Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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They ALMOST kiss?? Why can't they just do it?? Curse the reporters for being there :mad:

30 more minutes!!!!! I am soooooo taping this one. It's a keeper. I'll re-watch it tomorrow so my little D/L heart can be happy...although it already is :D Lots of love to all my fellow shippers for these wondrous spoilers, I can hardly contain myself. I knew he was coming, I heard a radio ad for Montana's today. That perked me right up :lol: ALL ABOARD THE DANTANA!!!!!
Its called Angst. Its what happens when Mo gets her fluffy time.


All Aboard the Dantana?.. I still get driven nuts by all of this.


Just admit it. You agree, you want season 2 Linds back cause she's more fun..and not annoying, even you gotta agree, Leaving Danny like that was shitty.


Yeah, so I'm being mean to Linds lately, but .. I'm sure you don't want me to explain why.. Ask Mo if you wanna know. :D


I love CatNip and Thumpy G. I can see Flackie totally blackmailing him.
Lynny my love, yup I'll explain what's up for you! ;)

Yeah I know I get fluff then you get angst...but I'm thinking I'm gonna be getting my fluff for a while here...angst might come, but not for awhile I'm thinking! ;) And yeah I wasn't happy with Linds for standing him up, that was not so nice of her, I'll give ya that! But she'll make up for it! No worries! Heehee!

Okay I really have to go now...time to get ready for my meeting! I'll be back later though, no worries! :lol:
Hugs you all! :)

Lindsay turning Danny down during episode three? That is called angst. ;)

I predict good times and fluff for our ship. After all, it is a fluffy ship. Danny and Linds will return to their normal fluffy bantering of season two. It can't be all moonlight and roses all the time, but I predict lots of fun and good times. If not, I say we lock them in the broom closet again. Happy Shipping! I've got champagne and strawberries! ;)
In the almost kiss scene, they are holding hands and Lindsey pulls Danny to kiss her...stupid reporters! that was close...
I think my heart just stopped...what a powerful scene. Grrr those reporters...she was so close to kissing him!! How adorable was it when she grabbed his hand. *sighs* Anna was amazing on the stand. I liked Mac's little trick, it was cute. All in all a great ep. and last scene :D
Okay, not maing this into a chatroom.. stay on topic, stay on topic... This episode is fantastic. I'm a squeeing maniac right now. I CAN NOT wait till tomorrow whe everyone has seen it, and we can talk about it for days and days. I can not say it enough how good this eppy is all around. Man, I can't wait for screencaps!

Hugs to Mo, and everyone else!
OMG! This ep was wonderful. All the DL scenes were wonderful. :D Love the look on Lindsay's face when Danny walked in was to die for! Still mad that they didn't kiss. But there's next ep. *Bounces away to celebrate*
First off, I deserve lots of treats, I made it without reading spoilers!!!

I had so many good thoughts and poignant statements to make about the eppy, but the end just blew them all out of my mind! I will post a more coherent detailed post later. My hands are shaking from excitement. Well excitement and caffeine. Great D/L shots! Poor Danny was so tired before the D/L segments, I just wanted to cuddle him... okay well maybe not just cuddle heim *ahem* anyhoo... there are a lot of extremely visual D/L moments in this ep. His face when he thought he saw her in the lab, his face when he makes the decision to go, her face when she sees him in the courtroom... how she pulls him back when he made to leave the courtroom so she could try to kiss him... damn reporters!! :mad: :lol:
That or thread name could be a line Danny says in his apartment before he grabs his keys and leaves for Montana "Go with your instincts"
rad, I'm with you on the screencaps thing. Anyone out there who has capping capability, get crackin'!

MORIEL - Watch the eppy tonight!! You must. I want to see one of your long posts of times past like when we had D/L before! Consider it an assignment!

**rewinding VHS tape to watch again**
eppy 3.18!

oh my effin-goodness! THANK YOU, TPTB...you made this a hump day to flip for! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Loved all the D/L scenes...increasing as the night went on.

hi shippers! oh how i love thee, D/L. mMmmhmm. think this episode will def set off tons of thread names? fanfics? videos? *giggles* can't wait to read all your posts and read all your thoughts about this one.

Great end to the Feb sweeps. =)

I kind of am a lurker when it comes to most ships but I really like the D/L ship.

The scene of her being Danny's daydream made my jaw drop and laugh.

The courtroom scene at the end was like, Oh here comes the soap. Hey, a little soap doesn't hurt, now does it?
Hey all! I'm a relatively new D/L shipper, but i LOVE them together and tonights eppy made my year!!!! :D :D I couldnt stop squeeing!!! :D AWESOMEest eppy ive ever seen.
If I could have I would have been jumping up and down with happiness. But I was totally, totally thrilled with D/L!!

*takes a few deep breathes to calm down* :)
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Is all i can say.:)
When the reporters came in (and ruined the moment) Danny grabbed Lindsay's hand and they ran out of the courtroom. Now ponder this- where did they go? *think think think* (evil grin)
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