Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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*Tackles you back*. The things we do to men, ya know? :lol: How was your sister's birthday? Did you bring us cake?? :D

Great song choice. I heard that one on the radio the other day. I was thinking maybe 'The Hokey Pokey' (don't ask :lol:), but you chose a nice one. ;)

I think I'll run off to see if Linds and Dan are going to play twister. *Watches out for Grandma Messer* :eek:
think we had this discussion already a couple threads ago...but I wonder if Danny and Lindsay like musicals...anyone? I think if Linds did, she would like Wicked and Phantom of the Opera

Ya Lindsay would definitley be a Wicked kind of girl (no pun intended he he!) i'd also think she might like the classics... like... oh i don't know... SOUND OF MUSIC! And maybe Wizard of Oz (even though that's more known for it's movie status as opposed to Broadway) I KNOW Danny would like Sweeny Todd because it's more of a dark musical with murder in it! Linds could also be a Chicago girl... not much for Danny he doesn't strike me as the Broadway type unless he's seeing it with Lindsay! Also Guys and Dolls... that's a very New York centered show! Wow... i AM a theatre nerd! :D

In S2 they mad everything brighter the sets were lighter and the music was mor 'cheerful'!!

They changed the morgue too... in the first season it was all stone and almost looked like a dungeon! I think they changed it to be more realistic... and they were probably getting hell from their forensic advisors... and me :D
So what song best represents D/L??
Hmmm. I think the song "God Bless the Broken Road"--it highlights D/L in a new light as they have had problems before--but its let them head towards each other and find the love they've been looking for!

hello huni bun!!! **Huglez lots** how are you?! hehe i know.. im a terrible lurker! i cant help it! sometimes i just go into hiding.. but im nearly out of the habit now! hehe
Chelle! I'M A HONEY BUN! YAY! :) I'm great! Haha, sometimes I'm lazy to post too! :lol:
But it's great for you to be back!
They changed the morgue too... in the first season it was all stone and almost looked like a dungeon! I think they changed it to be more realistic... and they were probably getting hell from their forensic advisors... and me

Didn't they just change building?!?!?
Or what if we can prevent a potential scenario where their 'destiny' is dashed. Don't dash their destiny. I detected compatibility the moment I saw them interact. I'd like to see three or four generations of Messers with a gray-haired D/L with their adult children and their grandchildren all in one photo from the far future. Lindsay has worked at the lab for 42 years and Danny is Deputy Inspector (The position Gerrard once had).
^^ I think that the destiny dashed thing was referring to Snow Day and how Danny got captured.

I love the idea that D/L have children and grow old together however!

Didn't they just change building?!?!?
:lol: rofl. THEY DID. They talked about it in the first ep of Season 2 as well, I think. :lol:
So what song best represents D/L??

there is a lot of songs I asocoate with them but first coming to mind are Ojos de cielo and Mama he is crazy by The Judds

love the idea that D/L have children and grow old together however!

and Danny as grandpa would be hilarious. telling to all the grandchildren how he and granma met :)
Morning All! Or...well night to some of you!

Mo said:
You know you can't attempt to steal both D/L without me coming after you! Especially when you drag Danny along...and especially after I let you play so nicely with Linds...you CAN'T be stealing my man...
Mo dear! We're crossing the Canadian border now! I'll drop Danny off by your place and run off with Linds :devil: Heeheehee, I wouldn't DREAM of stealing him from you my dear!

Argh...I have to get to work now. Gnite everyone!
and Danny as grandpa would be hilarious. telling to all the grandchildren how he and granma met
Awww, I can see Lindsay grinning and narrowing her eyes at Danny saying: "Your grandfather played a PRANK ON ME!" :lol: rofl

*Uh oh, look what happened! I think I might be skipping off with Dan-ny!*
Dutch, I live in the middle of a bunch of 'droogleggingen en polders'. So if someone decides to break the dikes and the water in the Noordzee suddenly starts to rise, I get wet feet.

kissmesweet, as long as those men stay at work all day and go out in the evening, I don't mind living with them ;) !

Well, I'm of to watch some great little D/L movies.... :D
*Mo prances into the thread...loving life and in denial about moving even as she sits in her room surrounded by half packed boxes and bags! "Good morning, good morning...I've packed the whole night through, good morning, good morning to you! And you, and you, and you!" :D *

Aud hi wub! I would have totally brought you cake, but sadly my sister didn't have any for her birthday! She's a bit of health nut, so no cake...but it was a fun day all the same...we went and watched a baseball game live in the stadium then went to a park to open her gifts! :D Hey so how's that game of Twister...*Mo distracts Grandma Messer, so Aud can convince D/L to play together in the broom closet!* :devil:

Del honey said:
Hmmm. I think the song "God Bless the Broken Road"--it highlights D/L in a new light as they have had problems before--but its let them head towards each other and find the love they've been looking for!
Ohhh good one too hon! That was one of my top choices too...in general that's one of my all time fav songs...it's just so sweet and romantic...I likes it alot! :D Pretty much anything by Rascal Flatts is good in my opinion! I could see them being a band that Linds (as a country girl! ;) ) really likes too! :D

Liff dude wisely said:
Mo dear! We're crossing the Canadian border now! I'll drop Danny off by your place and run off with Linds Heeheehee, I wouldn't DREAM of stealing him from you my dear!
Well good! In that case then, proceed! I'll meet you at.........in about an hour...sound good? :lol:

Alright my dears...I'm off to play at being grown up! ;) I'll see y'all later today! Have a great day...even if it is Monday! :lol:

Later! :D

*Mo climbs into her bubble and as always...shimmers away!* ;)
Silly Liff, you can't go very far with us on your tail! Now give them back to us and we promise not to play any more pranks on you...okay well maybe one more cause it's fun hehe. Now we have Mo with us...there is no escape...

Yeah we've all lost it. But it's good times :D. So how is everyone doing today? It's kinda dreary here, makes me sad...except I can't be cause I'm in here and chatting about D/L with all my lovely buddies! ;)

As for a DL song...oy vey. So many to choose from. I agree with you Del and Mo, basically anything Rascal Flatts sings is a DL song. I've never heard that song before *ducks from flying M&Ms* even though I love RF. I will download it tonight :)
*rinsing off my hair as i run from this all-out food fight* we still love you, Cuz!. *playfully punches liffy and offers him and all my pals here homemade red velvet cupcakes (ny style) with cream cheese frosting* im in a baking mood. :D

manic mondayyy! ive got a few minutes here to de-lurk and post! i love finishing my work for the day early until i get more in the inbox... anyway, DL songs! ooh *rubs hands together for the beauitful notes and lyrics* im going to go with 'the love i found in you' by jim brickman.

*blinks twice* did i spy two backstreet fans in the crowd?

stuffy, okay, ive got to be honest with you: ive been staring at your avvie for the last ten minutes :lol: . ive concluded that --> thats gotta be the hottest liplock ive seen in a long time.

and Danny as grandpa would be hilarious. telling to all the grandchildren how he and granma met
I love that idea!
^^ yup, nat. oh boy oh boy, grandpa danny and grandma lindsay...and still ever so in love. watching their grandkiddies play. sigh. what a pretty sight. they would feel SO fulfilled. awwwww. :)

do you see danny and lindsay growing old in ny or in montana?
Hey guys! You have all offically gone nuts! :lol: At least you cheered me up! Had three exams today so i'm absolutely knackered. Only got about 8 or 9 to go :( Man, i hate school!

Anywayz, you guys are gonna wear Danny and Lindsay out at this rate! :devil: :lol:

I love the idea of Grandpa Danny and Grandma Lindsay. I think they will probably grow old in Montana, coz it's more peaceful and there's more room for the grandkids to play.

I think the song that best suits DL is either "Why Are We Still Friends" by 98 Degrees because it reminds me of all the bantering they did in seasons 1 & 2 or "Jenny Don't Be Hasty" for obvious reasons!

Anywayz, i gotta go revise, i've got my french and music exams tomorrow... Joy! NOT! Did I mention i hate school! :lol:

L8er dudes and be nice to DL! Don't wear them out too much! :devil: :lol:
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