Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Wow okay, this is a record…third post here in 24 hours…I’m hooked. But it’s been a quiet day.

Danny in his sexy tux (eyebrows raised) and Lindsay in her gorgeous wedding gown (eyes widened)…where’s the photographer?! They would have one awesome wedding.

Sounds like fun, dutch, are you the pres. of the event planning committee?

*manning the observation room has been intense for me and I zoned out on my two pals sitting here with me! Leaves & returns with a cappuccino for myself and stuffy and dutch’s beverages of choice. And some cold water for the smexy hot couple. Oh wait, I might need dinner… ;)*
You guys still in need of a photographer? I'm your guy :cool:! I'll even do it free of charge if I get to keep copies of all the photos! :)

I operate on a "smile and you get free copies" basis ;)
Yo Angel, while you're out can you get me a cafe mocha? :lol: just kidding, I don't mooch off other people :p *hands money to fellow buddy*

Woot looks like we got a photographer for our DL wedding!! You go messermonroe :D

I thought of a name for the new thread. It's kinda original IMO but...um yeah here it is...Danny/Lindsay #16: "We're more than beer and buffalo burgers!" *shrug* Yeah it's bad :eek:
Now that you have the image of Danny riding a bull, now picture him getting off the bull, walking towards you in some leather chaps.
OMG *thud* holy crap that is sooo hot... :devil: it'd be enough to make me melt right on the spot....then hed have to pick me up and...and.... :p you get the point, don't cha? :lol:

Danny/Lindsay #16: "We're more than beer and buffalo burgers!"
That's not bad, I actually really like it :D It reminds me (for some strange reason) of the buffalow wings I had while I was on holiday a couple of weks back. I even told Mo to say goodbye for me on the DuCaine thread so I wouldn't get in trouble for posting a one line message.. :lol:
TheCoroner said:

ya... some @$$less chaps! ;)

You read my mind! Those were the type of chaps I was thinking about. Some brown suade ones and they would look great when he swaggers around. Lindsay must be loving this! :)
he he you know Anna is reading this right now going... "Now THEY get it!!" ;)

I think i'm going to write a D/L fic with the lyrics to
Face Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus... what do y'all think?? :D
**Imagines** Danny in chaps and nothing else. :devil:

I think Linds likes Danny in leather on a bike. That's his style of horse. :lol:

Lol I do get shop for new shoes actually, wanna help me? I need silver pretty shoes, that won't hurt my feet!

Auda to the rescue. No hard ass shoes allowed! Nine West wedding brand, Anne Klein, or Tiffany slides are good. If only I could I fly out to you and bring my great silver mule shoes---they are the best. :)

And while we are there, should we start discussing colors for the D/L wedding? Who's first choice for a maid of honor? :confused:

...wait, do you have a wedding coming up woman??!!

Dear Fluffy Twin, I run away from marriage not towards it. Ever heard the song "Ready to Run"? :lol: But D/L is one wedding I'd run to (in time at least). ;)

Any shippers want to meet us at Saks? Nordstrom's? :D
Good evening my lovely shippy buddies! :D *Mo dances in, happy and high on the shippy news/spoilers her lovely Fluffy Twin, the fabulous Aud just shared with her...* Lol, Aud love can I share those...after an intro like that I kinda have to! :lol:
According to Aud in "Ask Auseillo" report from TVGuide...there will be a D/L kiss and "more" that we get...How freaking cool would that be!!! We're getting a kiss...and Auseillo is pretty good about being right! SO YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

Thanks for all the fabulous welcome backs y'all...you are all just amazing and wonderful! :D :lol:

I saw lots of "Montana" stuff Angel since I was over in Idaho, which of course made me think of D/L so that was fun! :D

Dutch yup I will totally be in charge of my own remote again once they are married...and so you and Mer can stop teasing me about it, ;) that means I can actually watch things as they air! :eek: Shocking huh! :lol:

Yeah Mer strawberry whoppers, they're actually really good! I promise, go try some...you'll like them! ;) Wait now what...You wanna steal the D/L thread opening from me Mer? Whaaaaaat?! Lol, just kidding hon....Totally kidding!! Yeah I think you can totally have the honors, I don't think it's been claimed yet, so go for it! I can't believe we're already almost to another thread...we SO rock! :D Awww, I didn't see you were offering a daisy hon, of course you can open the thread then! :D Daisies are my favorite flower! :D

Stuffy hi hon!! Nah that's a good thread title, I was thinking it should totally be something like that...cuz that line was too classic! Something like...
Danny/Lindsay #16: "More Than Beer and Buffalo Burgers!" or...
D/L #16: "So Much More Than Beer and Buffalo Burgers!" :D

Kate!!! you popped in! Come back...no hiding now, I saw you!! Come back in here chica! :D :D

Danny in chaps and nothing else...WHERE???!! *Mo's head whips around looking for the @$$less-chaps-covered-Danny...swooning at just the thought!* :devil:

Fluffy Twin to the rescue, yay! Yeah, fly out to me with your silver shoes that would be fabulous of you! Do it, do it! :lol: Or at least tell where and what kind to buy...cuz that'd be good too! ;) Heehee!
I love that Dixie Chicks song hon...good one...now why do you run from marriage? Lay on this lovely couch and tell your Fluffy Twin all about it! ;) :lol:

Saks? I'm SO there! :D

Okay my lovelies...it's late and all this jumping and squeeing has made me a very tired girl...so I'm off to sleep! Happy day for us shippers, again! :D

*Mo dances off to sleep...singing..."Love is in the Air!"* :D
Ahhh! Mo! I LOVE YOU FOR YOUR SPOILER! I loved you before... but now I just... I Love you THAT must more, honey! *Grabs Mo and hugs her so tight! Hands her some M&Ms and a bunch of giftboxes*
Lindsay would take Danny to learn how to ride a bull. Can you picture him on a bull?
Why do I have a picture in my head of him riding and 10 seconds later, falling on his butt? :lol: Then I probably see him sighing and sitting down telling Montana that he doesn't want to ride anymore!
^^^That IS a great way to put it; I love the contrast there! Wedding planner, huh? Now that would be one cool job working the Messer/Monroe wedding. Delia the wedding planner extraordinaire
Haha, I can always be a wedding planner and everyone here can be the bridesmaid! Or... do we have any guys here? :confused:
Delia, have I mentioned I like your icon? It makes me smirk.
Awww, thanks Mercy! Why don't you join me at the Sandle thread? :rollseyes: Or the Snickers thread? We have great fun there!
Danny Messer in a tux? Yeah, I think we'll ALL make an exception and be there for that!
I LOVE weddings, but I love them even more when there are hot guys! :)
Any shippers want to meet us at Saks? Nordstrom's?
Aud, baby! I'm with you! I was just at Nordstroms over the weekend. :) I got a nice dress for a date next week... :D I'll go with you again to shop though! :lol: I can imagine Linds loving shopping while Danny doesn't
Haha, I can always be a wedding planner and everyone here can be the bridesmaid! Or... do we have any guys here? :confused:

Hey, I'm a guy :D But I'm already the designated photographer ;) ahh well...
^^ Awesome! Do you have a first name or whatever nickname I can call you by, sweetie? Or... you can be Danny's best man! ;)
Wheee! We've been waiting for a kiss since F-O-R-E-V-E-R. So I'm guessing that it'll be near the end of the episode when Danny is rescued by the team. They usually have a kiss at the end to end things. Movies anyway. :rollseyes: Can't wait! Bring on the D/L love! Why do I see Lindsay running towards him when he sees that he's been rescued and jumping into his arms, nearly wrapping her legs around his as she kisses him senselessly. :D Wow, that sounds... GREAT!
^^ Awesome! Do you have a first name or whatever nickname I can call you by, sweetie? Or... you can be Danny's best man!

Haha. Name's Aliff, you can call me Liff ;)
IF Lindsay does jump into his arms and kisses him senseless, I will sing from the top of my roof. If she doesnt....I'll do it anyway :D

Danny's best man?? I'm honoured :p
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