Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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maybe next week he makes the phone call? Gives her a shout and then appears in the courtroom? *crosses fingers* Still can't wait though!
There you are, catey! I was starting to wonder when you would gift us with your spoilers! ;)
Aw, that's a little disappointing, but I am glad the Stella thing sounds good. I was hoping for D/L, but hopefully they will make up for it next week! Perhaps there just won't be a lot of prelude to the trip to Montana. It would make some sense I suppose. After all, we did not get to be present for the convo where Danny actually asked Linds out, only the hug in NWILL (still awesome) and then the stood up thing at the beginning of LRC and then the hallway scene (still an outstanding D/L moment even if heartbreaking).
Tonight's ep hasn't even aired yet, but I am already trying to decide whether or not to read your spoilers next wednesday. Oh decisions, decisions. :lol:
Mer I am trying to decide that as well...part of me wants to wait and find out what happens next week first hand and the other part of me knows that if I come in the thread after like 6pm next Wed. I won't be able to resist reading the spoilers...so I think for me it's either steer clear of the thread next Wed. evening period...or give up being spoiled and hang out in here with y'all on Wed! :lol: I have no self control that's about it! :D

As for tonight...hmmmmm...thanks catey :D
Ahhh, I'm so excited for this episode! And next's! :) Gah, it's almost too good to be true. (How many times have I said that...?)

Oh and I've converted both of my parents into D/L fans! What about you guys? My dad is D/L-loving too!
Your kidding right?? *coughs dork coughs*

I heard Danny and Cream in the same sentence... that was :devil: Totally.

He's not gonna call and pop up at the courthouse, its just not Danny. Your only get one or the other, freaking pick!.. Danny was hot tonight, and not lonely at all.
Oh yeah, Lynn? Well...
generally over analyzing and making shtuff up: I don't necessarily think he was lonely per se... but when he and Mac walked into the arc and saw all the pairs of animals I swear the look on his face after a second of shock was something along the lines of "Damn, Montana won't believe she missed out on this" and made a mental note to call her and tell her about it. And then the camera panned to the tiger!!!
Wow, there may not have been any D/L but that scene at the end with Stella and Sid was awesome! I love how serious Sid came off, it was great.
did anybody
excited when the tiger came on the tv. Reminds me of the first time they met. Danny looked scared to death of it. Has anybody noticed that it was the second sign of d/l. 1. The first sign was the dl written on the mirror and the 2nd sign was the tiger. I'm very observant so I notice these things.
Totally, vex! You were probably typing when I posted my babbling speculation on thought processes. Very observant of ya, definitely! Who else of y'all in here did as well?
I swear, near the end of the episode when Danny stares at Mac standing with results, it was such a long pause, I thought he was going to ask Mac something about Lindsay. How she was doiing or something like that. I was so hoping for some kind of mention.
Danny was gonna ask Mac out ppl, I'm telling ya! He was nervous about asking him out...tigers a sign? Bored now..
Good points about the tiger and Mac and Danny. Uh Lynn, does that mean Danny is stealing Mac from you? He doesn't share you know. When's Lindsay coming back? Danny looks lonely. :lol: I can't wait for next week's episode. Meet me in Montana. Road trip! Mo, you ready?

Mer, love your smilee from the last post. :lol: :lol:

I've been recovering from not having internet for days---I have been catching up on D/L fics. You all are doing a great job.

Hi Daughters and Fluffy Twin. Welcome any and all newbies. :D
"Meet me in Montana" Depending on how Super Ep (has a cape, needs a theme song) plays out that could definitely be a good thread title!
Aud! **Mo giggles and tackles her Fluffy Twin!** Hi honey! I'm SOOO ready, let's go! I'm packed...got my snacks, got my soda, got my pillow...let's GO! :D

I CANNOT wait for next week y'all...I'm SO ready for this, I've been waiting FOREVER! :lol: Cannot wait...seriously I've got to find something to distract myself between now and then or I'll go nuts...so quick someone...question of the week?

Lynny you're letting Danny steal Mac?? :eek: Oh wow!! Never thought I'd see that happen! ;) :lol:
Yeah the eppy was really good! I actually enjoyed it alot...and there were great Stella/Mac moments that made me happy! As for D/L...
Danny is SOOO going to MT!! He was freaking adorable tonight first off...but second when he came out of the elevator at the end, I swear he was about to tell Mac he was leaving...he had that "look" like he had something important to say, and I think he caved....but I bet you money he was gonna ask about going to see Linds!! :D :D
Cannot wait until next week!! :D :D

Okay off to sleep! ;)
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