*Liff pops into thread happy that it's Friday!!* Lalala! Today's Friday which means the weekend is here and we're one day closer to the premiere! 12 days left!
Mo said:
Lol, the things D/L makes come out of my mouth! :lol:
If D/L makes those things come out of your mouth, I wonder what images they procure in your mind babe :devil: Oh you know me - we're both planted, and well watered (and heavily gassed with pink gutter fluff) in Gutterville. Oh the thoughts...they could give Danny a run for his money :lol:
I do see them as people who sing to themselves though...ya know like humming while they work, Linds maybe moreso, singing softly to herself as she works...although I think it'd be hilarious if Danny caught himself singing some country song he'd heard with Linds and it got stuck in his head!
I can see Danny humming along in the shower and whilst he's cooking. Sooner or later he'll get a country song in his head, and even though he profusely refuses to acknowledge his liking for it, Lindsay's ears says otherwise when she catches him humming along whilst flipping the pancakes. He'd be bouncing along too, much to Lindsay's amusement as she watches silently from the kitchen counter
And yeah I have to agree with you on that one...for the most part I see Danny as fairly laid back, and if a guy was just checking her out even maybe it he wouldn't be up in arms about it...but if the guy started to try anything, or hit on her, he'd totally be in the guy's face. Linds may have mellowed him, but he's still a guy! (Remind you of another awesome Brad Paisley song at all Liffer?)
Yeah, I can see Danny as being fairly laid back too - he'll growl when someone over steps the boundaries, and no one wants to face an angry Danny Messer.

Though it would be worth watching if someone's hitting on Lindsay and she's flirting back - purely to watch her man go all jealous on her

No arguments - she loves teasing him, and it would be so D/L to keep testing each other - getting them riled up, and making up later on...in the evening...in pure hawtness :devil:
I can see Danny pushing the cart around, leaning on it, with this wide eyed look on his face...like "I can't believe I got stuck doing this!"...it would be SO cute! And I can see him getting like lots of beer and meat and coming home and Linds going..."Daniel Messer!"
Naw, I don't think Danny's that much of bum. I'd like to think he knows how to cook, so he'd be wandering the aisles looking for those italian ingredients and all. Trying to decide between different brands and makes... all the while with this goofy little smile on his face cos he's thinking about Lindsay. He'd probably come home and realise he'd bought all the wrong stuff - with Lindsay wondering why he just bought a feather duster. :lol:
I would love to see them hold hands now...cuz we know they are officially together and that's such a simple, sweet, yet totally "coupley" thing to do!
I highly doubt that they would encorporate alot of "coupley" things into the eps, and I wouldn't like it if they overdid it either. Something short and simple makes the best squee and melt moments. Like them giving each other a short peck before leaving for a scene or something. Or holding hands and sharing a look. Nothing too drastic, some things are better off leaving it to our gutterfied brains
I can't say I see Danny serenading Linds...but if he did, if he played the guitar and sang something to her...
Can't see that either, I think it would be too out of character for him. He's a born New Yorker CSI, not someone you fish out from those old chick flicks. Granted he probably do it to Lindsay as some kind of a joke, just to make her blush and laugh after they watched some sappy movie, all the while still wrapped tightly around each other.

That I can see; Danny purposely butchering up lines to make her laugh. He loves her laugh (I do too!

Stuffy said:
Sorry everyone; I just haven't felt like posting here lately.
Stuffy's sulking cos we're not giving her enough dirty thoughts :lol: hehehe.
Vex said:
I can see him as a shower singer and I can see Lindsay sneaking in and recording him without him knowing and using the tape for a little payback later!
Oh definately. I can definately see Linds doing that to him, though I wonder if she sneaks in...I highly doubt she's getting back out any time soon. If you know what I mean

Anyways, makes for good blackmail but I'm sure Danny will find something to get back her with. Like a tape of her dancing along to some dance tune or something and threatening to send it in to America's funniest home videos. Hello New York's finest! Best way to catch 'em bad guys is to dance them to submission :lol:
Cuzzy said:
^^^ something funny just popped into my head while i typed that above: danny, on the plane fidgeting anxiously, talking to the person next to him: "i cant believe im flying to montana..." "i love her. i LOVE her..." "what the heck am i doing?"
*snuggles Cuzzy* Glad to see you back darlin'! And I can definately see Danny fidgeting on that plane. A friend of mine, who actually lives in Bozeman told me that there's no direct flight to Bozeman from NYC. I'm not too sure about that since I'm no where near there, but if so, that would mean Danny gets extra time to fidget on the connecting flight! :lol: It's so cute - he's all confused and lovestruck
"Love is in the air..." - literally.
Stuffy said:
I'm going with winter, 'cause I can see them taking horse carriage rides through the Park.
And Danny threatens to leave her in the middle of the park if she doesn't stop pinching him. I haven't thought about why she's pinching him in the first place...the thought just popped into my head. Thought it would make a cute scene
Mo said:
Okay so we have D/L going to a Wedding in Ep.4x9 yeah? Lol, anyone think it'll give them any ideas? Heehee, here's hoping right!!
Ooh really? I don't think I'm supposed to know that...but oh well. It's still pretty vague. I can see Danny staring at the scene - and then turning to Lindsay next to him, "When we get married...I want a small weddding. Like super small. And we'll keep Flack away from the wine...and we'll put Hawkes somewhere near the bridesmaids...and Sid can sit at the back where no one can hear him..." :lol: I am having WAY too much fun with this...
Mo asked:
What do you think is Danny and Lindsay's favorite season/time of the year and why?
I'd say Autumn or Spring for both of them. They can walk through the beautiful flowers or fading leaves...it's a beautiful sight and they're both incredible seasons. Can anyone imagine Danny getting hay fever in spring? I think it's adorable, and Lindsay's gonna be stuck taking care of him while he's moaning and complaining

*melts a little...more*
Hey deep down he's just a lusty guy!
And much much more! Don't forget that
Mo dearie! :devil: Not that any of us can ever forget how mushy he can be
GSRfanatic25! Glad to see you back here sweetheart!
die hard romantic! rock on
power to the ships, they keep the shows sailing!
sorry to disrupt the flow of conversation...
as you were
You ain't disrupting - it's all D/L love! Their chemistry definately adds a new element to the show. It makes it all the more better to watch! We're all die hard romantics when it comes to D/L
Dutch said:
I still like to imagine DL a little drunk singing a karaoke duet at some NYPD party...
Well now see, it's going to take forever to get that picture out of my head. (Stay as long as you like, there's no rush

) They're both up on stage, and as per usual, there's no one else in their little world but themselves. Who cares if they're out of tune - and someone back there, I'd bet on Adam, is catching it all on his phone

hahaha - he's going to be 50 bucks richer the next day.
JenP asked:
Who is the DIY'er in the house, Danny or Lindsay?
I can see Danny trying to put together furniture and failing miserably at the first attempt. His concentration was sidetracked...his thoughts straying to the other room where his other half happened to be taking a shower.... well that could render any guy useless in my opinion :lol: But yeah, i think they're both quite capable in the DIY department.
You've all got Danny being a big baby stuck in my head. Thank you! :lol: Lindsay's eye roll is needed!
I just watched
Love Run Cold again yesterday... I think I melted when Danny asked, "Are we o-kay?" Like he was unsure where they stood...his smoothness flying out the window. And Lindsay's whole thing in the end...she's definately struggling to speak there, it's all sweet since I know where they're going to end up
JenHHH! Long time no see! Season 4 is going to be our season! You are definately going to have to post more!
Cammie!! It's been ages since you've been here babes! Welcome back to you too!
Alrighty, I think I've just written yet another lengthy novel, and you're all probably tired of reading. :lol: That's all from me for now!
*Liff dances off the pavement and onto the gutterville roads...* S4 Premiere, here we come!