Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*Liff sneaks into the thread and jumps up behind Jen, covering her in smoldering melted sauce before placing a cherry on top*

JEN Welcome back sweetheart! Glad to hear you had a good time camping! Haha, I like your husband, he's amusing :p I can SO imagine Danny pitching up a tent when he left half the stuff at home. :lol: Your story was hilarious. I'm the type who wont leave until I've quadrupled checked everything twice. (yeah - try and make sense of that and you'll understand).

FYI, yep I'm STILL spoiler-free. The only new thing is that I'm now an assistant teacher at my International School (I think that helps with the self-control part. My former teachers are always asking if I've had the urge to hit anyone yet - rofl). :) *blinks innocently* I'm nice :D

There seems to be a few spoilers running around, but don't look at me, this thread is full of e.v.i.l loved ones who simply like to be mean to me. Heheh. And yes, I named your Giraffe Larry =)

Dutch said:
I'm still totally amazed by your self-control...like Mo said earlier, sometimes I don't even realise that I'm doing it, but whenever a spoiler box pops up, my mouse seems to get a mind of his own :eek:
Hahaha, my fingers tend to get a mind of their own when I write...otherwise they're pretty obedient when it comes to spoiler boxes. But now I can't have talk email the posts to me cos they don't have spoiler boxes. My last attempt at going SF ended when i realised I've been reading them for the past week. rofl :lol:

But yes, I am still SF :D Go me!

But I guess you'd have to be a hero when someone with swords is prodding you...
Yeah well, that's what padding and kevlar are for.

Sara asked:
If D/L was a book, what would it's title be
Hmm... Pieces of a Whole: When life opens by the hand of a loved one. Yeah...that was corny. No idea where that came from. Swoon Im a sucker for romance.

Mo said:
Yeah I like Bond...both the quartet and the man!
Do we share music taste or something? Oh love was playing in the kitchen while I was cooking...needless to say, I've got it stuck in my head all over again - not that it ever left. It's now back with renewed vigour :p

And for the record...I think you're more like 77% guttery...22% fluff... .5% angst...and .5% RL
Am I THAT guttery? But hey! I'd like to think I'm more than 22% fluff, granted you need some fluff in the gutter or it'll never work :p 5% angst :eek: ? Now let's do Dutch! 40%Fluff, 40%Fluff-in-denial, 2%RL, 6.5% Angst, 11.5% Gutter :D yay!

Oh boy, I have to teach Kindergarten art tomorrow, which means I need...alot of sleep. I'm off to the land where my guttery and fluffy thoughts intermingle with each other, leaving the angst alone in the corner sulking with RL. I love my bed. :D

Gnite all, and for the rest of you, have a love and pleasant day. Thank you for breathing pink fog, all residual effects are intentional and irreversable.
Welcome back JenP! :) Some things have actually happened here, even though the series hasn't started yet; the Wheatfield zoo (I think that they'll need to make it bigger - ask PSG!) and Pam Veasey's spoilers ... (if you're not SF of course ;) )

Rad, your banner is dangerous! I have been staring at it for some minutes now ... :D
Sweet my ass. You're like evil 24-7! (Plus, in my head you definately ARE sporting an evil grin everywhere you go

*cough*DENIAL*cough* You love me :)

Excuse me miss Mo and mr Liffy, but I've been awake since 7:40am. Usually I'm up at 6:50. I'm at work when dear Mo is still sound asleep, dreaming about shirtless Danny *mumbles under breath about time zone difference* :D

Deny it all you want, but you both wubs me :D Why? Cause I'm too damn cute to not be loved [/self promotion] :lol:
Hello and good evening to you all! *Mo skips into the thread, happy as clam cuz her cute neighbor just wished her a belated Happy Birthday!* :D Plus of course it's HUMP DAY!! How I forgot that this morning I don't know...but Happy Hump Day to y'all! :D D/L would wish you all a happy day too...but they're a little preoccupied :devil: at the moment! ;)

Cute bug shippy bud Sarah wondered:
If D/L was a book, what would it's title be...besides Danny and Lindsay or D/L. I've been wondering this lately, not sure why
Mmmmmmm, great question! That's definitely a new one...let's see.... :lol: :lol: (for the PTB) "The Idiots Guide to a Canon ship" :lol: or just "Into the Sunset" (as in sailing happily off! :lol: ) I had one for each of the letters of canon but I lost it!

Mo...Your banner. I'm Lovin' It
Awwww thanks hon! Me too! :D Although right now Stuffy's keeps distracting me! :lol: It's just SO yummy! :devil:

Darling who almost shares my b'day Dutch laughed:
struggling with the poles forever; never willing to admit he doesn't have a clue how to do it ...untill finally Lindsay steps in and has the thing up in 5 minutes...
:lol: I can totally see that too! Linds would stand there and watch him struggle with it for a bit and then finally when he sighed and looked up at her with those puppy dog eyes of his, she'd laugh and have it all straightened out and up in 2 seconds! Poor city boy! :lol:

like Mo said earlier, sometimes I don't even realise that I'm doing it, but whenever a spoiler box pops up, my mouse seems to get a mind of his own
I know totally! I swear my hand has a mind of it's own when it comes to those little blue boxes...I can't even help it...it just goes and then it's highlighted and my eyes force me to read it...*Mo sighs dramatically!* :lol:

Gutter bud who really is that guttery Liffy asked:
Do we share music taste or something?
Yup I think we do! Brad and Carrie...Bond...I think we do bud! ;)

Am I THAT guttery? But hey! I'd like to think I'm more than 22% fluff
Lol, whatever bud...Don't pretend to be shocked by that, goofball! You know you're that guttery! ;) Although maybe some of that gutteryness could be gutter fluff! :D But still... ;)

Stuffy hon who apparently needs more sleep grinned:
Excuse me miss Mo and mr Liffy, but I've been awake since 7:40am. Usually I'm up at 6:50. I'm at work when dear Mo is still sound asleep, dreaming about shirtless Danny *mumbles under breath about time zone difference*
Deny it all you want, but you both wubs me Why? Cause I'm too damn cute to not be loved [/self promotion]
Didn't you mean dreaming with shirtless Danny hon?! :devil: Heehee! :lol: And why would I deny that I think you're fabulous? Wouldn't deny it...you're my Stuffers, my swell fluffer nutter buddy! :D *Huggles!*

Alright y'all I'm off for a bit...I'll be back later and until then...have fun with D/L and play nice! ;)

*Mo giggles and shimmers away in a fog of lovely pink fog!* ;)
Liff I have to say that you are strong willed to resist spoilers. I am not strong enough to resist!

Stuffy, I love your icon. Very creative!

What an interesting camping adventure, Jen. :)
Didn't you mean dreaming with shirtless Danny hon?! Heehee!

Erm...hey you know what's really funny? I swear there's someone in my bed that looks an awful lot like Danny...shirtless Danny to be more precise...:lol:

And why would I deny that I think you're fabulous? Wouldn't deny it...you're my Stuffers, my swell fluffer nutter buddy! *Huggles!*

*giggles* Awww I wubs you too Mo dear :D But I think Liffy is in denial here ;) he loves me even though I'm supposedly evil and walk around with an evil grin plastered on my face. Can you imagine that Mo? Me with an evil grin? I'm sweet as sugar :D

Stuffy, I love your icon. Very creative!

Thanks vex love, but you should direct your appreciation to Zuppit, a member of DLC ;) I love the concept :D

*giggles and drools at mere sight of hawt banner* We're canon, oh yeah, we're canon, oh yeah!
Thanks Liffy you guys are so sweet!

Mo we should try to make the video together! I make good videos but i've never actually used videos just pics...
Angsty niece Vexy dear:
I am not strong enough to resist!
Yeah tell me about it! I can't bear not knowing...it eats at me! :lol:

Stuffy bud who thinks she is so sneaky...:
Erm...hey you know what's really funny? I swear there's someone in my bed that looks an awful lot like Danny...shirtless Danny to be more precise...
Yeah that Robot Danny does look alot like Danny ;) ...he's my proudest accomplishment (well second to talking Linds into letting me borrow Real Danny occassionally! :D )...Lol, so yeah enjoy Robo-Danny, he's pretty fun! ;)

But I think Liffy is in denial here he loves me even though I'm supposedly evil and walk around with an evil grin plastered on my face. Can you imagine that Mo? Me with an evil grin? I'm sweet as sugar
Lol, it's cuz he's jealous of your hockey player hon! ;) He still wants to be your snuggle buddy! :D That and we all know he loves evil things...so I think that's his way of saying he wubs you too! ;) And by the way hon, as cute as you totally are...you're not all that innocent yourself! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Shippy buddy Kate giggled:
Mo we should try to make the video together! I make good videos but i've never actually used videos just pics...
Lol, that'd be fun! I'm just waiting to get the rest of my season 3 clips together and enough time to put them all together! ;) I have so many ideas and ways that I could fit everything together...I just need to time to do it now! :lol:
Vexus: I am not strong enough to resist!

Heh. Darn right. Same here.
Well... duh... or else, why am I religiously checking this forum everyday for the slightest bit of M&M tidbits...
When is Season Four premiering for you lucky lot again? End of September?

Liffy ! Does that mean you're back in KL?

Gotta cut this short. It's my dinner time. One must not starve one's stomach. :D

Good morning buddies!
First of all, welcome back Kate and Jen !!! :)

Dutch said:
That camping story is hilarious...I've had some similar experiences from way back when I had to go camping with my parents ...Somehow something always went wrong
I have the same problem when I go in holiday! We always forget something...For example last year we forgot the tickets for the ship, so we had to come back home to take them…We were so lately, I’m still wondering how we arrived in time… :D :D

Come to think of it...D/L on a camping trip would be hilarious...Just imagine Danny putting up a tent ...struggling with the poles forever; never willing to admit he doesn't have a clue how to do it
Yep! I think that he’d rather end up stuck in the pieces of the tent than admit that he has no idea how to put up it! :lol:

Vex said:
I am not strong enough to resist!
Sometimes I try to resist, but then I think that I have to wait more than a year to see the episodes and…too late, my hand is already dragging the mouse over the spoiler box!!! :lol: :D
Ok, so I am back from my mini-vacation :) It was cool until the time I found that something had happened.... Does anyone remember when dear Mo's skin had some problems with sun? Well, yeah, that's it, stupid me went to a mini-cruise whatosever and now has her face and arms red and painfull :rolleyes: Bah, life ain't fair...
On the other side, I had some wonderful ammount of posts to catch up and lots of D/L love to make me smile ;) And I also had Rad'spie in my face, how sweet :lol:

It's cool that Abby and Cammie are friends in RL, I had no idea!

Welcome back Jen, I'm glad you had fun, and 'hi' Kate! And I am so happy for your new puppies, Sarah

Liff, I'm glad you finally found M&M's around there!

Stuffy, I keep staring at your banner :D

Liff is staying SF, but I am not so I can always read what Catey, the spoiler queen has to say about new season's episodes, which is always a pleasure ;) :p
I like whole team cases. I like to see them working together, and as you said, they have always a chance to look at each other eyes while doing some lab work or interview a suspect...There's a chance they'll work together in a case team, there's hope for another D/L scene

Jen, your camping story if fun :p D/L camping? I am with dutch in the theory that Danny would try to seem like he knows how to put things up, but Lindsay is the one that ends up doing it quickly...and then teasing Danny like forever :lol: But he wouldn't care that much as long as he could stay in the tent with her, now would he? :devil:

*Dani leaves happily singing while eating DLicious cake, and throwing some M&M's at everyone*

Well, for me it's waking up beside you
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
At any given time or place
It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make your mine

And it's like flying without wings
'Cause you're my special thing
I'm flying without wings

And you're the place my life begins
And you'll be where it ends
I'm flying without wings
And that's the joy you bring
I'm flying without wings
Good morning, good morning, good morning!!! *Mo runs into the thread, totally excited after reading Talk's awesome interview with Peter Lenkov (who she has decided she loves now!) :D *

Okay so Liffy if you aren't already curious and annoyed by all the blue boxes prepare yourself bud...sorry! ;)
Okay so first of all, this is a great interview...all the D/L mentions are good and Peter confirms what Pam said that they are most definitely in a relationship...Yay! And he also said that they are doing a "horror" eppy where he is having Danny and Linds go to check the creepy Amatyville house and it's all dark and scary (read: creepy but a chance for close cuddling! ;) ) and that eppy airs...yeah ON HALLOWEEN!! I'm so not a scary show fan, but I'm jazzed for this totally! But yeah he said D/L will have it's ups and downs of course but they ARE together and it didn't sound like it would be ending soon or anything at all! Yay!!!!!!!!!

Top41 you're the one who did the Talk interview with Peter, yeah? Well done, I really enjoyed this one, thanks! :D

Alright those of y'all not SF (sorry Liff babes), check out the interview! I know this was a quick in and out post for me...but I gotta be off to work! :p Have a fabulous Thursday y'all and I'll catch ya later! :D

Dani hon sad day about the sun burn, ouch!! Lots of aloe hon, lots of aloe! ;)

*Mo grins and speeds back to her bubble, shimmering off while spreading lovely pink fog everywhere!* :D
*Liff pops into thread with aching feet*

I've just realised I've been standing up for the past 8 hours straight, it's no wonder my legs hurt. :p I taught my first bunch of kindergarteners today! (I usually assist) but I get the cutie-pies ALL to myself :D They love me! And I have the undying urge to pinch them everytime I see them. They're shorter than a pogo stick! There's one itty bitty blonde boy and my mouth just twitched. He looks like our D/L baby boy! *dreams* :p

Anyways, how are y'all today?

Stuffers said:
Excuse me miss Mo and mr Liffy, but I've been awake since 7:40am. Usually I'm up at 6:50. I'm at work when dear Mo is still sound asleep, dreaming about shirtless Danny *mumbles under breath about time zone difference*
Technically, I'm up when you guys go to sleep :p - sorta. I get up at 5.45am, which is around 10-ish your time :| Mwaha. And now I'm off work - and you guys are still asleep! :lol:

Mo said:
Yup I think we do! Brad and Carrie...Bond...I think we do bud!
Hehe, I guess we do!

Lol, whatever bud...Don't pretend to be shocked by that, goofball! You know you're that guttery!
Oh fine, I admit, I am THAT guttery :devil: I had another M-rated D/L dream :eek: it was love....until my alarm clock rang. Speaking of which....I really need to go find that darn thing. I only remember throwing it in a general direction :p

Vex said:
Liff I have to say that you are strong willed to resist spoilers. I am not strong enough to resist!
Haha, well when you work with little children, I think patience and self control is a given :p

Stuffy said:
Erm...hey you know what's really funny? I swear there's someone in my bed that looks an awful lot like Danny...shirtless Danny to be more precise...
Fake? Haha, as far as I know...I get the real Linds, and Mo gets the real Danny unless someone has a birthday :p And since I don't see any other guys here, I get to keep the real Linds!! Unless Danny starts moping and misses his baby :p Gah! Cute.

But I think Liffy is in denial here ;) he loves me even though I'm supposedly evil and walk around with an evil grin plastered on my face
You ARE evil. I LOVE evil things. Good is such a bore and a drag... :lol: Come to the dark side, we have cookies :devil:

Can you imagine that Mo? Me with an evil grin? I'm sweet as sugar :D
Ha! You're kidding - right? Please tell me ya are so I don't need to start worrying about your state of self-denial. Repeat after me: I.AM.EVIL.and.will.brush.my.teeth.twice.a.day.at.best. :D Now smile - see? Evil. :devil:

Heehee. Me wubs your banner Stuffy wubs! :D It's love. I think I made one o'those, but the animations tend to annoy me :p

Kate! (Thanks Mo ;) ) You need to stop by more often sweetheart! The more the merrier and the merrier the more smex D/L have :D

Silly-Fern asked:
why am I religiously checking this forum everyday for the slightest bit of M&M tidbits...
Because you are a dork - like the rest of us :p :lol:

When is Season Four premiering for you lucky lot again? End of September?
September 26 - right? Hee!

Liffy ! Does that mean you're back in KL?
Sadly - no. I'm not. I'm still here in AFRICA. :eek: I wanna go home...but I love my work :D Meh - I want mamak food like - now! :lol:

Dani! welcome back sweetheart :) Hehe, are you immitating Mo's walking lobster look? :lol:

Liff, I'm glad you finally found M&M's around there!
Tell me about it, it's l.o.v.e! :D :lol: Dork!

Liff is staying SF, but I am not so I can always read what Catey, the spoiler queen has to say about new season's episodes, which is always a pleasure
I get to dream about D/L smex. :p

Alrighy, I'm off to go soak my feet. They are SORE. That and I need to wear more comfortable shoes to work...one that can stand me standing for 8 hours straight. Either that....or I try and sit more often :lol:

Hope y'all have a happy Thursday!

Moriel21 said:
Good morning, good morning, good morning!!! *Mo runs into the thread, totally excited after reading Talk's awesome interview with Peter Lenkov (who she has decided she loves now!) :D *

Top41 you're the one who did the Talk interview with Peter, yeah? Well done, I really enjoyed this one, thanks! :D

Thank you! :cool: There was some good stuff in there for you guys!

Okay so first of all, this is a great interview...all the D/L mentions are good and Peter confirms what Pam said that they are most definitely in a relationship...Yay! And he also said that they are doing a "horror" eppy where he is having Danny and Linds go to check the creepy Amatyville house and it's all dark and scary (read: creepy but a chance for close cuddling! ;) ) and that eppy airs...yeah ON HALLOWEEN!! I'm so not a scary show fan, but I'm jazzed for this totally! But yeah he said D/L will have it's ups and downs of course but they ARE together and it didn't sound like it would be ending soon or anything at all! Yay!!!!!!!!!

This ep sounds so fun! I'm curious about this Amnityville horror debunking...and also whether Danny or Lindsay will be more creeped out by the house. It would be funny if it were him all freaked out... :lol:
Yes, Top, an excellent interview. I especially like
they seem to be finally giving Lindsay a character outside of the D/L relationship. I'd be glad to see her back to being like Season 2 Lindsay. Hopefully they will flesh out her character. And the Halloween episode in Amityville definetly sounds interesting. It's also great that it is airing on Halloween. This season is definetly looking up! Cannot wait for it to start!
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