Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Okay my shipper pals here it is...basically my running commentary as I watched tonight's eppy... :D

Okay can I just say right off...Danny with Ruben is SOOOO cute! He is gonna be such a great dad!

I like Stella and Linds working together...they are a good girl team! :D And them giggling together over poor Sid with the itching powder that was hilarious! Lol! I totally knew that's what it was right away...but it was fun to watch him scratch and Linds and Stella laughing was fabulous!

Okay "Boom" is Danny's new favorite word, I LOVE it! And can I just say how amazingly gorgeous he is...I know, I know, I say this everytime...but seriously it always strikes me again...he is such a beautiful man! And I so want that leather jacket of his, yummy!!

OH.MY.WORD. They wheeled Ruben by in the morgue and I swear I stopped breathing for a second...oh poor Danny!! Wow....that was so hard, just how he just needed to touch him and how he kept saying "I saw him take the shortcut!" *Mo grabs for the tissues already!* :(

ohhhh wow....okay all of you who love angst, I think I finally get it. Don't get me wrong I am not renouncing fluff in anyway, I adore my fluff, will always be fluffy...but I get the attraction to angst now I think, it is heart rending and passionate and stirs your heart in a way almost nothing else can. Danny standing there with Mac watching Sid look at Ruben, that was so heart-rending.

And I have to say I loved our D/L moment...I would have given my right arm to see Linds even just find Danny and put her hand on his shoulder in compassion...but her running in concerned that way and then asking Mac what to say before she goes off to find Danny...that was so sweet! And yeah Mac totally knows! :lol: (Bella Linds didn't come across as awkward in that moment at all, she just doesn't handle kids dying easily, which makes total sense...I thought the moment went well...though I still really wanted to see her find him and at least just touch his arm and just be there for him, with him...) Can I just say too...Carmine is a phenomenal actor...him standing in the hallway telling the mom about Ruben, oh my word! He had me in tears...

On a lighter note...Linds and Flack going off on Laughing Larry was hilarious! I can totally see both of them as little kids reading comic books...Linds with the Hovercraft! Hilarious!!

Eyeball tattoos?? Seriously? HOw unsafe is that? I have to say though, boy suspect with the blue/blue eyes...they didn't look half bad...amazingly enough!

Awwww Danny not wanting to go home cuz he won't hear the kid lauging on the other side of the wall...gah how much do I want to hug him right now!!

Lol, Linds was ready to kick Laughing Larry in the shins in the lineup room! Lol! She cracks me up, heehee! :lol: Wow...talk about a sad story for Laughing Larry, but really the guy shouldn't advertise things like that kids...they'll believe it...just like that.

Ohhhhhh can I please just give Danny a hug? Wow...talk about a powerful ending...not a thing was said and yet it was like a thousand words were spoken.

Carmine played this episode perfectly...absolutely perfectly! Spot on emotionally. I really did like this eppy, it was heart rending and sad, but really good and the drama was well done. I would have SOOO loved an actual Linds comforting Danny scene as I have said...but still I am okay with what we did get.

D/L will conquer all...they will!

Next week looks interesting... :D

I'm off to bed! ;)
Hey guys,

For complete episode reviews, you guys need to go to the NY forum and post in the episode review thread. There is a new thread posted for each new episode. This thread needs to focus on D/L and only things that relate to them.

Thanks :)
Sorry modie :) I hope my request was not a problem but I just want to see what happened with Danny and Lindsay is the episode ;) I like to read the reviews in the other thread but I need my DL fix :lol:

Mo - thanks for clearing up the lindsay statement :) I was just worried that it would come across as selfish (which I don't think she is for a second) but that was just my 6am brain talking mental note to self - don't post at stupid o'clock times. But it is something that most people say in these circumstances as we never know what to say to someone who has lost a loved one.

And Mo liking ansgt :eek: :eek: :eek: Where is that hose?
Morning!! *Mo slides into the thread, still wiping sleep from her eyes and clutching her coffee cup tightly!* Where is everyone this lovely morning? Hopefully all comforting Danny and helping him feel better! ;) Although I really do think Linds went and took care of that pretty well herself! :D (even if we didn't get to actually see it as much I desperately wanted to!)

Modie sorry, that would probably be me you were talking to! ;) I tried to keep my commentary to D/L and D/L related moments...I'll work on that! :D

Bella yeah it didn't come across as selfish to me at all...I think she was really concerned for him and wanted to make sure she didn't make the situation worse or harder for him and since she knows she has a hard time with kids dying anyway...she just asked Mac for ideas...not selfish or awkward in my opinion! ;)

And Mo liking ansgt :eek: Where is that hose?
The hose is right here! Ooops...nope that's the pink fog I.V. I hooked myself up to! :lol: No hon I'm not liking angst, (No worries, I'm still fluffy!) I just meant I get why people love it...it's dramatic and passionate and that is always attractive! Especially when it's Carmine! ;)

It took me forever to fall asleep last night cuz I kept having scenarios of how Linds comforted Danny after he left the morgue...they ranged from sweet to :devil: and all kept me quite awake for a while! :lol:

Alright I should get ready for work...I did like the eppy last night, it was good, dramatic, so sad and amazingly well acted, especially by Carmine! Next week looks interesting, so sign of D/L in the promo...but let's hope that means the big good scene we're hoping for is just being kept a secret!

Please PTB, for the love of anything and everything sacred and good in this world...give us a good fluffy we-are-as-together-as-everyone-knows-and-wants-us-to-be-D/L scene next week! PLEASE!!
I'd be forever grateful...
Mo :D

Off I go! *Mo waves and shuffles off to her fluffy bubble, dragging her pink fog I.V. along with her as she goes!* :lol:
^ LOL I'm here Mo but as you know it's not morning here anymore and I've just come home after finishing my work day... :D

Even though I knew, from what I quickly read this morning (txs Catie! :)) that there would be no D/L-D/L scene I still liked that one scene in the morgue a lot.

I thought it was great that Lindsay finally (you saw that Lynny? :p) admitted that she isn't great at handling emotional stuff. And even though she knows that about herself she still consulted Mac about what to say and went after Danny as quickly as she could :) - too bad we didn't get to see their talk (lack of time?), but I'm just assuming that she's the one who gave him enough strength to go talk to Ruben's mum :(

And at first I thought Flack, Stella AND Lindsay were a bit too cheerful while outside Laughing Larry's shop, but when I played that scene again I think they were all just babbling in a kind of nervous way to avoid thinking too much about their friend AND lover and his grief...inside the shop they were all kinda grim.

And Mo you're right I love this kind of angst (even though I was in tears :(), but only when something good and fluffy comes as a result of it - Hopefully next week :D
Lol, and now Dutch here I am after my day of work is done and you're probably either in bed or about to start your Friday! :lol: Good times...I love that, we live what 14 hours apart and because of this lovely ship we get to hang out and ship it up! :D

Yeah I really did like that scene in the morgue...I would have liked more (obviously! ;) ) but I did really like what we got. I liked it because when Linds ran in, "Danny!" was the first word out of her mouth and she totally sounded like she was out of breath from coming absolutely as soon as she heard! And I liked how they showed her going after him, they pretty much made that clear and I'm really really glad! :D I totally think she was the one who gave him the strength to go talk to Ruben's mom, like you said Dutch! :D

And yeah having Linds admit she has a hard time with stuff like that was nice to hear her really say...I appreciate her ability to recognize that. And yeah I think their giggling outside the comic shop was as much an attempt to push aside grief as much as anything else.

Yeah this kind of angst begs a good dose of fluff next week...right Aud wub?! Most definitely in need of a good fluffy dosing now! :D

Okay and because we didn't have a pic yet for today, here's the advent pic for Thursday, December 13th....

I LOVE the looks on both their faces...this was a great D/L moment! :D

*Mo giggles and sprays the thread with a huge dose of pink fog!* :D
That was a good episode. Unfortunately, I didn't see the biginning. I only started watching at about 10:20. I liked the episode though. You're right Moriel21 Mac totally knows about the two of them. I would totally laugh if they put a mistletoe in the break room. They would totally use it as an excuse.
I would totally laugh if they put a mistletoe in the break room. They would totally use it as an excuse.
:lol: :lol: Now that would most definitely qualify as the lovely fluffy moment we are all hoping for next week! :D I would love to see D/L caught under the mistletoe! ;)

And yeah...pretty sure Mac knows...love it! :lol:
Mo said:
And I liked how they showed her going after him, they pretty much made that clear and I'm really really glad!
Yeah, that was quite obvious for me too...where else would she be going after Mac had convinced her that being honest was the best way to help Danny. I'm glad you also saw it that way (should've known that though ;))

I love Danny's grin in that pic :)

And I love the idea about the mistletoe in the breakroom...someone should put some up there... :D

I'm really hoping for some fun next week...at least there will be snow in the ep :D (saw that on some promo pics).

Later :)

PS where is everyone - still crying?
Happy Friday!!! *Mo sneaks into the thread, very tired and VERY glad that this week is finally done!* :D

Hey Dutch! Yeah where is everyone? Come on y'all get back in here...we need to work on pooling our collective hopes so that if necessary we can will the PTB to give us our lovely fluffy scene next week! ;)

Erics... I don't know if they are making next week "Christmas" on the show or not...like Dutch said there will be snow and I know it's a Peter Pan/Neverland theme...so I dunno...it's possible and if it is we had better see some mistletoe! :D

Of course I saw Linds leaving that way too Dutch :lol:

Alright people get in here! :D Come on now...unless you're all out picketing CBS or buying Christmas gifts...otherwise y'all need to get in here! ;) That said, I gotta go :lol: Yeah I know, wish I didn't have to work :p The day "shipping" becomes a full time PAYING job is the day I will be the happiest woman ever! :D Until then...

"Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go...." ;)

*Mo waves sleepily and drags herself to her fluffy bubble, inhaling pink smoke and grinning as she shimmers away!* :D
*comes in to the thread carrying a big platter of DL cookies*

Y'know, as much as I would have wanted another DL scene, I loved the one that we got. It was small yet it said so much. Mac definitely knows ;) which is nice. At least someone knows about them :rolleyes: but it was a great scene. What I found rather odd is how no one really expressed sympathy towards Danny, with the exception of Lindsay and Mac. I can understand them wanting to give him some space, but still...*shrugs* just found that a bit odd. Maybe in the future episodes we'll see something ;)

On the other hand...God I just wanted to hug Danny. The last scene in the church was so beautiful. I really felt for him; the death of a child is one of the worst things any human being can go through, especially one who has barely begun life :(

at least there will be snow in the ep (saw that on some promo pics).

Speaking of which - Lindsay/Anna looks AMAZING. The scarf and coat are beautiful (and I'm not a scarf person). And the snow does add a nice touch to it :)

pretty sure Mac knows

Oh, he knows. He's Mac Taylor - he knows everything! :p

unless you're all out picketing CBS

Don't ye worry about that Mo darlin' ;) Sugah and I have that all covered. *sharpens swords and readies torch*
*Runs in*
Hey Everyone! Ive been MIA for a few days, we had family coming in so that meant computer hogs. :lol:
I havent had much time to watch the new episode but I will watch it as soon as I can! Im so excited from all the talk about it, atleast it sounds like we get a little D/L.

Don't ye worry about that Mo darlin' Sugah and I have that all covered. *sharpens swords and readies torch*
What are we picketing? Oh well, it doesnt matter, where there is an angry mob, theres Sarah! *lights torch*

Happy Holidays!
Do you know what I love? I love that fact that Mac was very understanding that Lindsy and Danny are together. Even though he never admitted it, Mac was caring enough to let Lindsay know that she'll be alright to tell Danny that she is there for him and that she doesn't know what to say.

That speaks volumes.

*I think I need some pink fog.*** :)
My fluffy Stuffy wuffy said:
On the other hand...God I just wanted to hug Danny. The last scene in the church was so beautiful. I really felt for him; the death of a child is one of the worst things any human being can go through, especially one who has barely begun life
Yeah hiim in that last scene, he was amazing. I read the review of the eppy (which I know I always say not to and again I was right! :rolleyes: ) but that was the one positive thing that was said was how absolutely phenomenal Danny was in that last scene and how without saying a word he expressed so many powerful emotions! He made me want to cry and hold him and strengthen him and yeah, wow!

Don't ye worry about that Mo darlin' Sugah and I have that all covered. *sharpens swords and readies torch*
Well count Aud and I for dang sure...we Fluffy Twins are pro's at picketing...and we're definitely ready to be out there on the front lines! :lol: Right Aud wub?! :D

Angsty darling Vexxy asked:
*I think I need some pink fog.***
Really babe? Well I can most definitely help with that! ;) *Mo grins and pulling out the BIG hose, sprays Vex with lovely healthy dose of fluffy pink fog specially engineered to cause an increase in fluff and joy in whoever even gets a tiny taste!* :lol:

ETA: Okay I can't find the promo pics for next week....help!! Please?! :D
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