Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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oh yea, go there for sure. Or any random zoo, as long as you see tigers. Go to Central Park since a lot of cases happen in three. And go to Times Square, just because it's Times Square. :lol:
*waves to Anffy* I'm here love :)

Speaking of watching episodes...I just watched 'Bad Beat' in my work lunchroom :) couldn't pass down an opportunity like that, now could I? BB is one of my favourite episodes ;) pissy!danny is hawt.

:( I've always wanted to go to New York. Not too far from it (a little ways into Ontario near the lake) though. Boo urns *is sad*
*comes in happy* :) Again many have returned from being mia - glad you're all back; it's been quiet in here this weekend :(

fic prompt Aud:
There will be additional prompts for those that are into it
I'm totally without inspiration lately, so if you have an idea for something I could write about maybe it will give me a jumpstart :cool:....but let's first wait and see what the others come up with :p...there's still a long summer ahead of us... :D

Wicked Mo:
I'm not quite as perky as Glinda though...fluffy as I am, she's still got the edge on me!
Well at least you both have a bubble... ;)

Dutch, I thought the third one would be the one to give it away! (if you check the wording I was very careful to type ‘resides’ to make it present tense so it didn’t sound like a deceased vic)
I should read future challenges more carefully, didn't even notice the tense :eek:; I was just wondering what could be so special about that specific address...Stella as a victim was one of the last ones that came to mind and then it all made sense... :D

Nikki welcome to the board! And you're right! It is "Zoo York"


^ Their first look...and that's why I love that ep...It's where it all began.

anyone got ideas of places we could visit that would give me special D/L moments
Welcome sherry *yeah for yet another new shipper* and if you wanna relive some really special D/L moment...you'd ask for a hotel room WITH a pool table... :devil:

But seriously...I've been lucky enough to visit NY twice and you should really take the ferry to Liberty Island and Ellis Island (same ferry)...If the line to climb the statue is too long don't go stand in it (imo it isn't worth the wait :rolleyes:), but Ellis Island I found really impressive and if you like history I highly recommend it (come to think of it...they should really do an ep there :))...and of course try and go see a musical...and like Rad said CP is great and walking around on TS at night is amazing...And thinking of Danny...on a nice warm night go to Little Italy and eat at one of the many restaurants where you can sit outside and watch all the people walk by...Stella quote: "the Italians got it right. Live to eat, not eat to live" :D
heehee, dutch, a great memory that image: the first (captivating) look. when it all changed; never to be the same again. ;)

welcome aboard, sherry! hope you like it here :).

OT: theres a zoo in central park (is this the featured zoo in Zoo York?), you can walk the danny-and-lindsay-walk from LRC (near st. patricks cathedral and Rockefeller; yes, ive done this and videotaped it!), like dutch said Little Italy is nice, the scene from stealing home was shot (wheatfields comment) in Brooklyn just near the Brooklyn bridge (if you like walking, cross this bridge!). dont bother finidng the crime lab at 5885 Broadway (its not in midtown). there are a couple of other csi:ny referenced places that ive checked out too.

*waves at, then tackles stuffy with a big hug and hands her a cupcake from a New York bakery* you’ll see the city some day. even if i have to take hold of the boat Dantana and drive it to new york with ya! :cool: can you imagine all the D/L shippers going to New York together?!?!

*passes out ice cream cones with flavors of choice*
^ LOL Anffy! There should be a guided CSI: NY/DL tour :D...like when 'Sex and the city' was pretty popular and you could take a 'SatC' tour... :eek:*hops on the tour bus*

I've never been to a NY zoo (didn't even know there were more than one) so I don't know which one they're suppose to be at in ZY. Txs for pointing out where the LRC walk was :)...perhaps I go X-mas shopping in NY again this year and then I will check it out... ;)

Slightly OT, but on the former page we were discussing Anna's looks in MI...I have never seen that show, so I only know Eva Rossi from pics, but now there's a Dutch network that starts broadcasting it 06/17 (Jen and perhaps some lurkers it'll be on SBS6)... :D
Welcome, Sherry! :)

Aud: Have a fun day at work! You know I love ya.

Awwwww, that made my day. You know I wub you too, Del sweetie. :D

I'm sorry about the girls at your school. An older lady at my work has been very ill and the women treat her like crap. One man, they treat like a saint, but he's actually a dog! It takes the fun out of work sometime. :(

MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you sure know how to start a morning! Have I told you lately that I agree with everything you say and do?? :)

I love that picture from "Zoo York". Wonderful. I think Danny was a bit pissed over someone taking Aiden's spot. But yep, he was kind of into her from the start! :)

I'm totally without inspiration lately, so if you have an idea for something I could write about maybe it will give me a jumpstart ....but let's first wait and see what the others come up with ...there's still a long summer ahead of us...

Hey My Darling Dutch Friend! I'm not sure what you like writing...Fluff? Angst?? Smut (I have lusty pics)?? A combination?? I would love to give you ideas! Pirates and D/L, perhaps? :D

I want ice cream. Texas is hot. :cool: :eek: :cool:
^ Pirates and D/L has crossed my mind and I even have an idea (don't wanna tell yet :cool:), but I have to think about that...I do have two weeks off in July, so maybe I'll work on that then...I like angst, but it usually has a fluffy ending. And some smut is always good...so I think that's a combi...I'm a flungsty, remember... ;)
Delia, of course we missed you! I chose Risk for one of the name that ep challenges with you in mind!

ang <3 said:
danny and lindsay ALWAYS invade one another’s personal spaces
They do! And we love it! You can always count on it for a D/L scene.

dutch said:
...on a nice warm night go to Little Italy and eat at one of the many restaurants where you can sit outside and watch all the people walk by...Stella quote: "the Italians got it right. Live to eat, not eat to live" :D
Oh, that sounds like a wonderful evening! I wish I could go to New York for a vacation!

Great job on guessing Zoo York, Nikki! And welcome to the thread! And welcome to you too, Sherry!


Country Girl


Catey, I’m a half hour later than I said I’d be, sorry! But…
Time to play Name That Episode!” *cheer*

You know how it goes… when you answer, give the episode name, your fav parts or memories, and post a screencap from the ep. Any screencap from the ep, so we get multiple answers and pics.

1. A woman takes full responsibility for a murder, won’t incriminate her brother, and he won’t confess.
2. “Ya like that?”
3. Sicilian wild cat saliva was found on a piece of evidence on the B case.

Let’s see some caps and memories!
Hi guys I haven't posted in a while, but I have been reading though.

I think the episode is Love Run Cold, but I have no clue how to insert a picture.

The ep is Love Run Cold. And for once, I didn't go searching forever to try and remember what episode it was. I actually knew it. But that was really sad. Danny got rejected so many times by Lindsay. The ending was so sad when Danny yelled after her and she didn't answer. But she did admit she liked him...a lot!



And pictures of the last scene to go along with my ramblings about the episode.
*Mo skips into the thread...singing along to her new favorite song, the awesome duet of Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood, "Oh Love"!*
Good evening my lovelies! How are you all this fine evening...I gotta say any of y'all who like country the least little bit, go out and buy Brad Paisley's new album...two of new favorite songs are on there...and those alone make it worth the money! :D I was sitting in my car singing along with it...and I could totally picture Linds playing it top volume in her apartment, singing along at the top of her lungs, while Danny just grinned and watched! :lol:

Angel dearie giggled:
hi Mo! your songs/lyrics are back! keeps the D/L mood going!
Hi hon! :D Yup the songs are back...I gotta do what I can to keep things fluffy and fun around here! ;) Heehee! Plus I just have a plethora of love songs in my head and they just can't ever seem to stay in there! :D

Stuffy darlin' commiserated:
I've always wanted to go to New York.
I feel ya hon, I would LOVE to go to NY! Someday I am definitely gonna head that way and take me a tour of the Big City! Maybe once I get married I can convince my lovely husband to accompany me! :lol: I'm sure he'll appreciate the constant D/L chatter..."And this is where Danny & Lindsay walked down the street in LRC and this is where they...and this is where they..." :lol: Heehee!

Dutch babes teased:
Well at least you both have a bubble...
Yes there is that! :lol: I'm okay not being as perky as Glinda, though. Fluffy I am, annoyingly perky...I am not! (and if I am, don't tell me! :lol: ) I do like her song "Popular"...but I'm more of a "Defying Gravity" type of girl...ya know! ;) Heehee! :lol:

if you wanna relive some really special D/L moment...you'd ask for a hotel room WITH a pool table...
Oh the lovely guttery thoughts that brings up! :devil: I am DEFNITELY taking my hubby (when I have one) to NY and we are SO getting a room with a pool table and reliving that particular D/L moment in detail... :devil: Gotta hand it to D/L they know how to keep it hot! :devil: Sizzling! :lol:

My Fluffy Wub Aud sang:
MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you sure know how to start a morning! Have I told you lately that I agree with everything you say and do??
AUUUUDDDDDDD!! *Mo laughs happily and huggles her buddy!* Yeah normally I'm not a morning person, especially not a Monday morning person...but it's next to impossible to have a bad morning with a good cup of coffee, my shippy buddies and the love that is D/L! :D And darling, I love that you agree with me on everything :lol: And I know you know that I agree with everything you say and do just as much! ;)

I have lusty pics
I ADORE you! :lol: Wub, you never fail to make me smile! I swear I laughed for like 5 minutes after reading this! Rock on for "lusty pics"! :devil: And you should share those! ;)

Mer-bear, great challenge hon!! Hill, fallen...great job on guessing that eppy...I had an entirely different ep in mind, so I'm glad I didn't make a guess :lol: ...that was a tough one Mer, good job! Lol, then again...any time I think about LRC all I see are the D/L scenes...nothing case-related at all! :lol: It's funny, but despite the fact that I am a through and through fluffy...I LOVE "Love Runs Cold"...the looks and the love that is so clear between them just gets me every time! So in honor of that...here are my pic contributions! :D

So very close!!
Walk beside me and love me!
How can I not love you?!
And this is LOVE!
I've brought some pictures from "Love Run Cold"



*You can tell these two love each other very much and at the time we didn't know what her past was but the distance between them is very apparent. :(
*Mo sighs and stares happily at the pics Vex buddy posted... Danny in that blue shirt...*Sigh, swoon!* He is just SO gorgeous...gah...I am so in love with him! :D It's a good thing I see how perfect he and Linds are for eachother, or I'd be seriously tempted to kidnap him and keep him for myself all the time! :lol: No worries though Lindsay dear...I know he's yours, and as long as you continue to let me borrow him occassionally, I won't do anything drastic like that! ;) He's just SO attractive! Then again...Linds, is amazingly gorgeous as well! *Mo sighs and giggles...again!* :lol:
I'm the opposite, Mo. There is too much angst for me. It kills me that she stood him up, and he sounded so hurt in that hallway. And after the "Hug" episode the week before, it was so sad! But, to each their own. That's why I'm a flungsty. Too much angst is not good for my health!

You didn't steal my thunder on that one challenge Mo! I just almost made an idiot of myself, posting that I'd figured it out, but I went back and read your post and realized you'd figured it out. I even had pulled out my dvd's to be sure!! lol. No worries, I love these challenges, even if I'm a little late for them!

But, just to show that I'm not too bitter about that episode, here's a nice cap from it.
Awww Catey honey...*Mo huggles her Spoiler Queen buddy!* That's funny, you're a flungsty meaning you can handle some angst and you don't like LRC which is full of angst...and I am a fluffy who does NOT like angst and yet I love LRC...crazy! I think I like it though, because it gives us a glimpse of how much they really feel for eachother...I swear just hearing Danny call our Lindsay's full name as she walks down the hallway at the end, makes my heart start to race! And then the look in both their eyes in that scene...their love is so clear...it never fails to bring tears to my eyes! (I know I'm a sap, but seriously...it's love! :D )

Nice pic hon! ;) Both Linds and Danny looked so beautiful in LRC...I mean they always look good, but they looked especially hot in LRC! :devil: :D
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