Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Hey guys! How are you all tonight?

4 more days till the episode and it's right in the middle of sweeps week, just what the writers do? :)

I have no strength to reist spoilers, I admit it: I'm weak!

Danny leave in the middle of the episode or will he wait till 1/4 in the episode to head for Montana. I would rather see him leave halfway than till the end so I can see the buildup of him leaving (packing, on the plane,etc) I have no proof that he will be on a plane or anything but I think it would be a good idea.
Delia, I’d say that Sheldon is a D/L shipper, too, what with his trying to talk Linds into given Danny a chance to say goodbye!
vex...[/b]]I like the thought of them giving us shots of him packing or the plane or whatnot. It would make the anticipation that much sweeter if they clue us in as to what is happening rather than just "BOOM" he's in the courtroom.
I couldn’t sleep last night so when I woke up I was thinking about the whole spoiler issue. Without going into spoilers I’ll say we know this is going to be a big ep but whether in a good way or a bad way remains to be seen so…

*places hand on stack of CSI:NY transcripts*

I, mercy, hereby pledge to remain spoiler free after 7 pm eastern time on Wednesday, February 28th, 2007 in preparation for the viewing of our newest eppy. I will do my best to not click and drag the mouse over the tempting little dark boxes. I will do my best not to read any email alerts I receive from this thread after the aforementioned time. I pledge to remain in a state of semi-spoiled speculation until I have seen the actual Super Ep.
I, mercy, also hereby pledge to respect the spoiler-free wishes of my shippy buddies after I have viewed the ep, but before they have been granted such an opportunity. I will keep any squees of happiness or moans of despair contained within the confines of those tempting little dark spoiler boxes. And, very importantly, I will try (just try) not to use emoticons in my spoiler box in such a way that spoils the casual viewer. However, after said Super Ep is aired on the west coast, all pledges will become null and void, and excessive celebrating or mourning shall commence within the Danny/Lindsay thread!

*nods & removes hand from transcript stack, ready to pass them to any shipper who feels the need*

Lynny I’ll beat you to saying it… I can be a such a dork sometimes. :D
Oh, and sorry for the long post, y'all.
I, mercy, hereby pledge to remain spoiler free after 7 pm eastern time on Wednesday, February 28th, 2007 in preparation for the viewing of our newest eppy. I will do my best to not click and drag the mouse over the tempting little dark boxes. I will do my best not to read any email alerts I receive from this thread after the aforementioned time. I pledge to remain in a state of semi-spoiled speculation until I have seen the actual Super Ep.
haha, I should do that too. West Coast times bug me so much! :( I don't wanna spoil myself either too much! But the Super Ep does sound too fantastic!

DL Shippers:
Mac--Remember the look he gave the two of them at CoTP? He KNEW something was up.
Sid--he pointed out that Danny's got a crush on her! But now in Season 3, we know it's more.
Sheldon is a D/L shipper, too, what with his trying to talk Linds into given Danny a chance to say goodbye!

Thanks Mercy sweetie! I'm sure he is! :)
Finally, we get to see Lindsay next week. I would like to see how her story turns out, and if she will be able to confront her feelings for Danny once the trial's over and she's faced her demons.

I've been trying to catch up on this thread, but I can only read so much, LOL. Thanks for the episode 19 spoilers! I imagined I'd have a hard time watching that coz I'm scared of those "things". :D
**Good evening ladies and gentleman, and thank you for tuning into the eleven o'clock news...our broadcast this evening begins with breaking news...it appears a picket line has formed outside the CBS studios this evening, this line, made up of what are known as "shippers" have taken up residence in front of the CBS writers offices...their list of demands has not been released as of yet, but this reporter has managed to find out that they are asking for something called "D/L"...what this reporter can only assume is a highly addictive very potent legal stimulant. This is channel 7 nightly news, stay tuned for more breaking news after these messages!"

Annnnnnd I'm a dork! :lol: :lol: Hey my lovely shippers...how is everyone this evening? Well and good I hope...not too anxious or highstrung yet...lol, I know I'm trying to do my best to stay distracted and not ponder too much one or another on the possibilities of Wed night, otherwise I know I'd be in for some major mood swings...yes, no, maybe, yes, no, maybe! Gah! :lol:

All y'all who are vowing to stay spoiler free...you have my applause and my hopes for success...I haven't decided yet just what I'll do...if I'm able to be at my computer Wed. evening I have a feeling I will be unable to stop myself from being spoiled despite all the best intentions! :rolleyes: I swear no self control...or patience either! It needs to be Wed....NOW! :lol:

I gotta say with all the secrecy and the NO promo time for Danny going to MT that I would very surprised if they showed him packing and such before he goes...I think they'll have him say his "I'm going crazy here" line and then they'll cut to the courtroom and show him arriving...cuz that way it's a real surprise for the average viewer! (at which point all of us shippers will be totally freaking out! :lol: )

Mer loved your little vow hon! ;) Well done! :D I'd do the same, but I want to be known for keeping my word and I'm not so sure I could adhere to that vow! :D

Okay my lovelies...I think I'm off to sleep...cannot wait for Wed! It's gonna be Good!!! :D

**Mo slips off to bed, repeating to herself..."Wed. WILL be good, it WILL be good, it WILL be good, it WILL!" over and over!**
When Danny runs into the courtroom, me and my best friend Alix will be totally jumping on the couch like crazy! Just like the way we did with Ross and Rachel in the Friends Finale, when she came in through the door saying "I got off the plane"!!!! I'll be cheering... and I might cry. I cry easily, like in the OC Finale :( when Summer opened the locket with a picture of Marissa and gave it to Julie. Anyway, D/L will have me crying! I already did when she rejected him in Love Run Cold...

what this reporter can only assume is a highly addictive very potent legal stimulant.
Agreed, sweetie! D/L is ADDICTIVE!!
^^ LOL - I can totally picture us standing in that picket line demanding OUR 'drug'! :eek: But I'm sure there's no need for us to go to such great lenghts *chants with Mo..."it WILL be good, it WILL be good!"...* :D

Okay, I'm a
too! (love the smiley Merc! :))

Vex I think it will be only halfway through the ep that he leaves for Montana; with the other case and all I don't think there's enough time to see him packing, going to the airport and flying to Montana; :p so it will be *BOOM* And kissme I hope I can stay focussed enough to hear the first part (and the rest) of Lindsay's statement. You're not the only one sweetie; I know I will be waiting for that door to open the whole time and still be cheering and screaming when it finally does. :eek: And I'm sure the end of that ep will bring some tears to my eyes too... :rolleyes: :)
^^ LOL - I can totally picture us standing in that picket line demanding OUR 'drug'!
Yep, I'm a DIRE need for my fix: more D/L and our SUPER-EP!

I forgot that he was leaving in the MIDDLE. Thanks for clearing that up. Over at the spoilers thread--I got totally confused with so many spoilers!!

Edit: I was on an icon high and I've made more than 50 icons and nearly 10 D/L banners. They're over here!! If you're taking, please comment. Thanks, guys!
Afternoon my lovely shippers!!
Chell Bounds in with lots of Mer's fave cookies ;) and some Nice chunky chocolate brownies for everyone :D

just a quick stop by!!! Whilst i am writing a new fici - yeah its the valentines one.. sooooooooooo delayed!! Damnit! :( - i came across some real cute valentine poems.. and this ne jus shouted out 'D/L' to me! :D How Danny feels about Lindsay going to Montana and how much he misses her.. :( :D

Your Eyes wont let my thoughts go back to sleep
Your eyes won't let my thoughts go back to sleep.
Your words draw me across 2000 miles.
I don't know you at all, and yet I know
You better than my friends of many years.
The days I spent with you are like a tape
I play, rewind, play, rewind, and play.
Whenever I remember something new,
I feel as though you touched me on the cheek.

I miss you as the grass awaits the wind,
Or as the morning sky awaits the sun.
Although I look for you in every doorway,
I find only the darkness in my heart.

i am sooo excited for everyone who is gonna be watching the epi this week.. so not fair!! but i dont think i will be able to stay spoiler free for that one :( Im terrible!!! :lol:

edited to add... Heres the link for the first chapter of my fici too ;) :D Stella Plays Cupid
you guys are a bunch of saps... :rolleyes: He he he. I'll be crying also. So, I suppose I'm about as much of a sap as the rest of you. That's what makes me a flungsty I suppose. Dear me, dear dear me. We're getting mighty close, aren't we. The next few days are going to be murder! *No pun intended* :p
All this great spoilers and I can't see the episode. 'Cause in Germany they are repeating the second season. Life is not fair. I hope you guys know that you have to write everything what happend in that episode.
yay! only 3 more days till our ep!

Welcome all newbies :D ! (wow..there really have been alot of new D/L shippers these past couple weeks)

Im SOO excited!! Im praying that Danny does go to MT, but I am nervous-because as you guys said before its a HUGE spoiler and It seems a little too good to be true. Im also going to be sooo happy to see Anna again!! Hopefully all the spoilers will come out to be true... Ill be half laughing and cheering half crying tears of joy- who knows! :lol: but i will be VERY VERY happy!! I cant wait!
Loved the D/L news broadcast, Mo! Maybe if Channel 7 had broadcasts like that I would get less angry when they cut off the next weeks promo to start the news! (they do that a lot, dangit! :mad:)

murifmor mmme mcoomy gulp oops, shouldn’t try to talk with my mouth full! thanks for the cookies, chell! *hides a few for safe keeping* Great poem too, very fitting!

Hmm, crying during the ep... ordinarily I don’t ever cry… but the way LRC pulled at my heart I imagine Super Ep might just do it. :lol:

Toja, you may only get to see season 2, but season two has an awesome amount of D/L!
I cant wait!! I'm basically just waiting to see Anna above all people, not to mention DL toegther in the rest of the episdoes this season. Hopefully they'll be in them. I love that scene from "Zoo York" M&M's in the making. They make me so happy and tingly inside.

Hey way OT but what does DOA stand for?
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