Cousin has a really weird obsession with Mama Messer. :confused: :p :devil: ... should we be worried? :lol: we love you boy.

PE who comes to visit us with thought-provoking questions -- i agree with catie-girl's answer there. to add: danny would probably not like watching lindsay in trouble/pain, but he would give her space. he would probably watch her and look for key things that tip him off and let him know she needs help. he's going to support her always. and that hug will come at the end: and maybe even more! ;) *kiss*

hello newbies, margin and Redhead_Rachel.

bunsen burners, huh? reminds me of chemistry classes/courses! :lol: warm! hot! DL! :D
^Oh don't worry about it. We always love talking about DL no matter what the topic :) I'm just saying I've stated it before - I think.

It'd be nice to see them interact together with someone who isn't a friend or suspect but a complete stranger. There's somewhat less expectation of certain behaviours.

Mama Messer needs to say hello one day, but for her to come on screen would be a little awkward and I cant help but tie it in with something bad happening to Danny's family. Otherwise I can't see a reason for her to appear - unless TPTB decide to include a meet the parents night in later seasons. For now, maybe it's wise to just leave her mentioned rather than appearing.
Morning! *Mo feels her way into the thread since she is currently wrapped head to toe in warm comfy blankets after having just woken up!* I'm so excited y'all...Christmas is in 6 days! :lol: I feel like a little kid again, I love it! :D
And speaking of little kids...Liff we totally have the exact same idea for what kind of storyline we want D/L to pursue! I definitely want to see D/L have storyline/case where they have a baby (like you said not one either of them knows to begin with) that is the sole survivor of a crime and they have to take care of it while working the case...in fact what I would really LOVE is if tht baby (baby girl I see it being!) attached herself to Lindsay and would only be comfortd by her...then Linds could show what a great mom she could be to this tiny baby girl and Danny would fall in love with her all over at how amazing she is and he will want several of their own..soon! :D
Okay my computer's being funny :p And I have to get to work...so I'm gonna head out..oh but before I forget, even though it's not a new eppy day...HAPPY HUMP DAY!!! :devil: D/L are celebrating in style...have a great one, y'all! ;)

*Mo grins and shimmers quietly out of the thread in her fluffy pink fog filled bubble!* ;)
^^^ Mo, Mo. *giggles* your morning blurbs always remind me of puffy white clouds in a baby blue sky. :D

Cousin said: Mama Messer needs to say hello one day
^^^ :p 'course she will. she's going to be lindsay's mother-in-law someday.

fun question: if danny and lindsay were to buy a cheap, joke gift, what would they get each other? what would they get for the rest of the team? condom spray, anyone? :lol: :eek:
hello every one. i completly forgot its a Hump Day. for some strange reason it feels like Friday to me :)

I would like to see them solving some bizare case like the one in my favorite episode 3x19 - the roach one.

I think someone asked for a favorite scene and thats a tough question.
from S2 its either the carrying over the roof or the proposal. though I love the He calls you that because he has a crush on you scene too
from S3 - beside the obvious scenes in SD (Im a hopeful romantic. whenever there is a kiss, its my favorite scene.) it would probably be The Hug in NWILL.
from S4 - Dennis the menace and love-handles. it had the banter and teasing. it had the physical contact and it held certain closness that wasnt reallly there B.S.D.

the advent pic for december 19 2007

enjoy the day ;)
Cousin has a really weird obsession with Mama Messer.... should we be worried?
HEY! :lol: Oh but yes...I do have a weird obsession with Mama Messer - but that's because I have a weird obsession with seeing a domestic DL family :) Including the babies, and granpas and granmas. It would be totally awesome and however many offspring DL produce is going to be excessively spoilt (initially) by everyone on sight. :) Can you imagine mini-Dannys and mini-Lindsays running around?

Mo babes, we've definately got a good idea but I'd like the kid to stick to Danny (girl or boy - girl would be cute) and Linds would be so shocked to see just how many sides of her man there really is. Mental note: good with kids - check. hehe. then when they part Danno can turn to Linds and ask "Ya want one?".

He has happy swimmers :devil:
then when they part Danno can turn to Linds and ask "Ya want one?".

now that is something that would make Lindsay speechless and we know that is not an easy task to accomplish :D

I would really like to se mamma Messer interact with Lindsay. im sure she would love her. but what could have been much more fun is to see Mr. Monreo go all protective dad on Danny. I would pay good money to see that one. do you think Lindsays father would like Danny? and how would Danny react?
My darling Mo - I am and will always be fluffy. I don't love angst, but I don't hate it. If we are given realisitic angst, I'm alright. Crappy angst that makes you go "Huh?" - not so much. But I'll always be your fluffy bunny ;) *huggles*

In response to PE's question - I agree with what catey said. Danny will still respond the same way even though he and Lindsay are now dating. He would still worry about her because he cares and wants her safe, yet he would let her do what she needed to do, even if it meant running the risk of losing her.

Thanks for the picture carly!! :D ahhhh...their first meeting. Did anyone else see Danny's eye go a tad south after she turned her head back to the cage? :lol: sly Messer. Very sly.
*comes in very happy – it’s hump day and there are lots and lots of new posts and intriguing questions to read and answer* :D

^ And yeah Stuffy, Danny was definitely checking her out :lol:

MTC asked:
what do you guys feel is the best D/L scene so far in the series?
Well, mine still is the scene from RSRD when they look at each other through Mac's office window :)...That's when they both realized that there could be something more...and of course NWILL, SOoH and SD have the real shippy moments and I love those too, but the little scenes are just soo meaningful... :D

Rachel said:
If SD had been a one off, I think they would be quite akward.
That's a great observation...I think neither one of them, would be so easy-going and comfortable around the other when it had been just that one night...and the condom spray kinda indicated that there have been more... :devil:

PE asked:
Now that DL are canon, do you think Danny's response/attitude would be different in a NWILL situation, where Lindsay's life is in danger?
No, I think Catie was right...he already was pretty on edge...first he tried to talk her out of it, then he was listening in on her undercover action, when they realized things went wrong he was the first to rush to the scene and he did call for her the minute he got into that smoke filled room....perhaps the hug could've been more intimate, but that's about it. :D

Mo pointed out:
Lol, are we back to this lovely debate? We can't ever seem to get too far from it can we...D/L fluffy or D/L angsty... that is the question!
That's the question alright, and it would be even better when TPTB made up their mind about it too...are we gonna get angst :p of fluff ;)?

Rachel asked:
What "theme" for a case/storyline would you like too see D/L investigate?
Or, is there anything that's been alluded too in one of their cases that you'd like to see them go back too as a main theme?
Not sure about a theme, but ever since “Stealing Home” I always thought it would be nice to have a nice angsty ;) storyline where Lindsay figures out the why of James Vackner’s actions…or some continuation of that story or a similar case…When Lindsay visited him in prison I believed that was the start of something, but it just ended there..

funny Angel asked:
if danny and lindsay were to buy a cheap, joke gift, what would they get each other? what would they get for the rest of the team?
I think Lindsay could buy Danny a tie as the one described in Liffy’s fic (it has Rudolph on it, with a little red flashing light as a nose :eek:) and Danny could buy Lindsay a MOO-box…I think condom spray for the whole team is a great idea… :lol:

Carly asked:
do you think Lindsays father would like Danny? and how would Danny react?
I think at first he will have some doubt – the accent, his city-boy behaviour, but when he sees how much Danny cares for Lindsay and vice versa he will quickly change his mind… :)

Wow long post…and don’t even get me started on the obsession with Mamma Messer, D/L babies and Danny’s spectacled swimmers… :cool:
Twinny said:
Did anyone else see Danny's eye go a tad south after she turned her head back to the cage?
Err...no? It went wayy below the waistline :) A tad south is an understatement. hehehe.

Carly said:
now that is something that would make Lindsay speechless and we know that is not an easy task to accomplish
I always like to think that they like to stump the other. They always have this kind of competition going on between them (well at least they used to - it would be great if they brought that aspect of their relationship back) and Danny's line would definitely leave Lindsay's jaw unhinged for a bit before she smacks him - and then kisses him senseless - and then smacks him again.

but what could have been much more fun is to see Mr. Monreo go all protective dad on Danny. I would pay good money to see that one. do you think Lindsays father would like Danny? and how would Danny react?
Oh yes, Danny and Mr. Monroe would be very nice indeed. From Stealing Home, you kind of get the idea that she may not talk to her father as often as she does to her mother - especially with the whole "tell daddy i love him" scenario. With that being said, I think that'd make Mr. Monroe far more protective of Lindsay than he usually would be.

I think Danny and Mr. Mornoe would warm up to each other eventually - maybe a hunting trip between the two for a bonding session after much careful treading. And they'd be best of pals and in turn start picking on Lindsay. She has Mrs. Messer to pick on Danny with. Fair is fair in love and war. :)

What I dream about, and my muse loves this, is someone calling Danny daddy and Lindsay mommy. It's just cute and beyond adorable and melts you into puddles of goo.

As for PE's question, nothing would change. They we're in love then as they are now. The only difference was that the hug happened before they discovered Danny's pool table has a dual purpose.
Howdy, howdy, howdy, hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! *Mo grins and skips into the thread, singing happily...* Christmas is only 5 days away, 5!! Wow, how fun is that huh! :lol: I love it! :D
He has happy swimmers
:lol: :devil: *Mo trips over her own feet...* Hello Gutter, meet my face! :devil: :lol: Liff you are BAD, I love it! ;)

Mmmmm, I gotta say I still want the baby to cling to Linds, I think Linds knows Danny is good with kids, if nothing else this whole thing with Ruben shows her that...but I want him to see her handling a baby with ease! ;)

Stuffy hon that's good, glad you'll always be my fluffy bunny ;) ...we need all the good fluffy buds we can get! ;)

Mmmmm, I think Linds' dad would like Danny but I could see her dad giving him a bit of a hard time just to see him sweat a bit, especially since as far as we know Linds is his only daughter and we all know a man is protective of his baby girl! :D That would be a scene I would LOVE to see! :lol:

Okay someone help me here...Mer-bear if you're in here, I'm still confused! :lol: My cable guide for tonight still says we get our new eppy...and I know CBS was said to have changed it, but now I'm wondering what's going on! So anyone on the East Coast...when the eppy airs for you, can you confirm that it's a rerun so I don't go crazy wondering! :lol:

Okey dokey...I'm out again...*Mo skips out...shopping on the brain!* :D
Hey guys!
Mmmmm, I think Linds' dad would like Danny but I could see her dad giving him a bit of a hard time just to see him sweat a bit, especially since as far as we know Linds is his only daughter and we all know a man is protective of his baby girl! That would be a scene I would LOVE to see!
Send that in! That would be one hilarious scene. For once we would see Danny intimidated and nervous, a different side of him we rarely see. I think Lindsay's face when all of that is happening would be priceless!

I also think in the end, Lindsay's dad would like him. I could imagine them outside with cigars talking about funny memories his dad has of Lindsay as a kid. :lol:

Happy Holidays fellow obsessed shippers!
Lol, I know right wouldn't that be a totally fun scene to see! Heehee, Danny would be sweating bullets really wanting to impress her dad, and Linds would be standing behind him doing her best not to giggle since she knows of course that her dad is really a big softie! :D
*skips in singing -only two work days left this year :D- "Have yourself a merry little Christmas"...*

Liffy said:
Danny's line would definitely leave Lindsay's jaw unhinged for a bit before she smacks him - and then kisses him senseless - and then smacks him again.
Aaaw, I would pay money to see that...that sounds so funny and cute...especially when the second smack is because Danny couldn't keep his smart-ass mouth shut after the kiss and thinks it's wise to provoke her even more :rolleyes: SMACK! :lol:

they'd be best of pals and in turn start picking on Lindsay. She has Mrs. Messer to pick on Danny with. Fair is fair in love and war
Yeah Lindsay and Mamma Messer could make a wonderful couple...poor Messer men, they don't stand a chance... :D

Since I read nothing about last night's ep I suppose that Mo's cable guide was wrong...too bad :mad:, but at least we'll still have 3 new eps to look forward to next year... :D

*Mo skips in after Dutch also celebrating only two days left of work and picking up where her song left off..."Let your hearts be light! From now on our troubles will be out of sight!" :D

Lol that does totally sound like something Danny would do, for all his growing up and maturing he's done there's still a little bit of a smart-ass in him somewhere and I think teasing Linds is what brings it out! :lol: I think secretly though, she loves it! ;)

Lol, yeah I could see Mama Messer taking to Linds right away, lol...like Danny brings Linds home and Mama Messer meets her and then immediately turns around and smacks Danny and askes him why he hasn't brought her over sooner?! :lol:

Yeah hon my cable guide was wrong, I thought for about two seconds it was a new one, but it was "The Deep" replaying, although my "info box" that pops up to show what eppy is playing while you're watching it, still said the title of the new eppy...so it was confusing still! :rolleyes: But yeah at least we have 3 new eppy's to look forward to in the new year, that will be fun!! :D

Alright off to work...two more days, two more days...and then just like 3 more after that until Christmas!! :D

Oh here's a question I don't think we've asked...:
What do you think Danny & Lindsay's favorite Christmas carols are? :D (Christmas songs stuck in my head...had to ask! :D )

*Mo skips back out of the room, humming Christmas carol's to herself as she shimmers away in her fluffy bubble!*
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