Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Liffy is so Fluffy!! ;) *Wonders if you are spoiler-free* Hmmmmmmm....... :D

Dantana? That's a pretty cute name. Actually DaLicious is my favorite!! There's something 'lickable' about it. :lol:

Yea, Bella!! Every day is shopping day for me too. I also love Christmas shopping. I don't think Danny and Lindsay like Christmas shopping though. Too bad. I'll do it for them. :lol:

Well, I didn't clean out the stores, but I did manage to buy some things for D/L. But I can't tell y'all what they are. :p :devil: :p

Q Time:
So nine episodes have passed us by...and not much D/L. We've had the little moments, and those are important, but nothing significant. Where do you see these two headed? Are the writers trying to lead us down the garden path or is something more concrete, something more significant on its way for D/L? :confused:

Please no spoilers, y'all. Just wishes or theories. ;)

Later. :cool:
"And in this crazy life, And through these crazy times, It's you, It's you! You make me sing, Your every line, Your every word, You're everything!" *Mo pops into the thread singing especially for Liff as she twirls and grins!*

Hello my darlings! How are you all this fine Saturday of a 4 day weekend, which by the way is officially my favorite way for a week to be! :lol: Hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a wonderful holiday...I went up to my Grandma's house with my family and guess what my favorite part was...well let's put it this way...my Grandma has a huge farm house that is like a little kid's dream to play in, complete with a full size basement that houses both a pink pong table and yes people, Danny and Linds' favorite game room accessory...a full size POOL TABLE! :lol: I swear I felt like such a dork, giggling at random times on the drive up there just thinking that I got to play pool and how I wished I could play D/L's version of pool! :devil: Good times, good times indeed! ;)

Fluffy Stuffy wuf grinned:
Mo my darling, I love your banner. I saw the E/C one and it's love!
Hey thanks hon! Yeah I seriously was so bored at work that I looked up "Fluffy" and when I saw that definition I swear I almost laughed out loud right at work, it so perfectly described my ships... :lol: And yeah isn't the E/C one fabulous! ;)

*wipes a smudge of cranberry sauce from her cheek* Oh, so that's how it is now. I see. *throws a heap of stuffing at her darling buddy
Oh yeah honey, that totally IS how it is ;) *Mo ducks and runs, grabbing the leftover pumpkin pie as she does, then she spins and with her lightening fast reflexes tosses the leftover pie right at her darling's head!* :lol:

We're all a bit crazy in here well actually, only Liffy (Gaelen) and Moriel are. The rest of us are fine
:lol: :lol: :lol: Well I can't deny that Liff and I are crazy *Mo high fives her Gutter bud!* but sorry babe you know, or at least I know ;) you are almost as crazy if not just as crazy hon! ;) It's all part of being obsessed with D/L, once you join the FFDAL (Fanatic For Danny And Lindsay) fan club...you can't help but be a little crazy! ;) But it's all good, crazy around here is a GOOD thing! :D

Shipper who knows her shoes Dutch winked:
Danny probably went to Lindsay to tell her about that awful wedding party (I thought the start of the ep was hilarious ) and to ask her if she thinks his and her family could get along a little better ....Lindsay would try to talk to him and somehow they ended up in a broom closet ...of course...
Lol, of course it'd end up in the broom closet babes ;), if Mr. Hotness himself came up and started talking to me about how our wedding had better be different than the free for all zoo fest I'd be kissing him in 2 seconds flat just for talking about having a wedding, let alone for actually taking time to think about OUR wedding...so I would not blame Linds for backing him into the nearest broom closet and kissing him senseless...any girl would love to have a boyfriend who actually talked about things like that instead of shying away from it! :D
Dutch[/b] promo for next week...]Very interesting thought there hon! I really really hope that they do do something that shows how worried Danny would be about Linds, cuz realistically he would be scared to death....the woman he loves is stuck on a runaway subway train...not much safe or comforting about that! I know it's the "Mac-show" and I'm not expecting a whole lot of D/L but I really want at least a moment or two, especially something where he's worried about her and shows it, regardless of the team being around! That would rock!! A hug would make my day, a kiss would make my week, no my month!! :D
My darling Fluffy Twin Aud laughed:
Yo People!! Happy Official First Day of Christmas Season Shopping in America. In case you didn't know today is 'our' day. All chicks/dudes that love shopping that is.
Fluffykins! *Mo tackles and huggles her wub!* Hi honey bun! It so was our day wasn't it! Did you get up at 5am? Lol, cuz I did...crazy shopping woman that I am...it was quite fun actually...and quite worth it too! It made me wonder, Do you think Danny and/or Lindsay is a fan of shopping? And if so who loves it more? And do you think either or both of them would get up at 5am the day after Thanksgiving to go shop? :lol:

Sorry if I sound a bit angsty these days. My fluff cover is about to blow away. I need Mo to come and kick my butt here.
Kick you? Darling, I couldn't kick you....but I can do this...*Mo tackles her darling again, and wrapping her up in a cloud of pink smoke and fluffiness she snuggles and tickles her into a fluffier mood!* :D :D

Gutter bud and King of all things naughty Lifferific said:
I think Danny likes her cheesy lines...he gets to tell her to shuddup before he kisses her senseless when they're making out against the fridge.
Making out against the fridge huh, mmmmm...I like that mental picture! ;) That is definitely something I would like to see! :devil: And yeah I gotta say I think Danny gets a kick out of her cheesy lines ;) I think Linds has always had lines that were a bit on the cheesy side, but that's more due to her being not a Mac or Stella character (as in not a lead) more than anything else...

Michael Buble has officially become my D/L mascot. I can't picture anything else besides D/L whenever I listen to any of his songs. His voice just pops D/L into my head.
Awwww yeah I love him too, and I agree more and more when I listen to his stuff I picture D/L...*Warning, shameless plug coming...:* especially now that I made a video to his "Everything"...now I can never picture anything but D/L when I listen to especially that song of his! :D

Unless Danny's secretly an emotionally scorn woman who had a sex change when her husband raped her, I think D/L's future is solid. There might be a little "skip" in the road but oh boy is that road leading to a bedroom
:lol: :lol: :lol: I don't even know what to say to that Liff! You crack me up! I have to agree though, that might be the only circumstance that would make me okay with D/L breaking up due to whatever this "bump" is going to be! :lol: Anything else and it wouldn't make any sense...and since your lovely circumstance, hilarious as that would be, is not possible AT ALL ;) ...then I think you're right and we're safe! I think all roads with D/L lead to the bedroom, or the pool table... :devil:

Angsty to the bone Vexxy hon nodded:
I think we have to have a bit of angst. All couples have their ups and downs. But we know there is light after the angst
True, I hate to admit that, but all couples do indeed have their ups and downs and while I am not a fan of the angsty downs, I will admit that they often have given us some of our sweetest D/L moments afterwards...so I can't truly hate the downs...I would say I am a fan of, or at least okay with, the downs only because of the lovely ups they give us as a result....does that make sense? ;) :lol:

cute shipper with the pretty name Bella asked:
Talking of Christmas.....how do we celebrate the holiday season in this thread? A DL advent calendar maybe - a great screencap every day?
Honey that is a lovely idea! I don't think we really did anything like that in here before at least that I really remember...so yeah I think something like that would be a great idea! Do we want to have one certain person be the one to post the pic each time or just whoever gets in here first in a day is the one who gets to post the pic for the day? Doesn't so much matter to me, but I do love the idea...well done on that one Bella! ;)

My darling fluffy wub Aud winked:
Actually DaLicious is my favorite!! There's something 'lickable' about it.
You are SO naughty Fluffykins, I wub it! :devil: It does fit them quite nicely, especially since there is something so "lickable" about both Danny and Lindsay! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Mmmmm as for where D/L is headed, has it really be 9 episodes already? Wow that flew by! Honestly I think the writers do mean for them to go somewhere, I mean I don't think AZ and Pam were just kidding when they said they were "in love" and that things would "deepen"...I think they are just taking there sweet time to get there and that like last season, they are going to stretch things out for as long as possible before finally making things work between them. I do think that things will get hotter and closer and more in the open for them and I have a feeling our "bump" will end up being what does that...so as much as we don't want it...I have a feeling it will be the catalyst that eventually gives us the out in the open D/L love that we are all craving! Maybe not right away, but I think it will happen most definitely! :D

Okay people now that I have written a novel (Liff you're rubbing off on me again! :lol: ) I have to go get ready for my day...can't wait for our next eppy, my faith is up and I plan on keeping it that way with lots of pink smoke and plenty of fluffy moments! :D

*Mo grins and tossing one last glob of mashed potatoes at whoever's around...runs to her fluffy bubble and shimmers fluffily away!* :D
So nine episodes have passed us by...and not much D/L. We've had the little moments, and those are important, but nothing significant. Where do you see these two headed? Are the writers trying to lead us down the garden path or is something more concrete, something more significant on its way for D/L?
Hmm...I think that they are setting us up for something. Like to make up for all the missing D/L scenes, they are going to have another pool table scene or something :lol: Though, I think they should change it up a little. Maybe instead of the pool table they could use the phoosball table or something, but that would be pretty painful...:lol: Okay, ignore that!

And in this crazy life, And through these crazy times, It's you, It's you! You make me sing, Your every line, Your every word, You're everything!"
I love that song! Like I agreed with whoever :)lol:) before, Michael Buble is the almost perfect mascot for them.

Mo grins and tossing one last glob of mashed potatoes at whoever's around...runs to her fluffy bubble and shimmers fluffily away!*
*Sarah retaliates by throwing pies everyone*
Talk to you guys later!
Shippy pal Mo asked
Do you think Danny and/or Lindsay is a fan of shopping? And if so who loves it more? And do you think either or both of them would get up at 5am the day after Thanksgiving to go shop?
Ok, so Mo and Aud will have to explain this to me. I am known for my love of shopping ... but 5am :eek: :eek:???? Because I love a good sale :D but why such an early start ?

For some reason I don't see Lindsay as a big fan of shopping but I bet she is very organised and has all her presents bought and wrapped by the start of decemeber. Danny is probably one to leave it until the last minute then spend a mad afternoon shopping . Actually I think that is true for most men.... it must be genetic ;)

Liffy of the pink fog said
Michael Buble has officially become my D/L mascot. I can't picture anything else besides D/L whenever I listen to any of his songs. His voice just pops D/L into my head. I love him, I love D/L so it's pretty much a win win situation
I am recent convert to Mr Buble thanks to this board and I have to agree with you. Thanks to Mo's fabulously shippy vid, I cannot listen to "Everything" without thinking of DL :D And I adore "Lost" and "Home" as well.... that man can sing!

And he is on TV at the moment :D singing one of my fave songs... Moondance
Do we want to have one certain person be the one to post the pic each time or just whoever gets in here first in a day is the one who gets to post the pic for the day?
Well I admit that I had not thought it through that far :lol: and it may be confusing with all the different time zones. But if everyone is up for it we can work something out. It may be nice for everyone to post one picture if they want to as I am sure that we all have different favourite ones :) And someone will have to tell me how to post a screencap as well :lol:

edited to add Buble sighting :lol:
Okay can I just say I found yet another Michael Buble song I adore! :lol: Liff have you heard "Moondance"? It's another classic! :D It doesn't make me think of D/L yet though, cuz it's in the new movie "August Rush" which (it's O/T I know ;) ) but it's amazing!! And it's in New York, which did make me think of D/L when I was watching the movie! :D I so need to visit NY! :lol:

Shippy bud in love with JT Sarah winked:
Like to make up for all the missing D/L scenes, they are going to have another pool table scene or something
Ohhhhh, if they built to that, I would be totally okay with that! :D I do really want more D/L moments spread out over the whole season, but if we can't have those then I do want all this to build to another huge D/L love/smex scene that will make us all giggle and squee forever!! Really I would love both of course, but since we seem to not be able to have both...then well I guess...well I dunno...I want both dang it, small scenes leading up to a huge scene! :devil:

Cutie pie Bella gasped:
Ok, so Mo and Aud will have to explain this to me. I am known for my love of shopping ... but 5am ???? Because I love a good sale but why such an early start ?
It's just the tradition! All the stores open super early that day and they give away special prizes for the first number through the door and have HUGE sales early in the morning and it's just really fun, it's the only time I don't mind the traffic and all the people out shopping! :D

I bet she is very organised and has all her presents bought and wrapped by the start of decemeber. Danny is probably one to leave it until the last minute then spend a mad afternoon shopping
Lol :lol: Yeah I can totally see that too hon! I think Linds enjoys shopping though, I can see her as a bit of a girly girl that way...maybe not going ga-ga over it, but I bet she likes a day out with the girls...I could see her and Stella going out on a Saturday and hitting the shops for a bit...and yeah I can totally see her being done early though, that'd be just like her efficient when she needs to be! ;) And yeah as for Danny, I could see him doing that...and he'd say it's cuz he doesn't like shopping, but I bet secretly he loves the thrill of shopping in the crowds! :lol:

It may be nice for everyone to post one picture if they want to as I am sure that we all have different favourite ones
Sure...we can just all post a pic if we can and we'll just have lots of pics for everyday! That's never a bad thing, lots of D/L caps and pics are always fun to squee over and grin at! :D
Fluffy Mo said:
Ohhhhh, if they built to that, I would be totally okay with that! I do really want more D/L moments spread out over the whole season, but if we can't have those then I do want all this to build to another huge D/L love/smex scene that will make us all giggle and squee forever!! Really I would love both of course, but since we seem to not be able to have both...then well I guess...well I dunno...I want both dang it, small scenes leading up to a huge scene!

I think it would be a little odd if there was no D/L for many episodes then BOOM! Snow day all over again :lol:
I would like to see some D/L in every episode though, why cant TPTB make us happy!? I guess they are busy pleasing some other people by possibly starting something with Stella but come on!

If we dont see some D/L in the next few episodes, I suggest a simple petition or a big mob with torches. You guys can pick :D
Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy! Makes you sick doesn't it?? Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy!! Sorry, but I had a really good time tonight. :devil: :D :p

Christmas was made for fluffy people. And I'm sure that even if Linds and Danny aren't into shopping during the holidays that they love every minute of Christmas. :D

See I don't mind if Lindsay isn't into shopping. Okay, that hurts a little---but I can see her being organized and having neat boxes for everything---all her wrapping supplies, scissors, ribbons, and then having her packages neatly wrapped and placed in a protective place. I love that she is organized. My favorite word after all is 'organized'. *Sigh* Sorry, neat freak here. Oh, come on!! So is Danny---you can tell. "What no clean laundry?" He may shop at the last minute (most men do), but he'll pick out the best things for Lindsay. :)

*Third finger, left hand* ;)
Ohhhh Sarah hon, if there isn't any D/L in the next couple eppy's it won't be a petition, it will be all about mobs and torches at that point hon! When you wanna do something you gotta go big and do it right! ;) :lol:

Aud!! Hi wub! :D Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy! Gotta love the fluff...it rocks! :D

Christmas is fabulous...it makes me happy...I just wubs it! :D

He would totally pick out the best things for Linds, last minute or not...ohhh Fluffy Twin that gives me a fabulous idea wub, What do you all think Danny and Linds will get eachother for Christmas this year?

*Third finger, left hand*
*Sigh, swoon, giggle!* Ohhhhh how much do I hope that is true!! :D :D
*Liffy pops into the thread after a well rested weekend full of doing absolutely nothing but D/L, sleeping, eating, D/L smex, sleeping, sleeping and....chocolate ice cream* :D Howdy y'all, hope you're having a grand weekend!

Vexxy said:
**I think we have to have a bit of angst. All couples have their ups and downs. But we know there is light after the angst******
Well like Mo has said, we've gotten alot of nice shippy moments during/after the angst so we can't really like it, we just prefer the high fluffy smex charged moments better :D

Auda said:
Liffy is so Fluffy!! *Wonders if you are spoiler-free* Hmmmmmmm.......
Yep, I'm still spoiler free :D All I know is that Danny angst is coming. Which could translate to people being pushed away, though I'm starting to wonder how that all works. From season 1, we saw that Danny couldn't stand the feeling of abandonment and no support whatsoever, and he doubts Mac has his back, maybe this time the situation has changed but wouldn't he want Lindsay's support just the same? He can't have changed that much over the years - why would he push anyone away? But then - I guess it depends on the circumstance since I'm guessing he's not shooting anyone down.

But YES! I'm fluffy and guttery all at the same time. As we all ought to be :D

So nine episodes have passed us by...and not much D/L. We've had the little moments, and those are important, but nothing significant. Where do you see these two headed? Are the writers trying to lead us down the garden path or is something more concrete, something more significant on its way for D/L?
I think the writer's are taking us on a garden path that leads on to the main road and then the highway. :D It's true that we haven't seen any concrete D/L this season but I believe that the writers must have something major and undeniable instore for us. Hell they could even use whatever angst is coming so the two can makeout under a blanket of rain mixed in with apologies and plenty of groping :lol: But yeah - if AZ says they're in love, they are - we'll just have to wait and see. I think our storyline is taking a backseat to Stella's new man, and Mac's holiday in Chicago. He should get the team "I solved a crime in chicago" t-shirts :D

Mo said:
Well I can't deny that Liff and I are crazy *Mo high fives her Gutter bud!* but sorry babe you know, or at least I know you are almost as crazy if not just as crazy hon! It's all part of being obsessed with D/L, once you join the FFDAL (Fanatic For Danny And Lindsay) fan club...you can't help but be a little crazy! But it's all good, crazy around here is a GOOD thing!
Stuffy is lying!! She's my twin which means I'm only slightly crazier than she is! LIAR!! :lol: But yeah, Mo and I are definately crazy *Liff high gives his neighbour gutter bud* No doubt there!

Dutch said:
Danny probably went to Lindsay to tell her about that awful wedding party (I thought the start of the ep was hilarious ) and to ask her if she thinks his and her family could get along a little better ....Lindsay would try to talk to him and somehow they ended up in a broom closet ...of course...
Your words put a picture of Danny smooshing cake on Lindsay - everywhere. And then he licks it all up - everywhere :devil: It's only 11am here :eek:

Oh yes but they'd definately end up in a cupboard somewhere....or in a tent....*Liff looses coherency as he pictures the scenes in his head* Wow.... :p

Mo said:
I think Linds has always had lines that were a bit on the cheesy side, but that's more due to her being not a Mac or Stella character
It gives her that seperation to the NY CSIs. She's not from NY, she's from Montana. She's different and she turns Danny Messer on - at work, in bed, playing pool, swimming (oh goodness I can imagine how THAT would turn out), in the shower (no such thing as a cold shower anymore!) and everywhere else :D They turn each other on - it's fantastically cute in a dirty guttery way.

Anything else and it wouldn't make any sense...and since your lovely circumstance, hilarious as that would be, is not possible AT ALL
I know my situation was impossible, which was my point really. I cant see anything that would lead to Danny pushing anyone away. He's going to want and need that shoulder to lean on, and if comes to it, cry on. Linds is there, and he aint pushing her away. I'm pretty sure you and I have stuck them together with super glue on countless occasions. Or was that CatNip :eek: Oh well, it worked for them, it works for us! :D

Do we want to have one certain person be the one to post the pic each time or just whoever gets in here first in a day is the one who gets to post the pic for the day? Doesn't so much matter to me, but I do love the idea...well done on that one Bella!
If we do the first person in....that'll be me and Dutch since we're hours and hours ahead of you lot. And why do we need a picture of the day? Can't we have a picture of the hour? Or minute? BOOM! I suddenly have the inspiration of making a D/L calendar. I'll make one for 2008 :D YEah! That'll be an interesting project.

Sarah! Did I say welcome back earlier? Err...if I didn't, welcome back! Mished you hunny!

Bella said:
And I adore "Lost" and "Home" as well.... that man can sing!
Oh yeah his voice is great :D I can't help picturing Danny singing along whilst doing his laundry and Linds can just smirk at him. :lol: The two can produce the sweetest pictures in your head. They're muse candy!

Mo said:
Liff have you heard "Moondance"? It's another classic!
Yep I've heard Moondance. :D It's a great song. But I just got the deluxe tour edition of "Call Me Irresponsible" and his rendition of "Stuck In The Middle With You" on the bonus disc is the absolute best! It's amazing! D/L could swing to it in the middle of the living room with ease and laughter- it's just fun!

I bet she is very organised and has all her presents bought and wrapped by the start of decemeber. Danny is probably one to leave it until the last minute then spend a mad afternoon shopping
But they can go christmas shopping together and hold hands and pick out gifts together and some of them can be signed "from Danny and Lindsay" :D I want one of those!!!

Sarah said:
I think it would be a little odd if there was no D/L for many episodes then BOOM! Snow day all over again
Snow was lovely though :) I don't mind another snow day :lol:

I know this is a stupid question to ask but would you prefer long dryspells followed by a "snow day" or more frequent smiles and smirks and more comfortable ease between D/L? Personally I prefer the more frequent ones, gives musey the ability to think up the really big scenes and we frequently get the small loving looks between them...and they can check each other out. They don't do that no more. I miss it :p

I suggest a simple petition or a big mob with torches. You guys can pick
hehe. how bout both? :lol:

Auda said:
*Sigh* Sorry, neat freak here. Oh, come on!! So is Danny---you can tell. "What no clean laundry?" He may shop at the last minute (most men do), but he'll pick out the best things for Lindsay.
I'm a freakin' neat freak too :eek: hehe. But I like the idea of them going out and shopping together. He'd get Lindsay's present early and hide it but Danny'd probably slack off for the rest of the team :p Maybe he can somehow convince Linds to go out and help him shop for the rest of the team and Linds can hound him the entire trip about what he got her. :D I think it'd be cute for her to bug him so he'd tell her, and he'd just squeeze her nose and tell her to wait. :)

Mo said:
Ohhhhh how much do I hope that is true!!
*Liff blinks for a moment before it hits him* Oooh....But I think they'd get each other something sentimental aswell as something quirky or funny. Maybe Linds can get Danny another can of condom spray :lol: and how bout a necklace with a locket or something which says "from your cowboy" on the back and she can get him a watch with "from your montana" on the back :D Hee! Sweet!
What do you all think Danny and Linds will get eachother for Christmas this year?
I really have no idea :lol: Linsday seems like a hard person to shop for. But Danny seems like an easy person to shop for, I just dont have a clue to what he would want :lol:

I know this is a stupid question to ask but would you prefer long dryspells followed by a "snow day" or more frequent smiles and smirks and more comfortable ease between D/L? Personally I prefer the more frequent ones, gives musey the ability to think up the really big scenes and we frequently get the small loving looks between them...and they can check each other out. They don't do that no more. I miss it
Probably, a little flirting in every episode. I hate when there is nothing between them for a while (like now). But then again, they would make up for in Snow Day Part 2. :D

Im still waiting for a scene where they are working together in the lab and just cant wait any longer, and they run to a storage closet or something :lol: Geez! What are you guys doing to me! :lol:
^ Just dragging you down deeper into the gutter :devil:…no worries…you have great company there… :D

Liffy said:
Michael Buble has officially become my D/L mascot.
You are so right. I love his albums and all the songs seem to somehow relate to D/L :) And especially this time a year; his voice just seems to be made for autumn and winter. Can’t wait to play his X-mas songs again :)

Wouldn’t it be great (yeah, I’m a dreamer :p) if we’d have an ep were Michael Bublé has a cameo…finally D/L in a bar – perhaps looking for a suspect, but preferably on a date :D - and he’s singing on stage :cool:…D/L shipper heaven :)

Bella said:
A DL advent calendar maybe - a great screencap every day?
Aah, that’s just a great idea. Maybe we could take turns, ‘cause like Liffy said he and I are usually the first on a new day to come in here :D…or maybe everyone can just post a pic when they enter the thread for the first time that day :D

auda asked:
Where do you see these two headed? Are the writers trying to lead us down the garden path or is something more concrete, something more significant on its way for D/L?
I think they’ve probably put them on the back-burner while they’re focussing on other things, like Mac and his stalker :rolleyes: and Stella and Drew (Stuffy, I think not only Lindsay comes across as a moron, but Stella doesn’t seem that smart this season either – that guy’s creepy :eek:). After all the comments about love, deepening of their relationship, bumps, etc. I do believe they have plans for them this season, they are just taking it slow like in the greater part of season two, only to give us some wonderful (like Sarah put it :)) “Snow Day Part 2” :D

Mo said:
a pink pong table
:lol: :lol: You should definitely detox, that fog is starting to affect your vocabulary… :p

And I know just how you felt about that pool table in your grandma’s house. I’m still getting teased by my colleagues about my sudden interest in pool tables, and especially since – after the initial embarrassment :eek: – I’m not telling anyone the reason for it. I’m sure I’ll be having a hard time looking unaffected when it’s getting delivered in January :)…I’ll probably be giggling every time I enter the break room… :eek:

Mo asked:
Do you think Danny and/or Lindsay is a fan of shopping? And if so who loves it more? And do you think either or both of them would get up at 5am the day after Thanksgiving to go shop?
I think Lindsay is not so much a fan of shopping for clothes (silly girl ;)), but I do think she spends a lot of time looking for the perfect gift for people she cares about :)…whether it is for birthdays or holidays. And although Danny’s probably like most guys when it comes to shopping (whining about how it takes too long and it costs too much :rolleyes:), I do think that when they go X-mas shopping together, he’ll actually have a great time… :D

Liffy said:But they can go christmas shopping together and hold hands and pick out gifts together and some of them can be signed "from Danny and Lindsay" I want one of those!!!
Me too! Me too! :) And I think the hand-holding and the way Lindsay’s face will lit up when she sees all the decorated shop windows, will make Danny agree to everything she suggests… :D

Cutie pie Bella gasped:
Ok, so Mo and Aud will have to explain this to me. I am known for my love of shopping ... but 5am ???? Because I love a good sale but why such an early start ?
It's just the tradition! All the stores open super early that day and they give away special prizes for the first number through the door and have HUGE sales early in the morning and it's just really fun
How come I didn’t know that? :p And why can’t we have a day like that over here? :mad:…I’d love to set my alarm early for a big discount :D…All that talk about shopping makes me drool…but I have to restrain myself for two more weeks…London here I come! :)

Okay I'm off...had a busy weekend and I've been ignoring a terrible cold that keeps getting worse, so nurse Danny has just arrived to tug me in :D
I'm so glad you all are Michael Buble converts! His music probably makes me like a movie more than I would have otherwise(The Wedding Date), because they used his songs throughout the whole soundtrack. Anyway, count me in on using him as the official D/L music soundtrack. His music(especially "Sway" and "Save the last Dance for me"), almost all of it could be the D/L soundtrack.

Speaking of pool tables, I had to deliver something the other day, and through the window, you could see down into this person's rec room. Anyway, they have this great big pool table, and I'm standing there thinking of our favorite couple. Luckily, no one answered the door, so I didn't have to explain my interest in looking into their rec room!

As for what our dynamic duo would give each other for Christmas, I have to think on that a bit. I'm really not sure, at this point. They've been together for awhile, they were friends first, it's their first Christmas as a couple. I'll be back with an answer, after I think more. We need more questions like these, they are fun.

Whatever happened to Mercy? I loved her trivia guesses for episodes. We need more of that!
This weeks eppy was the episode with the puzzles right? Or am I completely off of my rocker?

We need to see some DL working together soon I think, it's about time. Everyone needs some time together yea, but let's go now! DL togetherness plese PTB.

Rant over.
Hello my darlings! *Mo twirls and sways into the thread, humming along to like 3 different Michael Buble songs all stuck in her head at once!* Anybody in need of a little pick me up or some fluff...? :lol: *Mo grins and tosses packets of holiday M&M's to everyone!* Ahhh Christmas time, gotta love it! :D

Gutter bug and king of the naughty Liffer-diff grinned:
but I believe that the writers must have something major and undeniable instore for us. Hell they could even use whatever angst is coming so the two can makeout under a blanket of rain mixed in with apologies and plenty of groping But yeah - if AZ says they're in love, they are - we'll just have to wait and see.
:lol: You are SO the king of the Gutter for a reason my friend! :D Groping under a blanket in the rain :devil: really though, do they need to do it under the blanket? ;) Cuz we all know how much they love messing around in the rain! :devil: It's a bit of a turn on for them I think....then again anything really for these two is a turn on...just seeing eachother! :devil: Like you said Liff....
They turn each other on - it's fantastically cute in a dirty guttery way.
It is fantastically cute and dirty and guttery and naughty and it never fails to make me grin and smile and I think I will forever live my life in the Gutter because of these two and in all honesty I think that is a a good and happy way to go! :lol: :lol: Awwww the thoughts these two can conjur! :devil: :lol:

would you prefer long dryspells followed by a "snow day" or more frequent smiles and smirks and more comfortable ease between D/L?
Ohhhhh good question there bud, good but tough...mmmmmmm....since I think dryspells basically suck, I would have to say the more frequent moments and smile and smirks and flirting...it gives us consistency and plus the more often we get the smiles and flirting and smirking and winking, etc...the more believable it is that they really are together like we know they are! :D Really I would love both, smiles, smirking, etc leading up to another Snow Day! :devil: Can I just have both please? :lol:

Cute bud Sarah said:
Im still waiting for a scene where they are working together in the lab and just cant wait any longer, and they run to a storage closet or something Geez! What are you guys doing to me!
:lol: Yay! We're folding you into the Gutter! :lol: Once you start imagining and hoping for a broom closet/locker room/Mac's office type make out scene you are officially in the Gutter! ;) So welcome to the Gutter...don't worry you'll love it! ;) And yeah by the way, I'm totally waiting for them to make a run to the closet for a quickie too! :devil: :lol:

Darling who wants a 5am sale of her own Dutch grinned:
Wouldn’t it be great (yeah, I’m a dreamer ) if we’d have an ep were Michael Bublé has a cameo…finally D/L in a bar – perhaps looking for a suspect, but preferably on a date - and he’s singing on stage …D/L shipper heaven
Ohhhhh now that would totally rock! And hey with all the other famous people they've managed to get on the show it's not entirely unreasonable...I mean they got Nelly Furtado, John MacEnroe, Sasha Cohen...if they can get them, they can get Michael Buble...and that would be a perfect D/L date...bar, restaurant, club...and there's Michael...and then if they danced....I would be in HEAVEN! Brilliant idea there Dutch babes, brilliant! ;)

Silly me Mo said:
a pink pong table
To which Dutch laughed and pointed out:You should definitely detox, that fog is starting to affect your vocabulary…
*Mo grinned, giggled and pulled the pink fog mask off her face for a second...* Uh yeah, whoopsie daisy.... :lol: did I really say "pink"? :lol: That's hilarious, so yeah clearly the pink fog is really getting to my brain even more than I think! :lol: Awww D/L fluff how much do I love thee! :D

How come I didn’t know that? And why can’t we have a day like that over here?
Yet another reason why you should come over here to our side of the ocean babes! ;) Not that I don't love my homeland, and I'm sure you do too...but I'm just saying! ;) Plus then you'd get to see the current season in full as it airs and that is definitely a good draw! :D Cuz I can't remember exactly but don't you have to wait to see the new eppy's or am I confused and you get to see them close to when they air still?

Queen of spoilers and fellow pool table fan Catey grinned:
Anyway, they have this great big pool table, and I'm standing there thinking of our favorite couple.
Lol, nice hon! Yeah it's a good thing they didn't come to the door and wonder "Uh, whatcha staring at?" :lol: I love our fascination with pool tables though...it's hilarious...I mean I'm totally hooked on them too...I always loved pool, but now it holds such a dear place in my heart! :devil: I will never look at another pool table without seeing D/L waking up on top of one in eachother's arms! :devil: Ahhh love! :D

Whatever happened to Mercy? I loved her trivia guesses for episodes. We need more of that!
Ohhh thanks for the reminder Catey babes, Mer is having computer issues...keep her in your thoughts and hope her computer comes back to life...she really wants to come back and will be here as soon as she can, but until then she says Hi! :D

Darling dearie Rad asked:
This weeks eppy was the episode with the puzzles right? Or am I completely off of my rocker?
Angsty niece!! Hi Rad honey...yay for you popping back in here! We missed you, you need to come back in here more often! ;) ANd yes babes, this eppy was the one with the puzzles...Stella got several of them and she and Linds worked on them together! I do like Linds and Stella working together, they're like the Glamour Girls of the lab! :lol: It's fun!

Okay my people...it's time for dessert...so I am off for a bit...have a wonderful night! :D

*Mo grins and shimmers off in a cloud of pink fog and fluffy bubbles!* :lol:
i can handle the no D/L scenes b/c i know that there will be some big ass amazing scene with them down the line. it's not even the middle of the season yet, we have a few months before it ends and the writers have said they're going deeper in to the ship (they better kep their word or i'm with some you on the torches and mobs thing).

i also look at it this way: if D/L were together in every episode we might never get those big scenes like in NWILL, SOOH and Snow Day.

D/L are so freakin cute together. they're such opposite people but they totally work. i like how they bring out different sides of each other. Danny is a mush and a tease when he's around her and Lindsay has been a lot more confident after she got rid of her baggage and is now with Danny. you can so tell how comfortable they are around each other with each new scene they're in just by their body language, their faces and the things they say.
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