Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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:lol: Hi my Aud wub! *Mo grins and snuggles her giggly Fluffy Twin!* I didn't get the fuzzy socks, but I got knee-length, cool patterned socks which are almost as good! :D (And yeah you saying Danny likes fuzzy socks reminds me, I gotta get a couple of my pairs back from him...silly boy stole them the last time he came over! :lol: )

I like your answer for their New Years Aud babes...I like to think they got out of the city....I could see them hanging out in a cabin on a lake, watching the ball drop over the city just as the two of them are there, snuggling with eachother and drinking champagne out of dixie cups! :lol: Wouldn't that be cute! :D

Hey Sarah ;) Welcome back hon...lol, I like your idea of them falling asleep and forgetting about work...nice! ;)
"But what I know is I wasn't meant to walk this world without you" That would be either Lindsay thinking of Danny or Danny thinking of Linds ;) How are you all doing? I hope your christmas was as lovely as D/L's one..Yeah, didn't you spy them? They didn't even open the presents at midnight...Too busy doing something else :devil: *ok, I seriously don't know what that was...which of you gutter-minded shippers spraied me with one of your crazy products?*

Welcome all D/L newbies! Make yourself comfortable and enjoy!

Linny said:
Dani!! *tackles* My CaRWash little pal. Welcome back to the dl world. *drags you over to the angsty side weither you like it or not* What? me and Dutch wants some company.
*hm, so Mo is shopping with her fluffy twin Auda and Stuffy and dutch are talking with Liffy, so I guess it's safe to move now* Joins the angsty side! Angst is pretty much always good, that's a fact...Good angst is more than welcome in my world ;) D/L angst, aka LRC for example, makes great moments in their history :)

PrettyEyes said:
Now that DL are canon, do you think Danny's response/attitude would be different in a NWILL situation, where Lindsay's life is in danger?
Just the same. He will be worried, but not able to change her idea. In the end, they'll hug strongly as well. I don't think that the fact that they're together would affect that situation, because they are not letting their relationship interefere with work (I would even say they're doing it too well at the moment :rolleyes:) I was thinking wheter the hug would change or not, given they're canon, and came to the conclusion that it would be the same, because I can't imagine it any cuter; it was just as beautiful as it could be, and with all their love :D Aww, beautiful angsty moments!

Mo asked:
What do you think Danny and Lindsay will be doing for New Years?
Hm, I think they would prefer to be alone, in their appartment, just watching a movie, playing some pool *hint* and being together...then the usual, champagne and all that. Though a party with the team would be a cool idea too, I think they would like it! :cool: All this if they weren't working, of course...which they might be...

So, my computer is not that well and will need some fixing, so in case I don't come back before 2008, I just want to wish you a good celebration on monday and a happy beginning of the year :D *sends D/L shaped cookies to all of your adresses in Gutterville*
Hello everyone! I'm slowly recovering from Christmas, but had to head back to work today. I got a whole 2 days off!

Anyway, there is a poll over at tvguide.com regarding favorite tv couples, and our dynamic duo has made the final poll. Right now, we are in fourth place. Here's the link if you want to go and cast your vote:

We need all the votes we can, and I hope it's okay to post the link for the poll. Go D/L, go!
^ Of course it's acceptable to post the link. *smack* :lol:

What do you think Danny and Lindsay will be doing for New Years?
Most law enforcement don't get holidays on holidays; they're on max enforcement. I don't know if that would hold for a crime lab (lab personnel), but I'm pretty sure the CSIs themselves would be working or on-call to go out in the field. There'd be a lot of crap going down even if it was New Year's Eve/Day. More than likely Danny, Lindsay or both would be working, or on call.
Good morning! *Mo skips into the thread, thoroughly loving this whole vacation-not-working-getting-to-sleep-in-late thing she's got going on!* How's everyone doing? T-minus 4 days and counting until 2007 is no more...I think I'm in denial about that, I liked 2007...2008 is all new and unknown...hmmmm! :lol: (Yeah look at me waxing poetic about a "year"...silly me!) But in my defense, 2007 was a fantastic year for our ship! 2007 brought us Danny flying all the way to Montana for his Montana...2007 brought us Snow Day ('nuff said! :devil: )...2007 brought us condom spray...and Lindsay rocking! 2007 brought us the Batmobile and CANON D/L! 2007 was a fantastic year for our ship! :D I can wax a little poetical about it...I'm allowed! :D

Oh and Dani honey, I'm here! Now what's this I hear about you being an angsty? Why? Fluff is so fabulous...fluff is where it's at! Oh and it was probably me or Liff or Dutch who sprayed you with the "Gutter" love spray :lol: must have got caught in our crossfire! ;)

I'm off to run some errands...stay fluffy and stay positive, our ships is CANON and it rocks! :lol:

*Mo grins and tossing cookies to all her buddies, skips off to her fluffy bubble!* :D
You're right Mo, this has been a great year for D/L. The note, the trial, the pool table, the Batmobile, and the slingshot with a side of condom spray! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Of course, I hope 2008 ushers the deepness in. We've had some deep moments in years past, but we need something more---always. Hey, we're picky!! :p

**For those of you on LJ, check out my D/L list** It's goofy and fluffy. :eek: But hey, I've been sidelined with bad headaches and a sinus thing again. :lol:

Later. :cool:
But hey, I've been sidelined with bad headaches and a sinus thing again.

Ugh - you and me both Auda. My nose is really stuffy (and no, that is not why I am called "Stuffy" :p) and I'm sneezing every two minutes.

Mo dearie, you know that we love you, right? You're the bestest Auntie ever. Any chance Auda and I can snag Nurse Danny for a while? We asked Lindsay and she said it was alright. Pwease? *gives the puppy dog eyes to Mo*

Now that you mentioned it, 2007 was a great year for DL. Danny "going with his instincts", teh almost-kiss, back to their flirting. If there's one thing we learned, it's that a pool table isn't just for playing pool ;) :devil:

I am fluffy, hear me roar! Speaking of which...I am currently writing a multi-chapter fic that is pretty much all angst. *hides from Mo and explains before she can dump ice cream on her head* The idea just came to me whilst at a book store, and it won't leave me alone. I promise you though, there will be lots of DL comforting...because DL comforting is the bestest.

Of course, I hope 2008 ushers the deepness in. We've had some deep moments in years past, but we need something more---always. Hey, we're picky!!

Nah, we're just asking for more DL, that's all ;) we're not satisfied with what we've gotten this season. The scenes we have gotten have been great IMHO (condom spray anyone?), but...well yeah. Anyways, all we can do is wait and see :)

What do you think Danny and Lindsay will be doing for New Years?

Even if they don't get time off, they could still do something. Like have a little office party. Or sneak off to the broom closet and have a little "party" of their own :devil:

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. Now let's get ready to ring in 2008! *blasts music as she grabs a pool cue and plays billiards with her buddies at dutch's 8 Ball*
^ Aaw yes, the good ol' "8-ball" dusts off the bar, fills some bowls with M&M's and plays some D/L clips at random* Since we are all reminiscing; the Summer of 2007 was the one in which we founded our lovely GutterVille :D...always nice to know we have that smutty little town when we are facing a very, very long hiatus... :mad: (btw where is our King?)

And of course we have tons of vids and fics and steaming HOT banners (Stuffy's still borders on illegal :p) to remind us of all those wonderful D/L moments we've had this year...when I saw all of those listed I could not help but sigh...great year indeed... :cool:

LOL Yeah! More Angsties - welcome to the dark side Dani :D - and Stuffy is writing angsty stuff again too... :cool:

Catie thanks for putting that link up here...Vote people! Please? *hands out cookies* :D

What do you think Danny & Lindsay will be doing for New Years?

Well one thing is certain whether they're here, there or anywhere; working or relaxing....there will be fireworks! :devil:
dutch_treat said:
LOL Yeah! More Angsties - welcome to the dark side
What what?? :eek: No! Come back! Back to teh fluffy side!

What do you think Danny and Lindsay are doing for New Year's Eve?
All thi talk about New Years celebrations reminds me of the fic I wrote on December 31st of 2006, when DL was in a whole other place: Celebrating Without Her. I loves my ficcie, but I think I want to do another for this year. I need some more inspiration, but without any recent new eppy... :(

I really want to see what comes next for Danny and Lindsay, and how the PTB address recent cases, etc. How many more days until we get a new ep?
Hello my dearies! *Mo wanders in handing out all the remainder of her Christmas cookies, still yummy just too much for Mo all on her own! :lol: * I feel like I should wax poetical some more with only a few days left in this year...but there is a huge wind storm outside and my power is kind of flickering right now and so waxing poetic might not work so well right now! (Not like that will really stop me :lol: but still... ;) ) So yeah, Hi! :D

My darling Fluffy Twin Aud declared:
Of course, I hope 2008 ushers the deepness in. We've had some deep moments in years past, but we need something more---always. Hey, we're picky!!
Brilliantly said my wub! ;) 2007 was a very good year for us, definitely...and now 2008 needs to usher in the depth that we KNOW is there between our lovely couple! We know it's there and now we are counting on the writers showing it to us in this coming year! :D D/L is in love, the real-deep-cry-on-your-shoulder-hold-you-while-you-sleep-grow-old-with-you-love-you-forever-no-matter-what kind of love and we want to see it dang it! :D

My cute must stay fluffy Stuffy sniffed:
Mo dearie, you know that we love you, right? You're the bestest Auntie ever. Any chance Auda and I can snag Nurse Danny for a while? We asked Lindsay and she said it was alright. Pwease? *gives the puppy dog eyes to Mo*
:lol: Awww honey, you're too cute! Since Danny does technically belong to Linds and she said yes then you're good to go! ;) You go snuggle up into your nice comfy bed and Auntie will send Nurse Danny to you with some more warm blankets, nice hot soup, tea and his version of massage that is basically healing in the touch of a hand! ;) You'll feel better in no time honey...you too Aud wub, Fluffy orders! :D

...that is pretty much all angst. *hides from Mo and explains before she can dump ice cream on her head* The idea just came to me whilst at a book store, and it won't leave me alone. I promise you though, there will be lots of DL comforting...because DL comforting is the bestest.
Okay, D/L comforting is the only way I'm okay with this ;) Lol :lol: I like how you think I'll dump ice cream on your head just for writing angst...*Mo whistles innocently and hides the ice cream bucket...* I don't actually hate angst fics...(no I'm not turning angst!!!) I am okay with angst fics...as long as, as long as they are well-written (like all y'alls D/L fics are!) and as long as they have a good ending! It's the ones that end angsty that make me want to throw things! :lol: Same way with D/L eppies...I can handle angst in an eppy as long as it has a nice fluffy ending...ya know! I just need my fluff, that's what it ends with ultimately...Mo must have her fluff! :lol:

Dutch Hi dearie! Ohhhh goodie, party at the 8-ball!! I'm down for having New Years Eve at the 8-ball, plenty of chocolate, some yummy Sex-on-the-beach drinks (D/L favs! ;) ) and plenty of D/L scenes to keep us cheering late into the night...sounds like a swell plan to me! :D Party on!

Carrie Bradshaw's prettier twin in Holland Dutch crowed:
LOL Yeah! More Angsties - welcome to the dark side Dani - and Stuffy is writing angsty stuff again too...
Hey you, no more recruiting for the angsties! :p *Mo grins and hugs her angsty bud who is secretly fluffy deep down!* We need all the fluff we can get...you know you love it...now be fluffy with us...pwease honey bun, please?! :D *Mo grins quite innocently before dumping a huge brownie sundae with lots of whipped cream over Dutch's head and running giggling away!* :lol:

Fluffy Mer-bear asked:
How many more days until we get a new ep?
Mmmm, not soon enough honey...right now we get "Happily Never After" on January 9th! Which means we have...11 days until we get some new D/L! And I am really really really really hoping we get some good D/L...I really want no more bump, no more mention of a bump, forget said bump was ever going to exist...well unless said bump brings about the deepening we've been wanting for so long...dang it...now I don't know! :p I don't want a bump, I want deepening without the bump...can I just have that please?! :D

Okay I think I'm done for now...laundry is done drying and needs folding, oh the joy! :rolleyes: :lol: Bump or not, Angst or not, our ship is Canon and fluffy or angsty, we can all celebrate and rejoice in that! Canon Baby...we are Canon and our ship is IN LOVE!!! :D :D

*Mo grins, nods definitively and shimmers away in her fluffy bubble, spraying the whole thread down with a healthy dose of pink fog as she goes!*
Mooooooooooooooooooooo!! Hey. :D

You're right. We had a pretty good year. We want more D/L though. Hey writers, where's the wub? :p

Some of us have been taking a trip down D/L memory lane...the flirting, the fun, you know just the small things that are so meaningful. It's good to watch those old D/L scenes. Which reminds me. I have a tribute going on with a Cozy's theme later today. Go check it out. :D

Dutch, Mo, sounds like a great plan. Meet y'all over at the 8-Ball. I'll bring the men plus one Mr. Messer; we'll let Liff settle over in the corner with Linds. Then we'll dance all night. Conga, anyone? :lol: Tell the others! ;)

Here's to a great 2008 for D/L, shippers, and what the heck, everyone!! :lol:

Later. :cool:
Holla to my girls! And Liffy of course ;)

Some of us have been taking a trip down D/L memory lane

History was airing a CSI:NY marathon yesterday: "Live or Let Die", "Supermen", "Run Silent, Run Deep", "Sleight Out of Hand", and "Daze of Wine and Roaches" (there were a few others, but these are the ones that pertained to DL). I freaked out even though I own all three seasons, and although I was gone all afternoon and didn't get to watch it, it still made me happy. "Supermen" is one of my favourite DL episodes *giggles* the proposal was just too adorable. Foreshadowing, anyone? Hey, we got it in "'Til Death Do We Part" - who's to say we won't get it again?

I have a tribute going on with a Cozy's theme later today.

Is it bad that when I was watching Spider Man 3 last night, the jazz bar scene made me think of Cozy's? :p

So my lovelies, what's on for tomorrow night? Auda, can I bring my hubby? Actaully, he's not really my hubby...I don't even know him...but that's beside the point ;) hockey players are so yummy!! We can sip on fruity drinks, play billiards, and watch DL episodes all night :D and ring in the new year, DL style!

Happy New Year to you all! You guys rock and don't you ever forget it! I mean it too :p otherwise I'll give y'all a little poke with my swords.

Well actually, the pokes are saved for Liffy 'cause he needs them every now and then ;) wubs ya babe.
Did I hear someone mention hot men and dancing :devil: *washes the sticky stuff Mo decided to dump on her out of her hair, puts on a cute dress, some killer boots and puts the self-service sign on the bar* - Party time! :D

A Cozy's-themed tribute sounds intriguing aud - bring it with you to the party....please... :)

And Stuffy I think the 'Supermen' scene was a bit of foreshadowing...Lindsay undoubtedly remembers that moment pretty well ;); and although at that moment Danny was probably shocked because of what he'd just said, there's just no denying it :p...Way back then he already knew that she was the perfect match and he did 'warn' her that if she kept that up he would "might ask her to marry him"... :)

*decides not to ruin Mo's party outfit, but be assured that all the left-overs will be flying through the air when 2008 is here* :p
Ohhh Conga? I'm so in! Hey Aud my wub, Dutch babes, and Stuffy hon...everyone else get your butts in here...party's starting early! :D

Yeah D/L writers...listen to my Brilliant Fluffy Twin...where's the love?! Come on already...we know it's there, now seriously...show us! :D

There was an NY marathon yesterday and I missed it? How the heck did I miss it? So sad! Lol, like you said Stuffy I own all those eppy's and still I totally would have sat there and watched them on tv if I had caught it! :lol: But those are classics...with lovely D/L so of course you have to watch them over and over! :D Supermen, love it...RSRD...awww love baby, love! :D

Oh and Stuffers I swear I saw your hubby the other day, I don't remember where but I recognized his name as your hubby and it totally made me giggle! :lol:

Wow Dutch you clean up good hon! *Mo whistles at her shippy bud's hot duds!* Party over here! ;) Lol, I would LOVE if that Supermen proposal moment was a foreshadowing of us actually getting to see the real thing! *Swoon!* That would make my year! :D

Oh and Dutch you're on for that food fight later! ;)

In case I don't make it back from all the crazy :rolleyes: partying in time...Happy New Years Eve to all of you in here...you are amazing and fabulous and I love shipping with you! :D

*Mo grins and throws streamers and confetti over everyone along with a healthy dose of more pink smoke before she shimmers off in her pink fluffy bubble!* :D
Happy New Years all!! Hey, Fluffy T!! :)

I know that whether or not D/L have to work or not, they'll be together somehow. Even if it's for a little 'broom closet' celebration. I'd prefer if they were able to take some time off though. At least one holiday. They deserve that much. ;)

I'll see y'all at the 8-Ball a little later. Remember to dress your best---New Years was made for style. :)

Here's to 2008!! Have fun and be safe. :)
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