:lol: Mer yeah I can't argue with that! I'll be taping the finale regardless...because it is what will be getting me through the looooooong summer months devoid of new D/L....but yes, I plan on taking over the whole apartment in order to watch the finale...AS IT AIRS!!!You need to take control for the finale, though. I know you can't argue with that.
And yeah Catey hon, I love your spoilers...I am trying to decide to if I want to read your spoilers when the finale actually comes or if I really want to attempt to be "free" for at least that evening...hmmmmmmm.....ahhh who am I kidding, I could never resist that much temptation! :lol: :lol:
Ohhh good call Mer...*Mo joins Mer in bribing the PTB to keep all the D/L scenes in the finale!*
ETA: Mer I'm watching the eppy right now...as it airs! Just thought you'd like to know!
ETA again: Okay I just have to say (on commercial break and I can say this cuz since it's airing here on the West Coast, anything I've already seen doesn't need spoiler boxes! :lol: ) But anyway...that D/L scene at the beginning, totally cute!