Mmm...I sense angst.
BEGONE!! *Liff pops in and does the rumba while hosing off the thread with pink fog*
I for some odd reason liked the last episode. And the reason for it really has nothing to do with the actual episode whatsoever. Danny said Daddy. I was using that to picture how he refers to himself infront of his little girls in the many years to come. I need to rewatch the episode to see what actually happened after that little Daddy scene.
I'm absolutely hopeless! :lol:
Oh I think the writers will get around to getting Lindsay back on track. We've a few new writers come on board, which may have messed up the usual sync abit. Linds' lines were abit cheesy but they made me laugh - I think Danny likes her cheesy lines...he gets to tell her to shuddup before he kisses her senseless when they're making out against the fridge.
Michael Buble has officially become my D/L mascot. I can't picture anything else besides D/L whenever I listen to any of his songs. His voice just pops D/L into my head. I love him, I love D/L so it's pretty much a win win situation.
- As for upcoming episodes, apparently there's going to be Danny angst coming up. Why is it always either Danny or Lindsay that gets the bad emotional angst? I think they really need to focus on the other characters more. And give us D/L fluff! fluff fluff fluff is gooooooooood! Anyways - Danny angst? Could translate into D/L angst if Linds decides she's done with him. I cannot see Danny pushing Lindsay away, in the long run anyways. He may brush her off but there really isn't much of a situation I can think of which can negate all Danny and Linds have gone through together. Unless Danny's secretly an emotionally scorn woman who had a sex change when her husband raped her, I think D/L's future is solid. There might be a little "skip" in the road but oh boy is that road leading to a bedroom
I love my pink-fogged brain. And
Auda dear, it's healthy to have moments of Angsty-ness. It gives us a chance to kick your butt - good excercise :lol: