Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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*tiptoes in* Ooh, Liff sweetie :) *distracts him with a mega big bag of M&M's while Stuffy sneaks in and quickly rescues D/L* gotcha! :lol: *sprays the floor with strawberry syrup so that Liff has a hard time trying to follow us* :lol: :p


they have been showing a carmine one.. and i havent seen it yet! lol
Chell when you do get a change to see it, make sure to tell us if he says anything shippy... :D

Jen I live between the 'grote rivieren' so if the dikes go I will get my feet wet too.... :eek:

A song that represents D/L? At this moment I'd say "Everything" by Michael Bublé...love that song and the lyrics are just perfect for them.... :)

And I like the idea of Danny and Lindsay retiring in Montana...big white ranchlike house with lots of animals and a large garden for their grandchildren to play on...aaaahh....(your getting nauseous yet Lynny? :lol: :p)


*runs out before Liff and grandma Messer come in* :D
dutch_treat said:

Jen I live between the 'grote rivieren' so if the dikes go I will get my feet wet too.... :eek:

Er....well, I think half of Holland will get their feet wet! Time to move somewhere more dry?

Kinda like the idea, BTW, that there are more D/L-shippers in our little 'kikkerlandje'. I was afraid I was the only romantic person here :rolleyes:
^ LOL although the idea of living below sea level :eek: sometimes freaks me out I still love it too much here to move anywhere else, although Italy sometimes is very tempting *sigh* :rolleyes:, but that's what holidays are for :D...*starts thinking of ways to kidnap Danny and Lindsay and take them with me* :p

And I think we're definitely not the only romantic ones, but since CSI: NY imo is the least popular of the 3 CSI shows in Holland :( and I don't think there are a lot of people who ship D/L like we do, let alone know who Messer and Montana are... :rolleyes:
As for a DL song...oy vey. So many to choose from. I agree with you Del and Mo, basically anything Rascal Flatts sings is a DL song. I've never heard that song before *ducks from flying M&Ms* even though I love RF. I will download it tonight

Rascal Flatts... I had never actually heard of him untill i I heard 'life is a highway'!! And if the rest of his songs are like this one then I agree all his song's are DL songs!
dutch love I was at a festival yesterday and saw this sign that said "Dutch Treats" and thought of you! And good job distracting Liff, I got Linds :)

"But now you're looking at me and you're disgusted and I'm definitely waiting for you to smile and change your mind. Then I'll say I'm sorry and wrap my around 'round your body"* I swear that song is going to be the death of me...I can't stop listening to it! I always have this giant grin on my face when that part comes on :p

*blinks twice* did i spy two backstreet fans in the crowd?

*giggles and raises hand* Hey, I still like their music. I've moved on to other bands and singers, but I don't mind coming back to good ole BSB once in a while. Plus, "Helpless When She Smiles" is a DL song :)

stuffy, okay, ive got to be honest with you: ive been staring at your avvie for the last ten minutes . ive concluded that --> thats gotta be the hottest liplock ive seen in a long time.

:lol: Yes...stare at the picture...Liff made it for me. Wasn't that sweet of him? I love it too :D makes me all giddy inside. TEH KISS!!!! And yes, it is the hottest liplock. You know, maybe this moment should go up at an award show in "The Hottest Kiss" category. It would definitely win. Did the MTV Awards have that the other night? I know the Teen Choice Awards has that category. Yes I know it's a long shot...a girl can dream right? hehe :D

The whole DL song thing..."Far Away" by Nickelback, IMO, is definitely up there. It's so full of passion and really fit in when Lindsay was in Montana, cause we all know they missed each other badly (even if TPTB didn't imply that minus Danny's "vision" in SOOH)

I'm sorry that this is a really long post but I'm re-watching the pool scene and I noticed two things:
1) Not to bring this back up again, but I now firmly believe it was Anna in "teh secks" scene. When she puts on her coat and notices the board, it's pretty clear that she's lost a lot of baby weight.
2) I guess when Carmine was writing the note, he made a mistake on the g in the word although, cause there's an eraser mark there.

*Stuffy giggles and runs out with Chell, Nat, Dutch, and Mo whilst Liff wipes gooey sauce and ice cream from his face*

Thus ends this very long post. Oh and Nat, the song is called Jenny Don't Be Hasty by Paolo Nutini :)
"But now you're looking at me and you're disgusted and I'm definitely waiting for you to smile and change your mind. Then I'll say I'm sorry and wrap my around 'round your body"

I think I missed the name of the song can someone who knows the nam please tell me???? I think I need to hear it :)

Can I just that I can't believe that we are on page 7!! ..................Well I can actually :lol:

As for a DL song...oy vey. So many to choose from. I agree with you Del and Mo, basically anything Rascal Flatts sings is a DL song

I know I posted about this earlier but I downloaded a few of his songs and you are so right!!!
I thought of someting ... remember the first episode of season 3? When Flack came back and got phone numbers from girls ... what if the same happen to Danny in season 4? But because of Lindsay he then says something like "i have all the phone numbers i need" and looks at Lindsay with love in his eyes ... Maybe a fic about that, anyone??? :)

"Open and Shut" tonight ... no D/L though ... :(
Hey Guys! *Liff drags himself into the thread*

This is so uncool. I'm being ganged up on by a bunch of chicks with gooey stuff. :( Totally uncool. And you took Linds too! *tear* :(

Ah well, don't think I'll come here anymore. I feel so unloved...and rather insomniatic. Gah, I need sleeeeeeep.

*Liff walks off with all his cake, before turning and flinging it back at everyone, chuckles and runs away*
*Mo meanders into the thread...singing the Mama's and the Papa's..."Monday Monday, can't trust that day, Monday Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way
Oh Monday morning, you gave me no warning of what was to be. Oh Monday Monday, how you could leave and not take me." :rolleyes: *

Hello my D/L buddies...how are y'all this Monday evening? :p I was SO hoping to get my apartment tonight, but I have to wait until tomorrow...bummer! But it's okay cuz our ship rocks and that at least never changes! :D

Stuffy darlin' crowed:
Now we have Mo with us...there is no escape...
Heehee, that's right Stuffy hon...I am SuperWoman, hear me roar! :lol: Seriously though, take away my D/L and I turn into a superhero...or an avenging angel...or something! ;) Either way, I'm a dork...right? :lol:

I agree with you Del and Mo, basically anything Rascal Flatts sings is a DL song.
Of course you agree with us hon...Rascal Flatts is an AWESOME band...they rock! And their love songs are so fabulous! :D They make me happy...there's like 5 of their songs that I want to play at my wedding! :D

Soph dear pointed and laughed:
Hey guys! You have all offically gone nuts!
Yup we have hon...*Mo giggles uproariously!* and isn't it fabulously fun! :lol: Nuts over D/L....nuts over wub...nuts over D/L wub...definitely! :D

Dutch lucky ducky sighed:
although Italy sometimes is very tempting *sigh*
Okay seriously how freakishly jealous of you am I right now! Gah...I think I told you this a long time ago...I'm Dutch (100% :D ) but have only been to the Amsterdam airport...but I would love to visit Holland...and to be able to visit Italy let alone actually contemplate living there...yeah...JEALOUS! :lol:

Stuffy happily agreed:
The whole DL song thing..."Far Away" by Nickelback, IMO, is definitely up there. It's so full of passion
Ohhhh hon, I ADORE that song...I think it is one of the favoritest current songs...I've heard it a million times and yet I still get giddy every time I hear those first few notes! The passion in that song is amazing!

Liff bud pouted:
This is so uncool. I'm being ganged up on by a bunch of chicks with gooey stuff. Totally uncool. And you took Linds too! *tear*
Awwwww poor wittle Liffy-wiffy buddy...you know you like all these girls chasing after you! ;) You know the deal hon, give me Danny back and you get Linds back...that's how it works! :D

Ah well, don't think I'll come here anymore.
*Mo tackles and grabs her Liff bud...* Don't even think about it dude! You ain't goin' no where...well maybe to sleep for a while, cuz you're insomniatic...and so tired...but leaving for good...not a chance!!

Alright...time to go pack some more boxes...oh how fun! :p Lol...okay, be back later! ;)

*Mo grabs some boxes and boarding her bubble, shimmers off!*
dutch_treat said:
^ LOL although the idea of living below sea level :eek: sometimes freaks me out I still love it too much here to move anywhere else, although Italy sometimes is very tempting *sigh* :rolleyes:, but that's what holidays are for :D...*starts thinking of ways to kidnap Danny and Lindsay and take them with me* :p

Now if your going to take Danny and Lindsay you have to let us have them first! :) lol Just kidding!
Lol, forget "just kidding" Vex hon! You're fab, Dutch but the only way you're getting D/L to Italy is if it's for their honeymoon! Otherwise...don't be taking them that far away...that'd be sad! Although Italy is WAY romantic, so maybe it's a good idea...hmmmm! :D

ETA: Okay I have a huge favor to ask of y'all who are Wallpaper geniuses...I want to make a wallpaper for my friend with cool fades and stuff with some pics I'd give you...so I know it's not D/L...but if any of y'all would be awesome enough to help me, PM me and let me know...i would appreciate it FOREVER!!! :lol:
A song that represents D/L? At this moment I'd say "Everything" by Michael Bublé...love that song and the lyrics are just perfect for them....

exactly, the more I listen to it the more I like it and it so reminds me of D/L
Ohhh good one too hon! That was one of my top choices too...in general that's one of my all time fav songs...it's just so sweet and romantic...I likes it alot! Pretty much anything by Rascal Flatts is good in my opinion! I could see them being a band that Linds (as a country girl! ) really likes too!
Awww, Moriel! You LOVE THEM TOO!
*Hugs her shippy buddy and gives everyone chocolate cake*

Where's my Liff! Come and play with us!
*Liff tip-toes into thread and dumps a bucket of maple syrup over Mo, Dutch, Stuffy, Rad, & Angel*

Hello! I'm here Del huni! You don't get smothered with goo since ur uber nice and so I'm gonna give you a hug! *hugs*.

*pokes tongue out at other girls* teeheehee. I'm baaaaack!

*Liff gives Danny back to Mo on a silver platter, a rather...large silver platter* Can I have Linds back now? If Danny's gone run after her *points to Stuffy*

Hehehe, Goodbye my darlings! I have to go to work now :)

*Liff hops on Danny's motorbike and rides off*
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