Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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^Hehehe, that will be ME in 2 weeks! Yay! *jumps around in happiness*

Anyways, it's MONDAY and this is officially the only monday I actually like for 1) I have no papers today, but alot of cramming to do - crud, and 2) we're one day closer to the finale!!! :D

*throws around more colourful and shiny confetti*

Oh...crud. It's monday, have to get back to cramming!! :eek:

How come we get virtual whacks whilst you can get real whacks Lynny?
Ahhh, I'LL GLADLY whack Lynny and she'll probably hit me with Angell or Aiden later. :( That girl! Still love her though; she's awesome. Lynny: I added interests to my LJ at last! :lol: Thanks sweetie.

How we doing today? It's Monday... but hey, nearly 2/3 days until our special eppy! YAY! *Claps and cheers*
I'm with you about Danny "accidentally" spilling the drink on him. I bet he only used juice and not coffee, smart boy. :) Haha, he just WANTS to get naked and used that juice as an excuse! But hey, you saw through him!
oh god I can't wait to see this epi. Unfortunately I've moved recently to Uk so I'm kinda cut off of my sources and have to wait week or two to watch it...

But I really hope it will be a stunning scene between them. I must be. Come on it's Danny... shirtless even... with Lindsay (she'll be shirtless to but I'm a girl so I kinda will look more carefull on Mr. Messer :p) omg... I don't remember when was the last time I've seen such a scene in the shows. Okay I havn't seen all episodes of the three shows but... This ship ruls in the csi world like we can see. I just hope that the end won't be too brutal

GW... huh...??

*Mo slips into the thread, Rod Stewart playing in her head...again! "Have I told you lately that I love you? Have I told you there's no one else above you? You fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness, ease my trouble that's what you do!"* Good morning my dearies!!

Okay first things, first...drumroll please... we have...63 hours left before all SQUEEING breaks loose!! :lol: *Mo starts dancing and jumping up and down, not caring that it's Monday morning!* :D :D :D
Mo, how do you always know my favorite artists!
Lol, cuz we share a brain Fluffy Twin wub! ;) Remember! :lol: They are good huh...and hey naughty song suggestions...bring them on, we're gonna be in the gutter for the whole summer with these two anyway! :devil:

Alright y'all...I actually have to jet off to work...which sucks! :p *Mo huggles all her buddies and then pouts as she has to leave...!*

Yay, yay, yay for Wednesday....can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!!! :lol:
Messers_cupcake said:
oh god I can't wait to see this epi. Unfortunately I've moved recently to Uk so I'm kinda cut off of my sources and have to wait week or two to watch it...

But I really hope it will be a stunning scene between them. I must be. Come on it's Danny... shirtless even... with Lindsay (she'll be shirtless to but I'm a girl so I kinda will look more carefull on Mr. Messer :p) omg... I don't remember when was the last time I've seen such a scene in the shows. Okay I havn't seen all episodes of the three shows but... This ship ruls in the csi world like we can see. I just hope that the end won't be too brutal

GW... huh...??


I have to say I was a litte confused first when I saw my screen name and GW... I was like HUH?? before it clicked with your name and realizing I've remembered seeing Danny on your sigs...fancy meeting you here as well Annie.. *lol*
Hope your move to UK went well...

Trust me girl you will hardly be the only one who might focus just a bit more on Mr.Messer's undressed state .. :D
But from the promo alone I think it will be a great episode all together... and I'm sure those D/L scenes will be played over and over after that ;)
^ :lol: heheheh... yeah that's me ;) *huuugs*
nice to see you here too and I'm fine... in Uk :D

hey, of course I hope that the whole epi will be wonderful but in this particular scene I may need help to concentrate even on such a simple things like breathing :lol:
Messers_cupcake said:
^ :lol: heheheh... yeah that's me ;) *huuugs*
nice to see you here too and I'm fine... in Uk :D

hey, of course I hope that the whole epi will be wonderful but in this particular scene I may need help to concentrate even on such a simple things like breathing :lol:

*lol* ((HUGS)) Annie....
Good to know everything is good in UK....

I think we need to check if we are alive after we see this episode... :lol:
I do wonder though if we will be able to remember to breathe when that scene comes on..
Just make sure you are sitting comfortable or you will risk falling on the floor hurting yourself...
^My advice is that we all make ourselves nice and comfy on the floor where the possibility of painful thudding is reduced to a minimum. LoL.

Plus, big bowls of M&M's and popcorn by your side!!

Now...what else is needed for "THE night"? M&Ms - check, popcorn - check, tv...ooh. This would be the time where you go and steal the remote :p and kick everyone else out of the house! hehehe. CHEcK!
M&Ms and popcorn...oh man then I might be in trouble...trying to lose weight... hrmm think I need change some things..*lol* eat candy while watching the epi and don't another day... or wait a minute... might it not be dangerous in case we see this epi and end up getting some candy stuck in the throat... hrmm risky,,,I think I'll go with ice cream.. it melts atleast :lol:
Haha, good point! But it's winter here right now, so I think I'll lay off the ice cream. Hmm...i have my fireplace...which I can use...:eek: Hot Chocolate and marshmellows! With M&M's on the side! :lol: yup...the plan's set then!

Argh, you must FORGET the losing weight mindsent for that night? Hehehe, besides plenty of time durin' the summer! hahaha. oh wait, maybe that's the time when you wanna stock up on M&M's? ah well... :p
Yeah I think I need to forget about that atleast for that night ;)
Think I will stick to the ice cream though since it's getting warmer here now moving onto summer soon so I don't have to freeze... but fireplace ,,hot chocolate and marshmellows sounds yummy...but nope not for me..really don't wanna burn up *lol* beside don't got a fireplace...

I think we will have some nice dreams after this episode...
Hoping for some really great scenes between them..besides the undress scene :lol:

Kind of funny how NY was my least favorite but is now my favorite... ahh the wonders of D/L ;)
^Ahh, I have to admit, CSI:NY used to be my least favourite too. I used to be an LV fan :) (my lack of enthusiasm for miami is still burnin' strong) :lol:

The wonders of D/L are plenty :D And we all know it ;) We're definitely gonna be havin' sweet dreams on wed night :p some of them...more dirty than others I presume...? Right Stuffy? If she was here, she'd nodding along with me :D
*lol* yeah me too...was a LV fan...I still enjoy it but NY is my favorite now...Miami still haven't been able to warm up to it..guess it's because I'm not as invested in the characters as I am for the NY characters,,especially Danny and Lindsay...

Oh yes some naughty dreams...well for me that will be thursday night *lol* have to see it after some since I'm from Sweden and wont be able to get it before I get home from work... and I can't stay on Wed night and squee with the rest since I have an early morning ...

Well talk to you all later...have to hit the shower and then I see it's time for NY to air here...it's Love run cold tonight ....
Gotta love that green t-shirt on him...
messermonroe said:
^Ahh, I have to admit, CSI:NY used to be my least favourite too. I used to be an LV fan :) (my lack of enthusiasm for miami is still burnin' strong) :lol:

The wonders of D/L are plenty :D And we all know it ;) We're definitely gonna be havin' sweet dreams on wed night :p some of them...more dirty than others I presume...? Right Stuffy? If she was here, she'd nodding along with me :D

I'm still tryin'to like Miami...It's not something I stay home for. But first I had a hard time liking NY. It was 'cold' (maybe it was the hard blue light it was filmed in??). But ever since Lindsay made her appearance...the whole show is booming!

Anyway, I just like it when you see personal things happen, like GSR in Vegas, Natalia/Eric and now Calleigh/Eric in Miami and ofcourse D/L in NY. Danny first was like a tough guy. I didn't think more of him. But since he met Lindsay, you can see that he's sensitive as well, and I like that.

And er....my favorite candies? M&M's ofcourse! ;)
^:lol: Honey if you'd said your favourite candy was something else other than m&m's, someone would have virtually whacked you! hehe.

I've been watching Miami for a while now, but - IMO it doesn't stand up to NY & LV. Oh well. Personally, I don't ship GSR either, hehe. SANDLE is much better.

But I have to agree with you, NY's 1st season was cold, and alot more harsher compared to Miami & LV. Definately the blue light it was filmed in. But its gotten warmer, no. HOT since Lindsay came on board, and now we have our yummy D/L to drool over ;) She gives Danny another side to his character, and whilst some people dont like that, WE DO! and that's what matters. *nods*

Oh looky, :p I'm supposed to be studying and instead I make new banners. Meh - oh well. Beats reading german!
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