Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Breaking up is a whole different thing to cheating, the former, I don't have that much of a problem with. Besides, if they do break up, they'll both realise how empty their lives are without each other, and end up makin up on the pool table again :devil: Who said make-up sex isn't good for the soul? :lol:

Whatever happens, I GOT FIRST DIBS IN COMFORTING LINDS! and then we can all go visit Danny and tie him up to a tree, and set loose a flock of wood peckers on him. Darn...that'll teach him! :D

But no...nothing will happen, we love them both and it'll stay that way! Must.stay.positive.and.optimistic until solid spoilers come out!
Go for it!! :)

and then we can all go visit Danny and tie him up to a tree, and set loose a flock of wood peckers on him. Darn...that'll teach him!
I have a woodpecker that torments us here---I think I'll bring him along! We should let Lynny have the first honor of torturing him though. Lol. She loves to whack....Then he'll be okay and we'll go back to loving him.... :lol:

Poor Danny!! We're already convicting him!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm all for make-up sex!! :devil:
*Mo sashays into the thread, singing happily, more determined this morning than ever to stay fluffy and happy! "What the world needs now, is love sweet love, it's the only thing that there's just too little of! What the world needs now is love sweet love, no not just for one, but for everyone!" Mo nods, heartily agreeing with her song of choice!* :D

Mer-bear climbed into the bubble and grinned:
Mo, I claim sanctuary in your fluffy bubble!
Darlin, you are most welcome in my fluffy bubble! *Mo scoots over and pats a warm seat in the fluffyness!* Come on up into the abode of D/L love! :lol:

Buddy-full-of-delicious-gutter-thoughts-Liffy imagined:
Lindsay Monroe, served best on a bed of Danny Messer modestly covered with whipped cream...my dirty thoughts are on a roll! And...it's only 9am. Well so much for my innocence...
Ohhhhhh, now that is a delicious thought for so early in the morning! :devil: Heehee! :lol: Danny covered in whipped cream....ohhhhhh....*Mo fades away as her thoughts center on that delicious thought and she begins to swoon...Yummy!* :devil: Linds is so lucky to have him, not only is he kind and in love with her, but the man is seriously smex-on-a-stick! Seriously! :devil: Then again, Linds is no slouch herself by any means...they really are a beautiful couple! :D

Liffy bud, your banner is from Not What It Looks Like hon! ;) Fabulous scene that one...and Linds' smile at Danny is SO adorable! :D

Dutch darlin was a bit wowed...:
Mo up on the barricades.
Lol, yeah...*Mo ducks her head a bit sheepishly!* I tend to get a bit up-in-arms when it comes to people messing with my ships! :lol: I'd like to say it's "All bark and no bite" but I must say I have a nasty bite if pushed into a corner! :lol: (Seriously PTB, you've been awesome lately, let's keep THAT going and not do something that you'll ultimately definitely regret! :p )

The moment he enters the courtroom and she sees him still makes my heart jump
Awwww I'm totally with you on that honey! When he walks in and her head lifts and she sees him, there's a split second where she's like "OMG he came?!" and then she ducks her head barely and she gets this absolutely adorable half smile on her face that says "OMG I can't believe he came, he really really does love me!" And that is my favorite, that moment right there! It's like she finally really gets it! And I LOVE that!! :D :D

Del dear laughed:
Dutch & Catey: THANKS! I would LOVE to grab the next thread!
Mo: *Delia pokes and runs off, all the while stealing Danny!*
Ohhhh, you poke me and then steal my Danny? Ohhhhhhh, no you didn't! :lol: *Mo runs after Del bud and grabs her Danny back!* :D Sorry hon, I need my man this morning...we have an "appointment"! :devil: Heehee! ;) Hey so about this next thread...mmmmmm, how do you like the number 19? ;) Cuz I was kinda hopin' to do #18! I know I'd said you could have it and I don't want to steal it from you...but what would you think of trading? :D :D

but DL are meant to be
I totally agree hon, and I'm so glad you think that! They are so very clearly meant to be! They to me are the one of those pairs that I think will finally really make it ya know! One of the couples on tv that fit together, has amazing chemistry and after finally getting together will really stay together for the long haul! :D

Soph darlin' stated simply:
He loves her, simple as that.
And that says it all hon, it really is as simple as that. Like that song that Dutch posted yesterday says, "Love will ALWAYS win!" or like the saying goes "Love conquers ALL!" It really is that simple, he loves her and if the PTB think to mess with that then they are seriously underestimating our intelligence! Cuz I would not believe some "Eh he does care about her anymore..." line that they would try to feed us! :lol: Sorry...stepping off my soapbox...again! ;)

Fluffy Wub Aud threatened:
Besides if he cheats, Mo and I are going to tie him up and force him to smell every fish in the East River. Then Mo will tickle him. Wait she might like that; so would he. Hmmm...We'll force him to listen to jazz music and wear roach broches then.
Awww my darling, I adore you! :lol: And yes I must admit, I would definitely enjoy tickling Mr. Messer...tickling every delicious, handsome....inch of....him...*Mo fans herself for a moment...* Sorry where was I? Awww yes, if he does cheat we're gonna torture his butt with roach broaches...works for me! ;)

But if he gets someone then I say Linds gets someone too. I don't want this neglected girl stuck in the lab storyline.
I'm thinking that if they do break up that they should fight a lot then and snarky with each other (in a funny way) then make up passionately. *Runs fast*
Okay I want to comment, but if I linger too long on this I'm gonna depress myself! :p But I agree Fluffy Twin, if anything happened and they did break up I don't want Linds pining after him in the lab while he's long gone with some other hot chick...so if Danny gets someone, Linds dang well better too. That said...*Mo whines sadly...* I DON"T WANT D/L WITH ANYONE BUT EACHOTHER!! (That's not me yelling by the way, just me whining loudly! :lol: ) As for them fighting and then making up...ohhhh, definitely like the making up part! Long and passionately on the pool table where it all started! Now that, that would be okay with me! If we got a very hot make up scene, I could almost put up with the angst it would take to get there! :devil:

Okay I think I've stood on my soapbox long enough for one morning! :lol: I'm off to help decorate for yet another wedding party! ;) I'll see y'all later my dearies! And like my darling Fluffy Twin said, keep the faith...despite all the rumors, I really, REALLY do believe our ship will prevail and sail FOREVER! What is it I like to say....oh yeah....We're CANON, baby!!! and we'll stay that way, no worries!! :lol:

*Mo nods happily and climbing into her Fluffy bubble of love, shimmers gleefully off into the sunrise!* :D
Im gone for a day and I miss such an important news or whatever.

Im right there with you on the cheating thing. it would be so OOC it is not even funny. I wouldnt stop watching the show but I would lost all the respect for the writters and probably Danny too. but Im not going to believe anything until I see it with my own 2 eyes

as for the challenge, finally one I got right. although it was meant to be too easy.

I just love the look on his face when he realizes it was not Lindsay he was smiling at :) Im loosing my mind!

and when she put her head on his shoulder after the verdict, that was beyond sweet - she was so relieved it was over and so happy he was there for her

and and them holding hands before she stopped to ... well, we wont know, damn reporters, that was just sweet beyond words
SOoH it is! You don’t just fly across the country for a casual friend, you fly across the country to support someone you love! Great pics, y’all! I love Lindsay’s look when she pulls him back:

and the little graphic I made:

Fluffy Gutter Bubble Queen said:
Darlin, you are most welcome in my fluffy bubble! *Mo scoots over and pats a warm seat in the fluffyness!* Come on up into the abode of D/L love! :lol:
I brought chocolate for everyone in the bubble. *passes around giant bag of m&ms*

adorable auda said:
and then we can all go visit Danny and tie him up to a tree, and set loose a flock of wood peckers on him. Darn...that'll teach him!
I have a woodpecker that torments us here---I think I'll bring him along! We should let Lynny have the first honor of torturing him though. Lol. She loves to whack....
Yeah, like Lynny would really need any encouragement to go all dominatrix on Danny's ass. :rolleyes: :devil: :lol:

One of the things I mentioned over on LJ is that, as shippers, I know no one was 100% happy with how TPTB handled this season, Anna’s pregnancy, Lindsay’s backstory, etc. Oh yeah, we loved some parts of it, but other parts we didn’t care so much for. And not just D/L shippiness related, but Lindsay’s character related, too. For example, how out of character it seemed for Lindsay to keep such a distance from Danny just to *poof* be all okay again. Trauma does some terrible things to people, so that could fill in some of the blanks, but it would’ve made more sense if they had Lindsay explain herself to him, or Stella, or somebody, at some point in the season. They needed to fill it out more to make it cohesive. If we weren’t 100% happy with it, why should we expect that the actors were either? I think Carmine is all for D/L all long as it is handled properly, which is what we as shippers have been saying all along. We don’t just want it, we want it right!! Make sense?
Mo said
And I'm sorry but the "she may not be all she seems" crap...that is just that, crap! There is no way Danny would sleep with her and then be like "nah, you're not what I wanted after all these months after all...see ya 'round!" There is NO way!
I really hope that he isn't that kind of guy, but *horrible thought* now that he has got her love he maybe isn't interested in Lindsay anymore *horrible thought*. :( Sorry, but after reading the interview I'm not so optimistic about the future of D/L. But, as several of you guys have already said, everything can change and we can't trust any spoilers until we see the episodes with our own eyes. Let's hope that TPTB focus at the criminal cases in season four and not mess around destroying our fluffy ship! :)
So I have calmed down significantly since yesterday. I'm much calmer, the EKG turned out okay, my heart attack will not cause any permenant damage. ;) I really don't think that they'll have Danny cheat, that would just ruin his character. Sure there will be angst, but honestly they don't show enough relationship in CSIs to warrant full scale dramatic breakups and alternative boyfriends/girlfriends. I honestly believe that if there is a problem it will arise from the stressful job and working together in possibly dangerous situations. We have already seen Danny protective when they weren't even together.

I would really like to know how they would have handled the Dl relationship had Anna not been pregnant. Although completely out of everyone's control I think that did put quite the wrench in the plans.

I like Danny's character as caring and mature, I wasn't a big fan of his in season 1. Cocky immature hotheaded guys are only cute up til a point, when they are like that in their 30s it begins to be desperate and a tad pathetic. I think in the article they did forget that he was still pretty outspoken in Season 3. Raising Shane, mouthing off to Gerrard, and in the Mac innterrogation thing. I think parts of Season 3 were generally weaker, quite a few episodes were completely unremarkable, and they seem to be the ones Lindsay was in less. ;)
Carmine's just being cheeky with us, he has more Danny in him than he'd care to admit! :lol:

Personally, I think it won't happen, they've spent way too much time setting them together that it would be a simple waste for them to break them up now.

Danny isn't the type of person to cheat full stop. It'll just be so OOC and the writers know better. I know they know better. :) Right?
Well we've gone from high nerves to calm reasoning. Good job everyone *hands fellow buddies cookies and drinks* Everyone has talked it out and the air seems to be a lot less tense.

quite a few episodes were completely unremarkable, and they seem to be the ones Lindsay was in less.

DTD, great to see ya hun :) and I agree with you on this. I liked season two better than the third, and I do believe it is because Lindsay was more prominent in the second season. Personally I didn't quite enjoy the episodes when she was gone as much as I usually do.

Carmine said himself that Danny is loyal, and we've seen several examples that proves this. If TPTB does take the cheating route, IMHO they will lose a lot of fans, and it will look horrible on Danny's character.

Honestly though, the guy has waited how long to be with Montana? He flew across the country for God sake. He waited for her while she was dealing with her past. What a waste that would be: work with the pair for two years and get Danny to fly to a whole other state, let alone a completely different part of America, to support her, and then just throw it all away in the garbage. That'll certainly help your ratings [enter sacarsm face here]

I'll just stay inside this here bubble, thanks :) *shimmers inside bubble with Mo, Mer, Liffy, and her fellow buddies*
I'm thinking, its like this whole thing with CSI - They are not going to tell us that Jorja has signed her contract because that will loose the excitment of the opening episode of season 8.
They probably want to send us mixed stories of danny/lindsay so we are kept on our toes!
Why thank you very much LadeeBear. I credited you in my profile.

Do you know how to make my banner bigger? It's starting to annoy me cause it's so small (that's my fault)

I support DL as well :D
I'm a little late but I signed it and I support d/l!

*It's nice and safe in the bubble, nothing can harm me in here, la-la-la**
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