Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Fine with me, Delia! I'm sure you can do an excellent thread opener. It was much more stressful than I thought it would be, and this one has gone so quickly! For the season being over, we've chatted our little selves to death, haven't we?
And as far as spoilers go, I'll never be spoiler free. I just hate waiting to find out, although they do throw you a curve ball every now and then, case in point:Danny and Angell.
Well, I see it's been a little busy since I went to work! I have read the so called "interview" and I do have my own opinions about it (Good and bad opinions). However, I take the interview with a grain of salt. Until I believe every word that Carmine says, it's all speculation to me. :)

I did however, love that he loves D/L!

I for one, will never go spoiler free, it's just too hard to do that.
Glad to see so many people are discussing the interview, but I thought I'd pop my head in and say a few things since several of you are referencing "the interviewer" as well. ;)

No, I'm not a huge fan of the D/L ship. Sorry, guys. I like to think of shipping as a 'to each their own' kind of thing and leave it at that. I certainly don't begrudge anyone liking D/L just because it's not my cup of tea. As for my questions to Carmine, I pretty much followed a line of questioning with regards to what he was saying. I wasn't going to avoid asking about the relationship--I figured that was something people would want to know about: his thoughts on D/L, where they were headed, some of the stuff that transpired throughout the season. Since it was Danny's major storyline over the third season, not touching upon it in an interview would have made the interview feel incomplete.

Moriel21 said:
I didn't like how the interviewer kept focusing on how Danny's character was only "propping" up Linds' character this last season...that annoyed me! And then...

I did follow that line of questioning after Carmine said this:

I think it helps Lindsay's character. I think they're still trying to find more specifically who she is and it gives her something to hold on to.

Since he brought it up, I was curious to see how he as an actor felt about it. And, as you can see from his answer, he didn't really mind. The stuff that seemed to bother him was more related to how Danny kept showing concern and care for Lindsay that didn't seem to be reciprocated. However, as he said, the season finale seemed to alleviate those concerns and he was happy with it.

I wasn't trying to bully him into saying he hated D/L or anything like that. I wanted to hear his straightforward thoughts on the relationship, and getting at something like that takes a few questions. I thought he gave interesting, thoughtful answers.

As for the alledged cheating, that was something that was discussed at some point--who knows when? As we know, plans change all the time. The word 'cheating' came from my question, after he brought up 'wayward' behavior. He said it was a 'possibility'--nothing definite.

Anyway, I just thought I'd come in here and address a few things. The intent of the interview was not to be 'anti-DL.' In the parts where I did ask Carmine about D/L, I wanted to find out how he felt about it, and sometimes that requires a few questions. ;)

And to participate in a bit of discussion in this thread--I think it's a terrible idea for Danny to cheat on Lindsay, too. I think it would be out of character for what we've seen of Danny thus far. If he decides "she wasn't all Danny thought she would be"--I guess I'd assume that would be if she didn't show the same level of care for him that he's shown for her--and breaks it off, that's a different story. Hopefully, if they are going to continue the relationship, we'll see something from Lindsay that shows she does care about Danny as much as he cares for her.

But I really do think it's all speculation at this point. They haven't gone back to work yet, and I don't even think Carmine had seen a script. Just thought I would throw that out there; thanks for reading (this post, and the interview). :)
(Side note to start...Top thank you popping in and addressing our comments on the interview, I hope it's clear I did not mean to attack you in my comments, I appreciate your moderation and your interviewing of Carmine! :D )
That said...:

Hello my loves! *Mo clears her throat and approaches the podium...she pauses then steps up onto her soapbox...*
Okay I think it's pretty unanimous, call us old-fashioned or whatever, but I definitely agree with y'all...if Danny were to cheat that'd be it for me I think... And I know there would be a massive strike of D/L shippers and if the writers think that pissing us off wouldn't hurt their ratings they are hugely mistaken. We make up a much larger portion of their fans than I think any of them realize and I think it's safe to say that if they mess with D/L that badly we will all be up in arms and go on strike from D/L and from NY which will hurt them a lot worse than they ever think...and I know at the very very least, I will be putting someone's head on a platter!

Cool bud Liffy said brilliantly:
Danny wouldn't ever cheat on Lindsay, simply becase what Nina saod, the man is in love. The I'm throwing all of you off course with what I'm saying to make us all gasp for a sec
It had dang well better be that bud, because if the PTB actually move in that direction or even hint at thinking about moving in that direction...things will get ugly very quickly...y'all think I'm crazy when I'm fluffy...you just wait until I am a shipper scorned...ask around, it ain't pretty, to say the least!!

Dutch dearie pointed out wisely:
that makes her stand out from the other girls he's been with before...she changed him...
I totally agree...she did change him. Otherwise why would he do all this stuff that he so clearly stated was against his character except to please and win her. And I'm sorry but the "she may not be all she seems" crap...that is just that, crap! There is no way Danny would sleep with her and then be like "nah, you're not what I wanted after all these months after all...see ya 'round!" There is NO way!

(for Mo's pleasure) a Faith Hill song* - "And the world tries to break us down, But the world will bend, And the fight will end, Love will always win"
Awwww thanks Dutch hon, I ADORE that song!!! Especially the Faith Hill version, that makes me happy! Thank you honey! :D

Angsty niece Rad hon said:
I'd be team Lindsay, and as much as I'm in love wth DL, I'm not in love with a cheater. Lindsay better dump his sensational arse if he's gonna be cheating.
Wow. Rant much?
Yeah as much as I absolutely adore Danny (and y'all know I do, he's my dream!) if he cheated on Linds I would be Team Linds for sure...I'm sorry but I am not a fan of cheating, it just causes way too much pain and heartache and it just plain sucks!

*Mo looks around and then shaking herself out of her angsty worry, steps down from the podium and turns on the music...*
Okay enough with the angsty worry and the death threats (which just so we're clear PTB, are VERY real!) let's get some happy fluffy thoughts flying around in here!! For example....let's do some more pic posting...things that make us smile...things...like this...
This is LOVE!!!!!
*Mo grins and refusing to think anymore angsty thoughts, focuses instead on the beauty of D/L's true love...and singing along with Dutch shimmers away in her fluffy bubble!*

"Love will always win..."
That interview, well, it um, well. Hmm. Mo, I claim sanctuary in your fluffy bubble! I look forward to when show spoilers start emerging.

Time to play Name That Episode! (lynny, behave)

I think we need this one today:
1. Danny makes a deal to get Mac’s office in the event of his death.
2. Lindsay talks to Stella on the phone and tells her to say hello to everyone.
3. Danny ‘make-me-moan’ Messer goes with his instincts…

Okay, so it isn’t much of a challenge… but post those pics and tell us your thoughts on the eppy in question! What was going through your mind during the various scenes, their motivations, and the results.

I love you all, my shippy family!

:eek: Did I get it this time? Yaaaaay!


Mac: "What other job allows you to set your boss on fire? Going once, going twice"

Danny: "Sold, but if you go up in flames I get your office?
(So needed, after all, Danny needs more room in his office for the Messer babies to run around in) :D


Fanged smile... RAWWR!! :devil:


"Go with your insticts..." :D


The moment after which my love of photography went down the drain due to certain interruptions...

Lindsay Monroe, served best on a bed of Danny Messer modestly covered with whipped cream...my dirty thoughts are on a roll! And...it's only 9am. Well so much for my innocence...

*Glares at Stuffy* Don't you dare comment on that...


Does anyone know what eppy my banner comes from? Cos I, for the life of me can't figure it out...and I don't have the earlier eppies on my laptop either :(
^^ Your banner is from the beginning of 'the hug' ep NWILL when they're in the jeweler's store. :)


Can I still have the next thread?
*takes a slice of Delia's lovely chocolate cake* :D Sure you can sweetie!

Hopefully, if they are going to continue the relationship, we'll see something from Lindsay that shows she does care about Danny as much as he cares for her.
Well since he at the start of season 4 'obviously' :p still will be suffering from what happened to him in SD I think there's an opportunity for that...and she already was there for him the first time his brother was in trouble and when :D they bring Louie back I feel like he could really use her support again.

But I really do think it's all speculation at this point. They haven't gone back to work yet, and I don't even think Carmine had seen a script.
I was under the same impression when I read you interview. Carmine was just speculating (he should join this board :cool:).

and I think it's safe to say that if they mess with D/L that badly we will all be up in arms and go on strike from D/L and from NY which will hurt them a lot worse than they ever think
:eek: WOW :eek: Mo up on the barricades. I do hope and think that they realize that they have a good thing going on here :D and at this point they're just trying to figure out how they can continue this story without making it boring :rolleyes:...When they read here *waves at Pam and the other writers* they'll notice that even most of those who dislike D/L are not at all going to be happy with Danny cheating... :mad:

lynny, behave
She should behave Mer after all this time you chose one that has Smacked! :lol:

SLEIGHT OUT OF HAND!!!!! Did I get it this time?
You are right Liff :)

The moment he enters the courtroom and she sees him still makes my heart jump :D


Liff: Thanks for the pictures!

Dutch: Thanks for the caps too! :) Anna's really pretty although poor girl looks a bit tired.

Dutch & Catey: THANKS! I would LOVE to grab the next thread! :D

Mo: *Delia pokes and runs off, all the while stealing Danny!*
Hey guys!
I’ve just read the interview. I’m a bit afraid of the cheating route, but I’m optimistic.
I’m against cheating, because it would mean that the relationship between Danny and Lindsay isn’t very strong, but we all know that their love is very strong. Maybe there will be some problems…they work together and it often causes problems, maybe Danny would try to send her off, but I’m sure that finally his feelings would prevail.
Their relationship is growing since season two and it’s obvious that this isn’t a flirt, even my two-year-old nephew knows it. Ruin it doesn’t make any sense. We don’t have to worry. :)

About our unforgettable eppy, SOoH it’s simply lovely!

Go with your instincts:

Her head on his shoulder:

I think that the cheating thing is just off the top of Carmine's head... Really. I just know that it doesn't seem real, because after how unbelievably sweet Danny was--he wouldn't do such a thing.
However there are many other problems that could come, but DL are meant to be... so it's clear that TPTB won't do anything to them for the longterm.

Abby: I love the caps you chose! So cute.
Hey guys! Since everyone seems to be ranting about the cheating thing, i'll throw in my thoughts.

Now, first of all, whatever happens, i will NOT boycott the show! I love CSI not just for my ships, but the actual science aswell, and i learn so much from that, that i wouldn't quit watching it.

But, it would seriously upset me if Danny cheated on Linds. I am against cheating, as it is a betrayal of trust, and i believe if you can't trust each other, then your relationship will never work.

However, i seriously doubt that Danny will cheat, after all he's been through, chasing and pining for Linds, he wouldn't just throw all that love down the drain. He loves her, simple as that.

But, as many people have said, it is only speculation, we won't know for sure, until either some concrete spoilers come out, or until the actual show comes out. So, there's no point in worrying about it, when we don't even know if it will happen!

Finally, if it does happen, i encourage people to still watch the show. When i first heard about GSR, i was going to quit watching CSI LV, but i didn't and i'm glad, because despite GSR, it's been an alright season. So, don't give up, you'll regret it!

Ok, rant over. Stay positive guys! :D

PSG xxx
I agree with you, maybe they’ll decide to don’t make Danny cheat on Lindsay.
In any case, I’ll keep watching CSI, too. I really love it, I can’t stop watching it.

Del said

Abby: I love the caps you chose! So cute
Thank you, hon ^__^
I agree. There is no point getting all worked up. Though fingers crossed, nothing bad happens. :)
Hey Shippers!! We are hot aren't we?? :)

I am against cheating, as it is a betrayal of trust, and i believe if you can't trust each other, then your relationship will never work.

Great point. I've been there I know that nothing hurts worse. Nothing cuts deeper than that feeling. So I just don't want to see any of that period. And people that like that kind of thing---haven't been cheated on before or probably are the ones cheating. Seems to me that this 'he's emotional so he needs another woman to make him feel complete' is rather pointless and cliche. I don't want to see Linds pining over him either. That would be poor show too. Besides if he cheats, Mo and I are going to tie him up and force him to smell every fish in the East River. Then Mo will tickle him. Wait she might like that; so would he. Hmmm...We'll force him to listen to jazz music and wear roach broches then. :devil: :lol: :lol: :devil:

Now with that said, I don't think anything concrete has come out about him cheating or straying. So I'll hold out hope that something else will happen. If they broke up and he then later started dating someone else I might be okay with that---I wouldn't like it much, but it would be better than him messing around with someone else and breaking up with Linds because of it. But if he gets someone then I say Linds gets someone too. I don't want this neglected girl stuck in the lab storyline. Last season's uneven storylines got to me enough. :rolleyes: I hope she walks away singing:

"I might saved a little trouble for the next girl,
Cause the next time that he cheats...
Oh, you know it won't be on me!

Badass chicks rock!! :devil:

I have to agree with you Mer (comments on LJ) that it seems Carmine has been more apprehensive about how the PTB handled the D/L story this past season than the story itself. While I'm sure that he would like to get back to the edgy Danny, I think that he likes some of the things that have happened since the D/L storyline started. I don't mind him having some edge, I just don't want him to regress. Progress is always better. ;)

I'm thinking that if they do break up that they should fight a lot then and snarky with each other (in a funny way) then make up passionately. *Runs fast* :eek:

Keep the faith shippers! Sometimes it's hard I know. The bubble rocks though!! :D :cool: :D
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