Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Lol, no worries Dutch! ;) Really I wouldn't mind if it were for any of the last 4 eps, cuz it still rocks! But it being in the finale pretty much rocks my socks! :lol:

Foliage? *Mo scratches her head...* I think I missed something! :confused:

Okay haven't read "Wuthering Heights" *Mo ducks before things get thrown at her...* but after that quote I may just have to...it's really sad though isn't it? :(

Hmmmm, do you think it's a book Linds would like? I could see her reading something like that and crying, cuddled up to Danny on the couch, feet tucked under his leg, while he reads a magazine or watches football...such a sweet domestic picture! Makes me happy! :D :D

Off to sleep for me...sweet dreams all! :D
Oouga : Welcome, join in the fun! Here are some M&M's and we'll bake you a chocolate, M&M's cake too!! :)
Aliff! You're welcome! It really was great.

I have a fic to post as well... but I'm still fixing it up. It's a very emotional oneshot--but I can't spoil it yet because its so special and precious to me and I'm so scared that someone will steal the idea. (Not you guys, of course--but OTHERS lurking!)
:lol: Maybe, I'm paranoid!
(Not you guys, of course--but OTHERS lurking!)
How the hell did you know I was here?! :lol: :p

Hey everyone! :D I find it hard to come back here every day, knowing that I haven't seent he epi and you all have.....it kinda makes me jealous... :rolleyes: :lol:

Oh, and I know I might be a bit late, but I'm a great fashion designer.... have several designs I'm gonna put together when I get the time :lol: :devil: They're more like marlyn monroe dresses, but still... :p
Can't wait to read your fic Delia! :) Goody - ff.net's fixing itself!

Just watched the last ep! Darn, wish there were more D/L moments in there. At least there was 1, and that's better than nothing right? *Looking on bright side......bright side getting darker* :lol:

ARGH! I wanna see the finale - NOW!! Can't wait for it, and I'm supposed to be studying - grr. There aren't anymore repeats right? So anyone know what's happenin' next week?
How the hell did you know I was here?!
I just did! I'm m-a-g-i-c!
ARGH! I wanna see the finale - NOW!! Can't wait for it, and I'm supposed to be studying - grr. There aren't anymore repeats right? So anyone know what's happenin' next week?
Nope, nothing D/L-wise... Until the finale anyway! :)
Goody - ff.net's fixing itself!
About time and when I'm really done--I'll put it up! :) Thanks! :)
It's Friday, it's Friday, lalalalala! :lol: *Mo dances in happily, probably giddy on caffeine since that's the only thing that'd make sense this early in the morning!* :lol:

How are all of you this fine Friday morning? Fine and dandy I am hoping! ;)

Minion, Hi! Lol, you should delurk more...it's okay if you haven't seen the eppy, you totally should of course ;) but you can still come play with us! :D

Delia can't wait to read your ficcie hon...I likes your stories! ;)

Fluffy Twin...Aud wub...where is you? I misses my fluffy wuffy honey! :D

Okay yay for Friday, I so wish I could stay home and veg today, but alas bills need to be paid which means to work I go... :p silly electric and water bill! :rolleyes: Heehee! :lol:

Later dudes! ;)
dutch! I love that book! :D I had to read both Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre in high school...loved them both. Yes, the quote explains ‘foliage’. Foliage = the leaves of a plant, collectively, or leafage. I heard that Vermont (where newbie oouga is from) has beautiful foliage.

Hmmmm, do you think it's a book Linds would like? I could see her reading something like that and crying, cuddled up to Danny on the couch, feet tucked under his leg, while he reads a magazine or watches football...such a sweet domestic picture! Makes me happy!
… Ah, Mo, the serene image I have in my head of Danny and Lindsay all cozy!!! Sweet love. Happy sigh. Wuthering Heights is angsty and has sad parts, but I definitely recommend it because it’s well-written and a good read.

delia, I’ll be waiting to read it!

Hi Bullet_Girl! :p
Minion, Hi! Lol, you should delurk more...it's okay if you haven't seen the eppy, you totally should of course but you can still come play with us
Mmmmhmm...I hear ya, Mo :D :lol: It's my b-day tomorrow... :lol: and its also Paul Guilfoyles...heh. :p I know its fun to come play with yas, but I only have so much energy.....and besides, I have a Drama, Maths, English and I think ICC Flash assignments to do (Its a computer subject :lol:) Year 11 is gonna be twice as bad.. :eek: esp. when I take up Film and Televison, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and *I think* botany. :rolleyes: I have alot to do :p But I read all the posts in here anyways, so I'll always drop in occasionally and squeal at all the swoon-worthy spoilers :p Just think of me as the D/L Casper ;) (ya know, from the DuCaine thread? :lol:)

Hi Bullet_Girl!
Hey! :D I am so sorry, but I honestly don't remember you.. *is embarrased* :lol:

Also, if ya want to, feel free to make me one of those fic prompt grids...I've been itching to get one of those for me for a long time, because I can't seem to write anything on my own anymore.. :p I'l be sure to use them all on D/L fics (and maybe one or two on M/P) when I get the time :rolleyes: It's all about time...time, time and more time ladies and gentleman.! :p
^^ Hey, sweetie! :) I've really missed you! You're the best. :) *Hugs Bullet Girl and smothers her with kisses!! Great to see you de-lurking, sweets!
Delia can't wait to read your ficcie hon...I likes your stories!
delia, I’ll be waiting to read it!
Thanks, Angel and Mo! I won't dissapoint you guys. It might be quite controversial actually and a little different and I really want to let most people read it--for the sake of reading and not reviews, so I'll put it up when the alerts start working properly.
Yeah, Delia, can't wait to read your fic. I looked you up on FF.net, haha. I've actually read most of your stuff - just didn't know it :p Anyways - love them, you're a great writer!

There seems to be a shortage of fluffy D/L fics on there right now. Hmm....I can fix that! I have a proposal fic and a happy ending angsty fic on the way :D:D

That should satisfy my own D/L needs till the finale :lol:
ARGH! I wanna see the finale - NOW!! Can't wait for it
Me neither. I really, really don't like the fact that there's going to be a 4 months hiatus after the finale :( :mad:, but at this moment I just wished that they'd skip the next two ep's and go straight to the finale :D....But on the other hand...I'd like to know how that Mac/Dobson situation will go and I don't wanna miss any possible D/L scenes... :)

Okay haven't read "Wuthering Heights" *Mo ducks before things get thrown at her...* but after that quote I may just have to...it's really sad though isn't it?
dutch! I love that book! I had to read both Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre in high school...
Hmmmm, do you think it's a book Linds would like? I could see her reading something like that and crying, cuddled up to Danny on the couch, feet tucked under his leg, while he reads a magazine or watches football...such a sweet domestic picture! Makes me happy!
… Ah, Mo, the serene image I have in my head of Danny and Lindsay all cozy!!! Sweet love. Happy sigh. Wuthering Heights is angsty and has sad parts, but I definitely recommend it because it’s well-written and a good read.
Angel I've read Jane Eyre too. I started reading the books of the Brontë sisters and Jane Austen a few years after I left school to practise my english. And Mo it's a very sad and heart breaking story indeed, but, like Angel said so very beautiful written. If you wanna read it I suggest you read it in the autumn or winter...I don't know why, but for some reason the Brontë's books are winter books to me and the Jane Austen books are spring/summer books...it's just the different atmospheres I guess... :rolleyes:

And I think Lindsay really loves all of them...She seems like the person to get totally lost in a book she likes...And the picture you sketch with them together on the couch I can totally visualize...Danny smiling and hugging her when she's softly crying over a sad part of a book... :(

It might be quite controversial actually and a little different
Oooh Delia...now I'm really curious what you came up with... :D
^^Yep, that's me! Here I'm mercy; on ff.net & livejournal I'm mercy4vr.

Hey, y'all, do we have a list of thread names to choose from yet seeing as we are on page 24? I was hoping wednesday's ep would give us something to go off of, but no such luck. I've been trying to brainstorm some ideas, but my creativity seems to be stuck on 'pause'.

The best I could think of was:
Danny/Lindsay #16: The Best is Yet to Come

I meant that innocently *waves at meter*, but given that half this thread resides in Gutterville... :devil:
hehehe. I have the word "da" in my head :p and it's all Danny's fault.

Danny/Lindsay #16: Yippie-Kay-Ye (who knows how you spell tht, cos obviously i dont) *grins*
^ Actually that would make a great, unexpected and probably shortest shipper thread title ever...plus it's an 'official' D/L quote:

Danny/Lindsay #16: DA!
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