Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Hey! You guys sure know how to cheer a gal up. It's absolutely chucking it down here, and my satelite dish's playing up coz of it. :mad: At least it's only repeats on tonight anywayz. But coming on here and seeing the food fights and reading all the comments really cheers me up! Love you guys!

Liff, loved the new chapter, and i left you a review! Can't wait for the next chapter!

PSG xxx

Ninja-Mo screams:

That's right, I entirely forgot we had that conversation!It's the Scottish accent he has...*melts!* gets me every time! I'm such a sucker for a guy with an accent...one of the MANY reasons I adore our Mr. Messer!

hehe i agreee with u on the Messer thing.. but no. No gerard Butler for me! lol Its bad enough i get it from my mum day in day out cause she on gb.net lol The only film i am gonna see him in is P.S I love You because i absolutely LOVE the book.. soo sad!! and cute at the same time :D [/Offtopic] :D

Okay seriously do you really have puppies named Mac and Stella? Cuz if you do that's like the cutest thing EVER! I love it! I totally want to get a puppy and name is like Flack or something...that'd be great!

:lol: ok like seriously i have!! They are brother and sister :D i have piccis!! :D
Mac and Stella - this is the first day we got them :D Stella

iknow its like totallyoff topic .. sowwy!!! :D (they are 9 months old, and lurcher cross Border collie) :D


Chelli, I read and reviewed your fic! It's awesome and so sweet!

awww yay!! thank u soo much huni!!! i love reviews! :D yay! :D


Chelle hun! Aww your ficcy was so sweet, I'm 95% sure I left a review, if I didn't, feel free to kick Stuffy for me
See? Now you can too with...*ahem* :devil: You know who!

:lol: thank u so much hun! ya know i dont actually remember if u did... *poke* hehe
yay now I get to go in the shower ;) ok so heres the plan... i open the broom closet door... you take Lindsay out, and take off one way, and ill grab danny and go off into the other, yes?! :lol: Danny is sooo never gonna forget THIS shower!! :devil:


hehe thank u so much hun!! hugz X

OOOOHHHHH CSI:NY is on in an hour on fiveUS, for anyone in the uk?! im still waiting for that lil carmine interview to be shown lol :mad: (its youngblood tonight) :D
^^ Heee! Where are you running off to with my :p *ahem* Lindsay's man... :eek: that shower better be just to clean him up for their next game of pool.... :devil:

people suggested Spam-a-lot as one Danny would like...I've never seen that one, but it sounds like something Danny would get a kick out of!
LoL, that's the Monty Python one right? I haven't seen it either, but I think Danny may really like it...he seems like someone who enjoys their humour... ;)

cause she said she didnt wanna be calling out messer and montana in the street lol how dare she!
Those puppies are adorable and I like their names, but Messer and Montana would've been great too...well you can always get two bunnies ;) and call them M&M...

im still waiting for that lil carmine interview to be shown lol
What Carmine interview?!?! :confused:
^^aww thanks Dutch hun!!! On fiveUS, they like, LOVE CSI/NY/M, and they have done small 5 minute interviews with Gary, carmine, melina, etc, and when they show CSI, just before it is aired they show one of them :D lol they always used to show the gary one, but now they have been showing a carmine one.. and i havent seen it yet! lol

oh, and Danny.... well... *ahem* lets just say... we enjoyed ourselves.. ;) :p oh, but we gotta tell him to keep a beady eye on sneaky Liff[/b[ :lol:
I noticed that too! He's in love! He was probably thinking: "It happened, it finally happened."
squee! yup, vex!! :)

chell, are we eating and throwing bugs now?? :p i read your fic ('the proposal')...tugging at my squee&fluffy heart. sweet, sweet! *hugs my stuffed heart pillow* OHHH! could ya tape/capture those interviews (carmine and anna specifically)?? ahhh!! if you can tell, i love csi:ny media/mags/etc.

Mo(o)! have funnnn, bdays rock! i love 'as long as you're mine' from wicked. sigh and gerard b. *swoons*

*picks up a can of whipped cream* alright, im armed and ready! liff, i think you'll be my first victim. thats right, Cuz. :cool: p.s. i stole the whipped cream from lindsay...shhhh.

seriously, i have watched the SD clips every day since the episode aired: i think i finally saw the shedded clothes next to the pool table. haha.

i wonder what TPTB are brewing up right now in their little meeting rooms with the white boards and red/black/blue dry markers scripting up ideas for our couple. foam coffee cups sprawn out with piles of fan mail in the corner and the water cooler nearly empty. then the bulb lights up in someone's mind...he/she says, 'think this idea will make the danny and lindsay fans wet their pants?'... ;)
ok like seriously i have!! They are brother and sister i have piccis!!
Mac and Stella - this is the first day we got them Stella

iknow its like totallyoff topic .. sowwy!!! (they are 9 months old, and lurcher cross Border collie)

I don't care if it's off topic!!:lol: They are really cute.

I think I read a couple of thankyous up there and I actually realised that this is the only place I talk about CSI and especially D/L because I don't really no anyone who watches it!! :( They just roll thier eyes when I mention the words CSI, DL or squee at that matter!! So i'm saying thankyou to you guys!!

Oh my god what am I doing i've gone more mushy than those peas I through at Mo:)

Chell I really want to see that carmine interview as well!!
Chelle hun! Aww your ficcy was so sweet, I'm 95% sure I left a review, if I didn't, feel free to kick Stuffy for me

*steals Lindsay from under Liff's nose* :p

Ahoy fellow shipmates! Guess what I bought today...a cowboy hat! :) I was not expecting it but I definitely got one. When I put it on I said to my mom "Make tracks cowboy" and she just laughed. Hey, it's a D/L thing :D

Chell I'm here wubs!!!! I was out all day and just got in a while ago. Pstt..I got Lindsay! Now we have both of them. Quick, run for the door whilst Liff is wiping the sauce off his face.
^^:lol: Of course we will hun :) Chelle and I decided to tackle Liff, pour sauce all over him and add a cherry on top, then steal Danny and Linds whilst he was busy. Oh yeah and we locked him in the bathroom so he couldn't get out.

Liff hun you know we wubs ya :) it's great fun. You better watch out cause now you've got three girls (if I'm correct Nat, if not my apologies) attacking you! *rubs hands together gleefully*

Does anyone know what eppy is showing this week in Canada and the States? On the CBS site it says Hung Out To Dry but in the TV guide it says Some Buried Bones.
**Just got back from seeing Pirates.I loved it!!*Stay for the ending credits***

I leave and you guys are throwing food again? It's all good!

Chelliyah, I love your fic!
This is like prime time to move for sexual assault! Man, I'm in serious minority here! Unfairness all around. Aha! But I'll always have one woman up my sleeve who will always be on my side (Cuz you bet your ass it's not you! You've got me covered with whipped cream! Yum...:devil: )

*Liff waits in bathroom patiently whilst it miraculously unlocks, and on the other side stands....Grandma Messer*
Now see? she don't like it when we don't play fair, so let the games begin!

FYI, you can't have gotten far with BOTH of them....you know as well as I do, they cant keep their hands off each other :devil: So how many stops have you made exactly?

*Liff starts shaking cans of soda*

Hmm...? *Liff checks GPS for Linds' phone* AHAH! I sooo found you.

*Liff throws cans at Stuffy, Chell and Nat before it explodes, showering and blinding you all with Soda whilst he runs off with Lindsay and dragging Dragging danny along willingly with the promise of Lindsay, on the back of the pick-up*

:devil: No one steals her ya hear! Mwahahaha - such evilness. Oh btw those soda cans? Yeah, spiked with HAIR DYE turning all your hair bright...PINK!

Hey guys....does D/L have a colour? If not I vote for green...or blue. Those are soo their colour :)

Btw Stuffy, Chell has ulterior motives to running away with Danny - HAH! You have missed so much my dear....*hoses Stuffy down with rootbeer*

*Mo climbs into the thread dodging flying soda cans and flying whipped cream and looks around in supreme satisfaction!* Hello shippy buddies...it looks like you've managed to make a wonderful food covered sticky mess of the thread while I was gone, well done! :lol: Now Liff silly silly silly...*Tsk, tsk!* You know you can't attempt to steal both D/L without me coming after you! Especially when you drag Danny along...and especially after I let you play so nicely with Linds...you CAN'T be stealing my man... :lol: Cuz if you do, I'll be siccing Lynny on you and she whacks...hard! ;) So be a good boy and return my Danny, and I might let you play with Linds a bit longer! :D Lol! :lol:

Chell belle grinned:
The only film i am gonna see him in is P.S I love You because i absolutely LOVE the book.. soo sad!! and cute at the same time
He's gonna be in that? I liked that book and I'd LOVE the movie if he was in it! Awww, yay! Now I want to see it! :D

Angel hon swooned:
Mo(o)! i love 'as long as you're mine' from wicked. sigh and gerard b. *swoons*
Awww I totally agree hon! That song is my favorite from Wicked...totally, talk about passion huh! And yeah Gerard...*swoons along with Angel!* :D Yummy indeed! ;)

Liff yeah actually I think green and blue are D/L's colors...at least they are the first colors I think of when I think of D/L! :D So good call on those! ;)

Fluffy Twin...where is you? :D

Lynny Hi hon! :D

Vex yeah isn't POTC great! I loved it too! And yeah that very end scene, definitely worth staying for! :D
Yes, we are nuts. Or we like nuts...with cookies and ice cream. :D :D :D

Okay, so basically we are talking about Grandma Messer? Gah, I missed that one. I was annoying my boyfriend by making him watch An American in Paris for a while. I left him to finish it. :lol:

"It's very clear
Our love is here to stay
Not for a year
But ever and a day"

So what song best represents D/L?? :)

*Tosses more food around* :devil:
Aud! *Mo giggles and tackles her Fluffy Twin in a big hug!* Hi! :D Lol! :lol: Lol, I love that you made your boy watch a chick flick and then left him to finish it! :lol: Nice hon! :D
So what song best represents D/L??
Ohhhh that is an excellent and very tough question at the same time hon...wow...I'm gonna have to go with my favorite and really the most "D/L" song I know...and that'd be "Beautiful Mess" by Diamond Rio! It just fits them to me, and it always has! :D
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