Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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dl_shipper34 said:
Why thank you very much LadeeBear. I credited you in my profile.

Do you know how to make my banner bigger? It's starting to annoy me cause it's so small (that's my fault)

I support DL as well :D

YAY! Thank you. *bows* Unfortunately, I have no idea how to get the banner bigger. Hm. That's sad. But yay for DL support! :D

Attention fellow D/L shippers:

I want to let everyone know about a wonderful petition that has been created for TPTB about continuing D/L. It demonstrates a show of support and faith in our ship, and brings recognition of the D/L fandom to TPTB’s attention. Please go, read and sign the petition, and then post the link in your bio, blog, profile, ff.net profile, LJ, signature, etc, anywhere that would be deemed appropriate! (By appropriate, I mean no spamming. As always, when you post on this site or any other site, you need to follow board rules and be respectful of others). Spread the word and enhance the D/L love and support network! This petition is a celebration of our faith in the ship!

Be a part of the D/L Army, click here and sign the "We Support Danny/Lindsay Petition"

Or you can also click the banner in my siggy!
I wouldn't quit the show if D/L broke up, but I couldn't keep shipping them, especially if they broke up over cheating. I love my CSI's too much(well, two of them anyway), to not watch them. Enough said, I've calmed down since I read that interview. What will be, will be, and I don't think me getting worked up about it is going to matter to TPTB.

Love all the banners that are cropping up! I will support D/L in almost anything, and I'm hoping the comments on cheating are just some speculation.
Just a note for clarification ;) the petition makes no demands of tptb, and it was worded to try to cover broadly different standpoints of D/L fans. I wouldn't quit watching CSI:NY if D/L broke up (I loved the show before they were canon, that wouldn’t change), but I signed because the petition isn't saying I would, but some shippers would. (If there were cheating I might stop watching, but that isn't even an issue at this point as it hasn't happened and hopefully won't). We just want to support the ship. :D

catey love said:
Love all the banners that are cropping up! I will support D/L in almost anything...
Isn't the show of support great?

Okay, moving on:
Time to play Name That Episode! (lynny, keep behaving :lol:)

Today’s episode hints:
1. Vic on the B case was a victim of arsenic poisoning.
2. There is a meal invite.
3. “We usually don’t let the realtors show a place until we get the stink of death out of the carpet.”

Post those pics and tell us your thoughts on the eppy in question! What was going through your mind during the various scenes, their motivations, and the shippiness!
Good evening my lovely shipper buddies! *Mo pops in, a bit tired but happy after a lovely full day of fun with family friends!* :D My brain is a bit fried after today...a ton of sun, lots of strawberry shortcake, and way too much talking have worn me out a bit! :lol: I'm feeling more optimistc about our couple and our upcoming season, I've decided worrying about it sucks and in a moment of extreme good faith I have decided to give the PTB the benefit of the doubt and for this moment I choose to believe they would not do something as stupid as split D/L up!

Soph honey crowed:
Well said, Mo! We're CANON, baby! Whatever happens, DL will prevail!
Yup I agree! We are CANON baby, beautiful, full of love and joy and happiness CANON and that is how they would, should, and must stay...Mo has spoken! :lol:

Mer-bear reasoned calmly:
I think Carmine is all for D/L all long as it is handled properly, which is what we as shippers have been saying all along. We don’t just want it, we want it right!!
Yeah that does make good sense Mer hon. While I do want D/L and there is a part of me that will take it however I can get it, more than that I do want it done right! We don't just want them to sleep together, we want them in love forever...which is what they have and are! :D

Liffy dude said:
Personally, I think it won't happen, they've spent way too much time setting them together that it would be a simple waste for them to break them up now.
Yup I definitely agree with that! Not only would it be a waste of time, they would pretty much be throwing away a good portion of their fan base, or seriously pissing them off at the very least and that is never good for ratings! Or for the PTB's personal health for that matter! ;) Heehee! :lol: *Mo pounds her fist threateningly! I'm cute and fluffy, but you piss me off....yeah PTB it aint' purty! :lol: *

Mer-bear promoted:
This petition is a celebration of our faith in the ship!
Sweet deal! Thanks for the link hon! I signed it definitely! And I support D/L, 100%! More than that if possible! :D

Oh and I know the Eppy in the challenge! :D Am I the first to get it this time? Yay! It's "City of the Dolls"!! I loved that eppy! I can never remember if that was the first D/L eppy I saw, or one of the first...but either way, I remember seeing it and just adoring them already! They were perfect for eachother and I remember sitting there giggling as they "held" hands in the street for way longer than was necessary to prove Danny's point...I loved it! :D
Here's a couple cute pics from it!

And now I have to head to bed...my brain is shutting down and getting foggy and I need to sleep! :lol:
Night my lovely shippy buddies...sweet D/L filled dreams to y'all! :D
*Mo waves sleepily and shimmers off in her fluffy bubble!*
You nailed it Mo!!

I am rewatching it, and I noted another quote between Danny and Mac. Danny says "Are you having as much fun with your doll as I've had with mine?" He sais this right after processing evidence with Lindsay, so I maintain he was referring to Lindsay as his doll. :D Aww. So fluffy!
maybe he's playing a prank knowing how much fans want lindsay and danny together
Carmine's just being cheeky with us
LOL :lol: that's a funny thought. I can just imagine him sitting at home and reading all our reactions to what he said *waves at Carmine* ;)

ClaireAnn welcome btw! :)

At least that interview did give us something to think about and discuss. I think at this point TPTB are still thinking about what they can do with what they've created. They made the decision to make D/L a part of the show and I highly doubt they'll get rid off it. It has become the red line throughout season 3 and perhaps it is even their plan to make it that for the duration of the show :D; Danny & Lindsay are the Ross & Rachel and the Luke & Lorelai of CSI: NY. Whatever will happen they will always end up running back to each other :)...Now I start ranting too...Mo is there strong, hot coffee in your bubble?

CotD is such a great D/L ep. That awkward hand holding scene is my favorite part of the ep...They're so obvious :p...And Mer I never thought of it in that way (that 'doll' comment always sounded a bit naughty to me :devil:), but when Danny is actually talking about Lindsay that makes it sweet. :)

Signed the petition! :cool:
good afternoon, everyone.

I think the petition is a great idea and I signed it few minutes ago.

I think the personal storylines give to the shows - to all 3 of them, the special little something and the D/L storyline is the best one they have, IMHO, although they dont always handle it the best way

Ive seen CotD but the only scene I really remember is Lindsay supporting herself on Danny while taking of her shoes and his remark on Bronx marble. I want my DVD set already *pouts*
Hi and welcome, Claire. :)

Awwww, the D/L Army! I likey. Like Mer (I wub you a bunches by the way! ;)) said let's have positive things to say and not negative. This isn't designed to bash or ridicule anyone or anything. We just want the PTB to know we support D/L!! Kind words go a long way!! :)

I hope you had sweet dreams, Mo. I always have weird dreams when I take headache tablets before bed. I feel like I'm stuck in Picasso painting. :lol: :eek: :lol:

Anyway, think positive D/L thoughts---I'll try hard. Love the bubble. Support D/L! ;)

Did we let our wubbable couple out of the broom closet or what?? :eek:
Cheffy pops in bearing a hamper full of cookies and hot chocolate for the drizzly horrible day

hi people!!!! omg have i missed it here! i have just managed to catch up on like, the last 6 pages!!!! and trust me it was hard, seeing as i read the interview yesterday and it kinda put a dampner on things. Plus i got flu :( Not good combination!!! BUT im here now!! yay!!

I seriously dont see Danny Cheating on Montana... i mean, who really flies halfway across the country, and stands by and waits patiently for someone they wanna be with, just to end up cheating on them?! its not right, and if PTB do that.... well they are just gonna have a big ol' riot on there hands!!! Where is everyone getting the support DL banners/ avvies from? i want em! lol :D I wanna join the army!!!! yay!!!

Mer Totally loved the challenges so far.. great stufff!!! :D

be bak later y'all.. have missed everyone lots!!!!!! :D

only 14 days til SD :D wooooo!!!!

Attention fellow D/L shippers:

I want to let everyone know about a wonderful petition that has been created for TPTB about continuing D/L. It demonstrates a show of support and faith in our ship, and brings recognition of the D/L fandom to TPTB’s attention. Please go, read and sign the petition, and then post the link in your bio, blog, profile, ff.net profile, LJ, signature, etc, anywhere that would be deemed appropriate! (By appropriate, I mean no spamming. As always, when you post on this site or any other site, you need to follow board rules and be respectful of others). Spread the word and enhance the D/L love and support network! This petition is a celebration of our faith in the ship!

Be a part of the D/L Army, click here and sign the "We Support Danny/Lindsay Petition"

Or you can also click the banner in my siggy!

*standing ovation* Well done mer. I've already posted the link on several other sites as well.

We are the DL Army
Okay, Mer, I've signed the petition. Do you think TPTB will even pay attention to it? There goes my pessimistic side again. *sigh* I've got to go and track me down some spoilers. I wish they were released. For being the spoiler queen, I haven't been able to provide very much. I wish something were out, I just have to find it.
Evertime I see DL army, I think of the DA in HArry Potter. Ahem, moving on now.

I signed that petition, and I saved a few DL banners, maybe I'll use one at a later date, depending on what happens on CSI:LV.

I want a new spoiler to come out, all the cheating stuff is making me sick. We're all going nuts-o over it- I LOVE IT!
I'm nearly tired of posting the link, :lol: Actually, I take that back, there always more we can do to protect our ship :D

I'm off to update my LJ which already has been purdified, but still needs more D/L love!

Hehe, I tweaked my banner to be linkable to the petition =)
If anyone wants customised Banners, I'm happy to make them :D
Hey Liff, buddy! I've been trying to make a "I Support DL" banner. But, i'm hopeless at making stuff. I would really appriciate it if you could make me one. Can be as simple as you like. If you want pics, i can get them. I just wanna show my support! Thanks, buddy!
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