Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Oh my FRIGGIN GOD! I don't know if any of you remember me, but I was posting here a long long time again. But now of course I have to pop in to say: AAAHH *goes mad* They FRIGGIN nearly kissed! HOW can they not kiss? OMG we're so on! I swear to you we're sooo CANON. *hugs everyone* WOOT *dances*

I can't wait till I get to see this episode, I bet I'm gonna scream :p
well i've decided to delurk and make a lil comment lol, and WOW i do be loving this episode!!! even if i have only seen the clips i've been able to download (Danny arriving, Lindsay on the stand, his day dream and the last scene)

swear as soon as i woke up this morning before i was even sure if he went to montana i had " we are sailing " in my head...and since i didn't have college today i made sure i came straight on and had a little peek and sure enought i was DELIGHTED!!! wooooooo so happy right now!!!!

damn hiatus now i have to wait, for spoliers and clips too!!! Bring on the Dantana ASAP!!! :)
Lindsay_Montana, your banner is absolutely stunning. Captures the moment beautifully. It says it all...they are finally together where they belong: in each other's arms.

I'm re-watching the eppy and keep rewinding the last scene :lol: A *HUGE* thanks to all who already have the caps, they are love! I'm sad that we have to wait until April, but this will keep me busy until then. I agree that Anna did a wonderful job on the stand. I like how she teared up but kept going, especially when Danny arrived.

The last scene was priceless, no words can describe it. Speaking of which, I love how nothing was said between them. Their eyes, smiles and body language did all the talking. I hope she sees how much Danny loves her. The man was exhausted and he still flew out to see his Montana. I also love how SHE intiated the hand-holding and near kiss. That proves she loves him.

Now that the trial is over and the guy was found guilty, she can move on with her life. I hope the writers realize this and make it happen. Lots of love to them for keeping this scene, if they had taken it out I don't know what I would have done. Probably scream into my pillows.

I apologize for the long post but there's just so much I want to say. We've waiting so long for this and now it's here. Our Danny and Lindsay...finally together.

P.S. Loved the scene between Flack and Hawkes :lol:
Oh I understand not being calm! I love the D/L pairing! What I don't understand is why some people seem to dislike it so strongly. Have you checked out some of the other threads? I meen, jeeesh, lighten up people! Danny can't be tough as nails all the time. I mean really! Anyone who watches the show on a regular basis knows that Danny is a complete softy, especially when it comes to people he cares about. Now, I will be the first to admit that I was a little irritated at Lindsay sometimes during the beginning of the season. How could any woman in her right mind turn down Danny Messer!? But that makes last night's episode just THAT MUCH BETTER.

And....as just a little end note. It's about time someone on this show got a little action! Who better than Danny right? :p
Oh my God! I can't believe they almost kiss...As I can't believe they didn't :rolleyes: I have just discovered this, and I am so happy!! Even though I have not seen the episode...I'm so happy to know it! I don't even know what to say...I guess I am as excited as if they had really kissed. Or not...maybe i just don't have any idea how excited i would be if that had happened! I don't know what to say to finish this...maybe :D is the better way to do it
At the part where they were about to kiss each other, I was like "Mom, they're gonna kiss! Look! Look!" And then they didn't, but that was okay because they did afterwards... duh... :lol:

This eppy was amazing, and I'm glad I have a bunch of other crazy shippers to share this exciting moment with. Those pics are love btw Auntie mo...


That just doesn't get old.

Danny/Linds #15: "Go With Your Instincts!"

^^My heart literally stopped, even though I knew they actually weren't going to kiss. Last night I was counting down the hours until it came on...obsessed? I think so!! I've pretty much spend the entire morning re-watching that scene, rewinding a million times to see their reactions and hand-holding. *sighs* Ahhh, at last they are canon! I love how he led her out, true gentleman style! I must say, he looked rather fine in that coat, and she was beautiful. I love her curly hair. I dearly wish they had completed the kiss, but who am I to complain? They're together, and that's all that matters. To all my lovely fellow shippers...

I'm new to the CSI world and am loving the original show and the spin offs.

Danny and Lindsay sparked my interest the moment I saw them and I loved the last episode. So sweet! I love the sweetness between the two and the tenderness. When they held hands my heart just melted. They really are a perfect pair!
that was THE BEST EP EVER!!! am I right?!?! im still jumping and shaking and squeeing! *SQUEEE!!!* :lol: The daydream, the "follow your instincts" , the look, the holding hands, the ALMOST kiss-can it get any better?!?!

I LOVE the caps!!! My heart flutters every time I see them about to kiss-damn those reporters!! :mad:

some people might not like the D/L ship..but they cant deny it now..WE ARE SO CANON BABY!!!!! :D :D :D
Ahoy there threnody! Welcome to our lovely thread shipmate. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

goodnite_tonite your icon is love!!! As for the best ep ever...you're spot on. Everything about it was amazing, especially all the D/L stuff. Curse the reporters for ruining our D/L moment. I actually have that on my MSN with an angry face :lol: My DP is them holding hands. Wow I can't believe it actually happened...they're together at last.
just wanna say in this thread...

I LOVE the fact that at least one of my shippies is canon. :D

Go D/L. Go M&Ms.:lol:

now... *returns to hang out foldie and write some fics*
Well, I'm proud of you, Mercy, for having resisted my spoiler. I considered not posting, but I couldn't help myself. A moment like what was on last night, I couldn't keep to myself. I'm back in my fluffy bubble, and I think I'm here to stay. I'm not saying it will be smooth sailing from now on, but I just want to sit back and enjoy this moment that I wasn't sure would ever come. I'm so happy, and I hope that the promise of last night is followed through on. I'm enjoying the D/L love, and am so relieved that Danny did follow her to Montana.
Catey, your spoiler was soo hard to resist! You post such good info, the temptation to highlight the box was overwhelming! I couldn't browse this site, I couldn't open my email (i get alerts from this thread there), just torture! If I had to go any longer than the few hours I did, I would have caved. I was really close to caving anyhow! But you can be certain as soon as I saw the ep (well as soon as I started breathing again) I scrolled back and read your spoiler!

I also was so relieved Danny followed her to Montana. That was so meaningful. Can you imagine the tension they would still have if he hadn't gone? Her return would have just been so akward!

I am wondering how it will progress from here.
I know that in ep 19 they are supposed to be back to bantering, which I am looking forward to. But what about the rest? Will they just work a case flirting, and this time when he asks if she wants to get some lunch she'll say yes rather than "I should get back to the lab" or "Food! That's the answer! (as she is hit with an epiphany about the case)" Or will it be non-verbal, like this ep? Standing too close, brushing past each other in the lab, longing looks, etc. All I can say is bring on the bejewelled bugs!!

I am sad there is another month break, but what an ep to get to rewatch over and over again until ep 19 airs! (hey, does anyone know the name of ep 19?) Sleight Out of Hand was 'Super Ep' indeed!
^^ ep 19 is " A Daze of Wine and Roaches" I think.

Catey- it was super hard to restist your spoiler- I highlighted the first two words only- 'he goes!' that was all i needed, and didnt look any farther. :) Well, I guess I half was un-spoiled!
^^love your icon mercy. That look is priceless.

I'm glad we got to see Danny's apartment, even if it was a little bit :) I rewinded the last scene a trillion times (now I'm scared I'm gonna ruin the film lol) and when he is about to hug her he says "Come here". It's extremely faint but he definitely says it. Breathtaking scene, absolutely amazing. How many times have I said that? :lol: My heart is still fluttering from last night. It's inspired me to write a little fic based on these events ;) which I'll put up once it's actually written :p

"To let true love remain unspoken is the quickest route to a heavy heart"

This, my fellow shippers, is true love!! D/L forever
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