Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Mo[/b], Top and Catey]I loved how he said there will be some ups and downs in there relationship; like it's suppose to be I guess (yeah! bring on the Angst! ;)). And the idea of the Halloween ep and D/L together in that horror house sounds awesome. I agree with Top, just like in DoWaR when Lindsay scared of the cockroaches this time she will probably be the ghost buster while Danny's freaking out
Great interview Top! :)
Kevlar wearing buddy Liff said:
Now let's do Dutch! 40%Fluff, 40%Fluff-in-denial, 2%RL, 6.5% Angst, 11.5% Gutter yay!
Soooo not correct :mad:...I'm like 50% Angst, 20% Fluff, 20% Gutter, 5% RL and 15% Fluff-In-Denial caused by a pink haze :rolleyes: and lots of coffee...

Dani I'm sorry 'bout your sun burn...adds a lobster to the list of Zoo animals ;)...

Stuffy how many copies of that Robo Danny are there? I swear I have one here too...Or maybe I forgot to return the real one last weekend :devil: *runs off to check* :)
*Jen runs into this thread, hugging buddy Liff so he's having a bit of sticky sauce as well and throws some M&M's*

Dutch, that was a great thought of you! :D I can so see the picture of Danny wrestling with tentpoles and Lindsay patiently waiting next to him. Just when Danny's ready to go home 'cause he's having enough of the camping shit before it's even started, Lindsay steps up and completes the whole thing in a few minutes without even sweating....Absolutely hilarious!

I totally love this interview! Can't wait to see them as ordinary people who just happen to be together and therefore have some ups and downs. I'm glad the will look beyond the picture of Danny and Lindsay as a couple, but I'm sure looking forward to the D/L scenes.

Since there's no party....how about a party at my place, just because I'm back in? Just have to think of a reason, don't I? You're all welcome!
Yay! Another party! Well..it's going to have to be tomorrow though!! With it being friday and all, right after I finish teaching :D We'll partay through the streets of Gutterville!

Urgh - spoiler boxes. Nasty. I do wish I could read that interview... oh well, I'll survive :) I want D/L NOW!! :( I miss watching them banter. It's love :D

Dutch sweetheart, we all know that your angst simply cannot be a larger percentage than your fluff. It's unacceptable. Fluff > Angst. Smut pwns them all :devil:
Liffy wubs, this whole denial thing must be stopped. You love me :)

Oh and just so y'all know...Vanessa Ferlito is expecting her first child :D

I heart you Peter Lenkov :D you, my friend, are the abosolute best. Not once did he say anything negative about DL, only positive things. The Amnityville Horror episode looks fantastic...any takers on DL walking through the house holding hands? *giggles* I so see that happening. This interview proves that the writers do indeed love DL. Gahhh I'm on cloud nine and not coming down!! Liffy, Mo, dutch, auda, EVERYONE come and join!

ETA: Great interview Top. It was really nice to hear his thoughts on everything. Loved his comments about Sid (I love that man).
Loving this article news. That eppy, this season sounds very promising for our ship and the show in general. I can hardly stand the wait any longer. Anyone know the count down? 50 something days? Any way, it's moving and we're getting closer. Love love love.

Awesome news about Vanessa! thanks, and I love your icon btw. Nice.

hands out cookies because you all are love
Awesome news about Vanessa! thanks, and I love your icon btw. Nice.

Thanks hun :) I like your avvie and banner as well. And the news about Vanessa is so awesome! I'm so happy for her. Bet the cast knows ;)
Oh and just so y'all know...Vanessa Ferlito is expecting her first child
Guys, so far, this cannot be confirmed or denied yet. I've heard everything from she's pregnant to she's ready to deliver.

I know it's been posted on other sites but it still hasn't been confirmed and it shouldn't be discussed in here just like when Anna's pregnancy was kept out of the threads. They may be talking about it over in the Vanessa thread in the NY forums though.

thanks :)

ETA: OK, this has now been confirmed that she is expecting a child in September but it still needs to be kept out of this thread. thanks :)
*Mo tangos into the thread...salsa dancing totally on her brain after hearing some hot Latino music outside her window!* Hello my dearies! Speaking of salsa dancing I know we've had the "Would D/L go dancing" questions like a million times...but I would LOVE to see them bust out a tango! Not really sure why they would...but hey they could go undercover as...well something that would require salsa dancing! :lol: It'd work for me! ;)

My cute kindergarten teaching buddy Liffy grinned:
He looks like our D/L baby boy! *dreams*
Awwwww, I bet he's adorable!! I keep seeing totally cute kids around too...that remind me of our lovely couple! Little girls with blonde curls and brown eyes! Awwwwww!! :D

Oh fine, I admit, I am THAT guttery I had another M-rated D/L dream it was love....until my alarm clock rang. Speaking of which....I really need to go find that darn thing. I only remember throwing it in a general direction
Yeah that's what I thought bud, you KNOW you're that guttery! :devil: You know it, and I LOVE it! ;) Lol, M-rated dream...nice! Pool table related perhaps! :devil: Heehee!

Mo gets the real Danny unless someone has a birthday
Lol, works for me!! :lol: Although of course I share with fellow Danny-loving ladies...as long as I still get plenty of Danny lovin' myself! :devil: And of course Linds has priority...being the one actually in a relationship with im and all! :lol: ;)

Hehe, are you immitating Mo's walking lobster look?
I have a "walking lobster look"?? What hon, I'm totally confused! :confused:

Lol, again Top great job on the interview! Thanks for being so kind to us D/L lovers! :D And I totally agree it'd be hilarious if it was Danny who were panicking about the house and who was all creeped out! And Stuffy hon, if they walked into the house holding hands I'd SQUEE for a week! It's the little things like that that I think are totally going to make this next season ROCK for us! :D :D
My "Angsty" lovin' Dutch laughed:
I'm like 50% Angst, 20% Fluff, 20% Gutter, 5% RL and 15% Fluff-In-Denial caused by a pink haze and lots of coffee...
Love that you add fluff-in-denial and lots of coffee hon! I hear ya on the coffee...it's how I make it through many of my days! :lol: And I think we should change that 20% fluff, 20% gutter...to just 40% fluffy gutter...cuz I find that those two are pretty close to the same with this ship! ;) Heehee! :D

My poor SF plagued buddy who is somehow still refraining Liffy
I do wish I could read that interview...
I was wondering if that counted as "spoilers" or not...but then again I guess since it's info about upcoming eppys it would count! :rolleyes: :lol: I wish you could read it too....think I could tempt you? Heehee...this could get fun...us tempting you and seeing just how "strong" you are! :devil: (Evil I know...but hey you love evil things! ;) )

Cutie pie with the fun new icons Rad niece wondered:
Anyone know the count down? 50 something days?
It should be 47 hon! Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!! *Mo dances like an excited 8-year-old!* :lol:

Alright my shippy buds...I'm off to write thank you cards for my b'day gifts! Yay nice of me huh! :D Heehee....I try! ;) Aud wub, how are ya Fluffy Twin? :D

*Mo grins and shimmers off in her fluffy bubble...blowing pink fog over the whole thread as she goes!* :D
(Evil I know...but hey you love evil things!)

Somehow I sense that was partially directed at me as well... :p

Mo wubs, don't tease poor Liffy. He's trying real hard to be SF, and he's doing a dang good job of it too. *waggles finger at Mo and splashes her with a fruity drink for fun*
Ohhhhh fruit drink! *Mo grins, easily distracted by sweet drinks!* :lol:

Nah Stuffy hon, I don't think you're evil...well no more than me! ;) Besides, it's okay to be a little evil...it's more fun that way! :devil: I know both Danny and Linds most definitely agree with me on that! :D

Okay...I guess it's not nice to tease poor SF Liffers...I'll be nice...for now! ;)
Awesome PL interview!! Liff, I don't think Bo or the other SF shippers see it as off-limits simply because it came from Lenkov---one of the PTB---himself. The reason many people are spoiler free is due to speculation/tentative ideas or 'information' from certain places that do not make it into the final script. ;) It's up to you though. :)

I saw a plate tonight that said "DKL". All I could think of is D/L. DKL= Danny's kissing Lindsay.

The avvies rock you guys. I wish I had the computer graphic talents that you all have, but I don't. :(

Off to dream. Later. :cool:

P.S. Hey Mo, isn't it fun to be 100% fluffy? :D
Aud!!! Hi wub! *Mo snuggles her Fluffy Twin!* :D Ohhhh, good point about that interview hon...see that's what I was thinking too...but I wasn't sure! Liffy you're call bud! ;)
DKL= Danny's kissing Lindsay
:lol: I knew there was a reason I wub you hon! Just one of many! ;) That's awesome...I want a plate like that! :D

I'll make you an avie if you want one Fluffy Twin...you just tell me! ;)

Heehee, yeah hon...100% fluffy rocks my socks! :D So glad we both are! ;)
Just had to come back---cuz I just knew my Wubbie would be here soon!! Sometimes I wonder if we spend too much time tackle hugging and wubbing each other. :lol:

Mo, you rock my socks! I would so love for you to make me an avvie sometime. :D :D :D If ever I see a D/L plate, I'll send it to ya!!

The new season can't get here fast enough. I wish we had some promo pics---just to see what our darling couple are looking like these days. I'm suspecting they are looking quite 'in love' these days.

Come back soon, Mer. :)
Lol, nah we can never spend too much time hugging eachother babes! ;) It's just so fun! :lol: *Mo huggles her wub...again!* :D

I'll totally make you an avie hon, you tell what you want and what you want it to say and I'll do my best!! :D

Promo pics....*Mo's eyes glaze over in joy at the mere thought!* I would LOVE to see promo pics hon...that would totally be awesome! And yeah I bet our darling couple is looking hot and lovely and totally as "in love" as ever! Except now they get to flaunt it...and I cannot wait for that!! :D

Yeah....where are you Mer?? We miss you around here hon!!! :D
I like like like that interview and of course especially what Peter Lenkov said about D/L! And this time I don't think that there isn't anything for me to overanalyze ...

But I don't like that they're going to quit showing CSI:ny here ... :( Just when we started to getting closer to the SOOH-episode. :( (The last episode here was Some Buried Bones.) And I haven't found out when it's going to start airing again. Do you know that NinaM? Instead they're starting to air CSI (Sweet Jane, season 7) on Monday and CSI:miami (Broken Home, season 5) on the 6th of September.
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