Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Mo said:
I don't know if they are making next week "Christmas" on the show or not...it's possible and if it is we had better see some mistletoe!
Well I think by now they should at least have a Christmas tree in the breakroom or in one of the lab's hallways :D...and I'm sure that there has to be at least one person who comes up with the bright idea to hang up some mistletoe too ;)...And with the lack of D/L we've had thus far, I would love just a little wink from either one of them when they see it - However, a kiss (sharpens knives too :mad:) would be the ultimate Christmas gift for all us loyal D/L shippers... :)

Stuffy said:
Mac definitely knows which is nice. At least someone knows about them
Yeah and I'm clinging to that as a sign that the writers have not completely forgotten about them either...Maybe because of the strike the plans they had for D/L this season could not be worked out completely and they've decided to postpone it 'til next season... :(

ETA: Okay I can't find the promo pics for next week....help!! Please?!
:D Credit goes to 'SpoilerTV.blogspot.com':
4x12 Lindsay (and Hawkes) 1 and 4x12 Lindsay (and Hawkes) 2

And since we need it...two advent pics from this season :)

Advent pic for friday, december 14


condom spray anyone?

Advent pic for saturday, december 15


love handles

*takes some of Stuffy's cookies and sends some pink fog Vexus' way*
It's the weekend at last but i just wish I had not celebrated so much at my office party last night ;)

Finally saw some clips from Childs Play which was just too sad for words :( The emotional scenes were so well played. It was heartbreaking to see Danny tell the boy's mum and such a dramatic scene. As Mo reassured me, the scene between Lindsay and Mac in the Morgue was quite touching. I don't believe that Lindsay was being self centred in admitting that she was worried about dealing with the situation. I think she just wanted to be there for Danny as best as she could be ( I read the other reviews too) But I still wished we had seen Lindsay catch up with Danny. It worries me that the TPTB seem to be ignoring our couple at every shipper opportunity :confused:

Dutch - I absolutely love your holiday avvie :D It's a great picture of Lindsay. And it is good to see some DL scenes from Season 4 ;)
Good Morning all!! :) Lovin' the lurvely pics!! :D

Well count Aud and I for dang sure...we Fluffy Twins are pro's at picketing...and we're definitely ready to be out there on the front lines! Right Aud wub?!
Hell yeah!! We picket the picketing writers!! We're also holding Zuiker to his promise that they will indeed 'deepen' the D/L relationship. That's our contract guys, and we're makin' sure they stick to it. ;)

I'm also for throwing these two back into the broom closet. They need some quality time together away from the angst. :devil:

Deep thoughts!! Discussion time: :p

As an emotional person who naturally has a guilt complex (whether or not he was actually responsible for his actions with Reuben), Danny is going to continue to have a rough time with Reuben's death. How will D/L possibly move past this and press on to their future?

*Double sprays Vex with pink fog* :)
*"It starts in my toes, and I crinkle my nose, wherever it goes I'll always know, that you make me smile please stay for a while now..." Stuffy bounds into the thread, preparing for this big snowstorm that is coming on the morrow*

As an emotional person who naturally has a guilt complex (whether or not he was actually responsible for his actions with Reuben), Danny is going to continue to have a rough time with Reuben's death. How will D/L possibly move past this and press on to their future?

First off, I know that they will move past this. Both of them are strong individuals and even though it will take some time, they will move on. Obviously Danny blames himself for Ruben's death, so this would make the grieving process even more difficult. Talking about it with Lindsay and getting his emotions out would definitely help, because it's no good to leave those feelings bottled up. It's better to release them. I can see Danny getting snappish at her, not because he's angry at her, but because he simply feels responsible for Ruben's murder. We all know that when people are angry, they say and/or do things they don't mean. So, I think that if they want to move past this, they will need to discuss it with one another.

Vex!! *triple doses her buddy with the fog*

ETA: dutch, I adore your avvie :D it's very beautiful.

ETA2: Pimpin' my ficcy :p please be warned that it contains a small spoiler for 4x13.
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Good morning my darlings! :D *Mo skips into the thread, quite happy it is the weekend and carrying huge candy canes for us to play with!*
Hello my dears! 10 days left until Christmas, how crazy is that huh?! And what's even more amazing, I still have like ALL my shopping left to do! I'd say I love the last minute rush of shopping so close to the holiday, but really I just haven't had time! :lol: I comfort myself with the thought that I'm not alone though, cuz I see Danny being the same way...Linds I think would have her shopping done by the beginning of December to avoid the rush, whereas I see Danny loving the whole rush (even though it frustrates him too) and so he waits until a few days before...just like me! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Dutch, I LOVE your avie! That is SO purty :D Oh and thanks for the links to the pics hon, how GORGEOUS does Linds look in that coat and scarf...wow! And I love the falling snow, nice!! I can't wait for this eppy, it's gonna be good! :D

And with the lack of D/L we've had thus far, I would love just a little wink from either one of them when they see it - However, a kiss (sharpens knives too ) would be the ultimate Christmas gift for all us loyal D/L shippers...
Oh honey I'm SOOO with you on that! AT the very least we deserve a wink from Danny to Linds as they see the mistletoe...I can even picture it in my head...or even cuter would Linds winking at Danny and then him grinning in that perfectly adorable make you want to jump him right there kind of way! :devil: But yeah, we deserve a kiss under said mistletoe or anywhere else (really I'm not picky! ;) ) and I think I would love the PTB forever if they gave us a D/L kiss....of course if they don't, we'll we're crazed obsessed shippers...we can't really be responsible for our actions or reactions right?! :lol:

Oh and yay for those advent pics, I LOVE both of them...hot D/L moments both! ;) Yay!! Lol, Linds' face in both pics cracks me up...she looks so matter-of-fact and not like she's doing something naughty at all! :devil: heehee! :D

Cutie pie Bella said:
But I still wished we had seen Lindsay catch up with Danny.
Yeah I really wish we could have seen that too, I mean at least they made it very clear that she went after him and I think it's safe to assume she comforted him, but I would have liked to actually see it!

Fluffy Twin of mine Aud cheered:
Hell yeah!! We picket the picketing writers!! We're also holding Zuiker to his promise that they will indeed 'deepen' the D/L relationship. That's our contract guys, and we're makin' sure they stick to it.
Heck yeah we're making him/them stick to that! They said "deepen" and we are sure as heck expecting deepening...which in my book involves more kissing, cuddling, talking, snuggling, and hand holding for us to see...so PTB get on that! Cuz like my fluffy Twin said, we're holding you to that "contract" and trust me, you don't want to scorn a shipper...cuz I can promise you, it ain't pretty!! :p

I'm also for throwing these two back into the broom closet. They need some quality time together away from the angst.
Mmmmm, sounds like a good plan to me hon...I'll uh, I'll grab Danny :devil: You tackle Linds and we'll shove them both in there at the same time...Mer, Stuffy one of you want to get the door? :D And who's got the lock? Oh and Dutch make sure the camera's in there are working too! ;)

How will D/L possibly move past this and press on to their future?
Yeah I agree with Stuffy they need to make sure they continue talking it out and make sure they communicate openly with eachother...which sadly I'm afraid we may not see, it may be along the same lines as LRC (where we know Linds must have explained her actions to Danny but didn't get to see them) I can see the same kind of thing happening here...I just hope they won't milk the D/L angst for another season...they need a dang break from the angst already! Please!!

Fluffy Stuffy wuffy nodded:
I can see Danny getting snappish at her, not because he's angry at her, but because he simply feels responsible for Ruben's murder.
Yeah hurt makes us do things that we wouldn't normally do, so I agree I could totally see Danny doing that...not to be mean or hurtful to Linds at all...but more because like you said he feels guilty and responsible for Ruben being killed and so he is taking it out on those closest to him...you know what they say "You hurt the ones you love" because you know they will still love you....so now what we need to see is Linds doing what Danny did in LRC, that even if Danny hurts her and pushes her away, she shouldn't give up and should be there for him to help him and talk if he needs it!!

Okay time to go get ready for the day, I think shopping is in order today...fun times...who wants to come Christmas shopping with me? :lol: Have a swell Saturday my friends...talk to you all later! ;)

*Mo grins and skips off to her fluffy reinforced pink fog filled bubble and shimmers away!* :D
A late visit from me and I hope the Mods will allow me one O/T comment which only the Brits will understand :p ..... Leon won the X factor :D :D :D And Michael Buble wanted him to win too ... we have something in common :lol:

Back on topic now. I have been filling my shipper needs with lots of lovely fan fic for missing DL scenes for "Child's play", A shipper has to get her fix somehow - evil TPTB :mad:

Aud posed the question
How will D/L possibly move past this and press on to their future?
i think that they will be ok in time. I am not sure why Danny walked away from Lindsay in the morgue :confused: but maybe it is just me, I would need my partner at a time like that. But then again Danny and Lindsay are still developing their relationship as a couple so i think that he will open up to Lindsay in private and in his own time. the way I see it, Linsday was so worried about how to support Danny as best she could that she asked Mac for advice ;)

Last minute shipper Mo asked
who wants to come Christmas shopping with me?
****Bella waves her hand in the air and jumps up and down**** Oooh, me me me!!! :lol:

Anyway, it is getting late and I have tons to do tomorrow. So good night or as we say in Wales "nos da"
How are my fellow obsessed shippers?
What say I send TPTB a big basket of my DL cookies? *nudges Angel* Fire up those ovens, matey! We've got a big batch of DL cookies to bake
If time permits, I might actually attempt, yes attempt some holiday cookies, Im thinking sugar cookies with D and L sprinkles...But I would love to see actual "D/L Cookies" baked by a pro ;)
I doubt Ill get the time, I just became an aunt! :)

would you join DL and eat bugs? or join the rest of the team and eat pizza?
As much as I love D/L, I dont think I could manage the bugs :lol: Im sorry! Ill just join them in a game of pool or something instead :lol:

Happy Holidays all!
Lol, speaking of cookies Sarah guess what I spent my whole day and night today doing? Yeah baking gingerbreak cookies and then building gingerbread houses! It was so much fun and mine looks pretty awesome if I do say so myself...totally girly and cute! :lol: I wonder if Danny and Linds would ever make cookies or gingerbread houses together...somehow I could totally see Linds being meticulous and careful with hers and Danny just getting bored and eating all the candy! :lol:

I am not sure why Danny walked away from Lindsay in the morgue
I kinda saw it as him just needing a moment, my mom is that way when she's hurting, she almost doesn't want comfort right away she just needs a moment to let it sink in and compose herself a bit before she talks to anyone or lets anyone touch her or anything so I think that's probably what Danny was feeling...that and I have a feeling he knew that if Linds comforted him right then he would break down completely in her arms and even though he's cried in front of Mac before he probably didn't want to repeat the happening...ya know. So that's my thought!
*comes in applauding the return of the broom closet - locks them in, throws away the key and focusses the cameras* :devil: Action!

Bella said:
It worries me that the TPTB seem to be ignoring our couple at every shipper opportunity
I keep telling myself that this is a sign that they are planning something major, but they got to hurry up though :mad:...I'm not a very patient person... :rolleyes:

auda asked:
How will D/L possibly move past this and press on to their future?
I think Lindsay really needs to show Danny that she will be there for him...no matter how he treats her; she has been in that dark place and she now knows how important it is to have somebody there who will stay with you no matter what :)...In the end I'm sure that this will make them stronger, but at first it will be hard on both of them... :(

Mo said:
Linds I think would have her shopping done by the beginning of December to avoid the rush, whereas I see Danny loving the whole rush (even though it frustrates him too) and so he waits until a few days before...
I love the idea of Danny running around like crazy to buy his presents at the last minute...loving the busy crowd around him and at the same time cursing all those people because all the best gifts are already gone or he just can't get a closer look at something that looks like a great gift :lol:...He would come home all flustered and ruffled and Lindsay would greet him with an I-told-you-not-to-wait-too-long smile... :)

Sarah said:
I just became an aunt!
Congrats! :D And that immediately leads to another question:

Do you think Danny or Lindsay have any nieces or nephews and when they hang out with them, will it make them think of having kids of their own?

Oh, and another shameless plug :D...after reading all those great post 'Child's Play' fics I got inspired and decided to also write one. This is my take on how they are both struggling with their feelings and how it is affecting their relationship...... A beautiful day

*joins Mo and Bella on their shopping trip* :)
ILuvJon - congrats on becoming an Aunt ! I love being an auntie ... you get to give them back :lol:

Fan fic extraordinaire Dutch asked
Do you think Danny or Lindsay have any nieces or nephews and when they hang out with them, will it make them think of having kids of their own?
Danny seems to be really comfortable with kids, more than Lindsay IMO. It is was sweet to see his interaction with Ruben. But although it may to be early in the relationship for marriage and kids, I think that they will both think about it. Although Danny may be surprised at such thoughts but I think that it would a great scene if he revealed his thoughts to Flack :eek:

And Mo your explanation made sense. Everyone deals with things differently. And whilst we did not get the scene of Lindsay catching up with danny, at least we had some recognition of their relationship albeit in a roundabout way. Dutch - i am keeping everything crossed that we get something major (in a good way) real soon. And great fic hon!

Does someone want to post the advent piccie for today - Sunday 16 December? Where is everyone today?
Did you say pic, oh, Bella Donna? Here we go: :D



The Lovely Blonde from Holland asked: Do you think Danny or Lindsay have any nieces or nephews and when they hang out with them, will it make them think of having kids of their own?
See I think Danny is good with kids to a certain point. I think he can relate to them because he's such a big kid himself. Look how he was so wounded when Lindsay didn't let him play with the slingshot. :lol: :lol: :lol: I still think there is something that makes him nervous around children, even though he is quite thoughtful and sensitive around them. I don't think he's had a lot of experience with children, but I think he does like them. After last week's episode, he might stay away from children for a while. :eek:

Maybe Lindsay is good with kids she knows well, but we don't know. Maybe she's better around little boys. We've only seen her with two little girls, not boys. I imagine any girl under a certain age only serves to make her remember what she has lost. I think if given the chance, she would probably be great around a little child. She has such a sweet voice and presence and likes to have fun. I bet she'd love to teach a kid how to use a slingshot or how to braid rawhide. :lol:

I bet both would enjoy watching cartoons with their nieces or nephews or play comic book characters. But I'm not sure if they have any. It's never be stated that Lindsay has any brothers or sisters, and we don't know if Danny has any other siblings besides Louie. Personally, I can't see the guy having children, but that's me.

As far as D/L wanting to have children by hanging out with other people's kids---hmmm----not sure. I think most people that fall in love naturally want to have babies together (although I never have...I count myself as an exception), so I wouldn't be suprised if they started talking about their feelings on that issue. They would have gloriously wonderful babies. And they'd have plenty of babysitters to boot! :lol: But they'd need to hang out with Aunt Auda a bit so they wouldn't get too science geeky. I'd make sure that they'd have great fashion awareness and a love of shopping. Mo'd help too. :D

Have a great day my lovelies. :cool:
my short break from DL made me miss DL even more!! i guess they have that effect. :lol:

*nudges my Togoholic buddy, Sarah, yup i made those cookies*

happy eating:

^^^ cooked DL cookie

^^^ cooked DL cookie and D and L cookie

^^^ uncooked DL cookie and D and L cookie

stuffy cleverly said: Talking about it with Lindsay and getting his emotions out would definitely help, because it's no good to leave those feelings bottled up.
i completely agree. good girl for holding down the fort. *tickles stuffy* i'll rev. your fic in another place. :cool:

dutch's niece and nephew question
i think DL would have fun with their nieces and nephews and spoil them to a good point. as an uncle and aunt, they have that chance ;) . after their playing with the kids, i can see them have one of those "you want one?" conversations. *blush!* :)

great advent pictures! good danny and lindsay memories.
Angel, what a lovely holiday theme for our D/L thread! It's nice you took the time to do that, and post it for us shippers. Very nice, and I love how the D and the L melded together when it baked. Together, like our lovely pair.

As for if Danny or Lindsay have any nieces or nephews, I'm going to go with, no on this. There hasn't been enough evidence either way, and although we know that Louie is Danny's brother, there hasn't been anything, including in RSRD that indicates otherwise. If they do have nieces and nephews for "practice", I think they would be a fun aunt or uncle, especially Danny.

And although this is a little OT, I've had another "Snow Day" here, which amuses Stuffy for some reason when I mention it. I can't for the life of me think why she giggles when I say "Snow Day". Do you all? lol
Hola Everyone!
Do you think Danny or Lindsay have any nieces or nephews and when they hang out with them, will it make them think of having kids of their own?
I know that we found out Danny has a brother, but to answer this question, Im pretending(or maybe he really does) he has a sister. I can picture him going over to her house and her kids come running "Uncle Danny!" Aww how cute. Then he brings Lindsay over because his sister invited them for dinner and she's all fluffy. "Danny, they are so precious! Maybe we should *grin, giggle, grin*"
:lol: Adorable!

*nudges my Togoholic buddy, Sarah, yup i made those cookies*
Ah! You beat me to it! They look so yummy *reaches through the monitor and takes a bite* Sorry, couldn't resist :D

Mo, you should have made D/L Gingerbread cookies! How cute would those have been?
Hey guys! I'm finally back and just managed to watch the eppy. Definately one of the better episodes of the season. I just wish we could have seen what happened after Lindsay ran to catch up with Danny. I'd like to think they had a few words in the hallway, maybe a small hug just for good measure.

I can understand Danny walking away, and if I remember correctly, he started walking away before Lindsay came in, and in his state, may not have even realised it was Lindsay. Probably not caring who it was, he just needed some time alone - it's perfectly reasonable and hardly a source of heart palpitation inducing angst.

What I can see is a great opportunity for that deepening of their relationship the writers were talking about. Lindsay stated that she's not good in that kind of situation but she'd do it for him anyway. She'd could, or rather, will be there to give whatever support he needs. The fact that she knows she's not good at it, but will do it anyway, and if she does what Mac says and tells him that, he'll realise how oddly placed she may feel but be grateful she'd go through it for him anyway.

I'm in that happy place - where angst is simply the first spark of a warm and comforting fire through the winter chills :)

Cuzzy said:
i think DL would have fun with their nieces and nephews and spoil them to a good point. as an uncle and aunt, they have that chance . after their playing with the kids, i can see them have one of those "you want one?" conversations.
:lol: hahaha - that sounds exactly like Danny, to just randomly turn to Lindsay after the kids run off to get cookies or something and ask "Ya want one?" ....or maybe two :devil:

^Do we know if Lindsay is an only child. You'd think her siblings/parents would have been mentioned during the Montana trials. Anybody know exactly how long she was away? That is if her parents are still alive. We know Danny's parents are still alive and kicking - Mama Messer probably getting on his case on when she's getting grandchildren :p That would be an interesting conversation - especially if Lindsay is there. :lol:

Catey asked:
I can't for the life of me think why she giggles when I say "Snow Day". Do you all? lol
She's my evil twin - she gets high on the fog far too often :p

Cuzzy wubs those cookies look absolutely scrumptious!! :) Me want some. I feel like baking now *puts on chef's hat* :devil:
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