Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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hehe....bye Mo! :lol:

Hmmm....this talk about this is getting me so excited for all of you.... I think my shippy bubble just grew again :D *jumps into bubble* :lol:

The "look" must be so cute, I can't wait to see it on a screencap ;) I wasn't sure about a spoiler box, but since what I had to say mentioned something in Mos spoiler, I put it in one, just to be safe :)
^^ Love your signature! It's sucha pretty wallpaper, where can I see the full version of it? It's so pretty!! :) I suck at making wallpapers. :lol:

Does anyone know where to get quick screencaps? CSI-Caps is a tad slow right now. It's only on Episode 15, I think.

Good morning my lovelies! How are you this morning! I'm popping in an out real quick this morning...gotta get to work early! :p But I just had to say again that I enjoyed the eppy last night...and I CANNOT WAIT until next week! It's gonna be good...I KNOW it! :D YAY! :lol:
Okay...calm down...I can't get too excited at the moment...no joke, I'll get giddy if I keep going and I don't think work would appreciate that! :rolleyes: :lol:

So yeah I tried to find a cap of Danny's face when it looks like he's ready to "say" something to Mac (I swear he was gonna say something about Linds!) but I couldn't find a good cap...so I'll look again tonight! But until then...yay for our ship! Yay for Danny looking HOT as always last night! And Hooray, Linds is back next week! :D :D :D

Okay my lovelies...I'm off to work! Later y'all!
Peace! :D
Delia, CSI-Caps is still behind, but Rutta's site was just updated overnight and now has all eps for this season up!!
ETA: Here is a pic from 3x16, the look on Danny's face when he finds out about Mac & Peyton.

And holy cow, Moriel watched an eppy the night it aired?! :eek: Oh, I am so proud of you! *hugs*

I am so excited for D/L potential next week! I am soo glad that Lindsay is going to be back! I've missed her being on the show; it just seemed a little incomplete without her there, if you know what I mean. Without going into any spoilers, I gotta say that the story lines sound interesting and great. I'm looking forward to seeing how this all develops!
Oh, I am so proud of you! *hugs*
So am I! I totally forgot. :) Well, I'm pretty sure our darling Mo will be seeing next week's episode on time, won't she? :D

Bullet_Girl: sweetie, love the Smacked + Lindsay wallpaper. They're sucha cute family almost! :) Mom, dad and kiddo. Sounds like CalleighWolfe's avatar. :) Oh well, anyway--I'm using it on my computer. It's no longer the Sandle one!
I've missed her being on the show; it just seemed a little incomplete without her there, if you know what I mean.
Agreed... It doesn't seem right. The team seems a little unbalanced, almost. Oh well, we don't have to wait for long until we get our Montana back!
Hello my lovelies! I was panicking yesterday when I couldn't sign in here and then I almost freaked out again this morning when I saw Talk was up but couldn't find our D/L thread anywhere! The dates and times got messed up apparently and so we somehow got stuck back on page 22, in like 2002! :lol: But I found us and here we are! :D

Yup I actually watched an eppy the same night it aired! And I am going to do my damndest to watch it when it actually airs next week...and I'm going to try to stay away from spoilers if I can! :D Anyone want to take bets on how long I'll be able to last on Wednesday without reading them? :lol:

Okay gotta get ready for work! Play nice! ;)
Next week, even though I get my episode West Coast Time, I PROMISE myself that the episode is TOO good and I won't be reading anything you guys have written about it here before watching it! I don't wanna spoil my self too much. :rolleyes:

Happy Birthday Lynny! Hope you'll have a great day and you can totally have Danny today. :)

Oh and I've just seen the last episode of the OC. :( It was pretty damn amazing! So romantic.

Hello my lovelies! I was panicking yesterday when I couldn't sign in here
Oh sweetie, at least you could sign in. When I tried to access talk.csi, it was just a blank page! :lol:
When I tried to access talk.csi, it was just a blank page!

Same. I was freaking out. Basically panicking because I couldn't my DL Gossip. :lol: I'm really excited for the eppy Wednesday. My little DL heart can't take it anymore.

Vex I liked that you noticed the "DL signs". It's very cute, and I think they did it on purpose! :p
^ Same here. I'm over-excited for next week. :D :eek:

Just watched the ep and I really think Danny was suppose to say something to Mac in that scene...And the tigers were too funny. :lol:

I'm packing for that road trip already! I wanna be there in time to have a first row seat next week (or a last row ;)).
**Mo bounces in insanely happy it's the weekend again!** I can't describe how much I LOVE Friday's right now...seriously, this was such a crazy week and to have it finally done is SO nice! :D And speaking of insanely excited...seriously I discovered today that if I start thinking about next Wed.'s eppy too much I literally start to hyperventilate I get so nervous and excited at the same time! (I'm a TOTAL dork I know...but it's true! :lol: )

And at the moment I cannot for the life of me decide if I want to read the spoilers or not...cuz part of me wants to know beforehand in case it doesn't happen (in which case people will die...Stupid PTB!! :p )...but then the other part of me wants to not be spoiled so when it does happen I'm be Squeeing up a storm forever! (Rock on PTB! :D )
**Anyone watch the movie Emma...you know the scene toward the end where she's like "I love John! I hate John! I love John!" that's what I feel like right now! :lol: :lol: **

It just has to happen y'all it has to...or I will be a blubbering mess and trust me, that ain't pretty! ;)

Okay I can keep the faith...it will happen...our ship is canon dang it! :D :D

**Mo sinks into her bubble to calm down and ponder on how lovely this spoiler will be to finally see!**
I'm glad to see that I had trouble getting on today here. It's funny, I couldn't access this site at home but I could at work (when I wasn't supposed too!)

Lynny, Happy belated birthday! And for anybody else that I forgot I'm sorry but Happy Birthday too! :)

Those "small" D/l moments in the last 2 episodes were pricess. Good going writers! :)
So I nearly had a heart attack...I couldn't access the site both yesterday and today!!! Happy it's up and running :D Actually maybe it's a good thing, it's given me time to pack my bag for the Dantana, set to sail very soon!!! woot *dances* All aboard my fellow shippers, get ready to head out onto the open sea! WE'RE CANON BABY
Lynny honey!! I cannot believe I forgot to say Happy Birthday to you! How did I not know it was your birthday? Gah I'm a bad buddy! :(

Lol, yeah I was panicking cuz I couldn't get on here earlier either...both today and yesterday...I didn't know what to do with myself...it was sad! :p
I couldn't get into TalkCsi yesterday either. Got the blank page, kept trying for hours. :mad: Moriel, glad to see that I wasn't the only one thinking about Danny having Montana on his mind when he was staring at Mac. :)
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