Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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^^^No problem. ;) They're just for fun. :)

I'm loving these poems---too cute. You all are doing great. :) Hi Rad! :)

Danny's POV obviously:
Roses are red, My eyes are deep blue
I love the life on these New York city streets
But they don't mean nothing if I ain't got you.

That's not dorky, Merc. I love it. Beautiful. :)

Roses are red
Daisies are yellow
Montana, come back to your man
Before he gets cold and hollow

Now that one of mine is dorky. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mo, love the banner and the "Dear" poems. Are you floating on a fluffy cloud because of these spoilers? :D

Kiss, I thought you were a flungsty? I'm so sorry. I thought Mo and I had been outnumbered by the angsties and flungsties. It's good to know we have more family here. ;)

Love the idea of a roach wearing jewelry. Even if it's not a diamond ring---maybe Danny will make some cracks and then that will lead to talk about sparkling jewelry. ;)

Welcome to our thread, California!! :) :)
Thank you very much indeed, I didn't notice a particular place to introduce myself, so I'll do it now!:May the M&M goodness be with you! ;)
Let me add that this thread is mint! :)
hey everyone!!! :p
im super excited for the upcoming eps! All these spoilers are SO awsome!

yay!finally a case together!And the classic banter?? yay!! im so exciteddd! And this week-ep 16-isnt this the ep where Danny calls her and says he misses her? at least we will get some D/L! Last week it felt to sad with out Linds...I cant wait till we see her again when Danny goes to Montana!!
**Chelle bounds in after a squee - full night of DL,handing out Those famous M&M Cookies (red and Blue!!!)
Afternoon my beautiful D/L Shippers!!!!

catey: you flungsty! You giveth fluff and then you taketh away!
You need a cookie - *pulls an m&m cookie out of hidden stash and passes it over*

Hehe nice to see you are sharing the love huni!!! :lol:
Oh, and that lil line was soo cute in stealing home hehe real flirting!!! hehe ;)

yeah he's like an M&M...he's "tough" and manly on the outside, but on the inside he's melty and soft and sweet! (How's that for a good analogy! )

wow... i think im in love :lol: Great analogy tho.. hit the nail on the head there Mo! hehe

Dutch awww that pic of Danny boy is gorgeous... thanks for posting :D

Aud Roses are red, Violets are blue, I could Never leave New York, Because of You
hehe theres my lil addition from Lindsay's POV :D

Delia.... aww i love that pic!!! hehe that epi aired last night.. and my mum thought it was soo cute!!! (i think i may have a converter on my hands here!!! ;) ) hehe and my dad... Thinks Lindsay is HOT!!! :eek: :lol: but yeah i guess you could say im still squeeing from last night!!! :D :lol:

I am glad I've got this thread to come to; y'all think its just fine to be able to quote entire scenes word for word, know the characters' bios, etc

aww thats so nice huni!!! Bless!!! :D My friends think i am mad For the whole D/L thing.. but pfft! what do they know! ;) :lol:
I love the pic, dutch.

This postcard thing would be great. And Lindsay knows how to do it, because she wrote this card to Danny.
Mo, Rad, and Chelliyah, I loved your poems. I wish I could be in on it too.

Toja I don't think Lindsay would have a problem at all.

Oooh, good evening all....I love poems :)...Y'all made some very sweet, funny and lovely ones :)

Roses are red,
Pink, yellow or white
Their scent is the same
Intoxicates the night
Fillin' my dreams
With memories of you
Though I know you'll return
Roses are never blue

Awww, Dutch I adore that song! (It's nice and fluffy!
Well, since it's almost Valentine's Day I seem to be in a bit of a fluffy mood... :p

Come back to the fluffy side..., we have chocolate
Ooohhh mercy shame on you :eek:...hypnotizing and bribing flungsties... ;)

After reading the spoilers for #19 I get the feeling that we are starting back at the middle of season 2 again. :rolleyes: There's teasing, there are witty remarks, but nothing to indicate that their relationship has moved to the next level :( What do you guys think: have they decided to take it slow for a while to give Lindsay some time to mentally heal or is something else going on? Maybe something angsty has to happen to finally make them take the next step :devil: :eek:

Love the pic's, new avvie's and banners (those are a lot of crushes Mo :cool:)

Welcome California!

Did I understand it correctly that those roaches are still alive after they are turned into a piece of jewelry :eek: *SHIVERS*? Who would wanna wear that? :confused:

I think you might end up seeing them have a small heart to heart, which may show that they now have a mutual understanding with each other... or maybe.. its a psychic thing lol maybe Danny jus wants it to be like them days. where she proabably saw it as harmless flirting. i dont know :lol: :confused:

Love your lil poem too.. soo sweet huni!!! :D
lol, dutch, thats pretty gross if theyre still alive!! Yeah, im kinda confused too, with them going straight back to bantering. I love the banter, dont get me wrong, but its like, didnt we pass that stage already? Maybe something big happens ep 18 and now theyre in a relationship? Im not sure.. But I would love an angtsy moment too, Dutch, although i do miss the fluff... Aah being a flungsty is so confusing! :lol:
I think since it does not come on til April, maybe there going to go with she's been back for a while and is back to normal. I agree they should be past the bantering stage. So I am going to go with goodnite_tonite and say something happens in Ep 18.

Yes, the roaches are still alive, with the jewels attached(glued, maybe) to their bodies. At least that's how I read it.

Welcome, california, I hope you enjoy yourself here.
Hey guys!
know Danny, Mac, or any other member of the team will probably give Lindsay a hard time about the bugs. Like telling her not to eat them, etc. I just imagine wearing roaches. I can't imagine picking up a bug! Ewwh!
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