Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Okay people I have not even seen the episode and I am SO freakishly excited I can guarentee I will not be sleeping tonight due to D/L high! I like how we have the mix of spoiler boxes and squee's not in spoiler boxes...basically if you enter this thread you KNOW this eppy ROCKED for D/L! :lol: :lol: :lol: Seriously I am sitting here FREAKING OUT in such a good way about this eppy y'all!

*Mo grabs Aud and starts doing a giddy D/L dance, and then hugs her and then Rad and then tackles everyone in the vacinity in a massive ecstatic group hug!!!*

Mer hon no worries, if I didn't see the eppy tonight I would die! :lol: I will watch it tonight and do my best to post a nice long narration/reaction/freak-out about it afterwards! :D :D :D (Somehow I don't see it being too much of a problem! ;) :lol: )
*Oh what a beautiful morning*

Good morning! Good morning! :lol:

I've been reading both this thread (of course!) and the 'grade' thread and I cannot sit still anymore.
really going to be the best ep ever. It sounds just MAGICAL :D LOL. Danny has visions of Lindsay, :lol: he goes to Montana and they almost kiss :cool: WOW that was even better than I already anticipated. I'm so watching this tonight.
I put it in a spoilerbox because I believe the West Coast is still watching it.

Thanks for all the spoilers everyone...Can't wait for #19 now! :D

OK off to work *HUGS* Love you guys! :lol:
Lol, wow Dutch you're already starting your day and I haven't even finished mine yet, that's so funny! And yeah the eppy is still airing here! :D And I get to watch it in 14 minutes....I am so excited y'all! I mean I thought I was excited to see our HUG...but this, this excited makes that excited look like an "aw shucks whatever"...lol, seriously, it's almost bordering on scary! :lol: (Not that any of you are suprised, we all are a bit obsessed with D/L which is nice for me to know! :D )

ETA: 4 minutes!!! I'm getting all ready to watch it...YAY!! If I don't post my reaction right away tonight (I'm guessing I'll be at a loss for words :D :D I promise to post it in the morning! ;) ) Off I go! YAY!!! :lol:

ETA again: And here it is...per Mer's request...
Okay here we go Super Ep is FINALLY here and I am so insanely excited to watch it all I can do right now is giggle! This, as usual, is my running commentary as I go along! :D

Okay the dude sawing himself in half....creepy...actually sawing the girl in half, really really creepy! Ewww!

Side note, they need to update the credits...newer pics would be great! :D

Hello HOT DANNY! Heehee, gah that boy is fine! baby blue and hot jacket...yummy baby!

Okay total geek comment, but that footprint making machine was totally cool! I so need to be a CSI! All the fun toys to play with!

Heehee, I like that Stel knows Sid had something up his sleeve, that was great!

I love these whole team on one case eps, they make me smile! I like it best when they all work together like this...they make such an awesome team, now we just need Linds back and it will be complete!

Mac is freaking brilliant! Loved him proving the magic guy a fake with the fly and the sodium chloride...that rocked!!

Wheatfields!!!! Lindsay!! Awwww HI HONEY!!! Heehee...gah I missed you! I'm a SUCH a dork, I swear I almost cried when I saw her...wow, I AM a dork! yay!!!
She looks SOOO good, aww yay! And wow her face as they brought the suspect up...wow, talk about emotions! I gotta say I love that she called Stella that was cute, I love them being friends! And Linds' "Say Hi to everyone for me" you KNOW she wanted to say "Tell Danny I love him for me!" Heehee!!

yay Linds is back, yay, yay, yay!!

Lol, I love Danny's face as Stel tells him she was talking to Linds...it's a mixture between, him trying to not look as totally interested as he is in hearing anything about Linds and wanting to run right then and go talk to her himself...he's SOOO cute!! Him in baby blue...again, wowza!

Go Danny with recognizing that footprint...dude you rock!

The lighting himself on fire thing...not so impressive really...there's an easy way to do that without it being dangerous...him doing for 4 hours though...hmmm.

Danny tired...cracking bad jokes is totally cute!! have I mentioned that I LOVE him!

Awwww 14 year olds Linds is SOOO cute!! She is SO amazing on that stand...she had me crying...wow...Anna did that scene briliiantly...OMG, she was perfect, she had me in tears...literally, I wanted to hug her and then kill the stupid perp who was 'laughing' at her!

Awwww mac giving Stel the rose was So cute! Red Rose, LOVE yay! Heehee!

OMG burned dude...wow that's ugly! Yikes...

Hawkes and Stell figuring out the switch now that was good!

OMG! That was SOOOO insanely cute! Danny is SO in love with Linds...I knew the "I'm losing my mind" line was in the script, but him "seeing" Linds walking toward him with that adorable flirty smile on her face and then him with that totally sappy "I love you" look on his face, that was perfect! He is SO in love! YAY!!!

Flack and Hawkes...okay how HOT were they arguing...lol, they totally crack me up!!

"What other job allows you to set your boss on fire?" that's awesome! Lol, mac freaking rocks...he set himself on fire for crying out loud!

Danny's apartment...yeah baby! "Go wit' yer insticts" I think that might be my new favorite Danny phrase! That's right baby, you go get your girl!!!!

Okay so far this eppy is rocking and I'm not to the end yet...but the case is awesome and again, I LOVE them all working as one team! The rock at it!

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He just walked in...I freaking knew it was coming and still, OMG...they stared at eachother forever and then the look on Linds' face "He really does love me!" with her little smile...YAY!!! You could tell he gave her the strength to finish just by being there!!! And now he knows...wow she does so well with tears...some actresses cry and you want to be like "seriously? I so don't feel for you right now" but there are a few, Anna definitely being one who make me cry with them! Talk about an amazing emotional powerful scene...wow!

Wow...okay LUke is a little scary...uh wow. What's worse though...is creepy as he is, he is really hot...creepy as heck, but HOT! But insane...uh wow.

Wha....wha....STUPID REPORTERS!!!! Oh...My...wha...y'all I have no words...first they stare at eachother so close....then she grabs his hand...cute...then she leans her head on his shoulder...adorable...then he hugs her...sweet...then she doesn't let him go...nice...and then she almost kisses him!!! And seriously I swear she touched her lips to his before the stupid flipping reporters started...OMG!! That was THE BEST ENDING EVER!!! YAY...and then their smiles as the ran out, STILL HOLDING HANDS!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am SO not sleeping tonight...way too on a D/L high...I'll analyze this more tomorrow...but for now I need to sleep (yeah right! ;) but once more for good measure....
Good "morning" not really morning we have 1:14 pm lol^^
@Mo: OMG OMG thx for the "text" :D very funny ^^

I couldn´t see this epi *cry*
Who do I live in Germany ?????
Thx @ all for the "spoilers" *hug*
I hope I can see this epi on YouTube...... *hoping*
Or at least the screencaps...hmmm....
Oh were sooooo CANON yay yay yay
I like checking out what you guys have to say. I like D/L...a lot (hehe) and it's nice to get input from other people who like them too. Happy Thursday everyone!!!
Welcome, CSINYLOVER... we're usually much calmer than this... but under the circumstances, we're not really.
Totally, mercy... when he said "Go with your instincts"... I was thinking, "Man! That'd be a great thread title!"
The scene of her being Danny's daydream made my jaw drop and laugh.
Same! That was so cute! (But I think that they filmed that scene when Anna was still pregnant, since in the courtroom etc., she was WAY skinnier than in Danny's cute little daydream). I was squeeing and clapping my hands.
She is SO amazing on that stand...she had me crying...wow...Anna did that scene briliiantly...OMG, she was perfect, she had me in tears...literally, I wanted to hug her and then kill the stupid perp who was 'laughing' at her!
Same! I was crying too... then I stopped when they the scene changed back to New York, then Danny was like "Go with your instincts"--then I started to cry a little again and I cried even more when he arrived at the trial and they had this really adorable staring thing going on. I was clapping when he came into the courtroom and jumping on the sofa. My housekeeper was like "Huh?". :lol: D/L really deserved me clapping!
When she held his hand, I felt so warm! It was just so sweet and when she put her hand on his shoulder--it was almost the most natural thing in the world! (It probably IS, for them anyway)... and they really are a perfect fit. And the way he looked at her as if she was the most beautiful person in the world just before the judge made the decision... and the way she held his hand was just so beautiful. When they got out of their seats, he was surprised that she was holding onto his hand, almost vulnerably. He was so protective of her when he pulled her out of the courtroom! He really does love her, doesn't he?
Well, this time 'round--she's ready to love him too! :) (and hint, hint... we desperately need screencaps!
EDIT: FOUND PICTURES!!! Beautiful Rutta updated overnight. Rutta is great since she puts ALOAD of pictures on one page, instead of going through 50+ pages to find the pictures you want!! And here we go!
Montana at the trial
Ashley Rikards as Lindsay
Lindsay breaks down...
Poor Linds...
Younger Lindsay in the bathroom
Danny daydreaming...
Danny's daydream to which he says "I think I'm losing my mind." (To himself, mind you. :lol:)
Danny burns Mac. (Sorry, couldn't resist!!)
Mac is burning... haha.
Go with your instincts.
Danny grabs his keys.
Danny's arrival at the court.
Lindsay stares.
Danny sits down.
The look.
Holding hands. :)
Comfort at last.
Baby, I'm yours.
Don't let go.
She's still holding on.

Beautiful smile.

(Oh and I found the whole grassfields-camera thing to show that Linds is in Montana really cute!)
- The hug at the end was almost dejavu for me, reminding me of the grenade going off in Not What It Looks Like
---and I have to go to school. Bye bye, guys! Happy shipping!
This ep was the best ever! And finally they are back together again, FINALLY! I was almost crying myself when Lindsay was at the stand, telling her story, how everything happend... Anna did an awesome job! I'm sooo glad she is back! But I want to slap this killer-guy right in his face when he laught/smiled at her, screw you! Argh, now we have to wait till April... I soooo curious how it will go on...

Some caps:


Argh, seeing those caps... I need to watch the ep again :D
*Mo bounces in entirely uncaring that she couldn't sleep last night...who needs sleep when there is such lovely D/L to be had!*
Good morning lovelies!! Rise and shine, our ship is sailing! WE ARE CANON!! I know we know this now...but seriously...I'm still freaking out here! This was a fabulous eppy, so so very fabulous...I am SO glad I stayed up and watched it! It is by far my favorite D/L ep now! There were SOOO many excellent parts...gah I hate that I have to go to work right now! All I want to do is sit at home and watch the eppy over and over and make banners and icons from all the lovely caps! (Speaking of LM I LOVE your banner that is gorgeous! :D )
So since I can't stay here all day... *Pouts!* here are a couple caps for y'all to enjoy while I'm gone...I just picked two that I liked (I would have posted all of them but I think I would have gotten in trouble! :lol: ) These two I like cuz they scream to me that they love eachother...
Danny holding Linds' hand to his heart while they both close their eyes in relief that they can finally move on with their lives and eachother now:

And then this one aside from the obvious they're gonna kiss...YAY!!! Look at their faces as they look at eachother, that's LOVE people! :D

Alright I gotta go to work Sigh! but when I return I promise much more squeeing, more caps and hopefully a couple gorgeous banners/icons too!

YAY we're CANON!!! "Oh Happy Day! Oh Happy Day! Oh Happy Day!" :D :D

ETA real quick: Delia rock on with all the cap links by the way...that's awesome! Thanks hon! Yeah Rutta is where I got my caps too...she freakin' rocks!! :D :D Okay gotta go! :(

ETA again: Before I go...I totally vote for this:
Danny/Linds #15: "Go With Your Instincts!" :D :D Yay LOVE!!! :lol:
Mo, aren't you glad you were taking notes? The ending just totally blows everything out of the water (in a really good way). (How many times did y'all rewatch it?) I seriously think the "Go with your instincts" would be a great thread title, because his instincts were dead on accurate!

Delia, thanks for the caps! Rutta rules!

I am soo glad we have our Linds back. Did y'all notice how before the verdict was read Lindsay had a 'season three expression' on her face, but after she had a 'season two expression'? And I gotta say, Anna looks damn good for only having had a baby three weeks before filming began!

An outstanding D/L ep, great moments, great caps, great memories!
OMG!!!!! Thank you for those great caps...

The whole day I was so nervous to see if HE went to Montana or not, cause same here... I live in Germany and we have re-runs of S2!

And now I still can't believe it. He did it! YAY, baby!!!! :D :D :D

well i've found a reason to delurk.

Good Morning Everyone! 1. CaNoN BaBy! 2. school was canceled ((but thats not important :p))

i had a WONDERFUL dream last night about D/L...oh wait! it wasn't a dream...((cheesy, i know, but bear with me :p))

i was soooo excited about seeing the ep, i COMPLETLY forgot to record the dumb thing! *sigh* anyone wanna loan me their copy? :p jkjk

i just can't get over how happy i am! i barley slept last night! i still would have kissed him, reporters or no reporters lol. and notice how they BARELY spoke, it was all wonderful wonderful actions. speaking of which, THANK YOU for those BEAUTIFUL screencaps! if my morning wasn't already made, those would make it :p

i love the new thread titles, Danny/Lindsey #15 "why reporters, why?" lol its not very good, but well, its what my mind has been on lately :p
kissmesweet, you are awesome!!!! beautiful caps :D I'm actually just about to go and re-watch the eppy...I tried last night after it was finished and of course I couldn't because the VCR in our basement is broken and we got a new box for the upstairs and I don't know how to work the VCR with it. So I'm about to run off and squee like mad. My mom and I always watch NY but she didn't know about Danny going so when he did she was like "awwwwww" :mad: those reporters ruining our D/L moment. I got so mad when that happened, I wanted to scream at the tv. Ah well, more to look forward to in April!! Sit back, relax, and watch the ship sail off into the glorious sunset. WE'RE CANON BABY
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