Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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*Mo peeks in, having just read the Carmine interview, and trying to decide if she is happy with it or not...*
Aud!! Fluffy Twin...I need some fluffy boosting, help wub! Okay gotta sing..."Jeremiah was a bullfrog, was a good friend of mine, I never understood a single word he said, but I helped him drink his wine! Joy to the world, all the boys and girls...joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me!" (Yeah not really sure why I picked that song, but it popped in my head and it makes me smile! :lol: )
Okay for the most part I loved the Carmine interview...all the early comments he made about D/L had me grinning hugely! I didn't like how the interviewer kept focusing on how Danny's character was only "propping" up Linds' character this last season...that annoyed me! And then...
Well, you never know. I think that's a possibility, that maybe she wasn't all Danny thought she'd be. Maybe he's already looking elsewhere.
Carmine Giovinazzo!! You take that back young man! Right now! :p *Mo sticks her fingers in her ears and hums loudly to drown out even the thought of that!* Okay I'm gonna choose to believe that he was just saying that to throw the writer a bone, since she seemed to not be feeling D/L (why I don't know!) Cuz I gotta say, again, I do NOT see Danny cheating on Linds...it goes entirely against his character! Here he has spent all this time chasing after her and being IN LOVE with her and now he goes and finds someone else...sorry PTB, I do NOT buy that, would not buy that, no way!! *Mo stamps her foot on her soapbox and smacks the podium resoundingly!*
The writers do read [the site].
I knew it!!!! :D :D
Dear PTB:
Please read the above paragraph and be forewarned if you have Danny cheat on Linds now...I will be forced to, well you don't want to know what I'll be forced to do, let's just say it won't be pretty!!

Okay off to start my day...sorry for the rollercoaster ride of a post today, lol! Give me a few hours and I'll be back on top of my fluffy world! :lol:
*Mo sighs and climbs back into her fluffy bubble, wrapping herself in the D/L love and shimmering away!*
Danny wouldn't ever cheat on Lindsay, simply becase what Nina saod, the man is in love. If he weren't we wouldn't have been graced with him pining for her for an entire season, unless of course the writers decided to experiment with their ability to survive an angry onslaught of fans. I tell you now, I'll personally make sure they either don't survive, or do at gun point, forced to rectify whatever abomination they have put forth with our couple :D

Danny's grown up alot since Lindsay arrived, granted he's fallen in love with her, he's also matured on other fronts as well. Somehow, I wonder if they're both ready to take the next step - who's going to get the cold feet? So far - we know he really wants this, and maybe none of them get cold :)

Wayward Danny behaviour? I say he's nervous to ask her to move in with him! And I see Carmine's smirk during those last few words :D The I'm throwing all of you off course with what I'm saying to make us all gasp for a sec :D
To do something like that TPTB need to be ready for D/L shippers on a warpath.. :D

Cheating is something I can't see for them...Danny has proven over and over that he is loyal to the people he cares about ,,,and the guy is so in love... I can't see anything like that after seeing him and Lindsay for the past 2 seasons,,and then him going after her all the way to Montana... that's harldy a thing for a guy to do that is only after sex...that is done by someone who are completely in love... would be kind of funny to have Mac say * I told you so* and Danny's * I don't cuddle* LOL yes yesI so don't believe him anymore...maybe he didn't before but his Montana changed that ;)
Really, I don't believe that cheating would happen from Danny. He's grown a lot, especially with Lindsay around. I believe he knows the kind of guy Lindsay deserves and he knows that he could be that guy. He wouldn't have done this whole dance with her just to throw it away because some other girl comes along. He's done so much to show Lindsay that he really cares about her. I mean, he flew out to Montana for heaven's sake! If that shows that one day he would cheat on her, then everything has been a lie because doing that would've really been a waste of his time. But it wasn't and it showed.
Okay I saw the number of new posts since my last visit and was expecting that the first spoilers were out :D...didn't expect a Carmine interview... :)

I agree with those who said that it was very obvious that the interviewer doesn't like the D/L thing, but on the other hand if I ever had the change to interview him (if only *sigh* :() I would've want to find out what his thoughts about that were too...just from a totally different perspective... ;)

I loved to read what he thinks of certain things and it's great to read how everyone here interprets what he said.

I'd like to highlight this quote:

"That's my whole idea with this guy, to just make him round. He's this really distinct character that has his ways and here he is getting on his knees for this little, wholesome, sweet girl from Montana. She's not answering his calls, but he's still calling. I think that's the thing that people were like, "Why's he putting up with that?" I think in the bigger picture it's interesting. I think it showed a side of him that you wouldn't expect."

Especially the last two lines...To me with that Carmine really defines the whole D/L relationship...Lindsay made Danny react in a way that many didn't expect and that makes her stand out from the other girls he's been with before...she changed him... :D

And therefor I think this next quote about Danny cheating is Carmine speculating about season 4 like all of us ;):

"Well, you never know. I think that's a possibility, that maybe she wasn't all Danny thought she'd be. Maybe he's already looking elsewhere."

I just can't believe they make him chase after a girl for an entire season; let him do the 'unexpected' things like have him put up with the "it isn't you, it's me"-crap (imo), being okay with it that she doesn't say goodbye in person and the fact she didn't trust him enough to tell her secret...Whatever more can she do to suddenly become 'not all he thought she'd be'? :rolleyes:

So I really hope we get some pretty angsty moments :p, but I'm positive that in the end they'll pull through :)...she has just become a too important part of who he is... :D


Mer that Flack quote made it quite easy to name the ep...It's probably the funniest NY scene I've ever seen :lol: and of course the 'Walrus documentary' is legendary... :)

*Duffy (txs Liffy; it's easier to pronounce than Dutchffy :)) leaves singing (for Mo's pleasure) a Faith Hill song* - "And the world tries to break us down, But the world will bend, And the fight will end, Love will always win" :D
I think TPTB would do a cruel thing like that. Cheating. Who called Danny a player? Me. I called that one. We all know what will end up happening though, right? He'll be running back into her arms. At that point though, if that's what they're beautiful relationship dwindles down to, I'd be team Lindsay, and as much as I'm in love wth DL, I'm not in love with a cheater. Lindsay better dump his sensational arse if he's gonna be cheating.

Wow. Rant much?

Sorry about that guys, I think that was much needed rant. Need to let out a little energy. I hate hiatus! I need new eppy's now now now!

On a happier note. DL will be together for eternity. There, that was my fluffy thought of the day. Moment over!
Lindsay better dump his sensational arse if he's gonna be cheating.

Amen to that Rad! Sorry girls and guys, but there is no way I'm routing for Danny if he cheats.

But Danny's not like that. He loves Lindsay...and only Lindsay.
All this talk of Danny cheating is just depressing this entire thread guys! Be optimistic for a change, yes I know I'm all go for the misjudgement of cheating but not if the real thing is going to happen. Like Mo said, there really is nothing worse than cheating.

For one thing, I won't be shipping D/L anymore if Danny does cheat - that to me is simply unforgivable (although...I wonder if I might let it slide with D/L). I don't mind if he breaks up with her first, and then realises what he has is truly what he wants and needs, but please no cheating.

Call me square but it'll be the last you see of me here if that happens! Unless of course I come back with someone's head, and it just so suprisingly belongs to one of the writers.

Boo - I'd like to think that what Carmine said was definately to just make the interviewer shut up :D besides, we know he and anna are D/L shippers - they'll protest on our behalf :rolleyes: ....hopefully.

If the writers truly do visit here often, I hope that it's not the only place they visit, cos face it guy, the number of anti-D/L people here outnumber us by hundreds, we're screwed otherwise. Luckily, I'm sure the writers know who the important people are! :D i.e us!

I'm ranting too now, and I want to stay SF if they come up with some stupid cheating storyline. Carmine did say he does what young guys do right? Well, Danny's getting to the age where he HAS done all what young guys do - read between the lines, what comes next? Duh! Settling down...!

Can anyone imagine Messer babies running around rampant in the lab? Oh god...Mac's face...but we know those babies are gonna have everyone wrapped around their purdy lil' fingers!

I will not stand for more depressing talks! Danny loves her, she loves Lindsay, everyone else in the way will in the end be throttled by the Ffys - that is our/my pledge.


Im so sad...they're just fictional characters and I'm making such a big deal, ah...D/L, it's become my life!!
Well, I always thought I'd be a D/L shipper, but if they go the cheating route, well, I'm sorry, I'm out of here. That, to me, is a deal breaker. Call me old-fashioned too, but one thing I can't stand is for a character to cheat on another(well, real-life, too) Great for angst, maybe, but not to me. Don't worry, messermontana, I feel the same way. I know they are fictional, but to do that, would ruin everything that I've grown to love about both characters in the last 2 years. The way Lindsay was acting this year drove me nuts, but cheating is just, Yuuuuck. I'm sorry if I'm being childish, I just can't stand cheating, let alone with my OTP.
Hold it, hold it! Too much angst in the thread for you fluffies? I'm just kidding. I'm not a big fan of this "cheating thing" and we're probably all looking way too far into this. I think the only reason we're all going nuts is because it's one of the only things we have to go on for now. A lot of the conversation in here has been redundant. Lovely of course, all DL convo is lovely, just redundant. Any little scrap of DL we've never heard before is no doubt going to be chewed up and spat out in all different interpretations no matter how angsty or fluffy. New news is always a good thing in this thread- any thread for that matter. So, fellow shippers, something tells me this interview is going to be our favorite topic for a while. Or until a new spoiler comes along. ;)

Okay now that Radffy has ranted twice today, you can all throw weird objects at me. How often do I rant? Honestly. :lol:
we're probably all looking way too far into this. I think the only reason we're all going nuts is because it's one of the only things we have to go on for now

Radffy you're right... but then again it feels good to have something to rant about!! :)
*Liff pops by and throws a cream pie at Radffy*

:D There, I feel much better now. We need SPOILERS! Screw keeping SF, I don't have the willpower :lol:
Thanks Liff. Needed that sugar. And yea, I was going to attempt to stay spoiler free too. Then I saw spoiler boxes in the GSR thread. Yea, SF didn't last long at that point. Can't wait for spoilers in here, we're all going to go nuts when that happens.

The stuff about Danny cheating is just of Carmine making us suspect of what's happening. :) A little angst can't hurt us too much.

Everyone: I asked if I could grab the next thread in #16! Can I still have the next thread? <i>*Hands chocolate cake*</i>

Natty: Agreed! I thought that I'd go spoiler-free for Season 3. But when everyone starting screaming over the Angell/Danny spoilers (that never even happened), I had to see what was going on. :cool:
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