Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Good morning everyone! And good afternoon to my buddies overseas! *Stuffy bounds into the thread, loving the tons of snow that was dumped on her town yesterday after that nasty storm*

Angel!!! *tackles her buddy and gives her big snuggles* I'm so happy you're back - I was a bit worried there. Dude, your cookies are freakin' awesome. They look so yummy :)

I've had another "Snow Day" here, which amuses Stuffy for some reason when I mention it. I can't for the life of me think why she giggles when I say "Snow Day".

*giggles* I haven't the slightest idea! :p

She's my evil twin - she gets high on the fog far too often

And as for you...*tackles her Evil Twin and gives him big snuggles* Welcome back hun :D hope your trip went well. See? I told you not to worry about the episode ;)

What I can see is a great opportunity for that deepening of their relationship the writers were talking about.

They might as well take it, 'cause this is a fantastic opportunity. Unfortunately, with the strike still happening I doubt we will see it :(

he started walking away before Lindsay came in, and in his state, may not have even realised it was Lindsay.

I think he did know it was her, but he was so upset that he just automatically walked away. It could have been anyone - he still would have turned away. It would have been nice to see her comforting him, but hey - that's what fanfics are for ;)
^If that had been me, I wouldn't have cared who it was. I'd still have walked away too. I don't think it had anything to do with Lindsay. The fact was that he just wanted to be alone. There may have been a fleeting thought of it being Lindsay but that need for solitude is alot stronger.

What he needs is some space, and then the support she's going to damn give him after that. He's going to be a wreck I think...at least he'll pretend not to be. We'll see what happens this week. Who knows? Maybe we will get that scene we want.

As for the strike, I'm hoping that by 4x14 they've already dealt with Danny's anguish. I could stand for one episode of him pretending to be alright, not letting anyone close and Lindsay standing in the corner looking lost on what to do since he won't let her in.

Then she breaks down his door in 4x13 and shoves herself in his face and tells him to get it together or she'll kick him in the ass - hard. He needs that jolt :) And then they'll talk. He'll tear a little again, and then they can make love on the pool table again. (Twinny - your banner's distracting me!).


Happy Place. Where the only things that go wrong are alarm clocks. - It's going to be one comfortable morning waking up on the pool table again. hehe.
*runs in* - look Stuffy, your cuzzies are back! - *sings another random Christmas song* :D

funny Bella said:
I love being an auntie ... you get to give them back
:lol: LOL, that's so true! And I think that Lindsay probably feels the same way...if she is an aunt I think she will be more comfortable with those kids than with the kids she has to deal with in her job, but she still will be happy once she gets to spend some time alone (or with Danny) again. :)

But Danny on the other hand loves kids and just seeing him play with them would be a great way to win Lindsay over when they ever have that (quote Angel :D) "you want one?" conversations.

Unfortunately I think that auda is right and that after last week's ep, Danny will not be thinking about having kids for a long, long time... :(

See I think Danny is good with kids to a certain point. I think he can relate to them because he's such a big kid himself. Look how he was so wounded when Lindsay didn't let him play with the slingshot.
That reminds me so much of my dad :lol:...he still acts like that with his grandkids now...my mum sometime sighs that her kids left home, but she still has the biggest kid around. :rolleyes:

Angel sweety, those cookies are so great :D...it would be a shame to eat them...you should hang them in a Christmas tree or something... :)

sweet catie wondered:
I've had another "Snow Day" here, which amuses Stuffy for some reason when I mention it. I can't for the life of me think why she giggles when I say "Snow Day". Do you all? lol
LOL Stuffy probably just has been reading in the D/L dictionary a little too much :p...you wouldn't believe what the meaning of 'having a snow day' is in that book... :eek:

Sarah that's funny, I always imagined Danny having a sister too :cool: - I know that it has never been mentioned, but it's just something that got stuck in my head somehow... :rolleyes:

our returned King of the gutter Liffy said:
What I can see is a great opportunity for that deepening of their relationship the writers were talking about.
Yeah, I really hope that Lindsay's statement and the fact that she still tries to comfort Danny is the start of the 'deepening' we were promised :p...It would be such a great opportunity for Lindsay to finally show Danny that he needs her as much as she needs him... :)

wise Stuffy said:
that's what fanfics are for
*high fives buddy* I'm still loving all the different pov's that keep popping up on ff-net :D

Liffy you're suggesting of little Lindsay Monroe breaking down doors and kicking Danny's butt is so funny :lol:...I'm sure that'll have them end up on that pool table again :devil:

*huggles all buddies, your kind words and funny posts really cheered me up* :)

:lol: auda that avvie is hilarious :lol: *checks her look in the mirror* nope deprivation is not showing (yet)
If that had been me, I wouldn't have cared who it was. I'd still have walked away too. I don't think it had anything to do with Lindsay. The fact was that he just wanted to be alone. There may have been a fleeting thought of it being Lindsay but that need for solitude is alot stronger.

I definitely agree :) and I probably would have done the same thing if I were in Danny's place. I mean, he was watching Sid examine Ruben's body - obviously he would want to leave and have some alone time. Technically, he didn't walk away from just Lindsay. Yes she entered the room when he left, but he was also talking to Mac. If he had been there alone and then she had walked in, that would be considered walking away from her. Besides, if it had been anyone, Danny would have done the same thing. He would have turned away no matter who it was.

(Twinny - your banner's distracting me!).

*evil chuckle* Yes, 'tis rather distracting, isn't it? Mwahahahaha.

LOL Stuffy probably just has been reading in the D/L dictionary a little too much

*lifts her head up from the DL Dictionary* Eh, what was that? Sorry, I'm too engrossed in this fascinating book ;)

I'm sure that'll have them end up on that pool table again

If they can get themselves out of the broom closet :p

*drools from teh hawtness of her banner* That little gem isn't going anywhere :D
"Joy to the world, all the boys and girls, Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, Joy to you and me! Joy to the world, all the boys and girls...!" Hi my lovelies!! *Mo grins and bounces into the thread in human size fuzzy stocking, just because she actually found a real one and had to have it!* :lol: Happy Monday evening! I have had a lovely day off, shopping in the midst of crazy last minute shoppers...it was quite fun actually! :D

Shopping maven of Holland Dutch tapped her nails impatiently:
I keep telling myself that this is a sign that they are planning something major, but they got to hurry up though ...I'm not a very patient person...
Lol, you and me both hon! I am SOOO not patient, why else do you think Aud and I are already picketing the writer's club! :lol: I really really hope they are planning something major for D/L...it would be about dang time they did...we need some really good D/L already, they are long overdue!

Do you think Danny or Lindsay have any nieces or nephews and when they hang out with them, will it make them think of having kids of their own?
Mmmm, good question Dutch hon, I like the idea of Danny having a sister, and I can totally see him being a younger brother and doting on his sisters kids! That would be so very cute :D Awwwww, heehee! Especially if he had a little niece who was in love with her "Unca Danny"...seriously y'all wouldn't that be so very adorable! And yeah I could see it making both Danny and Linds want to at least think about having a couple babies together...and that thought just makes me grin! :D

Aud my wub, hi hon! Ohh, good advent pic, babes! Speaking of advent pics...here's one for today...Monday, December 17th, 2007, I'm not sure why I like this pic exactly cuz both Danny and Linds have funny looks on their faces, but both of them look so gorgeous! And I like Danny's boots and that green shirt...mmmm! And Linds' whole outfit is gorgeous! :D

Maybe Lindsay is good with kids she knows well, but we don't know. Maybe she's better around little boys. We've only seen her with two little girls, not boys. I imagine any girl under a certain age only serves to make her remember what she has lost. I think if given the chance, she would probably be great around a little child. She has such a sweet voice and presence and likes to have fun. I bet she'd love to teach a kid how to use a slingshot or how to braid rawhide.
Mmmmm, good points there Fluffy Twin! Yeah I can definitely see Linds having a harder time with girls just because it reminds her of her past...I think that would change as soon as she met Danny's niece (who I have decided has to exist cuz that idea/image is just too dang cute!!) and/or as soon as she and Danny had a baby girl of their own! :D I do think either way, like you said she would be great with a small child and I would love to see her with one on the show, have her and Danny catch a case where the only survivor is a baby girl and Linds is the only one she'll go to! Awww!!

But they'd need to hang out with Aunt Auda a bit so they wouldn't get too science geeky. I'd make sure that they'd have great fashion awareness and a love of shopping. Mo'd help too.
Heck yeah I would babe, those kids are going to love their Aunt Mo & Aunt Auda! :lol: We'll spoil them good, as all good aunts should...while teaching them the bliss of shopping definitely! :lol:

Angel, love the D/L cookies hon, totally cute!!

Spoiler queen Catey winked:
I can't for the life of me think why she giggles when I say "Snow Day". Do you all?
*Mo attempts to look innocent....and lasts at it for about 1.5 seconds before she busts out giggling and her halo falls!* Yeah I'm with her, anytime I see the words "Snow Day" or hear them or often even think them I pretty much start giggling...can't help it! :lol:

Gutter king of the world who finally returned Liff laughed:
she gets high on the fog far too often
Oh yeah and you don't? :lol: Nice try there dude, I think getting high off the pink fog is like requirement to get in here now! ;) Well or at least the willingness to inhale said pink fog...which sounds funny, but oh well! :lol:

Liff can I just say...well I can't actually say anything since you are spoiler free and therefore I cannot deny or confirm anything, but in about a month or so we'll have to talk about how pschyic you are my friend! ;) And I love the idea of Linds pushing her way into Danny's apartment and threatening to kick his ass if he doesn't open up to her, that would be SO awesome! :D :lol:

Naughty bud who will so never get her halo back :lol: Dutch winked:
you wouldn't believe what the meaning of 'having a snow day' is in that book...
Ohhhh I think I could guess...not sure I can say it here, but I'm fairly sure I can guess! :devil: Heehee! Good times, good times indeed! :D Isn't the the definition that has the alternative picture "explanation" as well...the pic of course being the one where Danny and Linds are...well, you know :devil: :lol:

Okay I think this is way long enough already here so I'm off...I'll be back later! :D

*Mo giggles and bounces off in her stocking to her fluffy bubble!*

ETA: ARGGGH! So I just read that in a last minute decision, the network decided to pull our new episode for Wednesday and replace it with a repeat of our second eppy of this season "The Deep"...bummer! I mean at least we know we get D/L...but I wanted new D/L!
Welcome back, Liff. I can see you've been very busy shipper. :)

Darling Dutch, no you don't look as deprived as Hammerback, but the deprivation starts taking its toll. Plenty of rest, a good blow dryer and comb, as well as a good multi-vitamin. Works for Linds. ;)

Heck yeah I would babe, those kids are going to love their Aunt Mo & Aunt Auda! We'll spoil them good, as all good aunts should...while teaching them the bliss of shopping definitely!
Tackles buddy!! :D You always tackle me---thought I'd return the favor. *Hugs* We will definitely teach the D/L kiddies the finer things in life. Plus it gives Mom and Pop a chance to sneak off for some broom closet quality time. :devil:

Don't worry about the episode change. That just means that we still have more episodes to look forward to in 2008!! Hopefully more D/L (deeper D/L ;)) and an end to the writer's strike. Fanfiction will supplement the lack of episodes. :)

Later. :cool:
Tackles buddy!! You always tackle me---thought I'd return the favor. *Hugs* We will definitely teach the D/L kiddies the finer things in life. Plus it gives Mom and Pop a chance to sneak off for some broom closet quality time.
Heehee, yay, I got Fluffy Twin tackled! :lol: *Mo snuggles her Fluffykins right back!* Yeah that broom closet time is essential for D/L...and we'll be happy to babysit to provide them that time! ;)

Yeah that is a good point, it would have been sad to have no more D/L in sight for a long time (cuz of the writer's strike :p )...so now at least we have possibilities in the future for sure still...and yeah hopefully the strike will end soon!
Dear PTB,
Your freaking multi-trillionaires...give the writers their raise and let us have our ships back dang it!! Please!
Pleaded with all my heart...
I'm officially furious at my tv! Dumb recorder didn't record the new episode last Wednesday and when I went to watch it today...NADA! And to top it all off, no new episode this week! :mad: I think I might need some extra D/L pics to cheer me up *whistles casually*

Heehee, yay, I got Fluffy Twin tackled! *Mo snuggles her Fluffykins right back!* Yeah that broom closet time is essential for D/L...and we'll be happy to babysit to provide them that time!
Don't you think by the time they have their little kiddies, they will move on to more extravagant "private places"? Wait, what am I saying? Its D/L and the closet is tradition!

Dear PTB,
Your freaking multi-trillionaires...give the writers their raise and let us have our ships back dang it!! Please!
Pleaded with all my heart...
...and Sarah :D
Thats so true though! Seriously, how much can the writers be asking for that would totally destroy TPTB's bank?
Here's one for you Sarah hon, I call it "Love!" :D

And nah D/L will always have "The Closet" ;) It's tradition and plus they like having a convenient hideaway at work where they can get busy and then get back to work! :lol: :devil:

Yeah I'm fairly sure whatever the writers want won't break the PTB's bank... :rolleyes: silly PTB!
*knock, knock* Does any of you crazy shippers still recognize me? :p *throws M&M's in every direction* I know, I know I have been away for a while, which almost seems like forever (I dont want to think about everything I missed) but now I'm back :)
I took a look at some of our most recent posts...even though I havent seen any of the episodes of season 4 :(

Auda asked:
How will D/L possibily move past this and press on to their future?
I guess as everything, they'll move past this with time. Well, Danny is the one that really has to move past what happened and just learn to deal and live with it from now on. Its obviously going to be hard. And I just know that Lindsay will be there for him, showing her support, even though she is not really sure on how to act (I would be just like that as well). As dutch said, I believe now it's the time to Lindsay prove (like if he didnt know already) that she's going to be there for him no matter what, just like he did with her. Its kind of reversing their roles :rolleyes: And I think that even though now its hard for him to talk about it, and just to let her in, with time I guess he'll be able to do so. Again, just like what happened to her ;)

About him leaving the room, just when she was entering it, I dont know wheter he did notice it was her or not, but I dont think it really matters for the situation. He naturally just needed to not see the kid anymore and just have 2 minutes alone to think about everything. Its just hard to talk to anyone about it, and I dont think it should be interpretated like he didnt want her near him...He just didnt want anyone near him at that moment. Them being a couple doesnt mean they are always able to let the other one in, even though probably they would always benefit from that...But I think especially with them, given their relationship is still growing, they are still learning how to deal with hard situations together (how would this make any sense? :rolleyes:)

*steals one of Angel's cookies...Yummi*
^ Welcome back Dani! :) And you're right, their relationship is still growing and this is just a next step...a sad when, but still a step... :D

Stuffy said:
he was watching Sid examine Ruben's body - obviously he would want to leave and have some alone time
Of course, just the idea of Sid cutting into Ruben's body, gives me the shivers...I cannot even imagine how Danny must've felt :(...And I think Lindsay understood that too, she didn't even once question his behaviour when he walked out, so why should we? :p

If they can get themselves out of the broom closet
Right...woops...*shoves some of Angel's lovely cookies under the door and checks the cameras* - nice, very nice... :devil:

Mo mumbled:
both Danny and Linds have funny looks on their faces, but both of them look so gorgeous! And I like Danny's boots and that green shirt...mmmm! And Linds' whole outfit is gorgeous!
I love that pic, because they so perfectly mirror each other's posture :D...and they do look adorable...

auda kidded (or at least I hope so ;)):
Darling Dutch, no you don't look as deprived as Hammerback, but the deprivation starts taking its toll. Plenty of rest, a good blow dryer and comb, as well as a good multi-vitamin. Works for Linds.
Aaaarrgh! :eek: Are you really, really sure that it works for Lindsay...or...have we just found the real reason she keeps cutting her hair :eek:...Maybe the D/L deprivation was starting to affect her too, and there's just no comb or blow dryer that can change that...only new eps *signs Mo's plea* with lots of D/L goodness... :D

Isn't the the definition that has the alternative picture "explanation" as well...the pic of course being the one where Danny and Linds are...
...doing something that started with....
Dani!! *tackles* My CaRWash little pal. ;) Welcome back to the dl world. *drags you over to the angsty side weither you like it or not* What? me and Dutch wants some company.

Have any of you fluffys seen Mer? I haven't seen her in awhile... Tell her I said she better NOT think about it. I got a rep to protect, she'll know what you mean. ;) and if you told any of you, I WAS FORCED DAMNIT! if not, you heard nothing, you seen nothing, you know nothing. :D

haha Linds cutting her hair due to lack of DL I'm sorry thats funny, but somehow that could be really true. sad, really.

Dear PTB,

A) Get the writers back so I can have my shows back.
B) Get the writers back so Mo will leave me alone about wanting her ship back.
C) Give my ship or I'll torch you.

the angsty one from WV
Mo said:
Liff can I just say...well I can't actually say anything since you are spoiler free and therefore I cannot deny or confirm anything, but in about a month or so we'll have to talk about how pschyic you are my friend!
So what I said was close to a possible spoiler? Nice...wait, am I now considered spoiled? Spoilt...*shrugs*

Anyways, who cares - all I want to see is how the writers have planned out this storyline for Danny and I truly believe that Lindsay is going to be involved in it. I also truly believe that this would and will be a turning point in their relationship where they realise how deep they're in with each other. Their flirty banter has always been more than skin deep.

Still, I'd like to see her kick some crap into him once in a while - it'd be good for them. Danny seems to be really in the self-blaming mood, and after watching the episode 12 times (no kidding) I can't see how he was at fault. Hopefully Linds would be able to see that too and convince him of it. Otherwise he's getting a foot in the ass - hard - and possible heeled. Ouch.

Also, after 12 viewings of the same episode - I have to comment on DL's new wardrobe. It's pretty cool - and I suddenly want a leather jacket. They look fresh and new - somewhat. Always a nice change when the two have to go shopping and buy new outfits due to...ah...strenuous excercises and excessive shredding. ;)
I'm brand new and I only just started watching this show this season, and of course, noticed the chemistry between Danny and Lindsay. I have no idea what's going on except, well, they have more chemistry than a room full of Bunsen burners. Do any of you all have any episodes you could recommend to me? Because I sure haven't seen any kissing or anything going on in the episodes I've seen this season.

Now, of course, I feel like a big old perv.
^ Well, first of all a big welcome :D...it's always great to meet new shippers!

By this season I assume you mean season 4 and if so than unfortunately you're right...there hasn't been anything really physical going on between them :(...so if you like to see how this lovely ship became really canon :devil: *^^^ points at cap* I (and no doubt everyone else in here :D) would recommend watching ep 3x24 'Snow Day'

Danny seems to be really in the self-blaming mood, and after watching the episode 12 times (no kidding) I can't see how he was at fault.
I don't think he was to blame either :)...but there's another thread for that discussion...

I do think that if anyone is able to help him through this and to make him understand that he's not to blame, it will be Lindsay :)...No doubt she has been having the same "why not me?" and "what if.."'s running through her mind after what happened to her friends... :(

Lynny stated:
me and Dutch wants some company
We sure do...after last week's ep my angst has returned full-force and...I'm loving it, but we could sure use some more angst-fans.... :D
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