Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Mwahahaha the towels are mine!! Just kidding :) I'll share them with my fellow buddies.

Yes Aliff you do have a dirty mind. Quite evident from FB I must say. ;) I still wubs you though.

I start work this week and I'm concerned on how I'm going to be able to check this forum whilst there. Hmm...somehow I have the feeling that on Thursday I'll be checking 20 pages when I get home :lol:
^^ hehe can you believe we are half way through this wonderful thread already?! we are on a roll with 'DA' :lol: i so cant wait until we start thinkin up new thread names for #17 :D
Does this mean I have to share too? Hmph...fine, fine. I'm a nice person. Really! I am :) Stuffy can vouch for me, cant you hun? (Say yes or you find the end of my plastic trident again...the one you broke!)


My mind maybe be dirty hun, but no where NEAR as dirty as yours. ;)

THE COUNTDOWN CONTINUES, we need Mo for the hourly updates!
^^Yes! As long as we all make sure D and L don't get those towels back we'll have some nice videos to watch :devil:....see Liff we're all in the gutter again..."a dirty mind is a joy forever!" ;)

I can't check this board while I'm at work either Stuffy and that means that there's always a lot to catch up with when you get home...but it's fun to read all those posts... :D

Well we already know he's kinda clumsy and tends to spill his drinks :eek:...having Lindsay there must have made him so nervous that he dropped his drink which splashed all over his shirt :lol:...so he had to take that off to put it in the dryer...We already suspected that once Lindsay saw that chest :eek: she wouldn't be able to control herself and it seems we were sooo right... :devil:
..."a dirty mind is a joy forever!"
Well it's no wonder why I'm always so jolly then! Haha, finally I can credit my dirty mind for SOMETHING!

Oh don't worry about Danny & Lindsay getting ANYTHING back, between Stuffy and I, we've cleared everything. We'll me making hampers consisting of their undergarments and sending them off as gifts (dont worry Stuffy you can keep your favourite ones) - so look out for those!

Gosh...im so naughty. Is this even allowed? *woops...

Btw, there's a smutfic on those promo pics :devil: by Peptite It's called "Let The Fun Begin" I believe, cant remember.

I rejoice in my naughtyness! Hahaha!
dutch_treat said:
^^ Well that's funny...over here it "airs" ;) at 5:00am on thursday morning...I'm even considering setting my alarm since I have that day off :cool:...btw Nina according to my calender the 17th of May is a public holiday in Sweden too... :D

Yeah I know it's a public holiday here as well...but sadly I hardly think I have the day off...last I checked I worked as usual...so it will have to wait until I get home and manage to get it in some "other" ways... ugh it's going to be a long day...
Hey Guys? Has there been any news or confirmation of season 4 yet?

There has to be lovely D/L moments comin' up for us hehehe :D
I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited for this weeks episode!! Seriously I am barely able to contain myself, LOL!

think that Danny's clothes just fell off of him. He's so hot, they just melted away from him. Lindsay can't help to look at him, and who wouldn't?
Are we still using spoiler boxes? *shrugs* Oh well, I'm too lazy.

I think...that Lindsay's just extremely skilled in the art of undressing. Haha, clearly Danny's a little more distracted than she is. :devil:

Right...quota on the dirty thoughts. :p
I'm sure Danny missed his mouth and poured it on himself so he can become shirtless :devil:
Just a reminder to all of us (me included), Shipper Central Rules state that your posts must include at least three lines of on topic posting. *looks and feels guilty* It is important to remember with such a big episode coming up. The last thing we want is to force poor Modie to lock our thread because we broke the rules. So if you want to leave a great big squee, YES, do squee, just squee plus three lines of on topic posting to go along with it. (C’mon, with all that is going on in the D/L ship, I'm sure I can find something to say, lol!) Help keep our thread safe by following the guidelines and keep the D/L lovin’ going! Right, Modie? [/speech]

Auda, City of the Dolls was a great ep! I loved how Danny held her hand for a minute past ‘just demonstrating’, almost without noticing because he was lost in the feel of having her hand in his! It seemed to take Linds a moment to realize too, and when she pulled back the tension in air was really sparking!

Chelle! Don’t worry, honey, I bet that this ep with be the quickest uploaded to date, no matter how it ends! I have watched the promo, oh, lets just say a lot *blushes*, and the excitement level throughout it amazing! Oh, and of course, the Danny/Lindsay part is sizzling! <-- Understatement to the extreme! Ooh, and on your fave eps, LOLD was outstanding! Obsessive shipper that I am, I have that entire conversation memorized word for word. I am not an actress by any means (public speaking = :eek:), but I think I could act out that scene on demand. :rolleyes: :lol: Ya know, we should start baking now to have plenty of goodies for the finale. I've got a recipe for Devil's Food Cake Cream Cheese cookies that is delish...

I know what you mean, Stuffy & Dutch, about going to work and coming home to find out all of what has gone on. My work hours vary so I am in and out at odd times. (Boy, have I missed a lot today!) If I am lucky, I can sometimes check from my cell phone, but often takes too long. Poor Mo had to work while we were all in here squeeing over the promo on Thursday!

lynny[/b]]I love your suggestion that Danny poured his drink on himself intentionally! Maybe he spilled it while they were standing close, and explained to Lindsay that he’d have to remove her damp shirt, too? :lol: :devil: Hey, if it were Danny saying it, I’d go along with it!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ANY MAMA'S IN HERE! (To you too, lurkers! Come out and play, we're nice! Heck, Lynny is even nice to newbies. :lol:)
Mer -- She's our rule!reminder speaker, although some ppl don't pay attention. usually me, but I know when to shut my mouth before Modie beats my ass, and let me remind you all, you guys get the virtual whack. I can get a real one if she so chooses. So yall, be nice to save my ass! :lol:

Me nice to the newbies?? When? Can you prove this?? I think when Chell first joined this thread, I tackled her. :lol: I was even mean to Mommy! -- Happy Mothers day btw. *hands you stripping!Danny*

And of course Happy M Day to Modie *kidnaps her kids and turns them into CatNip shippers and gives them back* Love ya Modie! :D

Okay A) He does it to himself, then waits and throws some on here and be all, "oops, did I do that? I didn't mean.. okay yeah I did", or B) He does it to himself {why does that sound so naughty, damnit Flack, get outta my head!} and then.. Oh hell I lost it, I'm back to the beginning of B. lol
Aw, thanks Mercy, I'm a mama of three. :D I've trained them all not to disturb Mama between the hours of 7-8 p.m on Wednesday nights. Except during commercials. :lol: I have to have my D/L fix, and there are no exceptions to this rule. lol. Of course, it kind of spills over past 8, once I come on here to post the details. I'm thinking I might not even make their bedtime this Wednesday night. (Don't worry, I'm not that bad a mom, I'll tear myself away from the computer long enought to get them to bed, then get back here to get you all updated!)
I, for one, will follow the rules, as stated, and post 3 good lines of post. I try, anyway.lol. ;)
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