Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Hi everyone!

I was making a post the other day and then my son turned off the pc.... :mad: I was so angry I didn't even make an attempt to post again...Sorry!

I've been terribly busy lately (had to go to work again, had to help at my daughter's school, etc. etc.) so there hasn't been much time to lurk either.

I do understand there's no news about our couple yet...Well, in that case I assume they're spending their holidays together and that Lindsay is comforting danny in every way she can ;) :p

I did like the scenes in Child's Play. Lindsay trying to do her best by asking someone else what she needs to do to comfort him since she's no good in it herself and Danny needing time alone. It totally fits their personages.

And IMO it was clear Lindsay went after DAnny in the morgue. What else was she going to do there?

Well: in case I won't be visiting until Christmas: HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!!

^ Jen Good to see you in here again. :)

And I think I'm gonna assume with you. The idea of Danny and Lindsay spending Christmas together somewhere (his apartment, ski-resort, Montana, with his family, etc. :D) is a great way to start the holidays. I hope that they come out relaxed and ready to give the new year a fresh start... ;) :p

Well, this is probably the last time I'm on here before the craziness of celebrating Christmas starts :eek:...I'm wishing you all a very, merry Christmas - have fun and stay save! :)

And Angel says 'hi' to everyone too! :D
Merry Christmas everyone

I have a quiet half hour before I have visitors arriving so logging on while I can. I hope everyone enjoys the holiday season.

As for a DL scene, I would like Santa to arrange for the TPTB to give us a scene of 'Snow Day' quality :D I just want them to show them as a couple. I don't need "teh smex" but a kiss would suffice.

Dutch - I loved your festive fic :lol: I can imagine Danny hating that lindsay was not nervous
*pops in carrying a big tray of Christmas goodies*

I just want them to show them as a couple. I don't need "teh smex" but a kiss would suffice.

I think we all do ;) it's disheartening, really. We waited two seasons for them to get together, and now that they are we're hardly getting any scenes. Ah well - let's hope we get some in the new year. I love the show, but I love DL more.

My friends, I wish you all a very merry Christmas. May the spirit and joy of the season be with you and your loved ones.

Advent Picture for Monday, December 24th, 2007 - one more sleep!


And Angel says 'hi' to everyone too!

*sobs quietly* My poor Angel, where have ye gone?

Everyone, have a fantastic Christmas!! And always remember...

Hello my fellow D/L shippers! And Happy Christmas Eve!! :D *Mo grins and passes out candy canes and mugs of delicious hot chocolate to dip the candy in!* How is everyone this happy day? I have been going waaaaayyy crazy getting things done before tomorrow, (can I just say it's SOO not worth it to wait until the weekend before Christmas to do things! :lol: :rolleyes: ) So anyway, that means that I've been missing out on posting in here, which is just sad :( Then again I'm fairly sure our lovely couple has been too busy making out :devil: under the mistletoe to notice! :lol:
So yeah...Have a Fabulous holiday my friends...I gotta head out to finish all the stuff I still have left to do...before I do though, here's a little ditty I wrote that makes me laugh...(I didn't do the WHOLE thing, but it's still fun!)

Twas the night before Christmas,
and all through the thread,
Not a shipper was silent,
asleep or in bed.
The comments were flying so thick and so fast,
As we wondered and pondered what would come to pass.
The writers were standing out there on the street,
Their dreams for more money had yet to be beat.
And we with our bubbles and fluff standing strong,
Were clinging to hope that this wouldn't last long!

*Mo grins and snuggles her Fluffy Twin Aud, her Dutch, Mer-bear, Vex, Stuffy, Catey, Lynny, Bella, JenP, and all her fabulous shippy buddies!* :D

Have a wonderful Holiday and stay fluffy!!! :D :D
Hey there, not that anyone missed me, I'm back after a short Christmas vacation with my family. Things are quiet in here I see, so I hope everyone is enjoying this Christmas Eve.

For our cute couple, I see them sitting near a fire, curled up with one another, just relaxing, Christmas lights twinkling in the background, cozy under a blanket. I see them staying in New York, and maybe having Christmas with their coworkers, for some reason. I can also see Lindsay giving out presents, especially a joke one to Flack for some reason(a Christmas tie of some sort). I think they are like family, and this would be their first "New York" Christmas as a couple(I've heard New York Christmas twice today, it makes me think of our lovely ship, for some reason!)

Anyway, snuggles back to you, Mo, and a very Merry Christmas to everyone!
Merry Christmas guys!

Just stopped by to give my little D/L Christmas fantasies.
For right now, I see them waking up and having breakfast together. Then they grab their coffees and exchange a present or too. I wish they would have kids already, that would be so cute. On Christmas morning, they are getting dragged out of bed at 5 am :lol: Make it happen TPTB!
"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock, jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring, snowing and blowing up bushels of fun, now the jingle hop has begun..."
Merry Christmas my lovelies!! I hope you all are having a fantastic day, and to those who are not celebrating - happy Tuesday to you!

Hey there, not that anyone missed me

You know that's not true catey :p we all missed you. Glad to hear you had a great time on your trip :) *huggles and a daisy*

For a DL Christmas Eve, I can see them snuggling by the fire whilst watching a Christmas movie, like Miracle on 34th Street or [/i]The Polar Express[/i], and drinking hot chocolate. I think the team would have a Christmas party and Secret Santa *giggles at the thought*, and afterwards Danny and Lindsay would have their own little night together. And no, I don't mean it in that sense...*eyes Liffy, Mo, and dutch suspiciously*

Gift-wise, I think Danny would get her a beautiful silver necklace with maybe a diamond heart fastened to it. For Danny, Lindsay could get him some of his favourite beer. Or maybe a new pool table, considering his was...*ahem*...used for other purposes :devil:

I've heard New York Christmas twice today, it makes me think of our lovely ship

*is the picture of innocence* I can't imagine why ;)

Merry Christmas everybody!!!

Advent Picture for Tuesday, December 25th, 2007 - CHRISTMAS!!!


And happy DL Year!!! :D
Merry Christmas, everybody! Spike TV's showing "Cool Hunter" again tonight at 11:00 ET/PT. If you don't have the NY DVDs (I got them for Christmas :D), then tonight would be a good time to sneak in some DL watchin'. :)

"I think I'm gonna need some dinner too!" :devil:
^^And boy did it take him a long time to get some of that dinner, too!! :lol: But don't we just know what she wanted to give....I'll leave it there. ;)

How'd everyone's Christmas go? Thanks for the well wishes and cards!! But I found out that I shop too much. :eek: Should have done like D/L did over the past week and just stayed home. We know what they did though, don't we? :devil:

We passed by a bed & breakfast the other day, and all I could think about was Danny and Lindsay. Okay, actually I thought about me with someone but then thought of D/L. The beautiful, old, quaint house with Christmas lights and smoke coming out of the chimney. Ah yep, I just know that Danny and Lindsay went upstate somewhere over the weekend. Sweet. :D

Later. :cool:
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! :)

I'm liking Aud's idea of the Bed and Breakfast. I have a feeling that Danny and Lindsay would't get out of bed.
^ LOL, yeah I like the idea of a B&B too...good thing they can live on love, :devil: or else they might starve... :D

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I'm glad we're all (you too catie ;)) slowly returning here...

Bella said:
Dutch - I loved your festive fic I can imagine Danny hating that lindsay was not nervous
Txs sweetie! Yeah I can totally imagine him being like that - that's what makes him so adorable... :D

Our poet Mo said:
The writers were standing out there on the street,
Their dreams for more money had yet to be beat.
And we with our bubbles and fluff standing strong,
Were clinging to hope that this wouldn't last long!
You should put that on a sign and walk the picketing line with it! :D

Sarah said:
I see them waking up and having breakfast together. Then they grab their coffees and exchange a present or too.
Maybe I ate or drank too much this Christmas (or it's just my guttery brain :p *whistles innocently*), but I suddenly can't get rid of the vision of Danny bringing Lindsay breakfast in bed -with a little blue box on the tray- wearing nothing more than a Santa hat... :devil:

Stuffy said:
And no, I don't mean it in that sense...*eyes Liffy, Mo, and dutch suspiciously*
What!? :p *keeps whistling*

Apparently 4x12 "Happily Never After" will air on Wednesday, January 9. So we'll have to wait almost two weeks before we get a new ep :(
GOOD MORNING! *Mo grins and drags herself into the thread, tired and totally worn out, but thoroughly happy and content after a fabulous holiday!* :D
Hello my darling shippers, I have missed you...well as much as I could in the few spare seconds I've had to myself the last week or so! :rolleyes: Anyway, Hi my darlings...how are you all? Looks like things are pretty calm in here lately, which is okay I guess...since everyone's busy with holiday stuff! :lol:

Did everyone have a good holiday? I know I did...I was really hoping to get Season 1 of NY...I didn't, but I did get money to buy it, so it's all good! :lol:

Yeah Dutch we have to wait two weeks for a new eppy, but then again at least it's ONLY two weeks, I was afraid that they would put it off way longer...so I'm actually okay with waiting two weeks! :lol: (Me patient, what? :eek: Yeah I know! :D )

So with New Years coming up...What do you think Danny & Lindsay will be doing for New Years? :D

Alright I'm off to do some hard core relaxing :lol: Yup it's serious business ;)

*Mo grins giddily, so happy to be back with all her darling buddies in here...she passes out the world's most amazing cookies to everyone before shimmering away in her fluffy bubble!* :D
MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! You're back. :D Did you get the fuzzy socks you love so much? Watch out! Danny likes them too. :lol:

Darling Dutch added: You should put that on a sign and walk the picketing line with it!

We really should!! Grabs paint with signs, drags Lynny along too! :lol: Cheers for D/L!!

What do you think Danny & Lindsay will be doing for New Years?

Well....There are so many things they could be doing.... :devil:

1. Picketing? They too are tired of just *hints* and angst. They're all about the fluff. ;)

2. Working at the lab. Sounds totally uncool and unromantic...but there's always the broom closet. :devil:

3. Watching the Apple drop over Times Square. Sounds very New Yorkish---very exciting. But I really do think they'd prefer to be alone. :cool:

4. I'll go with my answer for the Christmas holidays. I think they've left the city for the country, or maybe the Radisson Suites and Resorts. :lol: :lol: Hey, those places are pretty darn cozy. They might get mints left on their pillows every morning at ten. :lol: :lol:

Later. :cool:
Hey everyone! Ive been MIA lately, sorry about that ;)
What do you think Danny & Lindsay will be doing for New Years?
I think they will be working for the most part. But when they finally get off, they will go to their apartment (Hey, do they live together yet?) and watch the program of the ball dropping on tv. Even though they could practically step outside and see it in person, they would rather be comfy and cozy in their nice little place. Aww, then they would fall asleep and totally forget about work the next day :lol:
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