Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Danny first was like a tough guy.

Danny said he still is damnit! :lol:


I'm supposed to be studying and instead I make new banners. Meh - oh well. Beats reading german!

Yeah and I'm supposed to be writing Catherine a four page essay on why stealing gas is wrong, Oh wait. I bribed Lindsay into doing that. I knew I liked her for a reason!

How come we get virtual whacks whilst you can get real whacks Lynny?

Dearest Modie lives about an hr away from me.


omg i haven't been here in ages. but i finally finished school and graduated so yeah. how is everyone


Mandi! *tackles* We haven't seen you in awhiles, wonder where you been! Welcome back! :D


Ahhh, I'LL GLADLY whack Lynny and she'll probably hit me with Angell or Aiden later. That girl! Still love her though; she's awesome. Lynny: I added interests to my LJ at last! Thanks sweetie

That's right damnit, I'll hit you with Aiden or Angell! .. I love doing that. :D Wow, you finally added interests! and btw, Glad you finally added C/N into that dangit banner of yours!

Oh yeah he can pull nothing by me, I know he's ass! I'm sure he does water too, that coffee would burn his ass, unless he's sure she'll kiss it. Then he might do coffee
:lol: You said it, Liff! I'm supposed to be learning German too, got my exam on Weds, but i can't be arsed so here I am! :lol:

I agree, NY is definitely my fav of the franchise, but it took me a while to get into it as i too thought it was very dark, but now, thanks to DL, i love it!

How long is it now til the finale, Mo? :lol: I so can't wait, and it's not even showing here til July! I so want details! :lol: (mind in the gutter... :devil: look what you guys have done to me! :lol:)

I gotta go, PSG xxx
Great banner Liff! :)

LOL Mer! txs for the shipper rules reminder...we all tend to get a bit chatty now and then :eek:...I promise I'll try :p and behave...

I know where and how I will watch this ep...I have a big corner couch with plenty of fluffy cushions...so I will be savely curled up in the corner under a fleece blanket with a large soda and a bowl (the sound of the bag may distract me :)) filled with M&M's (no kiddin'!)...phones and door bell turned off...curtains closed, lights turned low...Showtime! :D

I think you guys are right, Danny will spill his drink on purpose and I love the idea of him 'accidentally' ;) dropping something on Lindsay too...Off course she knows he did it on purpose, but I don't think she'll complain :devil:...especially not when they're gonna kiss where it may have hurt -love your guttery mind lynny-

Mo your singing-habit is contagious :rolleyes:...I had my musicals folder on random and now I'm humming those imo very sexy lyrics from the Phantom while thinking of D/L making their own 'music' of the night :devil:....

Let your mind start a journey through a strange, new world!
Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before!
Let your soul
Take you where you long to be!
Only then can you belong to me ...

*runs to the 'soundtrack' thread* :)
Hey dutch_treat, seems like you've got the perfect place for watching D/L :)
Anyway, thought I'd have a look around. Just watched a documentation on TV, about mustangs in Montana, and the first things that came to my mind were "D/L" of course and "Save a horse, ride a cowboy" :devil: Dirty mind... *lol*
Today they showed "Fare Game" here, I only watched the end scene, though, but omg I love it so much! The way Danny smiles at her while she's eating that gross stuff, that's so cute!
^Haha, it's the "oh god, she's perfect! I'm falling for her!" smile :D

Have to agree with Kat there Dutch your plans for wed night are makin' me jealous! hahaha, but I'll be loungin next to a fireplace, so that makes up for it! Hopefully! :lol:
Gosh, I'm not a victim anymore, I'm dead on arrival! Hm...I hope that doesn't mean that my ship has gone down as well?

Just a few more days and then we'll know what happens....I hope you all write down the details very very quickly, 'cause I can't see the show in here. And I definitely am waiting for some M&M's, haha!
^I'm sure there will be plenty of details about the finale :D...catey is the first one of us who gets to see it *is very jealous* :p and is kind enough to put all the stuff we like to know in a spoiler box right after she's watched it *hugs catey* :)...And I guess the screencap's will pop up very quickly too... ;)

Actually it's not my plans for wednesday night but for thursday morning :cool:...and I wish I had a fireplace...*pouts* :p Which makes me wonder...do you guys think Danny has a fireplace in his super apartment too? :rolleyes:...If so I know I will never leave the gutter again...and Lindsay will never leave his apartment... :lol:
^I dunno. A small one maybe? Who knows...but Lindsay can take up the job of heatin' up the place all by herself...well, with Danny in the room too tht is. After all, sharin' body heat is the best way to keep warm :devil:

Thursday morning eh? Hmm...have to say lucky you's. I can only watch it on friday morning. I wonder if I can keep myself SF between the actually airing and friday morning. ...i highly doubt it!
dutch_treat said:
^I'm sure there will be plenty of details about the finale :D...catey is the first one of us who gets to see it *is very jealous* :p and is kind enough to put all the stuff we like to know in a spoiler box right after she's watched it *hugs catey* :)...And I guess the screencap's will pop up very quickly too... ;)

also extremely jealous.
also extremely excited for wednesday
Who's up for some M&M's cookies?
I had a hard time to with season 1...guess it was how it seemed so dark and cold...not even Danny rocked my world in season 1..*lol* sure he was cool and all... yes he has changed since then,,he's showing us another side..I think I would get bored seeing just one side of him... all tough guy...I think in the end that would just be to much ,,, show him with several layers...nice, sweet guy, but also has a little rough side to him...that was makes him intresting in my book... the show got different when season 2 started and Lindsay came on changed a lot too... she is such a fresh breath of air for the show... I just adore D/L and can't wait to see what's in store for them in their relationship
I agree NinaM , I like Lindsay. She’s the woman who Danny was waiting for. I liked Aiden too (I cried when she died), but New York needs Lindsay!

I don’t know yet when I’ll be able to watch the finale, but I’m sure that I’ll watch it thousand times. My friends are teasing me ‘cause they want to see the episode too and I’m sure that I’ll have to show it to everyone of them.
But the first time, I’ll be closed in my room with my laptop, for all the evening with a supply of M&Ms, chips and cookies. Of course, I’ll kill anyone disturbs me during the episode :D.
We're definitely gonna be havin' sweet dreams on wed night some of them...more dirty than others I presume...? Right Stuffy? If she was here, she'd nodding along with me

*snort* I wouldn't be talking Liff buddy :p

Argh my head is pounding!! Random splitting headaches are not fun at all. To keep myself occupied today at work, and to pass the time, I thought about my favourite DL scenes *innocent look* No I'm not obsessed ;)
I can not wait untill thursday morning/night because that is when I can watch it. However it all depends if I can be bothered to wake up a couple of hours early but then again is that really such a hard decision to make!!! :)

As much as i'm looking forward to the final, I'm dreading it!!! Think about it no more CSI:NY and new D/L untill fall!!!!
Awww, Dutch, *Hugs* to you too. Don't be too jealous though. You had that wonderful promo and the pics put up long before I knew about it( I wasn't on the computer until 9 o'clock that night) and you were kind enough to point it out and post those wonderful caps. I will return the favor Wednesday night, and hope that you will like my caps. I've only made them once before(for SOOH), and, boy were they taken fast! Pass the bowl of M&M's, here comes Wednesday!
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