^^ Aw
Stuffy thanks for those pics of my all-time favorite scene
Liffy said:
It's impossible to paint a bad picture of them, and whoever tries gets a snogful of pink fog. They'd be a pret-ty darn cute domestic couple
They would be, but please, please, please not too soon (sorry
Mo dear, but no mini-Messers for me...yet
). We need them to slowly get more closer...emotional...not
just physical
*glares at Liffy*. There will no doubt be some or a lot of quarrels when they first move in together and to get used to sharing a home will take some time too.
And then I want a wedding
and when they've enjoyed their time together...then it's time for kids... :lol:
Possibility of a bra-strap hangin' out somewhere. Danny would go red at THAT sight.
Especially when that strap is hanging out of his pants' pocket :devil: and some one (preferably AdaMm) comes up to him and asks "what do you have there?" while pulling it out at the same time
...both guys will be looking like lobsters. :lol:
I wonder how close Danny is to his parents
I think he is pretty close to his mum. Last season he invited Hawkes over to eat mozzarella with his mum and in 'The Deep' he told an anecdote about his mum too. That time in RSRD is the only time he mentions his dad.
I want Linds to shoot at something...or clunk Danny in the head with a gun for making a stupid comment. For some reason it's just something I can see her do
I can see her hit a suspect on the head with her gun...She rocks! after all
, but not Danny...He may deserve it sometimes
, but she's still a professional and guns are not for goofing around.
Firemouse said:
I really want to see Danny and Lindsay in the interrogation room again!!
I 2nd that! Especially for Lindsay it has been too long and the two of them interrogating someone would be great to watch again.
spikegal txs for finding us a theme-song
for the next thread..."The Vengaboys" are dutch too
Leaves singing
'I wanna go boom boom, Let's spend the night together, Together in my room!'