Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Good morning! :) Congrats with the new 'job' Mo!

Catie your gift ideas are not dumb at all! I love that charms bracelet...that would be so great, especially since through the years they can add more charms to it reminding them of special occasions :D...so sweet...

And I think Danny really loves to have an inscripted pocket watch...I don't know why but I think it'll look really good on him... :D

And Carly the gift would be even better when, like you suggested, there is a little funny gift first.... :lol:

Mo asked:
If Danny and Lindsay were to take a trip to somewhere in Europe, what city do you think they would visit?
I think Rome would be the perfect city for them to visit...Lots of history AND great food...I can just picture them sitting on the brim of the Trevi fountain, walking through the Coloseum, admiring the imensity of the Vatican...They could even rent a Vespa and ride around the city like in Roman Holiday... :D

I'm off to make my own Christmas list! *Mo stops and thinks..."1. Pool table....2. Danny on top of the pool table...and 3. Mmmmm, nope I think that'll do it!*
I think Santa will get a lot of similar lists this year ;)...Lindsay's one lucky girl, she can actually ask for other stuff since she already has what we desire... :cool:

Later! :)
I think Rome would be the perfect city for them to visit...Lots of history AND great food...I can just picture them sitting on the brim of the Trevi fountain, walking through the Coloseum, admiring the imensity of the Vatican...They could even rent a Vespa and ride around the city like in Roman Holiday...

Dutch you pretty much described a fic of mine I wrote during summer. I included Venice too, cause it was about their honey moon. they would most definitely visit Italy if they ever were to visit Europe

maybe it is a little too early for this question but what kind of Christmas tree do you think they will have? a little one in a corner with just the essentials or a big one with homemade ornaments? or something different?

I told you all I just needed some time to think about it! I'm glad you like the charm bracelt idea. I actually thought of one more charms, a little cow for "Moo"! And I adore a pocket watch, and I think it would be sweet for Lindsay to give Danny an inscribed one.

As for Carolina's question, I think they would have a small one, in the corner with just the essentials. They are both busy people, and depending where they spend a lot of time(his or her place), a small one, at least for now would probably what they would have. I think, once they marry, they would go all out and have a tree with all the trimmings, especially after they have children.
*Mo pops in, happy that it's Tuesday and carrying a gavel because...well she got a new job and she's always wanted to bang a gavel and now she can! :lol: Not that she will...but still! :lol: * And yes all that talking silly and in third person makes my head hurt a little! I'm a dork...but hey in here it's all good right! :rolleyes: ;) Anyway moving on...Happy Tuesday everyone! :D Day before our next new eppy, that Carly has a lovely gut feeling about and that I think we should all jump on board with because maybe the combination of all of us hoping for some good D/L will push it over and we'll get a cute scene or two! :lol: If only it worked that way, we'd have good D/L ALL the time! :lol: :devil:

Fashionista bud Dutch nodded:
I think Rome would be the perfect city for them to visit...Lots of history AND great food
Ohhh good one there hon, I'm not going to mention again how jealous I am that you live right around the corner from here either :lol: I could definitely see D/L going to Rome and loving it...If I chose for them though, I think I would say Paris or London...but I can't decide which one :D Probably cuz I myself want to go to both...ohhh though, Venice like Carly said would be amazing too...mmmm...tough choice! :lol:

I think Santa will get a lot of similar lists this year ...Lindsay's one lucky girl, she can actually ask for other stuff since she already has what we desire...
Yeah Linds is lucky indeed, both of them are lucky! They already got the best Christmas wish...eachother! Anything else is just icing on the cake, or the star on top of the tree...or, well yeah you get the idea! :lol:

Shippy dear Carly asked:
maybe it is a little too early for this question but what kind of Christmas tree do you think they will have? a little one in a corner with just the essentials or a big one with homemade ornaments?
Totally not to early to ask hon! Mmmmm, Catey hon you make a good point that they are busy people who wouldn't have time for a big tree, but at the same time I'm willing to bet this is one of Linds' first Christmas's in the city and I can see her really wanting a big tree because it reminds her of home! Which puts an adorable picture of Danny dragging a big ole Christmas tree down the street toward their apartment, and then fighting to get the thing in the elevator, mumbling and muttering the whole time, before finally knocking on their door and having Linds open it, see the tree and throw her arms around Danny in pure girlish delight! Everyone together now....Awwwww! I see them as at least medium size tree people with lots of fun decorations that Linds would have saved, just cuz she especially seems like such a "Christmas" girl to me! :D And then yeah Catey I think they'd go all out once they had kids! :D

Okay time for me to be off to work :p It almost snowed here last night and I was so hoping I would wake up to a white blanket of loveliness that would allow me to miss work...but alas, it is not to be! :p

Have a wonderful Tuesday y'all...and I'll see y'all later this evening! :D

*Mo wraps herself in her warm fluffy bubble and shimmers away!* :D
the Honorable Shippy Mo declared
Lookie, Lookie, Lookie...I'm a JUDGE!!! Cool beans huh! Just means I spend way too much time on here... but it's all good!
Congrats on the new job Mo..... I wonder what law you would introduce first?? Thou shalt have a DL moment in every episode.

I love all the gift ideas discussed... that would be greats shippy moment if we could have them exchanging presents.

I have watched the promo for the next episode with Lindsay on the runaway subway car.... and is it wrong that I love some 'damsel in distress' angst? It would be great to see Danny worried about Lindsay, then have a little hug and forehead kiss once they are reunited?
bleh, im coming off a 24-hour bug. and our chelle-belle says hi!!

Bella stated:: Thou shalt have a DL moment in every episode.
:lol: is that so? *hops around happily*

carly, i know which stories about the bracelet and rome you are talking about! :) they were very sweet.

*Third finger, left hand*
^^^ oh Auda, i totally missed that line when i was reading through posts! you clever little rascal you! :p

Judge Mo...hmm i like the sound of that too. you wield that gavel!! thanks hun, for the comments on the wishin' what would happen. :cool:

D/L would go to Rome or Paris. Love, anyone?

*uses pool table stick to poke stuffy, catie-girl (heehee Love Actually!), and dutch just because*
Congrats on the new job Mo..... I wonder what law you would introduce first?? Thou shalt have a DL moment in every episode.

All that agree, please say "aye" *raises hand and shouts "AYE!"* :p

*Third finger, left hand*

*giggles and melts into a puddle of goo* When that happens (yes, I said "when" because it eventually will ;)) I think the very earth will shake from all the squees.

catey, thanks for the picture darling :D I do loves a beautiful picture like that 'un. Lindsay looks so happy :)

Phew...is it me, or is it HAWT in here? :devil:


*is the picture of innocence* Just tryin' to spread the lurve ;)

ETA: *prods Angel with sword and throws an apple pie at her before giving her a big hug and kiss* Welcome back hun! You get better now, y'hear?
*comes in with raised hand shouting "AYE!"* :D

And ^ *swoons* yes it is HOT in here! :devil:

Carly said:
they would most definitely visit Italy if they ever were to visit Europe
Yes, I think so too...and when they do I think they should perhaps make a little tour: Venice, Rome, Napels, Sicily and my favourite Italian city Florence :)

You wrote a fic about a D/L honeymoon in Italy...wow...I had planned to catch up on some of my ff reading this weekend (haven't been there in ages :eek:) and I'll look for it... :)

Carly asked:
what kind of Christmas tree do you think they will have?
I think Danny used to just buy a fake tree that comes out of the box with the ornaments and light already in it :eek:, but now that he's with Lindsay he'll love to decorate a tree together with her :)...He will do the ultimate guy thing and just take hours to find the best tree :rolleyes:, while Lindsay gets more and more impatient because she just want to get home decorate the tree with all the ornaments she brought with her from Montana :) -like Mo I think she's the all time X-mas girl- while listening to X-mas songs (preferably Michael Bublé, of course ;))...and when they're finished they will leave only the lights in the tree on and just let the *ahem* mood take over... :cool:

Mo said:
If I chose for them though, I think I would say Paris or London...
Well, I'd recommend London, but that's just a matter of personal taste...*whispers something about actually going there in a week and a half to do her X-mas shopping* :)...But if they are going to do a trip around Europe I guess they can visit both cities, and some other parts of Europe too *volunteers to be their guide*... :D

Okay follow-up question:
When Lindsay gives Danny an inscripted pocket watch, what would the inscription say?

*throws some red lollipops and blue M&M's at Angel* :p
dl_shipper! That picture, woah man :lol: But I've seen it quite a lot *Points to banner*

When Lindsay gives Danny an inscripted pocket watch, what would the inscription say?
This is the beating of my heart, for you
No :lol: Thats so corny.
How about...I love you with every beat of my heart, and tick of this watch
:lol: So lame :D
Stop posting pics like that!! I'll never get anything done. :p

"Fashionista bud Dutch nodded"

Wait! Did I get unseated? Dude. :eek: But seriously, Roma! It's the city of love, passion, and history. Can't go wrong there. ;)

When Lindsay gives Danny an inscripted pocket watch, what would the inscription say?

Boy I have some catching up to do. Lindsay and the pocket watch....Cool. Okay, I have several suggestions:

"Perfect Fit!"
"Thanks for the memories (and the Rough Sects)!" :devil:

*Sorry but I can't concentrate tonight. I would love to come up with some beautiful lines, but alas I live in the gutter...

I would love it if the writers came back with a great half season of D/L fluffiness in addition to some deeper moments that really show that in fact these two form a 'perfect heart'. But for now....I'd better leave; I found my posting inferior to Liff and Mo's novel posts. :lol: Can't compete---but that's okay my fingernails look spiffy. That's all that matters right now. :cool:
hello every one and happy Hump/New Epi Day

yesterday, I finaly saw Risk and boy were they cute. and he did a double take at seeing her. and she looked beautiful

carly, i know which stories about the bracelet and rome you are talking about! they were very sweet.

*blushes* thanks, angel

Mo, congratulation to your new position :)

I dont feel well at all and I have been sleeping and drinking all kinds of herbal teas all weekend. this weather is killing me

I have no idea what could be written on the watch. the romantic me would go with something like Yours for ever and a day but I think Lindsay is more creative then that

have a nice day, and I see you later

When Lindsay gives Danny an inscripted pocket watch, what would the inscription say?
Corny, sentimental or funny. I think it'd say:

Now you can't blame me when you're late for anything. ~Love Montana.

:D haha - I don't know, it's just so cute for them to tease each other that way :) I think it's fitting.

So y'all think Rome? I was thinking a deserted Italian Island so they can do their things together together without so many people. That kind of retreat would be love between them. :eek: And Linds might come home with a bump of her own! :lol:

What else are you gonna do on a deserted island with sandy gold beaches and cool breezes? Danny don't look like he's going to want to go fishing. Specially when his rod's alright caught. My - that wast meant to be dirty - I swear! but :devil: Damn but it was :p

Okay, so alot of you think Danny wouldn't be able to say no to Lindsay. I, for some reason, have a problem with that. I dunno, sure for the little things of course Danny's going to let it go but he has his limits too. They trust each other, and respect each other to let the other know when they're not happy with something. If Danny lets Linds walk all over him all the time, that's not going to do anything but foster resentment - which doesn't make a relationship make. But yeah...the little things, are fine. Besides, I think Danny's the one who's going to be buying the more pricey things anyway. Big TV, pool table, stereo system...all the big guy things :p

Huh, just a thought, but wouldn't Danny purposely say no to half the things that Linds wants to buy just so he can argue with her? It's cute *melts* They'd be arguing infront of a shop window peeking in about something... :p Curtains come to my mind for some odd reason.
Pocket watch:

Danny, don't you dare lose this. Love, Montana.


Sorry... don't have anything else to say... lolz...
Happy Danny-Lindsay-ing.
"Hump Day to us, Happy Hump Day to us! Happy Hump Day all my shippers, Happy Hump Day to us!" :lol:

Carly how's the gut feeling of yours coming? Still there? I sure hope so, cuz I have very high hopes for this eppy tonight! This week has been another fab one for my ships! And so my hopes are sailing for tonight's eppy...come on PTB please, we haven't gotten anything in a couple eppy's...prove that their love is as "Deep" and "In LOVE" as we know they are! Give us something nice and juicy and sweet and flirty or caring and concerned...something, please!!!

Wait! Did I get unseated? Dude.
Aud!!! *Mo tackles and snuggles her Fluffy Twin!* Unseated? You? Nope...Dutch is my fashionista in Europe and you are my Queen of fashion here...is that cool? And you'll always be my Fluffy Twin ;)

Okay my peeps, I know this was way short...but I have to run, I really really do not want to go to work today! :p But I have the promise of what will hopefully be a good eppy tonight with some good D/L like we've been hoping for!

Have a wonderful Hump Day everyone! And I'll be back tonight to chat more... :D

*Mo grabs her coffee and runs to her bubble, a bit late as she shimmers away!*
Stuffy remarked
Phew...is it me, or is it HAWT in here?
***Bella fans herself to cool down***
This thread should come with air conditioning :devil: I love that picture!

When Lindsay gives Danny an inscripted pocket watch, what would the inscription say?
Loving all the questions lately guys :D This is a tricky one..... my feeble attempt will be I'm glad we happened
Danny, don't you dare lose this. Love, Montana.
Dans :lol: :lol: :lol: i like that one - nice and banter-y (is that even a word??)

Anyway, HAPPY HUMP DAYto all. Hope we get a little something something tonight :D

**cough anyone else want to do the advent calendar cough** ;) PM if interested
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