Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Delia, this must be the best spoiler Ive erver read. I SO hope it will happen that way. or in a very similar way.

as for the Messer/Monroe wedding - that would be one fun affair. I love planing weddings, not much of a organizer though. can I be the wedding planner assistent? pretty please *makes puppy dog eyes*
Haha. Name's Aliff, you can call me Liff
Wow, hey there Aliff! What a sexy name. :) I love it!
If she doesnt....I'll do it anyway
Awww! So will I!
I know Carolina! I'm so excited for it! I really can't wait, because--it's so gonna rock!
Oooh, YES. All the D/L shippers can be in charge of planning the wedding as well as the bridesmaid. But sorry, our favorite supervisor Stella's got the role of Maid of Honor! :lol:
Wow, hey there Aliff! What a sexy name. I love it!

Hahaha, why thank you Delia my dear. ;) Yours is as beautiful as a flower.

I think we should make Flack Danny's best man, he's gonna have some awesome one liners ;) Or he could always continue his convo on Mafia lingo with Hawkes. That makes GREAT entertainment!

Anyways, I need to go get me some film ;) Im putting my name down for the catering! Great food all the way baby! Whtdya guys think? Italian of course, on the beaches of Tuscany!!! Oh yeah, "Love is in the air...."

I just finished another fic - D/L proposal! But I refuse to post it up on ff.net due to their troublesome problems. I think I'll wait till they sort it all out =)
Mo hunny you beat us all to it!! What a great spoiler to wake up to, especially when I have an exam today and tonite is a new eppy!!

I knew we would get a kiss...it was inevitiable. I went downstairs this morning and was telling my mom all about it. "I just found out HUGE news about the finale!!" "You have to focus on your exam" :lol: Ok well maybe that's true but how can I focus knowing this delicious info?!

We already knew this but anyways...WE ARE CANON!!!!!!
Hahaha, why thank you Delia my dear. Yours is as beautiful as a flower.
Awww! You're too sweet :) You're new and I already absolutely ove you, Aliff! *Hugs Stuffy too! I love you, Stuffy!*
especially when I have an exam today and tonite is a new eppy!!
Awww, sweetie! Good luck! :) May D/L keep you wanting to get through the rest of the term and onto the... F-I-N-A-L-E!
Oooh, I've just done all of my exams already! I got the best report in the class! :) *Claps with excitment!* totally off topic, sorry...

But I told my dad too and he's like "Haha, about time!"... He likes D/L too! See, how great D/L is?
Good morning, good morning! :D Happy Hump day...*Mo giggles!* I don't think I'll ever get tired of saying that! :lol: And happy new ep day! Yay! :D

Okay here is official confirmation from tvguide.com of the lovely spoiler I got from my fabulous Fluffy Twin and then read for myself this morning...
Question: "You won't be disappointed"? That's it? That's all you're gonna give us on the CSI: NY season finale (Ask Ausiello 4/11)? Come on, us Danny and Lindsay 'shippers need a little more than that. Please?— Adele Ausiello: (Spoiler alert) There's a kiss — and then some. Happy now? Ummm YEAH!! How could we not be happy, WOHOOO!!! I think the kiss might be at the end too...but with Danny hurt as bad as he is, I don't know about the running and jumping on him, although it'd be cute! ;) Still, we get a kiss, yay!!!!
Lol, Aliff welcome, Delia, Stuffy, Carolina... y'all gotta keep the spoiler stuff in boxes 'member! ;) Lol, I know it's hard and they're annoying but there may still be people who manage to be spoiler free in here (don't ask me how, I know I sure couldn't! :lol: ) but just in case! Spoiler boxes it is, k?!! :D

Now you can continue commencing with the squeeing and jumping! :lol:

And yeah Stuffy we are totally CANON baby...sorry Lynny (wherever you are) but it had to be said...again! :D

Okay off to work soon... :p But new eppy tonight, yay! :D

Later buddies! ;)
^^ Ooh! Thanks for posting that, even though I saw it on TVGuide too, just like you, honey! I'm GRINNING like crazy! I can't stop jumping and smiling and even though today was a big mess--Blame a certain jello dropping on me and my boyfriend laughing his head off :rollsyes: :lol:--I'm HAPPY now!
Thanks, honey. Later! Have fun at work and when you're sad--just think of D/L, baby! :)
Oh yeah, we're so canon!
Whoops, guess I was too excited to use a spoiler box. Thanks Mo, it's all fixed now :) Silly me :lol:

Lynny sorry hun but I had to say it! I still wubs you tho *mwah*

I saw that little blurb over at DLchem.net and I was sooooo hyped!!! I couldn't wait to get over here and Mo was already up to speed :D. Haha take that stupid reporters!! :p
Mo, Mo, Mo, you beat me to the post!

AHHHHHHHHHHH! ;) I think my officemates would freak out if I screamed right now. kiss? kiss? omggg i see sparks already. "...and then some" is letting in lots of smexy ideas float through my brain but it's also letting in boatloads of sweet sweet love. Okay, so my first reaction was *heart skips a beat, blinks to read computer screen*...could this have made my week? and does that mean that SOoH can be topped and bumped down from the gold medal spot for Danny/Lindsay episodes?!?!

all your ideas about the wedd sounds so dreamy! :)
oddly enough, i'm not a huge, huge shoe fanatic, so i'll sit idly by and keep Danny entertained while ya'll take Linds on a shopping spree! this is only after we get permission to take them out of the closet...i would assume?

yay, we have an xy on board! :p

does anyone have a list of all the online published Danny/Lindsay q&a's (spoilers) either from Ausiello or E!? i've only got Ausiello for 4/25/07, 4/11/07; the E! quote from Carmine...

happy hump day shipping, everyone!

*hands stuffy a cafe mocha---i've got this one covered. sits back and relaxes while relishing in the latest news*
Awww! You're too sweet You're new and I already absolutely ove you, Aliff!

Hahaha, I try ;) Besides, you guys are too cool!

But I told my dad too and he's like "Haha, about time!"... He likes D/L too! See, how great D/L is?

I can't believe your dad is a D/L shipper! That is tres cool!

Mo hunny you beat us all to it!! What a great spoiler to wake up to, especially when I have an exam today and tonite is a new eppy!!

Good Luck for ur exams babe ;) I just found out that the finale (16th May right????) will be the day after my German exam :D Talk about wonderful repayment! Oh yeahhh.... I've been grinning my ass off all day, I think my girlfriend thinks I've (finally) officially lost it.

Everybody scream WE'RE CANON BABY!!!!! :D
Thanks gals for wishing me luck on my exam...thankfully it's not the whole term so it shouldn't be too bad. I have one tomorrow *mutters under breath "Fat chance I'll be studying when NY is on*

I just found out that the finale (16th May right????)
Mmhmm :) that's the finale date all right. I have it marked on my calender hehe. I've been grinning like mad too...I think we all have. How can we not? *joins messermonroe in screaming WE'RE CANON BABY!!!!! off rooftop of DL headquarters* :D
heloo! im back, my comp went funny yesterday like really badly! I can totally picture Danny riding a bull! And of course, when he falls off, Lindsey wont be impressed....Welcome to the newbie, we know youll have fun here. hands out fresh baked cookies for everyone, the newbie gets giant one with choc chips
heloo! im back, my comp went funny yesterday like really badly! I can totally picture Danny riding a bull! And of course, when he falls off, Lindsey wont be impressed....Welcome to the newbie, we know youll have fun here. hands out fresh baked cookies for everyone, the newbie gets giant one with choc chips

Helu! By newbie you mean moi right? Oh yeah i am 1 day old! SCORE! Haha. *hands everyone a slice of chocolate cake*

Yes, yes, i bake - it's a hobby and my gf loves it :D ENJOY! Oh and thanks for the cookies! I LURVE chocolate chips ;)

PSSSST! (Can I make the wedding cake??)
Hey guys.

I can't wait for the finale. Do the episodes continue after tonight or will there be repeats again? I am so excited. I am supposed to be on a conference call right now, but I had to comment when I read the latest spoiler.

xxAnGeLheArtZ, I think this will top SOOH. It has been a very long time coming.

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