Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Finally, finally, finally -
I got to see it!

WOW - that was just amazing. Not only did they not cut any scenes out :p, they even added a (almost) kissing scene. A big thank you goes out to John Dove and Zachary Reiter, two Super Men :) who wrote our Super Ep :) *blows hand kisses*

This ep was just amazing. I loved the illusionist case - these kind of illusions always creep me out, but I cannot stop watching at the same time :eek:. And of course Lindsay finally got to tell her story.

And the scenes between Danny and Lindsay were just awesome. I even had to skip back the DVD to make sure they didn't speak to each other at all since I was hearing whole conversations in my head every time their eyes met. :rolleyes:

Welcome all de-lurkers, thanks all of you for posting those beautiful caps, thanks for the spoilers :) (Catey yours was the first I read this morning - loved it!), thanks Lindsay for being back and thank you Danny for 'going with your instincts' :cool: (that would make a great thread title!).

Only one little question: Why did they not put the scene with Stella calling Lindsay and telling Danny about it in last week's ep? I liked it, but I think that would've been better. :D

Great new avvie's and banners y'all! :)

I never said it out loud *clears throat* We're canon!
thanks Lindsay for being back and thank you Danny for 'going with your instincts' (that would make a great thread title!).
I loved that scene almost as much as I love danny! I think it would make a good thread too :D that or "He went to montana for her!" as someone else had already mentioned :)
mercy you were right, i did get filled in!!i can't wait for it to air in the UK. i was jumping up and down just reading it and then i saw the screencaps!!!
CSINYLover said:
What I don't understand is why some people seem to dislike it so strongly. Have you checked out some of the other threads? I meen, jeeesh, lighten up people! Danny can't be tough as nails all the time. I mean really! Anyone who watches the show on a regular basis knows that Danny is a complete softy, especially when it comes to people he cares about.

^^No kidding!! I swear sometimes it's like they're not even watching the same show as the rest of us that 'get' the Danny/Lindsay stuff!! Hey, all I can say is they're canon, baby! About damn time!!

Also, I don't see him jumping on to a plane to Montana as him being a "doormat" which seems to be the common title. I see it as sweet and romantic and proof that he truly cares about Lindsay...and apparantly Lindsay thinks so too!!! ;)
^^^ pssst, MesserGroupie and CSINYLover this is not the place to discuss other posters opinions about D/L.

Goodnite, both thread titles have already been suggested by others. I just think I like the 'instincts' one a little more because it's an actual quote. I was so hoping there would be a great one in this ep for our new thread and there it was :cool: LOL

I rewinded the last scene a trillion times (now I'm scared I'm gonna ruin the film lol) and when he is about to hug her he says "Come here". It's extremely faint but he definitely says it.
So there was a line that was not just a part of my imagination :D *leaves to pop in the disc again* - as if I really need a reason :p.
Thanks for posting the screencaps from last nights episode..loved their scenes together..so sweet!
Looking forward to seeing how this is gonna play out.
Nikki -- your in here too?

If I have to follow the rules so does yall, Post three freaking lines of posting!.. sheesh. If I gotta follow these, so do yall!

And if I hear the word canon one more freaking time, I'm going to scream.

I'm gonna be the only one in here that says, to me it was kinda forced, I've even had several other DLers tell me it was kinda lame on how they setted it up for Danny to go to see her. I just think Danny could've went better or whatever, or been wrote better.

They haven't talked all season and bam they want each other again?.. after she turned HIM down just a few eps back and made the poor boy literally wait on her, and now she's able to kiss him just cause the guy who haunted her dreams or whatever is in jail, that doesn't just go away.

If she's ready now, then great for her, then they need to write it better and she's got some freaking explaining to do.
^I agree that it could have been written better-but what can we do? we wont write the shows. Im just glad that it happened, regardless of some of the cliche-ness. :)It wasnt all that bad, anyhow. It still made me happy and giddy all the same. :D
Last night was definitely a squeee night. :D The D/L scenes were quite cute. And the last scene has got me thinking....

Do you think we get to see an actual kiss on screen? I mean so far , i don't think i've seen one on any CSI. GSR hasn't and Mac/Peyton hasn't right?. Will it just be some flirting and winks and romance off camera? I really hope that's not the case.
Been a while for me too here... nothing like an almost kiss to draw out all the lurkers, eh? ;)

Anyway, to my shame I have to admit, I wasn't even lurking... I was just not around in way too long... I mean I've been D/L-ing on my own during the eps, so I never abandoned the M&Ms completely! :D

Again, anyway... lol... after this awefingsome ep I naturally had to come here, lusting for spoilers for them two during the next eps... so pleeeeeease, somebody gimme all you know! :D
I had to work early so I never got to post last night about the episode.

Last night's episode made my heart melt :)

I was not expecting the "near-kiss" at the end. All I knew that it was supposed to end at the holding hands scene.

Danny worked all those hours so he would not have to go home and think about how much he missed her. You could tell in his body language that he thought about her a lot and that he loved her a lot.
Yay, yay, yay, YAY!! **Mo bounces in insanely happy...STILL!!** We're Canon, we're canon, la la la la la la!!! :lol:

Lol, yeah Mer I am totally happy I took notes hon! How'd you like the book I wrote on the eppy?! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Dutchie?!! WOW Hi hon!! Yay for you popping in here! :lol: Yup we are SOO canon, how friekin' cool is that!! :D And yeah I totally think you'll scream when you see the ep, I did! At midnight I still couldn't keep quiet! ;)

Yeah dlship said this, but I LOVED how there was no talking during that whole last scene...it was all said thru non-verbal body language between Danny and Linds...and it was brilliant! Amazing!
And yeah I loved too how Danny flew out to see her while exhausted and then she was the one to go in for the kiss...they SO love eachother! Yay!

Lol, Niece Rad guess what.... *giggles back* "We're Canon!" :D

Lynny I love ya hon, but if you even attempt to pop my bubble right now I will whack you! Believe me babe, I SO will! It was perfect and you know it! Now just sigh and enjoy the fluff! ;)

Lookie at my purty new banner and avie...I's so proud of them...I've been staring at the pics since I got home...and I rushed right home from work and the first thing I did was put the tape in from last night and watch the end, twice again! :lol:

Sorry Lynny but I gotta say it...WE'RE CANON!!!! :D

**Mo grabs Aud and dances while singing loudly, "All they needed was love...la la la la la...all they needed was love!"** :D
We. Are. Canon.

All day I have been grinning like an idiot and my thoughts all day wandered to DL...That was the best episode in the world.

I love your icon and banner Moriel :).

I have been reading post courtroom DL fics every chance I got today..:D
*turns around and screams* ahhhhhhhhhhhhh damnit, I told yall not to mention that word again.

I don't burst bubbles, because you'll just do that whole blackmail with CatNip thing again. Damnit.

But its my honest opinion. I just don't really get this Lindsay at this moment and if she explains, I'll be nice to her for like a week and half and then I'll call her a bitch again.
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