Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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^ Aaaw, cute kids! :)

Patience is a virtue that has always escaped me!
LOL :lol: Mo I know the feeling all too well...I started really early today (didn't even take the time to read Catie's recap - which was great btw :)) and I took almost the entire afternoon off...first thing I did when I got home was get the ep and watch it! :D

I thought it was a great ep, lots of action and suspense and they tied the 333/Drew thing up really well...There wasn't enough D/L in it though :( (especially since I saw our dear Pam wrote this one :confused:), but what we did get was great...The little conversation at the beginning was cute and I just love to watch Danny run :devil: (I always feel like Joey and Chandler watching Baywatch - "Run Danny, run!" :lol: *drools*) and the fact that he was running to save Lindsay's life (and that of his friends *shrug*) made it even more special...one of the sexiest things I've seen this season, I'm just a sucker for heroic moments like that :eek:...was I the only one screaming "lost opportunity!" at my TV when Danny asked Stella if she was okay instead of asking Lindsay :rolleyes:...

Okay it was a small scene, but we have to take whatever we get:


Lindsay: "Danny, no woman wakes up at 3.33 to make an anonymous phone call"


Danny: "Sure about that?"


And I just love how Stella is walking in front of them, listening to their conversation...And judging by her smiles, I think she has some very strong suspicions about what is going on between them... :D

Mo pointed out:
but I gotta say, the grey cableknit sweater was wearing this week...*Swoon, drool!* Seriously the boy is SOOOO hot!
We finally agree on a shirt...he did look extremely HOT this ep... :devil:

Liffy said:
Okay Dutch honey - I love you to bits - you know that, but the thought of Hawkes knowing what they're using is just plain creepy. Seriously. Ick.
Why is that icky? :confused: When they do get a baby together everyone will know they didn't use anything ;)...And Danny and Hawkes are friends, they could discuss things like that (I do that with my friends too)...Besides, Hawkes was there when Lindsay gave her little demonstration and I think he's a pretty perceptive guy and he must've picked up on the sexual tension in the room :D....But I agree, having a baby right now wouldn't be wise and if TPTB ever decide to go there, that's one thing they definitely should leave off screen and totally up to our imagination... :D

But since you said you love me to bits *giggles* I decided to make a nice cap of Lindsay in this ep too...I thought she looked totally sexy in that black outfit she wore at the end - a little more cleavage than she usually shows, but it looks great on her...

And I believe her hair is a little shorter too, Mo...although I do still think it looks great on her, I feel it could use a little more spunk; perhaps some (red) highlights and some wax to make it fit her personality...

Vex, I'm still a firm believer that things will get better too! Now that the Mac/333 and Stella/Drew stories have been wrapped up in one ep I think it's time for other stories to be told and I'm convinced that our 'in love-bump-deepening' is one of them... :D
Hello everyone! I figured it's about time I entered... :eek: I've been lurking for so long now, I don't even know what to say anymore.

It's also because I'm waiting for some great D/L scenes, but they just don't seem to be there. But, as Dutch said, we have to be grateful with everything we get.

I had high hopes though. I just wanted Danny to run to Lindsay and kiss her and saying something like 'I'm so glad you're OK'... I'm sorry that didn't happen.

As for the hair: short is nice, but it could do with a little bit more.

I know I don't have that much to say, I'll try to pop in more often. Thank goodness I'm not that tired anymore. And you know what? My baby is doing fine! :D
Morning! *Mo pops in, carrying coffee and cinnamon rolls freshly baked for everyone!* Happy Thursday...day before Friday...which makes it a good day in my book! :D So last night...I enjoyed our eppy last night, as far as action ep's go it was pretty entertaining. I do think there were a couple lost opportunities for even a tiny D/L moment...which is a bit annoying! :p Thanks for the caps of the moment we did get though Dutch that was nice! Great caps, Linds' smile is adorable as she looks at Danny! :D

Cute bud who took the day off for the eppy Dutch pointed out:
especially since I saw our dear Pam wrote this one
Yeah I saw that too, which made me excited for a second cuz I know how shippy she is, so I totally forgot Catey's spoilers for about 2 seconds and thought "Yay we jsut might get some good D/L!" and then I remembered I already knew we wouldn't! :lol: Come on Pam Veasey, you're our hero for a reason...so please do something heroic and give us some lovely shippy moments again! :D

I always feel like Joey and Chandler watching Baywatch - "Run Danny, run!" *drools*)
:lol: That is SO true! I LOVE watching the man run, he really does it well and he just looks so sexy...running hard and fast and especially when we know it's to save his girl! Awwww love! :D

was I the only one screaming "lost opportunity!" at my TV when Danny asked Stella if she was okay instead of asking Lindsay
Oh no hon, I was totally yelling at my tv at that point too! Here he does all this glorious running and saving them and you know he was thinking "Linds is on that train, I have got to stop it NOW!" And then we don't even get to see her thank him? come on now, that's just not right! Although it does leave room to imagine how she "thanked" him later! :devil:

We finally agree on a shirt...he did look extremely HOT this ep...
YOu mean this is the first time we've agreed on a shirt Hot Stuff Messer looked hot in? :lol: Interesting! The red one is still my favorite I think, but that grey one this week...*Mo stares at the cap and drools a bit...* Yeah the boy was way hot! :devil: YUMMY!! :D

And I believe her hair is a little shorter too, Mo...although I do still think it looks great on her
Yeah I thought so...I kept looking at her the whole eppy, going "It does look a little shorter...am I seeing things?" Lol! :lol: I think it's the back more than anything...it's cut up and wedged a bit more if that makes sense! It looks cute on her still of course...although I think my favorite look for her is still the wavy curls she had at the end of last season...but then again, she's gorgeous no matter what! :D

Cute shipper with the tiny shipper inside JenP grinned:
Thank goodness I'm not that tired anymore. And you know what? My baby is doing fine!
Yay for not being tired anymore hon, and double yay for baby being fine! Glad to hear it and glad to see you back in here...less lurking, more posting for you...Dr.'s orders! ;) Heehee! :D

Okay my dearies...I gotta head out to work now...but it's Thursday, which means tomorrow's Friday and that means the weekend! Yay! :lol: Oh and I don't know if y'all saw the bit about the writers strike, but it said in there that there are 14 eppy's of CSI:NY already done...and this was eppy #10 right...so we've got 4 new eppy's left before we run out of new stuff...which is more than most drama's have left, so yay us! :D

Okay gotta run! *Mo waves and shimmers off in her fluffy bubble of love!* :D
dutch's watch question:
i've got a song stuck in my head, so i'm going to go with its lyrics: if you fall, pick you up, pick you up

AHHH! my cap-crusader, dutchy. *huggles* im glad you pulled the quotes WITH the matching caps. heehee. nice to start my day at work.

Sarah asked: If Linds did get pregnant (By Danny, of course) what would happen in the show?
i like your "OF COURSE" clause. OF COURSE, lindsay's baby's daddy would be danny!! :D :D
reaction: danny - excited because he made this little being. lindsay - scared but also ready for the challange and journey of motherhood. both ultimately excited and content.
during: danny would be very protective and lindsay would push the limits.
after: mention the DL baby at home with the grandparents or ny crime lab daycare (so she/he can be close to mom and dad) once and a while. danny and lindsay go on with work as usual.

ep. 4x10...mmm:
i actually went to watch this episode with my dad. i walked into the living room and he exclaimed: "carmine stopped the subway!" my reaction: :lol:

points to highlight
-loved the panic-danny run to save the four in the subway.
-lindsay was so cute in the subway. :)
-could not help but think that danny would do anything to save lindsay. NOTE TO TPTB: perfect timing to put in a cute DL moment...! hint hint.
-i wanted to see lindsay in the takedown. BUT, i liked lindsay's take charge attitude when stella was about to give up in the lab with the puzzle.

in reference to DL's one-lines to each other: yes, danny messer, you have charmed lindsay so much that she would probably wake up at 3am to call you. *swoons softly*

goodness, it's hawt in here. *points at stuffy's passionate D/L kiss cap* ... so that's where the warmth is coming from!! :devil: ;)

pssst, glad you're feeling okay, JenP :) *hugs*
Catey - thanks for the lovely spoiler box as usual. I won't see the ep until it airs here in the UK next spring :( So it is great to read a summary so that I can join in with the discussions as best as I can.

Silly Dutch made me laugh by writing:
was I the only one screaming "lost opportunity!" at my TV when Danny asked Stella if she was okay instead of asking Lindsay ...
I was really hoping for that kind of DL moment this week in light of the runaway car :( And thanks for the screencaps as well.

I think we need one of those books you used to have when you were little - where you cut out outfits to dress the doll in .... Danny could have a collection of outfits :devil: green tee, blue shirt, white vest., with sunglasses as well :cool:... or then again, he could just remain topless :devil:

Anyway, I watched "What Schemes may come" this week and the Mac/Peyton interaction got me thinking. There was a lovely little shippy moment at the start of the episode when Mac races through the Lab to see Peyton who was attacked in the Lab garage. This is what I wanted for DL from the runaway subway car scene this week. We had a lot more of Mac and Peyton moments in their relationship than DL which is strange when you think how quickly Mac and Peyton got together. With DL, the relationship was slowly built up with flirty banter and great shippy/angsty moments. Yet now they are together we have nothing definite :mad:
How do you know Linds baby could be Danny's? Could be some random dude or Liff, or hell, Mo could knock her up. LOL.

I couldn't resist, I'm sorry. It was there, I had to take it!

Its really hard to tell how long MacPeyton had been together, considering they started that one season out. but the whole DL thing is weird. seriously weird. Yes, I'm the angsty one of the bunch, but I think it was all rushed. I'll say that forever. *runs away before Mo can catch me*

Just wanted to drop in and comment on that one, thats so funny for me.
This is being posted in all shipper threads and it really doesn't apply to your thread but here it is:

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This means that there is too much discussion of other ships in this thread. It's time to knock it off.
*sticks out her foot and trips Lynny*

psst Mo she's down her and I know you would never knock Lindsay up, but could you please (gently) knock Lynny down? - not Danny's tssk

And how was it rushed? :confused: It took them two years before they decided to do something more physical than just teasing and bantering :rolleyes:....and unfortunately at this moment the only thing 'rushing' is Danny; after suspects after subway carts, but not after Lindsay... :mad:
I cant stay for long but I have come to give my opinions on Last nights episode.

Atleast Danny and Lindsay were in a scene together! That was refreshing, but still not as much D/L as we were hoping for. I couldnt help thinking that Danny was rushing to stop the subway because his friends were on it, but because Lindsay was on it. :D That pretty much all I have time for, Ill be back a little later :)
"Joy to the world, all the boys and girls! Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me!" :lol: *Mo skips into the thread, happy it's Friday tomorrow and determined to stay up and fluffy and happy, holding onto the solid knowledge she has deep in her heart that her ship is CANON!!*
Hi my shippy darling's, happy Thursday evening...how are y'all this fine evening? I'm still a bit ticked that we didn't get any bigger/better D/L last night...but they both looked gorgeous and we did get a smile which is better then them not talking! And I have a lovely idea in my head of just how Danny showed Linds how glad he was she came through the subway thing :devil: and then how she showed him how thankful she was that he saved her! :devil: Those are getting through quite nicely so far! ;) Heehee! :D
our next eppy is the 11th episode...also known as "The-One-where-the-man-I-love-Danny-Messer-gets-hurt- by-the-death-of-the-little-boy-and-then-does-the-dumbest-thing-ever- and-pushes-Linds-away-thus-I'm-assuming-causing-our- dreaded-bump-and-ensuing-angst-eppy!" (How's that for a title? :lol: ) I don't know when this eppy is set to air...but I'm scared and excited for it! Scared because I really do not want/like/think we need more D/L angst! And excited because I really do think that we will get the amazing D/L love we've all been wanting after this! It's just a matter of surviving it! :p
The angsty who wants to be whacked Lynny goofball giggled:
How do you know Linds baby could be Danny's? Could be some random dude or Liff, or hell, Mo could knock her up. LOL.
:eek: :lol: I have no response to that...I just have no...Lynny lol, you're a DORK! :lol: You're lucky I heart you babes...and that, it's....that's biologically impossible! :lol: :lol:

but I think it was all rushed. I'll say that forever. *runs away before Mo can catch me*
You say it forever babes, I've got a host of witnesses and my gut that says this was not rushed...plus of course the fact that it took them 2 years to get where they are...sorry babes, but we pwn ya on this one! ;) And by the way, you think you can pop in, make a comment like the earlier one and then like the above and think you're just getting away? Think again babes! *Mo grins devilishly, and trips her Lynny before grabbing onto her ankles and not letting go!* ;)

Netherlands hottie Dutch asked:
And how was it rushed? It took them two years before they decided to do something more physical than just teasing and bantering
*Mo high fives her bud and giggles!* Thank you hon, that's SO what I'm saying here! They took longer than most any other relationship I know of in real life...I really don't think there was anything rushed about this relationship and how it came about, D/L really did take their sweet time getting together, nothing rushed there...well except for the clip we got to see of their love scene! That was much too rushed and should have been much much longer! :devil: Heehee! ;)

Okay my darlings...I'm off to do some...well something for a bit...ohhh laundry, I should probably do some laundry! :lol: Fun times...okay have a great evening my people and I'll see y'all later!

*Mo waves and giggling, shimmers off in her fluffy bubble of canon love!*

Psssttt...Aud wub where is you? I need my darling Fluffy Twin! ;)
Mo do you really want me to sit here and post all of my thoughts, I think I've said them repeatedly. I don't have anything against DL. Auda can tell you, when I first met her, I wanted the ship, hell alot of you can comment on that. and Mer can also tell you my thoughts on this.

My thoughts are somewhat, undecided and I really don't know where to lean and I want to let Linds back in but I really dunno how. I just feel some things should be answered. You guys will happy to know, I still ship earlier DL. but new DL, no. and if it makes you feel better -- I did drop Melty and FM Radio along with it all. -- so see, I'm not anti DL. Linds just isn't in my good sides right now. -- Can I have cookies now?

*points at Dutch* traitor, I'll get you!
Lynny honey I do know your thoughts on this, and you know I heart you regardless of whether we agree on this or not! I know you are not against D/L...and you know I love my D/L and I think we have to agree to disagree here...but I wubs ya, and love shipping with you! And I think if you give Linds time she'll get on your good side again...just slowly open up to her, she'll get under your skin again! ;)

And yes dearie...you can have cookies now! ;) *Mo hands her bud a yummy gingerbread cookie!* :D

So people, here's a question...and we've phrased it in lots of lovely ways...but here's yet another one...unless the writer's strike is resolved, we've got 4 eppy's left of NY...what would you like to see have happen for D/L in those eppy's??

ETA: our next new eppy, Ep. 11 is due to be shown on Dec. 12th... :D
So people, here's a question...and we've phrased it in lots of lovely ways...but here's yet another one...unless the writer's strike is resolved, we've got 4 eppy's left of NY...what would you like to see have happen for D/L in those eppy's??
Unless there's a guarantee that something good will happen - I vote for minimal DL. It's better than the writers starting some big storyline with them, which may or may not involve angst and not be able to go through with it in its entirety. I think I'll rip my hair out if we ended on a cliff hanger.

Otherwise, DL smex in the elevator and a dinner date. Or...okay it's a long shot, but a leisurely stroll through the zoo - emphasis on the tiger sanc. Won't it be sweet? Danny can be all like...here's where you met the perfect guy, Montana. And he's all cocky and smirking. She'll just roll her eyes and threaten to throw him in. :lol: :) Aww sweetness!

My thoughts on the new ep:

I liked it :) Lindsay got Danny a new sweater. And was I the only one who wanted Linds to start kissing the man when he was sitting on the table with Hawkes and Linds to the side? Kinda expected him to beckon her over and just wrap his arms around her. :eek: I think I'm being particularly fluffy today :)

Silly Lynny said:
How do you know Linds baby could be Danny's? Could be some random dude or Liff, or hell, Mo could knock her up. LOL.
Me? :lol: Naw... That baby's all Messer. I'll give you that :D His swimmers would be as scary as he is. :p

^^Why are we skipping a week for a new ep? We're already running out :(
good evening every one :)

Unless there's a guarantee that something good will happen - I vote for minimal DL. It's better than the writers starting some big storyline with them, which may or may not involve angst and not be able to go through with it in its entirety. I think I'll rip my hair out if we ended on a cliff hanger.

Liffy, I totally agree on this with you. nothing at all is much better then a cliffhanger

DL smex in the elevator and a dinner date

the smex is a little too of a wishing-well but a dinner date would be awesome. maybe with a little dance. the writers cant be that bad

I need some sweets, my blood sugar is dangerously low
*Stuffy slowly walks into the thread, rubbing sleep from her eyes*

I need some major cheering up. My parents were admitted to the hospital this morning, and I'm shaken up :(

I don't care what anyone says - I still stand by my theory that Danny and Lindsay sneak off to the broom closet every now and then to catch up on things :devil: Lord knows TPTB won't allow it. Isn't that right catey m'love? ;)

Danny playing hero (again) was awesome :D loved how he stopped the train by hurling a rock at the control panel :lol:

As for Mo's question - I just want some DL, but a bit is better than a cliffhanger. But even if we do get a cliffy, it doesn't mean the relationship is finished. TPTB are NOT going to spend two entire seasons working on them just to throw it away now.

Apologizes if I sound a bit snappish - I'm ragged at the moment. Being up since 4:45 and finding out your dad has a pain in his chest does that to you.

*shimmers inside titanium alloy bubble*
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