Lindsay_Montana, your banner is absolutely stunning. Captures the moment beautifully. It says it all...they are finally together where they belong: in each other's arms.
I'm re-watching the eppy and keep rewinding the last scene :lol: A *HUGE* thanks to all who already have the caps, they are love! I'm sad that we have to wait until April, but this will keep me busy until then. I agree that Anna did a wonderful job on the stand. I like how she teared up but kept going, especially when Danny arrived.
The last scene was priceless, no words can describe it. Speaking of which, I love how nothing was said between them. Their eyes, smiles and body language did all the talking. I hope she sees how much Danny loves her. The man was exhausted and he still flew out to see his Montana. I also love how SHE intiated the hand-holding and near kiss. That proves she loves him.
Now that the trial is over and the guy was found guilty, she can move on with her life. I hope the writers realize this and make it happen. Lots of love to them for keeping this scene, if they had taken it out I don't know what I would have done. Probably scream into my pillows.
I apologize for the long post but there's just so much I want to say. We've waiting so long for this and now it's here. Our Danny and Lindsay...finally together.
P.S. Loved the scene between Flack and Hawkes :lol: