Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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"All you need is love...but a girl has got to eat...All you need is love...or she'll end up on the street....All you need is lo-ove...Love is just a game! I was made for loving you baby, you were made for loving me!" Yeah not sure where that came from, apparently I had "Moulin Rouge" on my brain! But all D/L needs is LOVE and they've got that in spades! So YAY!! **Mo dances into the thread...giddy this evening!** Our ship is sailing, our ship is sailing! Aud says so and she's ALWAYS right!! :D :D
but I think all of those scenes could have been much more intense. I hope she will explain everything she has been feeling the last few months really, really soon.
That's true Dutch they could have been more intense and drawn out, but I think they might have taken over the eppy if that was the case ya know! ;) Not that we'd complain, now if only the rest of the world would accept the Danny and Lindsay hour! :lol:
Mo **Runs up behind and squirts cream over Mo's head before running and hiding behind Danny!**
Chell! Heehee...ohhhh cream! Yummy! ;) *Mo giggles and then dumps fudge ice cream on Chell before running away quickly and hiding behind HER Danny! ;) *
Oh, little did Danny know that a woman from Montana would come and steal his heart...
Awwww, so true Delia! Heehee, that just makes me sigh and feel all fluffy inside when I think about that! :D Yay for that! ;)
as much as I like the thought of having Danny wait until next week to call her and then going to call her and deciding instead to just go...I really want him to call her this week and then go next week! Really alot! I'm really hoping we get that tomorrow!

Okay shippy buddies...time for me to sleep! Past time in fact...so I'm off to dream...if only it were of D/L! :D

**Mo snuggles up in her fluffy bubble and drifts off to sleep, dreams of shirtless Danny filling her mind! :D **
Me too... I hope we get that this episode. :) Oh and can you PM me with your little detailed scenario of next week's episode? The one that got edited? Thanks!

Chell! Heehee...ohhhh cream! Yummy! *Mo giggles and then dumps fudge ice cream on Chell before running away quickly and hiding behind HER Danny!
Mmmm, cream and Danny. :heart: Sounds great. :) :devil: I'm stealing home too! Sorry, but it's my turn. :p I'm a tad lonely... my boyfriend's out of town. haha, Danny will have to do! :p

I'm squealing! Tommrowo's episode sounds so promising!
Cream and Danny? Oh okay...can I have some more please?! :devil: Yeah I know I was sleeping...but the thought of a cream covered Danny woke me right up! :devil: What can I say, that man brings out the gutter in me! ;) :lol: Lucky Linds...that's all I gotta say...lucky lucky Linds! :D
"All you need is love...but a girl has got to eat...All you need is love...or she'll end up on the street....All you need is lo-ove...Love is just a game! I was made for loving you baby, you were made for loving me!" Yeah not sure where that came from, apparently I had "Moulin Rouge" on my brain! But all D/L needs is LOVE and they've got that in spades! So YAY!! **Mo dances into the thread...giddy this evening!** Our ship is sailing, our ship is sailing! Aud says so and she's ALWAYS right!!
I have the Moulin Rouge Soundtrack :devil: I should make a Music Video for it haha.. :p

Cream and Danny? Oh okay...can I have some more please?!
I was gonna make some smart ass remark about that, but instead... *drool* that is hott :D

And to everyone, apologies for not being on this thread in a long time, I've had a bunch of stuff to do with school.... and I was pretty bummed out after having fallen alseep within the first 5 minutes of "Heroes" when it finally aired for the first time in Australia..... then I woke up when the credits were rolling because I fell from my bunk bed :p yes I know, 14 and still owns a bunk bed :p
and I was pretty bummed out after having fallen alseep within the first 5 minutes of "Heroes" when it finally aired for the first time in Australia..... then I woke up when the credits were rolling because I fell from my bunk bed
WHAT???? YOU FELL ASLEEP DURING 'HEROES'??? But Peter Petrelli(Milo Ventimiglia) (click here for link of gorgeous photo) is one of the sexiest guys ever! That's one of my favorite shows as well! :lol: Ahh well, at least--we're all D/L lovers. That's really enough for me!

Thanks Mo for the amaaaaaaaaaaaazing spoiler! I am soooo happy and so squee-ish and jumpy! I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL NEXT WEEK!!! SQQQQQQQUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEE!

Bullet_Girl: I love bunk beds!! In my old house, I had one, but I'm an only child so I slept on the bottom bunk! I have a really nice princessy four-poster bed now though. teehee. :p
Hmmm, I wonder what sort of bed will Lindsay and Danny get when they live together? A water bed...?
"Good morning my lovelies and welcome to Wednesday, our Danny/Lindsey hour day! Please keep the noise level down as you enter the theater and remember to turn your cell phones off! As soon as everyone is seated and quiet, we'll begin our regularly scheduled love fest!" (Yeaaaaah! Weird mood for me this morning, but hey what's new! :lol: )

Yay for our new eppy tonight! Pretty excited and really really hoping for a Lindsay mention! Come on PTB give us something PLEASE!!

BG Hi minion! ;) How are ya? You fell asleep during "Heroes" hon...wow, I can never fall asleep during tv even if I don't like I can't sleep! :p

Delia hon you're welcome ;) and did you really just say D/L should get a "water bed"? :lol: :lol: SOrry makes me think of "Music and Lyrics" (great movie!)...I think they should get a big king-size oak bed! :D Lot's of room for...."maneuvering"! :devil: :lol: :lol:

Okay off to work...15 hours exactly for me until tonight! :D
SOrry makes me think of "Music and Lyrics" (great movie!)...I think they should get a big king-size oak bed!
OH MY GOD!! I got the idea from there! The movie was amazing! Loved it... D/L can get a little kinky with waterbeds, like what you said with "maneuvering"... haha. :)

ahhh, got to go! bye, my lovely shipper friends!!
Hey everyone! :) This is my very first post in this thread, even though I am an M&Ms shipper (or should I say "D/L shipper"?) since she appeared in CSI:NY.
It is so easy to imagine Lindsay and Danny together, because they look so cute. :rolleyes: They're certainly an adorable couple and the chemistry between them is quite obvious.
Ok, then I feel I should explain why I did not posted here before, and the reason is as simple as this: we have a considerable delay in the episodes, as season 3 hasn't started yet, and so I am not really into the latest scenes. Really, after what I've seen and read, I'm looking forward to watch season 3, especially "Not what it looks like" and "love run cold". Hopefully, it will start soon here.
Well, I guess I have nothing more to say right now.
^^Hi CSI Dani-welcome to the D/L thread :)

Im very excited for tonights ep! :D :D hopefully we will get a mention of Linds this week...

Im trying to focus on my work and not be chatting here...but its not working..:lol: im just so excited!!!
Im also intrigued by the Stella storyline and poor Sid..I wonder what happens?
And deep down we aaalll know that he is secretly wishing that she was ina gorgeous white gown, him in a tux, and they were just about to cross the threshold!!!
Awwww, thank you for that little scenario... Mmmm, Danny is a tux. Yummy! God, I actually hope that they will get married eventually! We'll have a blast planning the wedding!
Aaah Chell, kissme you guys just gave me the amazing vision of Danny in a tux :devil:...txs... :D And wouldn't it indeed be funny if we ever get to a point where they are getting married...I think we can fill a thread in a week :eek: just going on about every detail of that wedding :rolleyes:...LOL... :lol:And they should definitely get a water bed - great mental image :devil: :devil:

That's true Dutch they could have been more intense and drawn out, but I think they might have taken over the eppy if that was the case ya know! Not that we'd complain, now if only the rest of the world would accept the Danny and Lindsay hour!
Mo, 'The Danny & Lindsay show' :) sounds great to me, but I guess you're right about it not really being appreciated :rolleyes:...too bad. ;) :p But I think they could've shown us a little more of Lindsay's reasons for acting the way she did/does. :( Not a whole hour, but just some hints in several ep's instead of just in 3 or 4. :rolleyes: :mad:

Anyways, can't wait to see if we get a little mention of her tonight, or that they at least show us that he really misses her :lol: *crosses fingers*

Welcome CSI_Dani! And feel free to talk about the ep's you are currently watching; as you can already tell from this page we love to talk about season 2 D/L too! :D

Enjoy tonight's ep everyone! :D
dutch_treat said:
...can't wait to see if we get a little mention of her tonight, or that they at least show us that he really misses her :lol: *crosses fingers*

Oh please please please! I am hoping that they give us a good setup for Lindsay’s return. Tonight’s ep sounds good regardless (I’m curious about the Stella story continuation too) but I would really like some D/L mentions to really round it out. Only 2 hrs 40 mins to go!

(hey, does anyone else hear a phone ringing?)
Ahhh finally the day has arrived! After many a mid-term Wednesday night is here. Definitely hope they mention Lindsay or something because we haven't heard anything about her, which is depressing :( Oh well, guess we'll have to wait and see! The ship is getting ready to hit the open sea :D
^^ Hey, sweetie.
This is my very first post in this thread,
Hey, CSI_Dani! Welcome to the D/L thread, we're always welcoming newbies here and it gets me so excited to see more D/L lovers! We're always in dire need for more! That totally rocks.
It is so easy to imagine Lindsay and Danny together, because they look so cute.
I know, together and apart--they're beautiful. But they're even more beautiful together! Their chemistry is easy and they work really well. :) They're amazng
God, I can hardly wait for this week's episode! The promo looked so promising!
'The Danny & Lindsay show' sounds great to me, but I guess you're right about it not really being appreciated
I don't think that'll be a neat idea, I mean fan videos and such are absolutely fine, but... this really isn't. I mean the magic of CSI: the chemistry they have as an emsemble will be taken away.
**Mo pops into the thread...giddy that this day is finally over! This day was way too long and way to hectic and I'm SO glad that it's over and I can relax and watch my NY eppy!!** :D Hello my lovelies! I am really really hopeful for this eppy, high hopes indeed! ;)
Mo, 'The Danny & Lindsay show' sounds great to me, but I guess you're right about it not really being appreciated ...too bad.
Lol, I know doesn't it sound great Dutch! :lol: I say we pitch it anyway and if the PTB don't want to accept it then we can do our own version in here...which might be more fun, cuz we can "show" things that can't be shown on primetime! :devil: Heehee! :lol:
(hey, does anyone else hear a phone ringing?)
:lol: :lol: Oh me, me, me! I hear it Mer! **"I just called to say I love you! I just called to say how much I care! I just called to say I love you, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart!"** Oh I sure hope so!! :D

4 hours and 6 minutes until it shows here although I probably won't get to watch it for 5 more hours...still, totally watching it tonight! :D

Until then I'm off to distract myself so I don't go stir-crazy waiting for the eppy to air! ;)
is going to be a disapointment for those expecting a D/L set up, a mentiion or anything at all. Danny doesn't make a phone call. In fact, Danny really isn't in it all that much. Overall, though, I enjoyed it. Nice followup to last week with Stella, and although my Stella/Sid pairing is now dashed, (turns out he's married with 2 kids), I stilll liked it. One thing I wondered though, was Angell suppose to appear in this eppy? Because she was mentioned enough times by Stella, yet I didn't see her. Oh, well, on to next weeks eppy, and hopefully some very good news
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