Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Yay! We're folding you into the Gutter! Once you start imagining and hoping for a broom closet/locker room/Mac's office type make out scene you are officially in the Gutter! So welcome to the Gutter...don't worry you'll love it! And yeah by the way, I'm totally waiting for them to make a run to the closet for a quickie too!
Well thanks :lol: Maybe we should have party :lol: And you know, invite Danny and Linds for some nekkid twister again.

So whatever happened to the Gutterville Zoo? (Sorry I know its a little OT) :D
Sarah said:
Im still waiting for a scene where they are working together in the lab and just cant wait any longer, and they run to a storage closet or something
It would be frekin' hilarious if Mac just popped in when they're running out, asking where they were going in such a hurry. They'd look at each other, smile, one says coffee the other says suspect. They cringe, slide out from under Mac's scrutinising eyes and (relatively) casually walk to the broom cupboard. I doubt Mac's stare could get rid of their hots for each other :lol:

Dutch said:
Wouldn’t it be great (yeah, I’m a dreamer ) if we’d have an ep were Michael Bublé has a cameo…finally D/L in a bar – perhaps looking for a suspect, but preferably on a date - and he’s singing on stage …D/L shipper heaven
Can I nominate Lost :) Because that is one of the most beautiful songs of his ever! But yeah, seeing Michael sing on stage would be a whole lot of fun, and Catherine and Nicky got to dance to John Mayer, so Danny and Linds can have a lil' slow dance to Michael! I'd soo prefer it if they were on a date. We need a date scene anyway and THAT would be perfect!

I think not only Lindsay comes across as a moron, but Stella doesn’t seem that smart this season either
Huh - Mac and Hawkes become real geniuses and Stella and Linds become a little dumb? Can't be. I say they're just letting the boys do more so they can rest their brains :D I'm sure they'll get back to their usual smartness soon enough :)

I’ll probably be giggling every time I enter the break room…
Wont it be fun to see a video of that? Dutch walking into the break room and all of a sudden for no seemingly obvious reason starts to giggle? :lol:

And I think the hand-holding and the way Lindsay’s face will lit up when she sees all the decorated shop windows, will make Danny agree to everything she suggests…
Naw, I think Danny can hold his ground when it comes to her. He'll know when he has to say NO to some things if she's going to completely deplete both their bank accounts :lol: But, I think Lindsay's good with money. They'll have fun shopping together, linds would want something sentimental and Danny wants a little joke - like sending Flack lingerie or something, saying it'd be fun. Linds would just roll her eyes and drag him off to another corner of the mall whilst he's just laughing. :p I can picture it now. Somehow I wonder how much they're going to end up buying if they prefer to tease and kiss in public than actually shop :p

Catey said:
They've been together for awhile, they were friends first, it's their first Christmas as a couple.
A thought that came up when I read that line. I think since it is their first Christmas as a couple, Danny would have to go out of his way and find something extra special, not like whatever he's gotten her before in the past. Now that they're together, he's free to get her whatever he wants without the fear of it being too personal/flirty/forward/needy etc. :) Same with Linds. CONDOM SPRAY!

Mo said:
under a blanket in the rain really though, do they need to do it under the blanket?
Mo dear! :lol: You really need to detox. I said under a blanket of rain! Not under a blanket under the rain :devil: THough that latter idea would be fun. The blanket would be all wet and they'd both get stuck together and end up looking like a D/L spring roll! :lol Hmm...I'm hungry now.

Really I would love both, smiles, smirking, etc leading up to another Snow Day! Can I just have both please?
Oh, I forget the third option "All of the above" :lol: I know we may not get D/L in every episode but a fleeting glance should be enough to connect the team together when they're not working the same cases. Otherwise it's always Mac and Stella. I think we can trust D/L to have the same scenes without run for a closet :) I have faith in them.

I mean they got Nelly Furtado, John MacEnroe, Sasha Cohen...if they can get them, they can get Michael Buble...and that would be a perfect D/L date...bar, restaurant, club...and there's Michael...and then if they danced....I would be in HEAVEN!
SLOW DANCE!!! But when did Sasha Cohen make an appearance? I seem to have lost some bits and pieces in my head.

MakeTracksCowboy said:
i also look at it this way: if D/L were together in every episode we might never get those big scenes like in NWILL, SOOH and Snow Day.
That's the way to look at it! Can you imagine a second snow day? Maybe they'd be nekkid on HER bed this time and it's christmas morning and they decided to spend it together and Linds wants to open presents and Danny wants to go back to sleep so they're doing a little dance under the covers and Danny suddenly falls out of bed in all his nekkid glory to be chased by Lindsay in her similar state of undress throughout their apartment - and hello GUTTER. :devil:

Sarah said:
So whatever happened to the Gutterville Zoo?
Refurbishment :lol:
:lol: :lol: *Mo comes in giggling uncontrollably, even though it's Monday morning and she would very much rather still be curled up in her nice warm bed dreaming lovely D/L dreams...* Good morning my dears! So that lovely pink fog of ours not only has addictive powers, but can clearly mess with your brain functions as well...or at least it does with mine! Then again the fact that I have begun taking it with an I.V. might just be why I seem to be on a bit of pink fog overload! Then again, can you be too fluffy? Wait don't answer that! :lol: :lol:

MTC, I like your name! And yeah D/L is adorably comfortable around eachother...they fit and compliment eachother so well it's a blast to see! I love shipping them! :D

Liff dear, you really think Danny would be able to put his foot down and say "NO" if Linds wanted something? :lol: I gotta say I think he'd cave, he's a pretty big softie when it comes to her and while I don't think she would ever abuse that knowledge at all, I think she knows that about him and she most definitely has her ways of getting him to cave to what she wants! :devil: Ways that he doesn't mind at all! ;) :devil:

:lol: Awww under a "blanket of rain" well that makes plenty more sense! ;) And sounds much more lovely and smexy! Silly me...lucky them! :devil: :lol:

Second Snow Day...*Mo pictures Liff's idea for a moment and promptly begins squeeing and swooning and giggling!* I'm all for that, anytime at all! :D :D

That said though, I do need to head off to work! :p The only thing I don't like about lovely long holiday weekends is that they come to an end! :( Awww well, Christmas is coming and so is a new eppy this week! Have a wonderful Monday everyone...see you all later! ;)

*Mo waves and still giggling a bit, shimmers off in her fluffy bubble!* :D
Ahoy shipmates :D now I don't know about you, but I am not entirely fond of Mondays. Beginning of the work and school week, y'know. Anyhoo, if you are feeling a bit down because it is Monday (or any other reason), I hope this cheers ye up.


So whatever happened to the Gutterville Zoo?

Nothing really - it's still up and running. I just haven't gotten around to some things :p

But when did Sasha Cohen make an appearance?

Silent Night - where we learned of Lindsay's past.

would you prefer long dryspells followed by a "snow day" or more frequent smiles and smirks and more comfortable ease between D/L?

More frequency, for sure. A lack of DL followed by a scene similar to SD wouldn't make much sense IMO. Little smiles and touches should suffice, provided TPTB can take the camera off of Mac for a few seconds ;)

That was catty of me :p
Mo appropriately asked: What do you all this is Danny and Linds' favorite Thanksgiving food?

danny - turkey; he's a little meat boy.
lindsay - sweet potatoes!

christmas presents this year should be a cute little necklace with lindsay's birthstone; and a weekend in the mountains.

sarah who happens to be located at Togoholics Anonymous chuckled: I think its the mashed potatoes They probably slap it all over each other. Okay, dirty mind I fit right in, don't I?
:lol: mashed potato fight! danny's got more protection cause he has glasses. :p i like your female and male sign arrangement on your banner!

pilot stuffy announced: please enjoy this complimentary packet of M&Ms and enjoy your stay aboard our ship
am i on a plane? :p can we get some wet cloths monogrammed "D/L" too??

stuffy then pondered: So I have a theory on where Danny and Lindsay were last night, considering we barely saw either one. Or not enough IMHO. Anyways, I figure they were off in a broom closet. Or at his apartment. Either one will work
and we just cleaned that broom closet!

dearest dutch said: Danny probably went to Lindsay to tell her about that awful wedding party
^^^ when you mentioned wedding party, all i could think of was: all of us would be SUCH great attendants for lindsay! and liffy for danny ;) can't you just see it? "and who supports this marriage?" all our hands go up as we squee in joy.

dutch[/b] and your little fun thoughts, let me play along] danny would then clasp his arms around lindsay and kiss her on the lips with stella and flack looking on. *swoons* as much as i'd love that too (weee!), i think TPTB are holding back on D/L in these recent episodes cause we're gonna either get a very bad or a very good whammy soon. it's the calm before the storm... :rolleyes:

i already ranted about 4x13 last week, sooooo: i know what i want to see in 4x13. if i were to write or edit the scene: i would show danny's apartment in a mess and he himself in the same clothes for a few days. the only person he wants to see at the door is ruben, so that he knows that the boy is still alive and that the reality of his death is non-existent. lindsay knocks at the door bringing drinks and food. danny holds his hand out almost in her face and tells her sternly to leave. lindsay looks at him seriously knowing the emotional pain he is in. danny refuses to let her in and she pushes him back into his apartment, taking matters into her own hands and entering the apartment. she exclaims that she is not leaving. danny turns away from her and tells her one last time to leave. lindsay grabs danny by the shoulder, stares him in the eyes, and tells him that she is NOT GOING ANYWHERE. danny breaks down in her arms as she holds steady for him. what a POWERFUL scene that would be. note: that was all my thoughts and how i'd like to see that scene go down. :D

Unless Danny's secretly an emotionally scorn woman who had a sex change when her husband raped her
:eek: Cuz, that's twisted! on another note: my dear, i am wondering, are you feeling really fluff-hungry lately? i think the holiday season here is rubbing off ya :p . and michael b will need a statue in the town square.

auda, picture danny and lindsay on black friday. :lol: for you and your fluffy twin, lindsay seems more like the morning person than danny and she'd definitely go for bargains. hey, who wouldn't? you get more with the same amount of money spent! danny would get up and find that there are lots of goodies he wanted too and thanks lindsay at the end! :p and to answer your own q, auda: my wish for D/L would have to be – i would love to see a marriage because no other CSI show has a married couple that is on the same team. would this change work dynamics? would they be treated differently? would we just know they married and the show would carry on as normal?

*waves at gue_nih* hi! let out all that D/L love! and hello to maketrackscowboy! i like that saying. :D

i just was watching the D/L parts of Lying Game and LRC, no more angst!! c'mon, it's biting me! not watching last week's episode. heard it was a zzz-er.
Aud giggled
*Third finger, left hand*
Can you imagine the squeeing that would happen if we had that :lol: :lol: it would be amazing!

Shippy Mo asked
What do you all think Danny and Linds will get eachother for Christmas this year?
As much as I would love a diamond ring for our lindsay :D they have only been dating for a few months so it may be too soon for that. I think that both will go for sentimental presents though. Maybe a pool cue for Danny :devil: and for Lindsay..... a necklace with a tiger? pendant
Liffy suggested
Can't we have a picture of the hour? Or minute? BOOM! I suddenly have the inspiration of making a D/L calendar. I'll make one for 2008 YEah! That'll be an interesting project.
:D A calendar sounds a great idea!! I always like to see lovely shippy DL pictures in the thread so thought the advent calendar could be fun.

If anyone wants to get involved in a shippy advent calendar, please PM me by Thursday. If you have any prefences please let me know. For example,weekends are better for me

I can get a list together if possible and then we can have a picture per day. It could be like our very own Show and tell - with a picture and an explanation as to why you chose it.
^ great idea Bella!

Loved the rec room story Catie :lol:...I'm so glad that a lot of you are having awkward pool table stories :p...And, no Liffy it won't be funny to catch my sudden giggles on tape, especially not since that will also include the curious looks of my colleagues... :eek:

Ah, and yes Catie you're right...it is their first X-mas as a couple, so that requires some special gifts...And although a ring sounds great I think it's a bit too early for that :(, but perhaps Danny could buy Lindsay a sweet necklace (with a daisy pendant :)) and Lindsay could buy Danny a bracelet...This is a hard question....

LOL Mo that pink fog is really messing with your brain, but in the case of Liffy's "rain" I was reading something completely different too (shocker - NOT! :p)...Why bother with a blanket if it's gonna get wet anyway :rolleyes:...never thought of the rain being the actual blanket :eek:...hmmmm rain, reminds me of something *winks* :devil:

Mo said:
another reason why you should come over here to our side of the ocean babes!
Aaaw, well I liked what I've seen of your country :), but I love this silly little country and Europe too much to ever leave :D...and when it comes to shopping...The majority of my favourite cities (London, Florence, Barcelona, Paris) is 'just around the corner'... :D

Plus then you'd get to see the current season in full as it airs and that is definitely a good draw!
Yeah that's a big plus, but I'm fortunate enough to be able to watch the ep's within 24 hours after they've first aired :D (when I make the caps too ;))...

MakeTracksCowboy said:
if D/L were together in every episode we might never get those big scenes like in NWILL, SOOH and Snow Day
First, Welcome! :) and Second, you're probably right...it does seem like every time TPTB give us some big scene after a couple of eps with little to none D/L whatsoever, so perhaps that means something big this week or one of the eps after that.... :D

Liffy said:
Danny and Linds can have a lil' slow dance to Michael! I'd soo prefer it if they were on a date. We need a date scene anyway and THAT would be perfect!
*nods* that would be so awesome, perhaps after the little bump they might experience :rolleyes:, finish an ep with them close toghether on a dance floor, Michael Bublé singing and then a make-up kiss before the screen turns to black :)...so sweet...It surprises me that you'd pick "Lost", I love the song, but it is a little sad... :(

And I think that you're wrong about the shopping Liffy...she has him wrapped around her little finger and I think when she has really set her mind on something she can persuade him to do almost anything :devil:...Of course she cares too much for him to actually abuse that 'power', but when she can use it for something as innocent as taking him X-mas shopping I think she will :D...But I do think she likes the idea of buying some silly gifts for their friends - just as a joke after they've bougth some great ones first... :)

they're doing a little dance under the covers and Danny suddenly falls out of bed in all his nekkid glory to be chased by Lindsay in her similar state of undress throughout their apartment - and hello GUTTER.
HELLO indeed :devil:...is it hot in here or what? :eek:

Stuffy love the pic! Txs for cheering me up on this rainy monday...and you're right about Mac and the camera...we should definitely take control off the cameras again and point them where we want... :D

Angel[/b]]I still think it will be totally logical when Danny shows his concern and relief when his girl is in danger and then save again, but I'm affraid we (again *sigh* won't get to see it....And the idea that Danny is actually, for a moment, hoping that Ruben is outside his door is a great explanation for his sudden hurt and behaviour towards Lindsay... :(
hello every one :)

Danny and Linds can have a lil' slow dance to Michael! I'd soo prefer it if they were on a date. We need a date scene anyway and THAT would be perfect!

exactly. I love that idea. it would be perfect. and I also agree that Michael Bublé just screams DL. I wonder wheter he is a fan by chance :)

I too prefer a little DL in every episode but it seems like they always go with 2 to 4 episode with little or no DL before the really cool moments. has done it since the start. I have high hopes for this week so lets hope my gut is right

I was just listening to Love Actually soundtrack and I got the image of Lindsay singing - or lipsyncing, All I want for Christmas is you for Danny
Okay, this might sound dumb, but I've been thinking on Christmas gifts they might give each other, and for Danny to give to Lindsay, I've come up with a charm bracelet. He could buy special charms for things that have happened between them(a daisy, spider, pool table, etc). It's personal between them, but not as serious as a ring. I don't think he'd go for that anyway, it's a little too soon. As for what Lindsay would give to Danny, I'm thinking something like a watch, a pocket watch maybe, with a special inscription. Sorry if my ideas are lame, I think they'd want to give something with personal meaning between the two of them, but I'm blanking on what.
I've come up with a charm bracelet. He could buy special charms for things that have happened between them(a daisy, spider, pool table, etc).

thats exactly what Ive been thinking. Ive even put it in a fic of mine.

and I think she would give him something funny, I dont know why. something like the shirt that was talked earlier - the Saving horses one. and then she would give him the real present. something sweet and thoughtful which I have no idea what it could be. maybe something to do with Louie. or something very personal for her. like something she has from one of her grand parents
mashed potato fight! danny's got more protection cause he has glasses. i like your female and male sign arrangement on your banner!
Thanks! But I didnt do it, I totally forget who did but their name is in my profile :D

I've come up with a charm bracelet. He could buy special charms for things that have happened between them(a daisy, spider, pool table, etc).
Oh my gosh, thats a great idea. I never even thought about that. Where does the daisy come in though?
In Snow Day, after Danny took Lindsay's shift and let her sleep in, he left a daisy in a glass of water for her. I just associate daisies with Danny and Lindsay now, since he left the flower for her. This is a pic from Snow Day:


Oh, and I thought of another charm for the bracelet, maybe the states of New York and Montana. I think they do charms in the shape of states. Not sure, and it might be stupid, but hey, I think it's cute!
I am so tired!

*first day back to work is exhausting***

I have the perfect gifts for Danny and Lindsay:

Lindsay: A big vase. Because I have a feeling that Danny is going to give her plenty of daisies after that night on the pool table.

Danny: More hot shirts like the ones that he's being wearing lately! :devil:
In Snow Day, after Danny took Lindsay's shift and let her sleep in, he left a daisy in a glass of water for her. I just associate daisy's with Danny and Lindsay now, since he left the flower for her. This is a pic from Snow Day:
Oh yeah, thats right. I forgot about that.

I think they do make "state shaped charms". That would be so cute!
*Mo runs in, dripping wet and shaking excess water off her rain boots and bright yellow raincoat!* And ladies and gentlemen...Monday is finally over! :D Well over enough for me to be able to enjoy it and sit on my couch and be done with work...I'm with you Stuffy, Vexxy Mondays, especially the ones after looong holiday weekends, are the worst! :p Stuffy hon, I loved the SD nekkid pic, it made up quite nicely for the otherwise ickyness of Monday! Thanks! ;) Nekkid D/L always cheers me up...no matter what happens...nekkid fluffy D/L is like the perfect medicine! :lol:
Okay hon can I just say you should SOOO write our eppy's for us! That would be a brilliant way for the "bump" to go down...I would LOVE that...instead of Linds being hurt and misreading the situation and turning away in anger when Danny gets irritated at her, like they always seem to make people do on tv, if instead like you said, she read what was REALLY going on in his eyes and how hurt and sad Danny was, and she didn't let him push her away but instead was there for him and stayed until he realized she wasn't going to leave him too and he let his guard down and cried in her arms...that would be so amazing! And you have to know Carmine would play that scene SO well...we already know the man can cry so well it breaks your heart (think RSRD) and to have Linds be the one he breaks down with and her arms rightfully so, be the ones to hold him...that would be A-Mazing!! Wow...I SO want something like that now!!
Shippy bud with the halo and the brilliant ideas' Angel proposed:
My wish for D/L would have to be – i would love to see a marriage because no other CSI show has a married couple that is on the same team. would this change work dynamics? would they be treated differently? would we just know they married and the show would carry on as normal?
Ohhhhh, fascinating thought hon! The fluffy part of me (yeah I know all of me is fluffy :lol: ) loves this idea and thinks it would be amazing and like you said something new and different to see! The realistic part of me (small though it may be! ;) ) is a bit afraid the PTB wouldn't do it right, and would mess up badly what could otherwise be a beautiful relationship...ya know. But I do like the idea...and you're right CSI hasn't done a married couple on the same team yet, it would be very interesting to see how they made it work! I personally think D/L could make it work well and talk about the ultimate canon...they would be not only bonded forever in love, but legally bonded as well...love that idea! :lol: And I think the whole thing could work fine with the show, it just would have to not be the focus of the whole show...which as we can tell from our scenes thus far, wouldn't be too much of a problem at all! :D

Naughty bud from the land around the corner Dutch winked:
hmmmm rain, reminds me of something *winks*
:lol: Lol, rain always reminds me of that "something" now babes! :devil: Everytime it starts I can't help but look outside and go "Hmmmm, wonder if D/L's out enjoying their favorite pasttime?!" :devil: :lol: Love it! :D

The majority of my favourite cities (London, Florence, Barcelona, Paris) is 'just around the corner'...
Yeah yeah, don't rub it in! :p :lol: I love the U.S. and I love living here...but I am quite jealous that you are "around-the-corner" from London and Paris...I want to visit them SO bad!! Ohhh which makes me wonder...If Danny and Lindsay were to take a trip to somewhere in Europe, what city do you think they would visit?

Shippy bud with the good intuition Carly said:
I have high hopes for this week so lets hope my gut is right
Hey I'm all for good gut feelings when it comes to D/L! I had one before the totally cute "Commuted Sentences" love handles scene, so you saying you've got a good gut feeling for this eppy makes me quite happy hon! I'll jump on board that train :lol: And hey, it's been a couple eppy's since then, we're due another good D/L scene! :D

Spoiler queen and generally brilliant Catey suggested:
for Danny to give to Lindsay, I've come up with a charm bracelet. He could buy special charms for things that have happened between them(a daisy, spider, pool table, etc). It's personal between them, but not as serious as a ring. I don't think he'd go for that anyway, it's a little too soon. As for what Lindsay would give to Danny, I'm thinking something like a watch, a pocket watch maybe, with a special inscription.
Catey babes, I totally LOVE those ideas...both of them! The charm bracelet especially is a brilliant idea! That is something that is sweet and not too "serious" but still loving and intimate, love it! I love the daisy, spider, and state charms...those would be SO cute! And I think a pool table might be a bit hard, but they could do an 8-ball charm...that'd be cute! And I actually like the watch idea for Danny too...I could see her getting a cool old-fashioned pocketwatch with a loving inscription on the inside, modern man though he is, I could totally see Danny loving something like that! :D You're brilliant babes! ;)

Okay my shippy dearies...I'm off to make my own Christmas list! *Mo stops and thinks..."1. Pool table....2. Danny on top of the pool table...and 3. Mmmmm, nope I think that'll do it!* :lol: Have a wonderful evening my darlings!

Pssttt...Aud how are you Fluffy Twin wub? And Mer you still alive out there honey bun?? :D

*Mo grins and waving, shimmers off in a cloud of addictive pink fog and fluffy bubbles!*

ETA: Lookie, Lookie, Lookie...I'm a JUDGE!!! Cool beans huh! :lol: Just means I spend way too much time on here... :lol: but it's all good! :lol:
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