Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Moriel21 said:
Okay seriously how freakishly jealous of you am I right now! Gah...I think I told you this a long time ago...I'm Dutch (100% :D ) but have only been to the Amsterdam airport...but I would love to visit Holland...and to be able to visit Italy let alone actually contemplate living there...yeah...JEALOUS! :lol:
Mo you're Dutch too? :eek: Why aren't you living here?? ;) You got London and Paris just three quarter's of a flight from Amsterdam-airport, and you can visit the whole of Europe by car...But you do have to wear the wooden shoes!

Maybe Danny and Lindsay will go to Europe for their honeymoon...maybe they even visit the area 'round Amsterdam, just a bit north please, let's say the Zaanse Schans, and I'll be there to guide the two of them :D
Moriel! You're Dutch? :lol: I didn't know that! Cool! I can see D/L totally loving DutchLand (That's what my Dutch friend, Jaap calls it. :lol:)

Yay, Liff! You're so sweet! I don't get goo! That's the best news ever! :D Here's a giant cookie. *Passes Mrs.Fields' Chocolate Chip Cookies with M&Ms*
You forget Liff...Mo is with me. She wouldn't go after her fellow buddy. Isn't that right Mo? *gives puppy dog eyes* I'll try to restrain myself from stealing Danny again :lol: yeah, good luck with that ;)

And we've completely lost it. *shrugs* Ah well. So how is everyone today? It's rainy here AGAIN! But nothing can dampen my spirits, oh no, not whilst I'm in the uber-cool DL thread :D

Chell? Angel? Where are ya? I need someone to help me with this giant bucket of sticky caramel sauce to dump over Liff. Hmm...guess I'll improvise for now. *pours sauce over Liff then bolts to door* Liff wubs, you know I still love ya! And Mo is right, there is no way you are leaving us! We forbide it :p

Okay well time to go join Mo in being a grown-up. I trust you will have fun in here (when don't we?) and I shall be back later! Cheers shipmates *mwah*
*Mo comes in a bit tired, but still dancing and happy...and as she pauses to avoid yet another bucket of goo...she starts to laugh, loving the massive food fight, she and Chell have apparently begun!* :lol:
Happy Tuesday shippy buddies!

Yup Del I love RF hon! They totally rock...but then, much like our lovely Linds...I am a country girl at heart! ;)

*Mo grabs Danny off Liff's silver platter and hides him away for safe-keeping!* Thank you Liff, here you can play with Linds now...just make sure you give her back when I'm done with Danny, otherwise he gets pissy and as hot as I think pissy Danny is, you might not want to stand in his way! ;) Lol! :lol:

Yup I am Dutch, through and through :D ...but I don't speak it, sadly! Well I know a few phrases and a goodnight prayer my mom used to sing with us when we were little, I still remember that! :D And I don't live there...well, cuz I live here! :lol: But I have always wanted to visit! Danny and Linds going to Europe on their honeymoon sounds like a fabulous idea! Then they could bring us back lots of cool pics! ;)

Stuffy hon I am on your side...except when you be trying to steal my Danny! :lol: You laugh but I ain't kidding! :lol: No seriously! :lol: And yeah Liff that's right...no leaving! Not allowed! :D

Okay like my pal Stuffy said...time to be a grown up...or at least fool the rest of the world into thinking I am one! ;)

Pssstt...Fluffy Twin Aud where is you??!! :D

*Mo steps into her bubble and glimmers happily away!* :D
im right here, stuffy! and yes that is one hot liplock. when you mentioned nominating DL for the liplock, the first thing that came to mind was the ryan gosling and rachel mcadams kiss on the mtv movie awards a couple years ago! anyway, i looked up the teen choice awards and they dont have a choice liplock for tv but they have: TV - Choice Chemistry!

cmon, chell belle*wheels in a large 5-tier cake*

I'm sorry that this is a really long post but I'm re-watching the pool scene and I noticed two things:
1) Not to bring this back up again, but I now firmly believe it was Anna in "teh secks" scene. When she puts on her coat and notices the board, it's pretty clear that she's lost a lot of baby weight.
2) I guess when Carmine was writing the note, he made a mistake on the g in the word although, cause there's an eraser mark there.
no complaints from me. i love to hear this over and over. i love new insights. and i definitely love what your little eye spied here! i saw the eraser and white chalk too! *giggles* as for the baby weight issue, again, she looks great. ironically, i’ll be off to class tomorrow night to learn about baby weight gain/loss and the societal pressures to be thin again: childbirth and post-natal period.

Cuz, ive figured out a way to de-lurk and post in the minutes between work and class or during work breaks! have you been on your best behavior??

DutchLand! just the word itself sounds like a really happy, cheery, and dreamy place! take me there? DL can come too.

ps love the song 'bless the broken road' too. :)
Mo darling I wouldn't steal Danny from you, no matter how tempting it is. We can share him :) he's our cowboy too. Could I possibly borrow him for a while though? I have a cold at the moment and feel really crappy...I need someone to cheer me up cause I'm at work and I would love a nice bed right about now...*nudge* and the addition of Danny would certainly make me feel a lot better ;) :devil:

Angel wub!!! *tackles buddy and tickles her* Have I told you how much I've missed you lately?

*Stuffy* giggles and swoons out even though she feels really crappy and wants to sleep*

Okay, I have a CHALLENGE for y'all! I am blue and I need some pictures to make me feel better. Here's the challenge: Post your favorite D/L screencaps other than SOoH or SD. Do you have a screencap where you think you caught a super secret shippy moment, like a brush of their hands or a longing look? Post it! Do you have a cap where one of the pairing is making a goofy face at the other? Post it! A few things to keep in mind to make it a challenge:

1. Try to get something other than SOoH or SD.
2. Too keep with the 3 lines of On Topic posting rule, tell us why you chose the pic, or why you like that moment.
3. If posting the actual image, to be courteous to anyone on dial up for page loading time, try to put no more that two actual images per post, but as many links to pics as you like.

Think y'all are up to it? ;)
*stumbles in while trying to get the maple syrup out of her hair and eyes* :eek:

I have always wanted to visit! Danny and Linds going to Europe on their honeymoon sounds like a fabulous idea! Then they could bring us back lots of cool pics!
You did tell me you were Dutch when I first started posting here... Instead of waiting for the pics why don't you just come along :)...You bring Danny, Liff brings Lindsay and the rest of the shippers will automatically follow... :lol:

...maybe they even visit the area 'round Amsterdam, just a bit north please, let's say the Zaanse Schans, and I'll be there to guide the two of them
I love the ' Zaanse Schans'...And after they leave there than can come over to my town ...(notice the ramparts :D - and there's more history left *is proud* :cool:). Btw in the castle on the foreground you can get married too :), so perhaps they can do that and then start their honeymoon trip through 'Dutchland' (love it Delia) and Europe...like Jen said everything is close by....And we can all follow them at a safe distance :devil:, gives all of you who have never been there a change to see places like Florence, London, Paris, Rome, Barcelona, etc. too... :D

Mer I love the challenge! What an awesome idea *runs off to find some nice D/L caps*[/b]
I'm up for it, Mer. Here's the puppy-dog look Danny gave Lindsay in episode 2x06 Youngblood. I love it, he looks so cute! And I think Linds liked it too! lol!


Here's a close-up of Lindsay and Danny in the carry scene in Cool Hunter. I love this pic. I love the way Lindsay's looking at him. It's a great scene and a great ep.


Hope they cheer you up, Mer. They did for me! xxx

That's one of my favorite scenes, because Danny realizes what a tough woman Lindsay is, and he was definitely impressed by her! And he looks like a little boy in this pic, a boy who's just so happy to be with the girl he has a crush on! ;)
There are many many D/L moments which I love, but this one was sweet and funny!
good evening every one!!! sorry i havent had much time to come here to post.. another week at work.. and another week of being tired! :lol: But.. it also means its another week closer to Septemeber :D yay!!!!


hehe of course i will hun!! ya can bet ya bottom dollar that anything Shippery said... goes straight *here* :D

My fellow Cowboy Kidnapper Stuffy says:
Chell? Angel? Where are ya? I need someone to help me with this giant bucket of sticky caramel sauce to dump over Liff. Hmm...guess I'll improvise for now. *pours sauce over Liff then bolts to door* Liff wubs, you know I still love ya! And Mo is right, there is no way you are leaving us! We forbide it

:lol: im here huni!!! **Chell hands over a big toffee and pecan cookie to Stuffy and Angel** right.. where has that Liffy Gone to?! :lol: Ive got a bucket of mascarpone and pistachio Ice cream here with his name on!! :lol:

Modest-Super Ninja MO squeals:
Yup I am Dutch, through and through :D

wow!!! i never knew that! we all learn something new n exciting everyday! :D hehe and ther i was thinkin u were a native GutterCHick! :lol: *hugz*

Danny, otherwise he gets pissy and as hot as I think pissy Danny is, you might not want to stand in his way!
:lol: u mean like this.... ?


yoowhooo!!!!im here hun!!! :D where is u wub?! :(

I'm sorry that this is a really long post but I'm re-watching the pool scene and I noticed two things:
1) Not to bring this back up again, but I now firmly believe it was Anna in "teh secks" scene. When she puts on her coat and notices the board, it's pretty clear that she's lost a lot of baby weight.
2) I guess when Carmine was writing the note, he made a mistake on the g in the word although, cause there's an eraser mark there.
no complaints from me. i love to hear this over and over. i love new insights. and i definitely love what your little eye spied here! i saw the eraser and white chalk too! *giggles* as for the baby weight issue, again, she looks great. ironically, i’ll be off to class tomorrow night to learn about baby weight gain/loss and the societal pressures to be thin again: childbirth and post-natal period.

here here hun!! i totally love the fact that even tho the finale was weeks ago, we can still find those small, descriptive and cute things that will keep us talking for weeks! :lol: I totally believe it was her in the actually scene too.. i mean, who would want to use a body double, when their character is getting with Danny messer?! :lol: :devil: (i dont mean that as in any connection to anna and carmine moddi ;) just checking myself lol ) And the smudged eraser mark in danny's note?! Awww that is soo cute..!!! His mind was obviously on Lindsay the whole time he wrote it.. and he was jus so happy and on cloud 9 :D *Squeeeeeeeee* No wonder he missed it out :lol:

Peekaboo to u 2!! WHere the devil have u been?! :p hehe

Okay, I have a CHALLENGE for y'all! I am blue and I need some pictures to make me feel better. Here's the challenge: Post your favorite D/L screencaps other than SOoH or SD. Do you have a screencap where you think you caught a super secret shippy moment, like a brush of their hands or a longing look? Post it! Do you have a cap where one of the pairing is making a goofy face at the other? Post it! A few things to keep in mind to make it a challenge

woweee!! You just know we all love a D/L challenge :D hehe Awww Mer **hugglez** hope ur not feeling too blue :(

hmm this is going to be sooo fun!! im gonna end up spending loads of time searching for these kinda caps :lol:
but these are the 2 i found quickly that i think is cute :D

i love the way Linds is looking at him.. its as if she is thinking "Wow, i cant believe he actually came!"

and of course.. how could we forget this one...

I love the way he looks at her and says "that'd be me." when Mac introduces them :D that was the very first moment i was like.... awwww, he looks happy to see her!!!

wow, this was a long post *wipes brow* :D
cant wait to see what caps everyone comes up with :D

*Chell runs off with Stuffy and Angel in search of Danny :D * :lol:
Okay still one of my favourite scenes:



From RSRD :(...for me that's THE moment when they first really 'saw' each other...they both looked right in to the other's soul and it was one of the most intense D/L scenes ever...

Do you have a screencap where you think you caught a super secret shippy moment...a longing look? Post it!
LOL :D just skipped through 'CSI CAPS' and there are lots of those moments :lol:....just two successive caps from SoY....
he looks at her when (he thinks) she's not looking and she quickly checks him out when he looks away
I love that scene too, Dutch! I think that's when I really became a DL shipper. The look of sadness and concern on Lindsay's face is so sad, but Danny knows that she's there for him. It's like secret DL telepathy between them. :lol:

Love the pics from SoY too! I love that scene and they were totally checking each other out, but who can blame them?! :lol:

Love everyone else's pics too, they're all adorable. I love the angry Danny pic. He's so cute when he's angry. :lol:

Keep it up!

PSG xxx

aww the SoY Pics are gorgeous arent they?! :D

jus though i would add, seeing as everyone is talkin about how good Rascal flatts and D-L go together :D there is a DL vid on you tube And its sooo cute!! :D its called DL just like i am :D its a must see!! lol The way the creator has put the video together .. its as if whateva they are doin in their seperate scenes (Ie, Danny talking on the phone, andlindsay talking on the phone) it looks like they are talking to each other!! yay!! go see!! :D
That's a good challange Mer! I'm sort of spoilt for choice but here are mine!!


I loved this moment because it shows the old Lindsay... I like it because they are looking each other straight in the eyes but Danny knows Lindsays got one over on him!!!


I also love this pic I like the way Lindsay is 'clinging' on to Danny! :)

OK while looking for some caps I found this but i'm posting the link to keep to the 2 pics!
Where is Danny looking :lol:........


I couldn't resist!! :devil:
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